hardhat/config#HardhatUserConfig TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use hardhat/config#HardhatUserConfig. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From index-rebalance-utils with Apache License 2.0 7 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  solidity: {
    version: "0.6.10",
    settings: {
      optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 200 },
  namedAccounts: {
    deployer: 0,
  networks: {
    hardhat: {
      forking: (process.env.FORK) ? forkingConfig : undefined,
      accounts: getHardhatPrivateKeys(),
    localhost: {
      url: "",
      gas: 12000000,
      blockGasLimit: 12000000,
    kovan: {
      url: "https://kovan.infura.io/v3/" + process.env.INFURA_TOKEN,
      // @ts-ignore
      accounts: [`0x${process.env.KOVAN_DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY}`],
    production: {
      url: "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/" + process.env.INFURA_TOKEN,
      // @ts-ignore
      accounts: [`0x${process.env.PRODUCTION_MAINNET_DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY}`],
  mocha: mochaConfig,
  typechain: {
    outDir: "typechain",
    target: "ethers-v5",
Example #2
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From BarnBridge-Barn with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
cfg: HardhatUserConfig = {
    solidity: {
        version: '0.7.6',
        settings: {
            optimizer: {
                enabled: true,
                runs: 9999,

    defaultNetwork: 'hardhat',

    networks: config.networks,
    etherscan: config.etherscan,

    abiExporter: {
        only: ['Barn', 'BarnFacet', 'OwnershipFacet', 'DiamondCutFacet', 'DiamondLoupeFacet', 'Rewards'],
        except: ['.*Mock$'],
        clear: true,
        flat: true,

    gasReporter: {
        enabled: (process.env.REPORT_GAS) ? true : false,
Example #3
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From hardhat-deploy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  solidity: {
    version: '0.8.10',
    settings: {
      optimizer: {
        enabled: true,
        runs: 999999,
  paths: {
    sources: 'solc_0.8',
Example #4
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From core with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  solidity: {
    compilers: [
        version: '0.6.8',
        settings: {
          optimizer: {
            enabled: true,
Example #5
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From arbitrum-dai-bridge with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  mocha: {
    timeout: 50000,
  solidity: {
    // note: we run optimizer only for dai.sol
    compilers: [
        version: '0.6.11',
        settings: {
          optimizer: {
            enabled: false,
    overrides: {
      'contracts/l2/dai.sol': {
        version: '0.6.11',
        settings: {
          optimizer: {
            enabled: true,
            runs: 200,
  paths: {
    tests: testDir,
  gasReporter: {
    enabled: process.env.REPORT_GAS === '1',
    currency: 'USD',
    gasPrice: 50,
Example #6
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From aegis with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  solidity: '0.6.12',
  networks: {
    hardhat: {
      forking: {
        url: process.env.MAINNET_URL!,
        blockNumber: 13575777
      allowUnlimitedContractSize: true
  gasReporter: {
    enabled: process.env.REPORT_GAS === 'true',
    currency: 'USD'
  etherscan: {
    apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
Example #7
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From BarnBridge-YieldFarming with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
cfg: HardhatUserConfig = {
    solidity: {
        version: '0.6.12',
        settings: {
            optimizer: {
                enabled: true,
                runs: 1000,

    defaultNetwork: "hardhat",
    networks: config.networks,
    etherscan: config.etherscan,

    abiExporter: {
        only: ['Staking', 'YieldFarm', 'YieldFarmLP', 'YieldFarmBond', 'CommunityVault'],
        clear: true,

