rxjs#ReplaySubject TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use rxjs#ReplaySubject. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: utils.ts    From gnosis.1inch.exchange with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
export class RefreshingReplaySubject<T> extends ReplaySubject<T> {

  private providerCallback: () => Observable<T>;
  private lastProviderTrigger: number;
  private readonly windowTime;

  constructor(providerCallback: () => Observable<T>, windowTime?: number) {
    // Cache exactly 1 item forever in the ReplaySubject
    this.windowTime = windowTime || 60000;
    this.lastProviderTrigger = 0;
    this.providerCallback = providerCallback;

  public _subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<T>): Subscription {
    // Hook into the subscribe method to trigger refreshing
    return super._subscribe(subscriber);

  protected _triggerProviderIfRequired() {
    const now = this._getNow();
    if ((now - this.lastProviderTrigger) > this.windowTime) {
      // Data considered stale, provider triggering required...
      this.lastProviderTrigger = now;
      this.providerCallback().pipe(first()).subscribe((t: T) => this.next(t));
Example #2
Source File: component-creator.service.ts    From xBull-Wallet with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async createOnBody<T = any>(component: Type<T>): Promise<{
    component: ComponentRef<T>;
    open: () => void;
    close: () => Promise<any>,
    destroyed$: ReplaySubject<void>
  }> {
    const componentRef = this.componentFactoryResolver

    const responseObject = {
      destroyed$: new ReplaySubject<void>(),
      close: () => {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
          this.ngZone.run(() => {
            componentRef.onDestroy(() => {
      open: () => {
        this.ngZone.run(() => {

          const rootNode = (componentRef.hostView as EmbeddedViewRef<ApplicationRef>).rootNodes[0] as HTMLElement;

          this.renderer.appendChild(this.document.body, rootNode);
      component: componentRef,

    return responseObject;
Example #3
Source File: screen-media-query.service.ts    From ng-devui-admin with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// 可以传入一个基准point,返回数据结构{ currentPoint, 变大or变小or没变,比基准point大or小or一样 }
  public getPoint(): ReplaySubject<{ currentPoint: DaBreakpoint; change: number; compare: { [key: string]: number } }> {
    if (!this.currentPoint) {
      this.currentPoint = this.getCurrentPoint()!;
        currentPoint: this.currentPoint,
        change: 0,
        compare: this.comparePoints(this.currentPoint),

      fromEvent(window, 'resize')
        .subscribe(() => {
          const tempPoint = this.getCurrentPoint()!;
          if (this.currentPoint !== tempPoint) {
            const change = this.comparePoints(tempPoint, this.currentPoint) as number;
            this.currentPoint = tempPoint;

              currentPoint: this.currentPoint,
              change: change,
              compare: this.comparePoints(tempPoint),

    return this.pointChangeSub;
Example #4
Source File: operators.ts    From alauda-ui with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
publishRef = <T>(bufferSizeOrConfig: PublishRefConfig<T> = {}) => {
  const {
    bufferSize = 1,
    connector = () =>
      new ReplaySubject(bufferSize, windowTime, timestampProvider),
    resetOnError = false,
    resetOnComplete = false,
    resetOnRefCountZero = true,
  } = typeof bufferSizeOrConfig === 'number'
    ? ({
        bufferSize: bufferSizeOrConfig,
      } as Exclude<PublishRefConfig<T>, number>)
    : bufferSizeOrConfig;
  return share<T>({
Example #5
Source File: fetch.ts    From firebase-tools-ui with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates an observable view model and query subject. The view model will
 * update when the query emits/changes.
export function createViewModel(
  ref: firebase.database.Reference,
  canDoRealtime$: Observable<boolean>
) {
  const query = new ReplaySubject<QueryParams>(1);
  query.next({ limit: DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE });
  const viewModel$ = query.pipe(
    switchMap((queryParams) => {
      return canDoRealtime$.pipe(
        concatMap((realtime) =>
            ? realtimeToViewModel(ref, queryParams)
            : nonRealtimeToViewModel(ref, queryParams)
  return { query, viewModel$ };
Example #6
Source File: rx-operators.ts    From ionic-pwa-example-moment with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export function beforeEach<T, V>(valueBefore: V) {
  return (source$: Observable<T>) =>
    defer(() => {
      const subject$ = new ReplaySubject<V | T>(1);
          // Force the source values emitted asynchronizingly.
          next: v => {
          error: (err: unknown) => subject$.error(err),
          complete: () => subject$.complete(),
      return subject$.pipe(
        // Make sure the values emitted asynchronizingly.
        concatMap(v => of(v).pipe(delay(0)))
Example #7
Source File: cache.ts    From s-libs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * 1. Caches the last value emitted to give to new subscribers (without running any upstream pipe operators)
 * 2. Manages all subscribers directly, without passing subscriptions up the stream.
 * This is very similar to `shareReplay(1)`, except that once all subscribers unsubscribe this also unsubscribes from the upstream observable.
 * ```ts
 * const source = new BehaviorSubject(1000);
 * const result = source.pipe(expensiveComputation(), cache());
 * source.subscribe(); // expensiveComputation(1000) runs
 * source.subscribe(); // the cached result is used
 * source.next(2000); // expensiveComputation(2000) runs once, emitted to both subscribers
 * ```
export function cache<T>(): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T> {
  return (source: Observable<T>): Observable<T> => {
    let middleMan: ReplaySubject<T> | undefined;
    let upstreamSubscription: Subscription;
    return new Observable<T>((subscriber) => {
      if (!middleMan) {
        middleMan = new ReplaySubject<T>(1);
        upstreamSubscription = source.subscribe(middleMan);

