reactstrap#Table TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use reactstrap#Table. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: Report.tsx    From atorch-console with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
Report: React.FC<Props> = ({ record }) => (
  <Table hover borderless size='sm' className={locals.table}>
        <th className={classNames('text-right',}>#</th>
        <th className={locals.value}>Value</th>
      {, ([name, value, button], index) => (
        <tr key={index}>
          <td className={classNames('text-monospace', 'text-right')}>{name}</td>
Example #2
Source File: History.tsx    From mops-vida-pm-watchdog with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
History = () => {
  const history = useSelector((state) =>;
  const onDownload = () => {
    const encoded = JSON.stringify(history, null, 2);
    const link = document.createElement('a');
    link.href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([encoded], { type: 'application/json' })); = makeDownloadFile();;
  return (
    <Row hidden={history.length === 0}>
        History{' '}
        <Button size='sm' color='link' onClick={onDownload}>
      <Table responsive borderless size='sm'>
              PM <sub>2.5</sub>
          {{ recordDate, pm25 }, index) => (
            <tr key={index}>
Example #3
Source File: OrderProducts.tsx    From reference-merchant with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function OrderProducts({ productOrders, total, currency }: OrderProductsProps) {
  return (
    <div className="d-flex justify-content-center">
            <th className="text-right">Quantity</th>
          {, i) => (
            <tr key={i}>
              <th scope="row">{i + 1}</th>
              <td className="text-right">{productOrder.quantity}</td>
                {productOrder.product.price / 1000000} {productOrder.product.currency}
            <th />
            <th />
            <th className="text-right">Total:</th>
              {total / 1000000} {currency}
Example #4
Source File: PaymentEvents.tsx    From reference-merchant with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function PaymentEvents({ events }: PaymentEventsProps) {
  const { t } = useTranslation("order");
  return (
    <div className="d-flex justify-content-center">
          {, i) => (
            <tr key={i + 1}>
Example #5
Source File: TutorOverview.tsx    From TutorBase with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
TutorOverview = () => {
    let tutorData = useSelector(selectTutorData);
    let dispatch = useDispatch();

    let [tooltipsOpen, setTooltipsOpen] = useState<Array<boolean>>([false, false, false, false, false, false, false]);
    let [weeklyAppointments, setWeeklyAppointments] = useState<Array<Appointment>>([]);
    let [tutorCourses, setTutorCourses] = useState<Array<Course>>([]);

    let daysOfWeek = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
    let currDate = useMemo(() => {return new Date()}, [])
    let currWeekMap = GetWeekMap(currDate);

    useEffect(() => {
        const getTutorAppointments = async () => {
            return (await api.GetTutorAppointments(tutorData.tutorId)).data;

        getTutorAppointments().then(value => {
                setWeeklyAppointments(GetWeeklyAppointments(value, currDate));
    }, [currDate, tutorData.tutorId, dispatch]);

    useEffect(() => {
        const getTutorCourses = async () => {
            return (await api.GetCoursesByTutorId(tutorData.tutorId)).data;

        getTutorCourses().then(value => {
    }, [tutorData.tutorId, dispatch]);

    return (
        <Container className="overview" fluid>
            <Row className="title" style={{ marginTop: '25px'}}>
                <div className="profile-text">Overview</div>


                <Col className="courses-col" md={6}>
                    <Row className="title" style={{ marginTop: '25px'}}>
                    <Container className="table-container">
                        <Table className="table-striped">
                                {, i) => {
                                        return (
                                            <tr key={i}>
                                                <td className="td-bold">{}</td>
                                {tutorCourses.length > 0 ? <></> :
                                    <tr><td className="td-bold">No courses found!<br/>Change which courses you plan to tutor from the Settings page.</td></tr>
                <Col className="weekly-sched-col" md={6}>
                    <Row className="title" style={{ marginTop: '25px'}}>
                        <h2>Weekly Tutoring Schedule</h2>
                    <Container className="table-container">
                        <Table className="table-striped">
                                {Array.from(Array(7).keys()).map(day => {
                                    let date = currWeekMap.get(day);
                                    if(date !== undefined) {
                                        let date_time = BreakDownTime(date.toISOString());
                                        let daily_appointments = GetDailyAppointments(weeklyAppointments, date);
                                        let unconfirmed = UnconfirmedMeetingExists(daily_appointments);
                                        return (
                                            <tr key={day}>
                                                <td className="td-bold">{daysOfWeek[day]}, {date_time[0].split(",")[0]}</td>
                                                    {daily_appointments.length > 0 ? daily_appointments.length : "No"} Meetings
                                                    {unconfirmed ? 
                                                    <span className="sched-pending">
                                                        <FontAwesomeIcon id={"pending-icon-"+day} icon={faQuestionCircle}/>
                                                        <Tooltip placement="top" isOpen={tooltipsOpen[day]} target={"pending-icon-"+day} toggle={() => {
                                                            let tooltipsOpenCopy = [...tooltipsOpen];
                                                            tooltipsOpenCopy[day] = !tooltipsOpen[day];
                                                            You have one or more unconfirmed meetings on this day.
                                                    </span> : <></>}
                                    } else {
                                        return <></>;

Example #6
Source File: index.tsx    From mops-vida-pm-watchdog with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
SensorConsole: React.FC = () => {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const connected = useSelector((state) =>;
  const shuttingdown = useSelector((state) =>;
  const latest = useSelector((state) =>;
  const onConnect = async () => {
    if (connected) {
      await dispatch(disconnect());
    } else {
      await dispatch(requestDevice());
      await dispatch(connect());
  const onShutdown = () => dispatch(shutdown());
  const onReadHistory = () => dispatch(readHistory());
  return (
    <Container className={locals.container}>
          <Button color={connected ? 'success' : 'primary'} onClick={onConnect}>
            {connected ? 'Disconnect' : 'Connect'}
          <Button disabled={!connected} color={connected ? 'danger' : undefined} onClick={onShutdown}>
            {shuttingdown ? 'Shutting down' : 'Shutdown'}
          <Button disabled={!connected} color={connected ? 'info' : undefined} onClick={onReadHistory}>
            Read history (one-time)
        <Table className={locals.table} responsive borderless>
              <th className={locals.field}>#</th>
                PM <sub>2.5</sub>
              <td className='text-monospace'>
                <FormattedPM25 value={latest.pm25} />
                <Progress value={latest.batteryCapacity ?? 0}>
                  {latest.batteryCapacity ? `${latest.batteryCapacity}%` : 'N/A'} {latest.batteryCharging ? '(Charging)' : '(Discharge)'}
              <td>Record date</td>
              <td className='text-monospace'>
                <RecordDate value={latest.recordDate} />
              <td className='text-monospace'>{latest.runTime ? prettyDuration(latest.runTime * 1000) : 'N/A'}</td>
              <td>Boot time</td>
              <td className='text-monospace'>{latest.bootTime ? prettyDuration(latest.bootTime * 1000) : 'N/A'}</td>
              <td>Measurement Interval</td>
              <td className='text-monospace'>
                <MeasurementInterval />
              <td>Firmare Version</td>
              <td className='text-monospace'>{latest.version ?? 'N/A'}</td>
      <History />