web3-core#Transaction TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use web3-core#Transaction. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: eth-like-web3-public.ts    From rubic-app with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
   * get a transaction by hash in several attempts
   * @param hash hash of the target transaction
   * @param attempt current attempt number
   * @param attemptsLimit maximum allowed number of attempts
   * @param delay ms delay before next attempt
  public async getTransactionByHash(
    hash: string,
    attempt?: number,
    attemptsLimit?: number,
    delay?: number
  ): Promise<Transaction> {
    attempt = attempt || 0;
    const limit = attemptsLimit || 10;
    const timeoutMs = delay || 500;

    if (attempt >= limit) {
      return null;

    const transaction = await this.web3.eth.getTransaction(hash);
    if (transaction === null) {
      return new Promise(resolve =>
        setTimeout(() => resolve(this.getTransactionByHash(hash, attempt + 1)), timeoutMs)
    return transaction;
Example #2
Source File: web3-public.ts    From rubic-sdk with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
     * @description get a transaction by hash in several attempts
     * @param hash hash of the target transaction
     * @param attempt current attempt number
     * @param attemptsLimit maximum allowed number of attempts
     * @param delay ms delay before next attempt
    public async getTransactionByHash(
        hash: string,
        attempt?: number,
        attemptsLimit?: number,
        delay?: number
    ): Promise<Transaction | null> {
        attempt = attempt || 0;
        const limit = attemptsLimit || 10;
        const timeoutMs = delay || 500;

        if (attempt >= limit) {
            return null;

        const transaction = await this.web3.eth.getTransaction(hash);
        if (transaction === null) {
            return new Promise(resolve =>
                setTimeout(() => resolve(this.getTransactionByHash(hash, attempt!! + 1)), timeoutMs)
        return transaction;
Example #3
Source File: test-ethpool-multiple.ts    From moonbeam with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
  At rpc-level, there is no interface for retrieving emulated pending transactions - emulated
    transactions that exist in the Substrate's pending transaction pool. Instead they are added to a
    shared collection (Mutex) with get/set locking to serve requests that ask for this transactions
    information before they are included in a block.
    We want to test that:
      - We resolve multiple promises in parallel that will write in this collection on the rpc-side
      - We resolve multiple promises in parallel that will read from this collection on the rpc-side
      - We can get the final transaction data once it leaves the pending collection
describeDevMoonbeamAllEthTxTypes("EthPool - Multiple pending transactions", (context) => {
  let txHashes: string[];

  before("Setup: Sending 10 transactions", async function () {
    txHashes = await Promise.all(
      new Array(10).map(async (_, i) => {
        const { rawTx } = await createContract(context, "TestContract", { nonce: i });
        return (await customWeb3Request(context.web3, "eth_sendRawTransaction", [rawTx])).result;

  it("should all be available by hash", async function () {
    const txs = (
      await Promise.all(
        txHashes.map((txHash) => {
          return customWeb3Request(context.web3, "eth_getTransactionByHash", [txHash]);
    ).map((response) => response.result as Transaction);

    for (let i; i < 10; i++) {

  it("should all be marked as pending", async function () {
    const txs = (
      await Promise.all(
        txHashes.map((txHash) => {
          return customWeb3Request(context.web3, "eth_getTransactionByHash", [txHash]);
    ).map((response) => response.result as Transaction);

    for (let i; i < 10; i++) {
Example #4
Source File: test-ethpool-multiple.ts    From moonbeam with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
describeDevMoonbeamAllEthTxTypes("EthPool - Multiple produced transactions", (context) => {
  let txHashes: string[];

  before("Setup: Sending 10 transactions", async function () {
    txHashes = await Promise.all(
      new Array(10).map(async (_, i) => {
        const { rawTx } = await createContract(context, "TestContract", { nonce: i });
        return (await customWeb3Request(context.web3, "eth_sendRawTransaction", [rawTx])).result;
    // Put all the transaction in a produced block
    await context.createBlock();

  it("should all be available by hash", async function () {
    const txs = (
      await Promise.all(
        txHashes.map((txHash) => {
          return customWeb3Request(context.web3, "eth_getTransactionByHash", [txHash]);
    ).map((response) => response.result as Transaction);