      const subscription = middleMan.subscribe(subscriber);

      // teardown logic
      return (): void => {
        if (middleMan!.observers.length === 0) {
          middleMan = undefined;
Example #8
Source File: facet-timeline.component.ts    From sba-angular with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
     * Given a combined aggregation configuration and a range, this method searches for the most 
     * adapted aggregation scale (years, months, weeks or days) and updates the data if necessary.
     * @param config 
     * @param range 
     * @param iTimeseries 
    updateCombinedAggregation(config: TimelineCombinedAggregations, range: [Date, Date], timeseries$: ReplaySubject<TimelineSeries>) {
        const nmonths = d3.timeMonth.count(range[0], range[1]);

        if(!config.maxNMonths || config.maxNMonths.length !== config.aggregations.length) {
            throw new Error("maxNMonths and aggregations must have the same number of items");

        // Find the aggregation with min maxNMonths with maxNMonths >= nmonths
        let jMin;
        config.maxNMonths.forEach((maxNMonths, j) => {
            if(maxNMonths >= nmonths && (jMin === undefined || maxNMonths < config.maxNMonths[jMin] || config.maxNMonths[jMin] === -1) 
                || maxNMonths === -1 && jMin === undefined){
                jMin = j;

        const bestAggregation = config.aggregations[jMin];

        if(bestAggregation !== config.current 
            || this.currentRange && (range[0] < this.currentRange[0] || range[1] > this.currentRange[1])) {

            config.current = bestAggregation;
            this.getTimeseries(bestAggregation, range).subscribe({
                next: d => timeseries$.next(d),
                error: err => timeseries$.error(err)

Example #9
Source File: exercise.ts    From typescript-exercises with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export function createExercise(exerciseNumber: number) {
    if (!exercisesCache[exerciseNumber]) {
        const localStorageKey = `exercise.${exerciseNumber}`;
        const exerciseOriginalFiles = exerciseStructures[exerciseNumber];

        let files = localData.get(localStorageKey, {} as FileContents);

        const saveToLocalStorage = debounce(() => {
            localData.set(localStorageKey, files);
        }, 500);

        const subject = new ReplaySubject<FileTree>(1);
        subject.next(createModifiedFileTree(files, exerciseOriginalFiles));

        exercisesCache[exerciseNumber] = {
            observable$: subject,
            update(filename: string, code: string) {
                files = {...files, [filename]: code};
                subject.next(createModifiedFileTree(files, exerciseOriginalFiles));
            revert(filename: string) {
                files = {...files};
                delete files[filename];
                subject.next(createModifiedFileTree(files, exerciseOriginalFiles));

    return exercisesCache[exerciseNumber];
Example #10
Source File: background.component.ts    From xBull-Wallet with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
connectedPort$: ReplaySubject<chrome.runtime.Port> = new ReplaySubject<chrome.runtime.Port>();
Example #11
Source File: personalize.service.ts    From ng-devui-admin with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private _themeChange = new ReplaySubject<any>(1);
Example #12
Source File: componentCreator.ts    From ngx-dynamic-hooks with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// Component creation
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Takes a hook along with a DOM node and loads the specified component class (normal or lazy-loaded).
   * Returns a subject the emits the component class when ready.
   * @param componentConfig - The componentConfig from HookData
  loadComponentClass(componentConfig: ComponentConfig): ReplaySubject<new(...args: any[]) => any> {
    const componentClassLoaded: ReplaySubject<new(...args: any[]) => any> = new ReplaySubject(1);