    gasReporter: {
        enabled: !!(process.env.REPORT_GAS),
Example #8
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From solidity-utils with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
    solidity: {
        version: '0.8.13',
        settings: {
            optimizer: {
                enabled: true,
                runs: 1000000,
    gasReporter: {
        enabled: true,
        currency: 'USD',
    typechain: {
        target: 'truffle-v5',
Example #9
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From index-coop-smart-contracts with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  solidity: {
    version: "0.6.10",
    settings: {
      optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 200 },
  namedAccounts: {
    deployer: 0,
  networks: {
    hardhat: {
      forking: process.env.FORK ? forkingConfig : undefined,
      accounts: getHardhatPrivateKeys(),
      gas: isPolygon ? undefined : 12000000,
      blockGasLimit: isPolygon ? 20000000 : 12000000,
      // @ts-ignore
      initialBaseFeePerGas: 0,
    localhost: {
      url: "",
      gas: isPolygon ? undefined : 12000000,
      blockGasLimit: isPolygon ? 20000000 : 12000000,
      // @ts-ignore
    kovan: {
      url: "https://kovan.infura.io/v3/" + process.env.INFURA_TOKEN,
      // @ts-ignore
      accounts: [`0x${process.env.KOVAN_DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY}`],
    production: {
      url: "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/" + process.env.INFURA_TOKEN,
      // @ts-ignore
      accounts: [`0x${process.env.PRODUCTION_MAINNET_DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY}`],
  mocha: mochaConfig,
  typechain: {
    outDir: "typechain",
    target: "ethers-v5",
Example #10
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From airnode with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  solidity: '0.8.9',
  paths: {
    tests: 'e2e',
Example #11
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From data-transport-layer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  // All paths relative to ** this file **.
  paths: {
    tests: '../../test',
    cache: '../temp/cache',
    artifacts: '../temp/artifacts',
Example #12
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From lyra-protocol with ISC License 5 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  ovm: { solcVersion: '0.7.6' },
  solidity: {
    version: '0.7.6',
    settings: {
      outputSelection: {
        '*': {
          '*': ['storageLayout'],
  networks: {
    local: {
      url: '',
      accounts: {
          'test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers junk',
      gasPrice: 0,
    kovan: {
      url: 'https://kovan.infura.io/v3/',
    'local-ovm': {
      url: '',
      accounts: {
          'test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers test-helpers junk',
      gasPrice: 0,
      ovm: true,
    'kovan-ovm': {
      url: 'https://kovan.optimism.io',
      ovm: true,
  mocha: {
    timeout: 1_000_000,
  contractSizer: {
    alphaSort: true,
    runOnCompile: false,
    disambiguatePaths: false,
  gasReporter: {
    enabled: false,
Example #13
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From optimism-dai-bridge with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  mocha: {
    timeout: 50000,
  solidity: {
    compilers: [
        version: '0.7.6',
        settings: {
          optimizer: {
            enabled: false,
    overrides: {
      'contracts/l2/dai.sol': {
        version: '0.7.6',
        settings: {
          optimizer: {
            enabled: true,
            runs: 200,
  networks: {
    hardhat: {
      blockGasLimit: 15000000,
      forking: {
        enabled: process.env.FORKMODE === '1', // this is workaround, only main network can be run in forkmode but we don't need it for most things
        url: 'https://parity-mainnet.makerfoundation.com:8545',
    kovan: {
      url: 'https://parity0.kovan.makerfoundation.com:8545',
  etherscan: {
    apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_KEY ?? '', // provide via env
  gasReporter: {
    enabled: process.env.REPORT_GAS === '1',
    currency: 'USD',
    gasPrice: 50,
Example #14
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From nouns-monorepo with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  solidity: {
    version: '0.8.6',
    settings: {
      optimizer: {
        enabled: true,
        runs: 10_000,
  networks: {
    mainnet: {
      url: `https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_PROJECT_ID}`,
      accounts: [process.env.WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY!].filter(Boolean),
    rinkeby: {
      url: `https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_PROJECT_ID}`,
      accounts: process.env.MNEMONIC
        ? { mnemonic: process.env.MNEMONIC }
        : [process.env.WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY!].filter(Boolean),
    hardhat: {
      initialBaseFeePerGas: 0,
  etherscan: {
    apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY,
  abiExporter: {
    path: './abi',
    clear: true,
  typechain: {
    outDir: './typechain',
  gasReporter: {
    enabled: !process.env.CI,
    currency: 'USD',
    gasPrice: 50,
    src: 'contracts',
    coinmarketcap: '7643dfc7-a58f-46af-8314-2db32bdd18ba',
  mocha: {
    timeout: 60_000,
Example #15
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From perpetual-protocol with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
    networks: {
        hardhat: {
            allowUnlimitedContractSize: true,
        coverage: {
            url: COVERAGE_URL,
        ropsten: {
            url: ROPSTEN_URL,
            gasPrice: GAS_PRICE,
            accounts: {
                mnemonic: ROPSTEN_MNEMONIC,
        kovan: {
            url: KOVAN_URL,
            gasPrice: GAS_PRICE,
            accounts: {
                mnemonic: KOVAN_MNEMONIC,
        rinkeby: {
            url: RINKEBY_URL,
            gasPrice: GAS_PRICE,
            accounts: {
                mnemonic: RINKEBY_MNEMONIC,
        homestead: {
            url: HOMESTEAD_URL,
            gasPrice: GAS_PRICE,
            accounts: {
                mnemonic: HOMESTEAD_MNEMONIC,
        sokol: {
            url: SOKOL_URL,
            gasPrice: GAS_PRICE,
            accounts: {
                mnemonic: SOKOL_MNEMONIC,
        xdai: {
            url: XDAI_URL,
            gasPrice: GAS_PRICE,
            accounts: {
                mnemonic: XDAI_MNEMONIC,
    solidity: {
        version: "0.6.9",
        settings: {
            optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 200 },
            evmVersion: "istanbul",
    paths: {
        root: ROOT_DIR,
        // source & artifacts does not work since we use openzeppelin-sdk for upgradable contract
        sources: SRC_DIR,
        artifacts: ARTIFACTS_DIR,
        tests: "./tests",
        cache: "./cache",
    mocha: {
        timeout: 60000,
    gasReporter: {
        src: "src", // Folder in root directory to begin search for .sol file
        currency: "USD", // gasPrice based on current ethGasStation API
        coinmarketcap: process.env.CMC_API_KEY, // optional
    etherscan: {
        // Your API key for Etherscan
        // Obtain one at https://etherscan.io/
        apiKey: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY,
Example #16
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From nova with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  networks: {
    hardhat: {
      initialBaseFeePerGas: 0,