    for (let i; i < 10; i++) {

  it("should all have assigned block number", async function () {
    const txs = (
      await Promise.all(
        txHashes.map((txHash) => {
          return customWeb3Request(context.web3, "eth_getTransactionByHash", [txHash]);
    ).map((response) => response.result as Transaction);

    for (let i; i < 10; i++) {

  it("should all have a valid transactionIndex", async function () {
    const txs = (
      await Promise.all(
        txHashes.map((txHash) => {
          return customWeb3Request(context.web3, "eth_getTransactionByHash", [txHash]);
    ).map((response) => response.result as Transaction);

    for (let i; i < 10; i++) {
Example #5
Source File: loadIncomingTransactions.ts    From multisig-react with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
batchIncomingTxsTokenDataRequest = (txs: IncomingTxServiceModel[]) => {
  const batch = new web3ReadOnly.BatchRequest()
  const { nativeCoin } = getNetworkInfo()

  const whenTxsValues = txs.map((tx) => {
    const methods = [
      { method: 'getTransaction', args: [tx.transactionHash], type: 'eth' },
      { method: 'getTransactionReceipt', args: [tx.transactionHash], type: 'eth' },

    return generateBatchRequests<
        string | undefined,
        string | undefined,
        Transaction | undefined,
        TransactionReceipt | undefined,
      abi: ALTERNATIVE_TOKEN_ABI as AbiItem[],
      address: tx.tokenAddress,
      context: tx,


  return Promise.all(whenTxsValues).then((txsValues) =>
    txsValues.map(([tx, symbolFetched, decimals, ethTx, ethTxReceipt]) => {
      let symbol = symbolFetched
      if (!symbolFetched) {
        symbol = isENSContract(tx.tokenAddress) ? 'ENS' : nativeCoin.symbol
      return [
        decimals ? decimals : nativeCoin.decimals,
        new bn(ethTx?.gasPrice ?? 0).times(ethTxReceipt?.gasUsed ?? 0),
Example #6
Source File: eth-like-web3-public.ts    From rubic-app with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
export class EthLikeWeb3Public extends Web3Public<AllowanceParams, Transaction> {
  static addressToBytes32(address: string): string {
    if (address.slice(0, 2) !== '0x' || address.length !== 42) {
      console.error('Wrong address format');
      throw new UndefinedError();

    return `0x${address.slice(2).padStart(64, '0')}`;

  static toChecksumAddress(address: string): string {
    return toChecksumAddress(address);

  public readonly nativeTokenAddress = NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS;

  private readonly multicallAddress = MULTICALL_ADDRESS[this.blockchain.name];

    private readonly web3: Web3,
    public readonly blockchain: BlockchainData<EthLikeBlockchainName>,
    private readonly httpClient: HttpClient
  ) {

   * Checks if a given address is a valid Ethereum address.
   * @param address The address to check validity.
  public isAddressCorrect(address: string): boolean {
    return isAddress(address);

   * Sets new provider.
   * @param provider Provider to set.
  public setProvider(provider: Provider): void {

   * HealthCheck current rpc node.
   * @param timeoutMs Acceptable node response timeout.
   * @return null If Healthcheck is not defined for current blockchain, else is node works status.
  public healthCheck(timeoutMs: number = 4000): Observable<boolean> {
    const healthcheckData = HEALTHCHECK[this.blockchain.name];
    if (!healthcheckData) {
      return of(null);

    const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(

    return from(contract.methods.symbol().call()).pipe(
      map(result => result === healthcheckData.expected),
      catchError((err: unknown) => {
        if ((err as Error)?.name === 'TimeoutError') {
            `${this.blockchain.label} node healthcheck timeout (${timeoutMs}ms) has occurred.`
        } else {
          console.debug(`${this.blockchain.label} node healthcheck fail: ${err}`);
        return of(false);

   * gets account balance in Eth units
   * @param address wallet address whose balance you want to find out
   * @param [options] additional options
   * @param [options.inWei = false] boolean flag to get integer result in Wei
   * @return account balance in Eth (or in Wei if options.inWei === true)
  public async getBalance(address: string, options: { inWei?: boolean } = {}): Promise<BigNumber> {
    const balance = await this.web3.eth.getBalance(address);
    return new BigNumber(options.inWei ? balance : Web3Pure.fromWei(balance));