    // a) If is normal class
    if (componentConfig.hasOwnProperty('prototype')) {
      componentClassLoaded.next(componentConfig as (new(...args: any[]) => any));

    // b) If is LazyLoadComponentConfig
    } else if (componentConfig.hasOwnProperty('importPromise') && componentConfig.hasOwnProperty('importName')) {
      // Catch typical importPromise error
      if ((componentConfig as LazyLoadComponentConfig).importPromise instanceof Promise) {
        throw Error(`When lazy-loading a component, the "importPromise"-field must contain a function returning the import-promise, but it contained the promise itself.`);
      // Warning if using old Angular version
      const ngVersion = this.platform.getNgVersion();

      if (ngVersion < 9 && isDevMode()) {
          console.warn('It seems you are trying to use lazy-loaded-components with an Angular version older than 9. Please note that this functionality requires the new Ivy renderer to be enabled.');

      (componentConfig as LazyLoadComponentConfig).importPromise().then((m) =>  {
        const importName = (componentConfig as LazyLoadComponentConfig).importName;
        const compClass = m.hasOwnProperty(importName) ? m[importName] : m['default'];

    } else {
      throw Error('The "component" property of a returned HookData object must either contain the component class or a LazyLoadComponentConfig');

    return componentClassLoaded;
Example #13
Source File: activated-route.mock.ts    From Angular-Cookbook with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// Use a ReplaySubject to share previous values with subscribers
  // and pump new values into the `paramMap` observable
  private subject = new ReplaySubject<ParamMap>();
Example #14
Source File: grocy-api.component.ts    From pantry_party with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private ngUnsubscribe = new ReplaySubject<true>();
Example #15
Source File: data-studio.service.ts    From visualization with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private readonly markdown$ = new ReplaySubject<string>();
Example #16
Source File: dependent-intentions.component.ts    From scion-microfrontend-platform with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private _appChange$ = new ReplaySubject<void>(1);
Example #17
Source File: electron.service.ts    From WowUp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private readonly _appUpdateSrc = new ReplaySubject<AppUpdateEvent>();
Example #18
Source File: loader.service.ts    From nghacks with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private _onProgressbarVisibilityChange: ReplaySubject<boolean> = new ReplaySubject<boolean>();
Example #19
Source File: autocomplete.component.ts    From alauda-ui with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
directive$$ = new ReplaySubject<AutoCompleteDirective>(1);
Example #20
Source File: auth.service.ts    From auth0-angular with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private appStateSubject$ = new ReplaySubject<TAppState>(1);
Example #21
Source File: dlc-file.service.ts    From bitcoin-s-ts with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private offer: Subject<OfferWithHex|null> = new ReplaySubject()
Example #22
Source File: json-schema-form.component.ts    From json-schema-form with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
   * choices that might be loaded async, initialized with current value and its potentially delayed toString value
  choices: ReplaySubject<Choice[]>;
Example #23
Source File: autocomplete.component.ts    From geonetwork-ui with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
selectionSubject = new ReplaySubject<MatAutocompleteSelectedEvent>(1)
Example #24
Source File: city-ranking.service.ts    From avid-covider with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
ranking = new ReplaySubject<any[]>(1);
Example #25
Source File: analyzer-config.service.ts    From IntelOwl-ng with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private _analyzersList$: ReplaySubject<IAnalyzersList> = new ReplaySubject(1);
Example #26
Source File: grafana.service.ts    From models-web-app with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public serviceInitializedSuccessfully$ = new ReplaySubject<boolean>(1);
Example #27
Source File: single-spa-props.ts    From qiankun with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
singleSpaPropsSubject = new ReplaySubject<SingleSpaProps>(1)
Example #28
Source File: angular.ts    From dayz-server-manager with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// Use a ReplaySubject to share previous values with subscribers
    // and pump new values into the `paramMap` observable
    private subject = new ReplaySubject<ParamMap>();
Example #29
Source File: capture-item.component.ts    From capture-lite with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private readonly proof$ = new ReplaySubject<Proof>(1);