    mainnet: {
      url: process.env.MAINNET_RPC_URL ?? "",
      chainId: 1,

    kovan: {
      url: process.env.KOVAN_RPC_URL ?? "",
      chainId: 42,

    optimisticMainnet: {
      url: process.env.OE_MAINNET_RPC_URL ?? "",
      ovm: true,
      chainId: 10,

    optimisticKovan: {
      url: process.env.OE_KOVAN_RPC_URL ?? "",
      ovm: true,
      chainId: 69,

    optimism: {
      url: "http://localhost:8545",
      ovm: true,
      chainId: 420,

      // This account is funded with 10k ETH by default.
      accounts: ["0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80"],

  ovm: {
    // This version supports ETH opcodes:
    solcVersion: "0.7.6+commit.3b061308",

  solidity: {
    version: "0.7.6",
    settings: {
      optimizer: {
        enabled: true,
        runs: 1000000,

      metadata: {
        bytecodeHash: "none",

  paths: {
      process.argv.includes("optimism") ||
      process.argv.includes("optimisticMainnet") ||
        ? "test/integration"
        : "test/unit",

  etherscan: {
    apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY,

  typechain: {
    target: "ethers-v5",

  mocha: {
    // 5 minutes:
    timeout: 300000,

  preprocess: {
    eachLine: removeConsoleLog(
      (hre) => hre.network.name !== "hardhat" && hre.network.name !== "localhost"