   * @param userAddress wallet address whose balance you want to find out
   * @param tokenAddress address of the smart-contract corresponding to the token
  public async getTokenOrNativeBalance(
    userAddress: string,
    tokenAddress: string
  ): Promise<BigNumber> {
    let balance;
    if (this.isNativeAddress(tokenAddress)) {
      balance = await this.web3.eth.getBalance(userAddress);
    } else {
      balance = await this.getTokenBalance(userAddress, tokenAddress);
    return new BigNumber(balance);

   * gets ERC-20 tokens balance as integer (multiplied to 10 ** decimals)
   * @param tokenAddress address of the smart-contract corresponding to the token
   * @param address wallet address whose balance you want to find out
   * @return account tokens balance as integer (multiplied to 10 ** decimals)
  public async getTokenBalance(address: string, tokenAddress: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
    const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(ERC20_TOKEN_ABI, tokenAddress);
    const balance = await contract.methods.balanceOf(address).call();
    return new BigNumber(balance);

   * get latest block
  public getBlock(): Promise<BlockTransactionString> {
    return this.web3.eth.getBlock('latest');

   * predicts the volume of gas required to execute the contract method
   * @param contractAbi abi of smart-contract
   * @param contractAddress address of smart-contract
   * @param methodName method whose execution gas number is to be calculated
   * @param methodArguments arguments of the executed contract method
   * @param fromAddress the address for which the gas calculation will be called
   * @param [value] The value transferred for the call “transaction” in wei.
   * @return The gas amount estimated
  public async getEstimatedGas(
    contractAbi: AbiItem[],
    contractAddress: string,
    methodName: string,
    methodArguments: unknown[],
    fromAddress: string,
    value?: string | BigNumber
  ): Promise<BigNumber> {
    const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(contractAbi, contractAddress);

    const gasLimit = await contract.methods[methodName](...methodArguments).estimateGas({
      from: fromAddress,
      gas: 40000000,
      ...(value && { value })
    return new BigNumber(gasLimit);

   * Calculates the average price per unit of gas according to web3.
   * @return average gas price in Wei
  public async getGasPrice(): Promise<string> {
    return this.getGasPrice$().toPromise();

   * Calculates the average price per unit of gas according to web3
   * @return average gas price in ETH
  public async getGasPriceInETH(): Promise<BigNumber> {
    const gasPrice = await this.getGasPrice();
    return new BigNumber(gasPrice).div(10 ** 18);

   * Calculates the gas fee using average price per unit of gas according to web3 and Eth price according to coingecko.
   * @param gasLimit gas limit
   * @param etherPrice price of Eth unit
   * @return gas fee in usd$
  public async getGasFee(gasLimit: BigNumber, etherPrice: BigNumber): Promise<BigNumber> {
    const gasPrice = await this.getGasPriceInETH();
    return gasPrice.multipliedBy(gasLimit).multipliedBy(etherPrice);

   * Executes allowance method in ERC-20 token contract.
   * @param params {@link AllowanceParams}.
   * @return Promise<BigNumber> Amount, allowed to be spent
  public async getAllowance(params: AllowanceParams): Promise<BigNumber> {
    const { tokenAddress, ownerAddress, spenderAddress } = params;
    if (this.isNativeAddress(tokenAddress)) {
      return new BigNumber(Infinity);

    const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(ERC20_TOKEN_ABI, tokenAddress);

    const allowance = await contract.methods
      .allowance(ownerAddress, spenderAddress)
      .call({ from: ownerAddress });
    return new BigNumber(allowance);

   * gets mined transaction gas fee in Ether
   * @param hash transaction hash
   * @param [options] additional options
   * @param [options.inWei = false] if true, then the return value will be in Wei
   * @return transaction gas fee in Ether (or in Wei if options.inWei = true) or null if transaction is not mined
  public async getTransactionGasFee(
    hash: string,
    options: { inWei?: boolean } = {}
  ): Promise<BigNumber> {
    const transaction = await this.getTransactionByHash(hash);
    const receipt = await this.web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(hash);

    if (!transaction || !receipt) {
      return null;

    const gasPrice = new BigNumber(transaction.gasPrice);
    const gasLimit = new BigNumber(receipt.gasUsed);

    return options.inWei
      ? gasPrice.multipliedBy(gasLimit)
      : gasPrice.multipliedBy(gasLimit).div(10 ** 18);

