react-beautiful-dnd#DragStart TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use react-beautiful-dnd#DragStart. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: Tree.tsx    From react-beautiful-tree with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
onDragStart = (result: DragStart) => {
    const { onDragStart } = this.props
    this.dragState = {
      source: result.source,
      destination: result.source,
      mode: result.mode,
      draggedItemId: result.draggableId,
    if (onDragStart) {
Example #2
Source File: useDnd.ts    From TabMerger with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
export default function useDnd() {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  const [groupTitle] = useLocalStorage("groupTitle", DEFAULT_GROUP_TITLE);
  const [groupColor] = useLocalStorage("groupColor", DEFAULT_GROUP_COLOR);
  const [windowTitle] = useLocalStorage("windowTitle", DEFAULT_WINDOW_TITLE);

  const { active } = useSelector((state) => state.groups.present);

  const { index } = active;

  const onBeforeCapture = useCallback(
    ({ draggableId }: BeforeCapture) => {
      const windowDrag = isWindowDrag(draggableId);
      const tabDrag = isTabDrag(draggableId);

      if (windowDrag) {
        // Hide tabs during a window drag
        toggleWindowTabsVisibility(draggableId, false);
      } else if (tabDrag) {
        // Add window to end of group (only if not in the first group)
        index > 0 && dispatch(addWindow({ index, name: windowTitle }));

      if (windowDrag || tabDrag) {
        // Add group to end of side panel on both tab and window drag types
        dispatch(addGroup({ title: groupTitle, color: groupColor }));
    [dispatch, index, groupTitle, groupColor, windowTitle]

  const onDragStart = useCallback(
    ({ draggableId }: DragStart) => {

  const onDragEnd = useCallback(
    ({ source, destination, combine, draggableId }: DropResult) => {
      const [isTab, isWindow, isGroup] = [isTabDrag, isWindowDrag, isGroupDrag].map((cb) => cb(draggableId));
      const commonPayload = { index, source };
      const sidePanelPayload = { ...commonPayload, combine };
      const destPayload = { ...commonPayload, destination };

      const isValidCombine = combine && Number(combine.draggableId.split("-")[1]) > 0;
      const isValidDndWithinGroup = destination && destination.droppableId !== "sidePanel";

      if (isTab) {
        isValidCombine && dispatch(updateTabsFromSidePanelDnd({ ...sidePanelPayload, name: windowTitle }));
        isValidDndWithinGroup && dispatch(updateTabsFromGroupDnd(destPayload));
      } else if (isWindow) {
        // Re-show the tabs since the drag ended
        toggleWindowTabsVisibility(draggableId, true);

        isValidCombine && dispatch(updateWindowsFromSidePanelDnd(sidePanelPayload));
        isValidDndWithinGroup && dispatch(updateWindowsFromGroupDnd(destPayload));
      } else if (isGroup && destination && destination.index > 0) {
        // Only swap if the destination exists (valid) and is below the first group
        dispatch(updateGroupOrder({ source, destination }));


       * Must clear the windows in the current group first, then clear the group
       * @note Only relevant for tab or window dragging since a group drag does not add either a (temporary) window or group
      if (isTab || isWindow) {
        dispatch(clearEmptyWindows({ index }));
    [dispatch, index, windowTitle, active]

  return { onBeforeCapture, onDragStart, onDragEnd };