  gasReporter: {
    currency: "USD",
    gasPrice: 30,
    coinmarketcap: process.env.COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY,
Example #17
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From eth with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  defaultNetwork: 'hardhat',
  networks: {
    // Check for a DEPLOYER_MNEMONIC before we add xdai/mainnet network to the list of networks
    // Ex: If you try to deploy to xdai without DEPLOYER_MNEMONIC, you'll see this error:
    // > Error HH100: Network xdai doesn't exist
    ...(DEPLOYER_MNEMONIC ? { xdai } : undefined),
    ...(DEPLOYER_MNEMONIC ? { mainnet } : undefined),
    localhost: {
      url: 'http://localhost:8545/',
      accounts: {
        // Same mnemonic used in the .env.example
        mnemonic: 'change typical hire slam amateur loan grid fix drama electric seed label',
      chainId: 31337,
    // Used when you dont specify a network on command line, like in tests
    hardhat: {
      accounts: [
        // from/deployer is default the first address in accounts
          privateKey: '0x044C7963E9A89D4F8B64AB23E02E97B2E00DD57FCB60F316AC69B77135003AEF',
          balance: '100000000000000000000',
        // user1 in tests
          privateKey: '0x523170AAE57904F24FFE1F61B7E4FF9E9A0CE7557987C2FC034EACB1C267B4AE',
          balance: '100000000000000000000',
        // user2 in tests
        // admin account
          privateKey: '0x67195c963ff445314e667112ab22f4a7404bad7f9746564eb409b9bb8c6aed32',
          balance: '100000000000000000000',
      blockGasLimit: 16777215,
      mining: {
        auto: false,
        interval: 1000,
  solidity: {
    version: '0.8.10',
    settings: {
      optimizer: {
        enabled: true,
        runs: 1000,
  contractSizer: {
    alphaSort: true,
    runOnCompile: false,
    disambiguatePaths: false,
  circom: {
    inputBasePath: '../circuits/',
    outputBasePath: packageDirs['@darkforest_eth/snarks'],
    ptau: 'pot15_final.ptau',
    circuits: [
        name: 'init',
        circuit: 'init/circuit.circom',
        input: 'init/input.json',
        beacon: '0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f',
        name: 'move',
        circuit: 'move/circuit.circom',
        input: 'move/input.json',
        beacon: '0000000005060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f',
        name: 'biomebase',
        circuit: 'biomebase/circuit.circom',
        input: 'biomebase/input.json',
        beacon: '0000000005060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f',
        name: 'reveal',
        circuit: 'reveal/circuit.circom',
        input: 'reveal/input.json',
        beacon: '0000000005060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f',
        name: 'whitelist',
        circuit: 'whitelist/circuit.circom',
        input: 'whitelist/input.json',
        beacon: '0000000005060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f',
  typechain: {
    outDir: path.join(packageDirs['@darkforest_eth/contracts'], 'typechain'),
    target: 'ethers-v5',
  diamondAbi: {
    // This plugin will combine all ABIs from any Smart Contract with `Facet` in the name or path and output it as `DarkForest.json`
    name: 'DarkForest',
    include: ['Facet'],
    // We explicitly set `strict` to `true` because we want to validate our facets don't accidentally provide overlapping functions
    strict: true,
    // We use our diamond utils to filter some functions we ignore from the combined ABI
    filter(abiElement: unknown, index: number, abi: unknown[], fullyQualifiedName: string) {
      const signature = diamondUtils.toSignature(abiElement);
      return diamondUtils.isIncluded(fullyQualifiedName, signature);
  abiExporter: {
    // This plugin will copy the ABI from the DarkForest artifact into our `@darkforest_eth/contracts` package as `abis/DarkForest.json`
    path: path.join(packageDirs['@darkforest_eth/contracts'], 'abis'),
    runOnCompile: true,
    // We don't want additional directories created, so we explicitly set the `flat` option to `true`
    flat: true,
    // We **only** want to copy the DarkForest ABI (which is the Diamond ABI we generate) and the initializer ABI to this folder, so we limit the matched files with the `only` option
    only: [':DarkForest$', ':DFInitialize$'],
Example #18
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From hardhat-foundation with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  contractSizer: {
    alphaSort: true,
    disambiguatePaths: false,
    runOnCompile: true,
    strict: true,
    only: [":Greeter$"],
  defaultNetwork: "hardhat",
  etherscan: {
    apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY,
  gasReporter: {
    coinmarketcap: process.env.COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY,
    currency: "USD",
    enabled: process.env.REPORT_GAS === "true",
  namedAccounts: {
    deployer: {
      default: 0,
    alice: {
      default: 1,
    bob: {
      default: 2,
    carol: {
      default: 3,
  networks: {
    localhost: {
      live: false,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["local"],
    hardhat: {
      forking: {
        enabled: process.env.FORKING === "true",
        url: `https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/${process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY}`,