   * get a transaction by hash in several attempts
   * @param hash hash of the target transaction
   * @param attempt current attempt number
   * @param attemptsLimit maximum allowed number of attempts
   * @param delay ms delay before next attempt
  public async getTransactionByHash(
    hash: string,
    attempt?: number,
    attemptsLimit?: number,
    delay?: number
  ): Promise<Transaction> {
    attempt = attempt || 0;
    const limit = attemptsLimit || 10;
    const timeoutMs = delay || 500;

    if (attempt >= limit) {
      return null;

    const transaction = await this.web3.eth.getTransaction(hash);
    if (transaction === null) {
      return new Promise(resolve =>
        setTimeout(() => resolve(this.getTransactionByHash(hash, attempt + 1)), timeoutMs)
    return transaction;

  public async getTransactionReceipt(hash: string): Promise<TransactionReceipt> {
    const transactionReceipt = await this.web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(hash);
    return transactionReceipt;

   * call smart-contract pure method of smart-contract and returns its output value
   * @param contractAddress address of smart-contract which method is to be executed
   * @param contractAbi abi of smart-contract which method is to be executed
   * @param methodName calling method name
   * @param [options] additional options
   * @param [options.from] the address the call “transaction” should be made from
   * @param [options.methodArguments] executing method arguments
   * @return smart-contract pure method returned value
  public async callContractMethod<T = string>(
    contractAddress: string,
    contractAbi: AbiItem[],
    methodName: string,
    options: {
      methodArguments?: unknown[];
      from?: string;
    } = { methodArguments: [] }
  ): Promise<T> {
    const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(contractAbi, contractAddress);

    return contract.methods[methodName](...options.methodArguments).call({
      ...(options.from && { from: options.from })

   * Gets token's symbol through ERC-20 token contract.
   * @param tokenAddress Address of the smart-contract corresponding to the token.
   * @return string Tokens's symbol or a error, if there's no such token.
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/member-ordering
  public getTokenSymbol: (tokenAddress: string) => Promise<string> =

  private getTokenSymbolCachingDecorator(): (tokenAddress: string) => Promise<string> {
    const tokensSymbolsCache: { [address: string]: string } = {};

    return async (tokenAddress: string): Promise<string> => {
      if (!tokensSymbolsCache[tokenAddress]) {
        tokensSymbolsCache[tokenAddress] = (
          await this.callForTokenInfo(tokenAddress, ['symbol'])

      return tokensSymbolsCache[tokenAddress];

   * Gets information about token through ERC-20 token contract.
   * @param tokenAddress Address of the smart-contract corresponding to the token.
   * @return object Object, with written token fields, or a error, if there's no such token
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/member-ordering
  public getTokenInfo: (tokenAddress: string) => Promise<BlockchainTokenExtended> =

  private getTokenInfoCachingDecorator(): (
    tokenAddress: string
  ) => Promise<BlockchainTokenExtended> {
    const tokensCache: { [address: string]: BlockchainTokenExtended } = {};

    return async (tokenAddress: string): Promise<BlockchainTokenExtended> => {
      if (!tokensCache[tokenAddress]) {
        if (this.isNativeAddress(tokenAddress)) {
          return {
            blockchain: this.blockchain.name

        const tokenInfo = (await this.callForTokenInfo(tokenAddress)) as Record<TokenField, string>;
        tokensCache[tokenAddress] = {
          blockchain: this.blockchain.name,
          address: tokenAddress,
          decimals: Number(tokenInfo.decimals)

      return tokensCache[tokenAddress];

