rollup#AcornNode TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use rollup#AcornNode. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: unit.test.ts    From web with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
describe('@web/dev-server-rollup', () => {
  describe('resolveId', () => {
    it('can resolve imports, returning a string', async () => {
      const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
        name: 'my-plugin',
        resolveId(id) {
          return `RESOLVED_${id}`;
      const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
        plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

      try {
        const text = await fetchText(`${host}/app.js`);
        expectIncludes(text, "import moduleA from 'RESOLVED_module-a'");
      } finally {

    it('can resolve imports, returning an object', async () => {
      const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
        name: 'my-plugin',
        resolveId(id) {
          return { id: `RESOLVED_${id}` };
      const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
        plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

      try {
        const text = await fetchText(`${host}/app.js`);
        expectIncludes(text, "import moduleA from 'RESOLVED_module-a'");
      } finally {

    it('can resolve imports in inline scripts', async () => {
      const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
        name: 'my-plugin',
        resolveId(id) {
          return { id: `RESOLVED_${id}` };
      const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
        plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

      try {
        const text = await fetchText(`${host}/index.html`);
        expectIncludes(text, "import 'RESOLVED_module-a'");
      } finally {

    it('a resolved file path is resolved relative to the importing file', async () => {
      const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
        name: 'my-plugin',
        resolveId() {
          return path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic', 'src', 'foo.js');
      const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
        plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

      try {
        const text = await fetchText(`${host}/app.js`);
        expectIncludes(text, "import moduleA from './src/foo.js'");
      } finally {

    it('files resolved outside root directory are rewritten', async () => {
      const resolvedId = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'foo.js');
      const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
        name: 'my-plugin',
        resolveId() {
          return resolvedId;
      const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
        plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

      try {
        const responseText = await fetchText(`${host}/app.js`);
        expectIncludes(responseText, "import moduleA from '/__wds-outside-root__/7/foo.js'");
      } finally {

  describe('load', () => {
    it('can serve files', async () => {
      const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
        name: 'my-plugin',
        load(id) {
          if (id === path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic', 'src', 'foo.js')) {
            return 'console.log("hello world")';
      const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
        plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

      try {
        const text = await fetchText(`${host}/src/foo.js`);
        expectIncludes(text, 'console.log("hello world")');
      } finally {

    it('can return an object', async () => {
      const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
        name: 'my-plugin',
        load(id) {
          if (id === path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic', 'src', 'foo.js')) {
            return { code: 'console.log("hello world")' };
      const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
        plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

      try {
        const text = await fetchText(`${host}/src/foo.js`);
        expectIncludes(text, 'console.log("hello world")');
      } finally {

  describe('transform', () => {
    it('can return a string', async () => {
      const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
        name: 'my-plugin',
        transform(code, id) {
          if (id === path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic', 'app.js')) {
            return `${code}\nconsole.log("transformed");`;
      const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
        plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

      try {
        const text = await fetchText(`${host}/app.js`);
        expectIncludes(text, 'console.log("transformed");');
      } finally {

    it('can return an object', async () => {
      const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
        name: 'my-plugin',
        transform(code, id) {
          if (id === path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic', 'app.js')) {
            return { code: `${code}\nconsole.log("transformed");` };
      const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
        plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

      try {
        const text = await fetchText(`${host}/app.js`);
        expectIncludes(text, 'console.log("transformed");');
      } finally {

  it('rollup plugins can use this.parse', async () => {
    let parsed: AcornNode | undefined = undefined;
    const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
      name: 'my-plugin',
      transform(code, id) {
        if (id === path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic', 'app.js')) {
          parsed = this.parse(code, {});
          return undefined;
    const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
      plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

    try {
      await fetchText(`${host}/app.js`);
    } finally {

  it('rewrites injected imports with file paths to browser paths', async () => {
    const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
      name: 'my-plugin',
      transform(code, id) {
        if (id === path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic', 'app.js')) {
          return `import "${path
            .join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic', 'foo.js')
    const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
      plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

    try {
      const text = await fetchText(`${host}/app.js`);
      expectIncludes(text, 'import "./foo.js"');
    } finally {

  it('imports with a null byte are rewritten to a special URL', async () => {
    const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
      name: 'my-plugin',
      load(id) {
        if (id === path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic', 'app.js')) {
          return 'import "\0foo.js";';
      resolveId(id) {
        if (id === '\0foo.js') {
          return id;
    const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
      plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

    try {
      const text = await fetchText(`${host}/app.js`);
        'import "/__web-dev-server__/rollup/foo.js?web-dev-server-rollup-null-byte=%00foo.js"',
    } finally {

  it('requests with a null byte are received by the rollup plugin without special prefix', async () => {
    const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
      name: 'my-plugin',
      load(id) {
        if (id === '\0foo.js') {
          return 'console.log("foo");';
    const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
      plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

    try {
      const text = await fetchText(
      expectIncludes(text, 'console.log("foo");');
    } finally {

  it('can handle inline scripts in html', async () => {
    const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
      name: 'my-plugin',
      transform(code, id) {
        if (id === path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic', 'foo.html')) {
          return { code: code.replace('foo', 'transformed') };

    const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
      plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

    try {
      const text = await fetchText(`${host}/foo.html`);
        `<html><head></head><body>\n    <script type="module">\n      console.log("transformed");\n    </script>\n  \n\n</body></html>`,
    } finally {

  it('can handle multiple inline scripts in html', async () => {
    const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
      name: 'my-plugin',
      transform(code, id) {
        if (id === path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic', 'multiple-inline.html')) {
          return { code: code.replace('bar', 'transformed') };

    const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
      plugins: [fromRollup(() => plugin)()],

    try {
      const text = await fetchText(`${host}/multiple-inline.html`);
        `<html><head></head><body>\n    <script type="module">\n      console.log("asd");\n    </script>\n    <script type="module">\n      console.log("transformed");\n    </script>\n  \n\n</body></html>`,
    } finally {

  it('can inject null byte imports into inline scripts', async () => {
    const plugin: RollupPlugin = {
      name: 'my-plugin',
      transform(code) {
        return `import "\0foo.js"; \n${code}`;
      resolveId(id) {
        if (id === '\0foo.js') {
          return id;
    const { server, host } = await createTestServer({
      plugins: [
          name: 'serve-html',
          serve(context) {
            if (context.path === '/index.html') {
              return '<script type="module">console.log("hello world");</script>';
        fromRollup(() => plugin)(),

    try {
      const text = await fetchText(`${host}/index.html`);
        'import "/__web-dev-server__/rollup/foo.js?web-dev-server-rollup-null-byte=%00foo.js"',
    } finally {