      live: false,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["test", "local"],
    ethereum: {
      url: `https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/${process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 1,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["mainnet"],
      hardfork: process.env.CODE_COVERAGE ? "berlin" : "london",
    ropsten: {
      url: `https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 3,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
    goerli: {
      url: `https://goerli.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 5,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
  preprocess: {
    eachLine: removeConsoleLog(
      (bre) =>
        bre.network.name !== "hardhat" && bre.network.name !== "localhost"
  solidity: {
    version: "0.8.11",
    settings: {
      optimizer: {
        enabled: true,
        runs: 999999,
  tenderly: {
    project: String(process.env.TENDERLY_PROJECT),
    username: String(process.env.TENDERLY_USERNAME),
  typechain: {
    outDir: "types",
    target: "ethers-v5",
  watcher: {
    compile: {
      tasks: ["compile"],
      files: ["./contracts"],
      verbose: true,
Example #19
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From shoyu with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
    abiExporter: {
        path: "./abis",
        clear: true,
        flat: true,
        spacing: 2,
    defaultNetwork: "hardhat",
    etherscan: {
        apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY,
    gasReporter: {
        coinmarketcap: process.env.COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY,
        currency: "USD",
        enabled: process.env.REPORT_GAS === "true",
    namedAccounts: {
        deployer: {
            default: 0,
        admin: {
            default: 1,
        alice: {
            default: 2,
        bob: {
            default: 3,
        carol: {
            default: 4,
    networks: {
        localhost: {
            live: false,
            saveDeployments: true,
            tags: ["local"],
        hardhat: {
            // Seems to be a bug with this, even when false it complains about being unauthenticated.
            // Reported to HardHat team and fix is incoming
            forking: {
                enabled: process.env.FORKING === "true",
                url: `https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/${process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY}`,
            live: false,
            saveDeployments: true,
            tags: ["test", "local"],
        mainnet: {
            url: `https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
            chainId: 1,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
            tags: ["production"],
        ropsten: {
            url: `https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
            chainId: 3,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
            tags: ["staging"],
        rinkeby: {
            url: `https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
            chainId: 4,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
            tags: ["staging"],
        goerli: {
            url: `https://goerli.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
            chainId: 5,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
            tags: ["staging"],
        kovan: {
            url: `https://kovan.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
            chainId: 42,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
            tags: ["staging"],
        moonbase: {
            url: "https://rpc.testnet.moonbeam.network",
            chainId: 1287,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
            tags: ["staging"],
        arbitrum: {
            url: "https://kovan3.arbitrum.io/rpc",
            chainId: 79377087078960,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
            tags: ["staging"],
        fantom: {
            url: "https://rpcapi.fantom.network",
            chainId: 250,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
        fantom_testnet: {
            url: "https://rpc.testnet.fantom.network",
            chainId: 4002,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
            tags: ["staging"],
        matic: {
            url: "https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com",
            chainId: 137,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
        xdai: {
            url: "https://rpc.xdaichain.com",
            chainId: 100,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
        bsc: {
            url: "https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org",
            chainId: 56,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
        bsc_testnet: {
            url: "https://data-seed-prebsc-2-s3.binance.org:8545",
            chainId: 97,
            live: true,
            saveDeployments: true,
            tags: ["staging"],
    preprocess: {
        eachLine: removeConsoleLog(bre => bre.network.name !== "hardhat" && bre.network.name !== "localhost"),
    solidity: {
        version: "0.8.3",