   * Gets ERC-20 token info by address.
   * @param tokenAddress Address of token.
   * @param tokenFields Tokens's fields to get.
  private async callForTokenInfo(
    tokenAddress: string,
    tokenFields: TokenField[] = ['decimals', 'symbol', 'name', 'totalSupply']
  ): Promise<TokenFields> {
    const tokenFieldsPromises = tokenFields.map(method =>
      this.callContractMethod(tokenAddress, ERC20_TOKEN_ABI, method)
    const tokenFieldsResults = await Promise.all(tokenFieldsPromises);
    return Object.fromEntries(
      tokenFieldsResults.map((field, index) => [tokenFields[index], field])

   * get balance of multiple tokens via multicall
   * @param address wallet address
   * @param tokensAddresses tokens addresses
  public async getTokensBalances(address: string, tokensAddresses: string[]): Promise<BigNumber[]> {
    const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(ERC20_TOKEN_ABI, tokensAddresses[0]);
    const indexOfNativeCoin = tokensAddresses.findIndex(this.isNativeAddress.bind(this));
    const promises: [Promise<MulticallResponse[]>, Promise<BigNumber>] = [undefined, undefined];

    if (indexOfNativeCoin !== -1) {
      tokensAddresses.splice(indexOfNativeCoin, 1);
      promises[1] = this.getBalance(address, { inWei: true });
    const calls: Call[] = tokensAddresses.map(tokenAddress => ({
      target: tokenAddress,
      callData: contract.methods.balanceOf(address).encodeABI()
    promises[0] = this.multicall(calls);

    const results = await Promise.all(promises);
    const tokensBalances = results[0].map(({ success, returnData: hexBalance }) =>
      success ? new BigNumber(hexBalance) : new BigNumber(0)

    if (indexOfNativeCoin !== -1) {
      tokensBalances.splice(indexOfNativeCoin, 0, results[1]);

    return tokensBalances;

   * Uses multicall to make many methods calls in one contract.
   * @param contractAddress Target contract address.
   * @param contractAbi Target contract abi.
   * @param methodsData Methods data, containing methods' names and arguments.
  public async multicallContractMethods<Output>(
    contractAddress: string,
    contractAbi: AbiItem[],
    methodsData: MethodData[]
  ): Promise<
      success: boolean;
      output: Output;
  > {
    const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(contractAbi, contractAddress);

    const calls: Call[] = methodsData.map(({ methodName, methodArguments }) => ({
      callData: contract.methods[methodName](...methodArguments).encodeABI(),
      target: contractAddress

    const outputs = await this.multicall(calls);

    return outputs.map((output, index) => {
      const methodOutputAbi = contractAbi.find(
        funcSignature => funcSignature.name === methodsData[index].methodName
      return {
        success: output.success,
        output: output.success
          ? (this.web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(methodOutputAbi, output.returnData) as Output)
          : null

   * Uses multicall to make many methods calls in several contracts.
   * @param contractAbi Target contract abi.
   * @param contractsData Contract addresses and methods data, containing methods' names and arguments.
  public async multicallContractsMethods<Output>(
    contractAbi: AbiItem[],
    contractsData: {
      contractAddress: string;
      methodsData: MethodData[];
  ): Promise<
      success: boolean;
      output: Output;
  > {
    const calls: Call[][] = contractsData.map(({ contractAddress, methodsData }) => {
      const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(contractAbi, contractAddress);
      return methodsData.map(({ methodName, methodArguments }) => ({
        callData: contract.methods[methodName](...methodArguments).encodeABI(),
        target: contractAddress

    const outputs = await this.multicall(calls.flat());

    let outputIndex = 0;
    return contractsData.map(contractData =>
      contractData.methodsData.map(methodData => {
        const methodOutputAbi = contractAbi.find(
          funcSignature => funcSignature.name === methodData.methodName
        const output = outputs[outputIndex];

        return {
          success: output.success,
          output: output.success
            ? (this.web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(methodOutputAbi, output.returnData) as Output)
            : null

  private async multicall(calls: Call[]): Promise<MulticallResponse[]> {
    const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(MULTICALL_ABI, this.multicallAddress);
    return contract.methods.tryAggregate(false, calls).call();