        settings: {
            optimizer: {
                enabled: true,
                runs: 200,
    tenderly: {
        project: process.env.TENDERLY_PROJECT,
        username: process.env.TENDERLY_USERNAME,
    typechain: {
        outDir: "typechain",
        target: "ethers-v5",
    watcher: {
        compile: {
            tasks: ["compile"],
            files: ["./contracts"],
            verbose: true,
Example #20
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From sushi-oracle with The Unlicense 4 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  defaultNetwork: "hardhat",
  etherscan: {
    apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY,
  gasReporter: {
    coinmarketcap: process.env.COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY,
    currency: "USD",
    enabled: process.env.REPORT_GAS === "true",
  namedAccounts: {
    deployer: {
      default: 0,
    alice: {
      default: 1,
    bob: {
      default: 2,
    carol: {
      default: 3,
  networks: {
    localhost: {
      live: false,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["local"],
    hardhat: {
      // Seems to be a bug with this, even when false it complains about being unauthenticated.
      // Reported to HardHat team and fix is incoming
      forking: {
        enabled: process.env.FORKING === "true",
        url: `https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/${process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY}`,
      live: false,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["test", "local"],
    mainnet: {
      url: `https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/${process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 1,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    ropsten: {
      url: `https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 3,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
    goerli: {
      url: `https://goerli.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 5,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
    kovan: {
      url: `https://kovan.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 42,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
    moonbase: {
      url: "https://rpc.testnet.moonbeam.network",
      chainId: 1287,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
    arbitrum: {
      url: "https://kovan3.arbitrum.io/rpc",
      chainId: 79377087078960,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
    fantom: {
      url: "https://rpcapi.fantom.network",
      chainId: 250,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    fantom_testnet: {
      url: "https://rpc.testnet.fantom.network",
      chainId: 4002,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
    matic: {
      url: "https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com",
      chainId: 137,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    xdai: {
      url: "https://rpc.xdaichain.com",
      chainId: 100,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    bsc: {
      url: "https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org",
      chainId: 56,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    bsc_testnet: {
      url: "https://data-seed-prebsc-2-s3.binance.org:8545",
      chainId: 97,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
  preprocess: {
    eachLine: removeConsoleLog(
      (bre) =>
        bre.network.name !== "hardhat" && bre.network.name !== "localhost"
  solidity: {
    version: "0.6.8",
    settings: {
      optimizer: {
        enabled: true,
        runs: 200,
  // tenderly: {
  //   project: process.env.TENDERLY_PROJECT,
  //   username: process.env.TENDERLY_USERNAME,
  // },
  watcher: {
    compile: {
      tasks: ["compile"],
      files: ["./contracts"],
      verbose: true,
Example #21
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From trident with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  defaultNetwork: "hardhat",
  etherscan: {
    apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY,
  gasReporter: {
    coinmarketcap: process.env.COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY,
    currency: "USD",
    enabled: process.env.REPORT_GAS === "true",
    // outputFile: `gas-${Date.now()}.json`,
    // outputFile: "gas.json",
    excludeContracts: [
    // onlyCalledMethods: true,
    // showTimeSpent: true,
  namedAccounts: {
    deployer: {
      default: 0,
    dev: {
      default: 1,
    alice: {
      default: 2,
    bob: {
      default: 3,
    carol: {
      default: 4,
    dave: {
      default: 5,
    eve: {
      default: 6,
    feeTo: {
      default: 7,
    barFeeTo: {
      default: 8,
  networks: {
    localhost: {
      live: false,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["local"],
    hardhat: {
      forking: {
        enabled: process.env.FORKING === "true",
        url: `https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/${process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY}`,
        blockNumber: 13000000,
      allowUnlimitedContractSize: true,
      live: false,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["test", "local"],
      // Solidity-coverage overrides gasPrice to 1 which is not compatible with EIP1559