   * get estimated gas of several contract method execution via rpc batch request
   * @param abi contract ABI
   * @param contractAddress contract address
   * @param fromAddress sender address
   * @param callsData transactions parameters
   * @return list of contract execution estimated gases.
   * if the execution of the method in the real blockchain would not be reverted,
   * then the list item would be equal to the predicted gas limit.
   * Else (if you have not enough balance, allowance ...) then the list item would be equal to null
  public async batchEstimatedGas(
    abi: AbiItem[],
    contractAddress: string,
    fromAddress: string,
    callsData: BatchCall[]
  ): Promise<BigNumber[]> {
    try {
      const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(abi, contractAddress);

      const dataList = callsData.map(callData =>

      const rpcCallsData = dataList.map((data, index) => ({
        rpcMethod: 'eth_estimateGas',
        params: {
          from: fromAddress,
          to: contractAddress,
          ...(callsData[index].value && {
            value: `0x${new BigNumber(callsData[index].value).toString(16)}`

      const result = await this.rpcBatchRequest<string>(rpcCallsData);
      return result.map(value => value && new BigNumber(value));
    } catch (e) {
      return callsData.map(() => null);

   * Sends batch request via web3.
   * @see {@link https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/v1.3.0/web3-eth.html#batchrequest|Web3BatchRequest}
   * @param calls Web3 method calls
   * @param callsParams ethereum method transaction parameters
   * @return batch request call result sorted in order of input parameters
  private web3BatchRequest<T extends string | string[]>(
    calls: { request: (...params: unknown[]) => Method }[],
    callsParams: Object[]
  ): Promise<T[]> {
    const batch = new this.web3.BatchRequest();
    const promises: Promise<T>[] = calls.map(
      (call, index) =>
        new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
            call.request({ ...callsParams[index] }, (error: Error, result: T) =>
              error ? reject(error) : resolve(result)


    return Promise.all(promises);

   * Sends batch request to rpc provider directly.
   * @see {@link https://playground.open-rpc.org/?schemaUrl=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereum/eth1.0-apis/assembled-spec/openrpc.json&uiSchema%5BappBar%5D%5Bui:splitView%5D=false&uiSchema%5BappBar%5D%5Bui:input%5D=false&uiSchema%5BappBar%5D%5Bui:examplesDropdown%5D=false|EthereumJSON-RPC}
   * @param rpcCallsData rpc methods and parameters list
   * @return rpc batch request call result sorted in order of input parameters
  private async rpcBatchRequest<T extends string | string[]>(
    rpcCallsData: {
      rpcMethod: string;
      params: Object;
  ): Promise<T[]> {
    const seed = Date.now();
    const batch = rpcCallsData.map((callData, index) => ({
      id: seed + index,
      jsonrpc: '2.0',
      method: callData.rpcMethod,
      params: [{ ...callData.params }]

    const response = await this.httpClient
      .post<RpcResponse<T>[]>((<HttpProvider>this.web3.currentProvider).host, batch)

    if (Array.isArray(response)) {
      return response.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id).map(item => (item.error ? null : item.result));
    return [response];

   * calculates the average price per unit of gas according to web3
   * @return average gas price in Wei
  @Cacheable({ maxAge: 10000 })
  private getGasPrice$(): Observable<string> {
    return from(this.web3.eth.getGasPrice());

   * Tries to execute method of smart-contract.
   * @param contractAddress Address of smart-contract which method is to be executed.
   * @param contractAbi Abi of smart-contract which method is to be executed.
   * @param methodName Method to execute.
   * @param methodArguments Method's arguments.
   * @param fromAddress Address, from which transaction will be sent.
   * @param [options] Additional options.
   * @param [options.value] Value in Wei to be attached to the transaction.
   * @param [options.gas] Gas limit to be attached to the transaction.
  public async tryExecuteContractMethod(
    contractAddress: string,
    contractAbi: AbiItem[],
    methodName: string,
    methodArguments: unknown[],
    fromAddress: string,
    options: TransactionOptions = {}
  ): Promise<void | never> {
    const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(contractAbi, contractAddress);

    try {
      await contract.methods[methodName](...methodArguments).call({
        from: fromAddress,
        ...(options.value && { value: options.value }),
        ...(options.gas && { gas: options.gas })
        // ...(options.gasPrice && { gasPrice: options.gasPrice }) doesn't work on mobile
    } catch (err) {
      console.error('Method execution error:', err);
      throw err;