      hardfork: process.env.CODE_COVERAGE ? "berlin" : "london",
    ethereum: {
      url: `https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/${process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY}`,
      live: true,
      chainId: 1,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["mainnet"],
      hardfork: process.env.CODE_COVERAGE ? "berlin" : "london",
    ropsten: {
      url: `https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 3,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
      gasPrice: 5000000000,
      gasMultiplier: 2,
    rinkeby: {
      url: `https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 4,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
      gasPrice: 5000000000,
      gasMultiplier: 2,
    goerli: {
      url: `https://goerli.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 5,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
      gasPrice: 5000000000,
      gasMultiplier: 2,
    kovan: {
      url: `https://kovan.infura.io/v3/${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 42,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
      gasPrice: 20000000000,
      gasMultiplier: 2,
    fantom: {
      url: "https://rpcapi.fantom.network",
      chainId: 250,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      gasPrice: 22000000000,
    polygon: {
      url: `https://polygon-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/${process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY}`,
      chainId: 137,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    "matic-testnet": {
      url: "https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com/",
      chainId: 80001,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
      gasMultiplier: 2,
    xdai: {
      url: "https://rpc.xdaichain.com",
      chainId: 100,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    bsc: {
      url: "https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org",
      chainId: 56,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    "bsc-testnet": {
      url: "https://data-seed-prebsc-2-s3.binance.org:8545",
      chainId: 97,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
      gasMultiplier: 2,
    heco: {
      url: "https://http-mainnet.hecochain.com",
      chainId: 128,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    "heco-testnet": {
      url: "https://http-testnet.hecochain.com",
      chainId: 256,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
      gasMultiplier: 2,
    avalanche: {
      url: "https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/C/rpc",
      chainId: 43114,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      gasPrice: 470000000000,
    "avalanche-testnet": {
      url: "https://api.avax-test.network/ext/bc/C/rpc",
      chainId: 43113,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
      gasMultiplier: 2,
    harmony: {
      url: "https://api.s0.t.hmny.io",
      chainId: 1666600000,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    "harmony-testnet": {
      url: "https://api.s0.b.hmny.io",
      chainId: 1666700000,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
      gasMultiplier: 2,
    okex: {
      url: "https://exchainrpc.okex.org",
      chainId: 66,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    "okex-testnet": {
      url: "https://exchaintestrpc.okex.org",
      chainId: 65,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
      gasMultiplier: 2,
    arbitrum: {
      url: "https://arb1.arbitrum.io/rpc",
      chainId: 42161,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      blockGasLimit: 700000,
    "arbitrum-testnet": {
      url: "https://kovan3.arbitrum.io/rpc",
      chainId: 79377087078960,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
      tags: ["staging"],
      gasMultiplier: 2,
    celo: {
      url: "https://forno.celo.org",
      chainId: 42220,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
    optimism: {
      url: "https://mainnet.optimism.io",
      chainId: 10,
      live: true,
      saveDeployments: true,
  paths: {
    artifacts: "artifacts",
    cache: "cache",
    deploy: "deploy",
    deployments: "deployments",
    imports: "imports",
    sources: "contracts",
    tests: "test",
  preprocess: {
    eachLine: removeConsoleLog((bre) => bre.network.name !== "hardhat" && bre.network.name !== "localhost"),
  solidity: {
    compilers: [
        version: "0.8.10",
        settings: {
          optimizer: {
            enabled: true,
            runs: 999999,
        version: "0.6.12",
        settings: {
          optimizer: {
            enabled: true,
            runs: 999999,
        version: "0.5.17",
        settings: {
          optimizer: {
            enabled: true,
            runs: 999999,
        version: "0.4.19",
        settings: {
          optimizer: {
            enabled: false,
            runs: 200,
  tenderly: {
    project: process.env.TENDERLY_PROJECT || "",
    username: process.env.TENDERLY_USERNAME || "",
  typechain: {
    outDir: "types",
    target: "ethers-v5",
  watcher: {
    compile: {
      tasks: ["compile"],
      files: ["./contracts"],
      verbose: true,
  mocha: {
    timeout: 300000,
    //bail: true,