@nestjs/testing#TestingModuleBuilder TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @nestjs/testing#TestingModuleBuilder. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: jestSetupAfterEnv.ts    From domain-driven-hexagon with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public static async new(
    testingModuleBuilder: TestingModuleBuilder,
  ): Promise<TestServer> {
    const testingModule: TestingModule = await testingModuleBuilder.compile();

    const serverApplication: NestExpressApplication = testingModule.createNestApplication();
    await serverApplication.init();

    return new TestServer(serverApplication, testingModule);
Example #2
Source File: login.integration.ts    From office-hours with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
describe('Login Integration', () => {
  const supertest = setupIntegrationTest(
    (t: TestingModuleBuilder) =>

  describe('POST /login/entry', () => {
    it('request to entry with correct jwt payload works', async () => {
      const token = await mockJWT.signAsync({ userId: 1 });

      const res = await supertest()


    it('entry as user with courses goes to root page', async () => {
      const user = await UserFactory.create();
      await UserCourseFactory.create({ user: user });
      const token = await mockJWT.signAsync({ userId: user.id });

      const res = await supertest()


    it('request to entry with invalid jwt returns error', async () => {
      const token = await mockJWT.signAsync({ token: 'INVALID_TOKEN' });

      await supertest().get(`/login/entry?token=${token}`).expect(401);

  describe('POST /khoury_login', () => {
    it('creates user and sends back correct redirect', async () => {
      const user = await UserModel.findOne({
        where: { email: '[email protected]' },

      const res = await supertest().post('/khoury_login').send({
        email: '[email protected]',
        campus: 1,
        first_name: 'Will',
        last_name: 'Stenzel',
        photo_url: 'sdf',
        courses: [],

      // Expect that the new user has been created
      const newUser = await UserModel.findOne({
        where: { email: '[email protected]' },

      // And that the redirect is correct
        redirect: `http://localhost:3000/api/v1/login/entry?token={"userId":${newUser.id}}`,

    it('converts husky emails to northeastern emails', async () => {
      const user = await UserModel.findOne({
        where: { email: '[email protected]' },

      await supertest().post('/khoury_login').send({
        email: '[email protected]',
        campus: 1,
        first_name: 'Will',
        last_name: 'Stenzel',
        photo_url: 'sdf',
        courses: [],

      // Expect that the new user has been created
      const newUser = await UserModel.findOne({
        where: { email: '[email protected]' },

      const huskyUser = await UserModel.findOne({
        where: { email: '[email protected]' },

    describe('with course mapping', () => {
      let course;
      let course2;
      let course3;
      beforeEach(async () => {
        // Make course mapping so usercourse can be added
        const semester = await SemesterFactory.create();
        course = await CourseFactory.create({
          name: 'CS 2510 Accelerated',
        await CourseSectionFactory.create({
          crn: 23456,
          course: course,
        course2 = await CourseFactory.create({
          name: 'CS 2510',
        await CourseSectionFactory.create({
          crn: 34567,
          course: course2,
        course3 = await CourseFactory.create({
          name: 'CS 2500',
        await CourseSectionFactory.create({
          crn: 45678,
          course: course3,
      it('overwrites courses but not names of existing users', async () => {
        let user = await UserFactory.create({
          firstName: 'Bill',
          lastName: 'Benzel',

        await supertest()
            email: user.email,
            campus: 1,
            first_name: 'Will',
            last_name: 'Stenzel',
            photo_url: 'sdf',
            courses: [
                crn: 23456,
                semester: '202110',
                role: Role.STUDENT,
        user = await UserModel.findOne({
          where: { id: user.id },
          relations: ['courses'],


      it('handles student courses and sections correctly', async () => {
        await supertest()
            email: '[email protected]',
            campus: 1,
            first_name: 'Will',
            last_name: 'Stenzel',
            photo_url: 'sdf',
            courses: [
                crn: 23456,
                semester: '202110',
                role: Role.STUDENT,

        const student = await UserModel.findOne({
          where: { email: '[email protected]' },
          relations: ['courses'],


      it('deletes stale user course if no longer valid', async () => {
        await supertest()
            email: '[email protected]',
            campus: 1,
            first_name: 'Will',
            last_name: 'Stenzel',
            photo_url: '',
            courses: [
                crn: 23456,
                semester: '202110',
                role: Role.STUDENT,
                crn: 45678,
                semester: '202110',
                role: Role.STUDENT,

        const user = await UserModel.findOne({
          where: { email: '[email protected]' },
          relations: ['courses'],

        const fundiesUserCourse = await UserCourseModel.findOne({
          where: { user, course },
          courseId: 1,
          id: 1,
          override: false,
          role: 'student',
          userId: 1,
          expires: false,

        const totalUserCourses = await UserCourseModel.count();

        // After dropping fundies II, user logs in again
        await supertest()
            email: '[email protected]',
            campus: 1,
            first_name: 'Will',
            last_name: 'Stenzel',
            photo_url: '',
            courses: [
                crn: 45678,
                semester: '202110',
                role: Role.STUDENT,

        const noUserCourse = await UserCourseModel.findOne(

        const totalUserCoursesUpdated = await UserCourseModel.count();

      it('respects user course overrides', async () => {
        await supertest()
            email: '[email protected]',
            campus: 1,
            first_name: 'Will',
            last_name: 'Stenzel',
            photo_url: '',
            courses: [
                crn: 23456,
                semester: '202110',
                role: Role.STUDENT,
                crn: 34567,
                semester: '202110',
                role: Role.TA,

        expect(await UserCourseModel.count()).toEqual(2);

        const overrideCourse = await UserCourseFactory.create({
          override: true,

        expect(await UserCourseModel.count()).toEqual(3);

        await supertest()
            email: '[email protected]',
            campus: 1,
            first_name: 'Will',
            last_name: 'Stenzel',
            photo_url: '',
            courses: [
                crn: 23456,
                semester: '202110',
                role: Role.STUDENT,
                crn: 34567,
                semester: '202110',
                role: Role.TA,

        const overrideStillExists = await UserCourseModel.findOne(
          courseId: overrideCourse.courseId,
          id: overrideCourse.id,
          override: overrideCourse.override,
          role: overrideCourse.role,
          userId: overrideCourse.userId,
          expires: false,

        const totalUserCoursesUpdated = await UserCourseModel.count();

      it('handles new semester with unregistered courses', async () => {
        const sem = await SemesterModel.findOne({
          where: { season: 'Fall', year: 2022 },

        await supertest()
            email: '[email protected]',
            campus: 1,
            first_name: 'Iris',
            last_name: 'Liu',
            photo_url: 'sdf',
            courses: [
                crns: [23456],
                semester: '202310', // 2022 fall
                name: 'Fundies 2 Accel',

        const prof = await UserModel.findOne({
          where: { email: '[email protected]' },
          relations: ['courses'],

        expect(prof.courses).toHaveLength(0); // Does not create user courses

        const newSem = await SemesterModel.findOne({
          where: { season: 'Fall', year: 2022 },

    const setupTAAndProfessorCourses = async () => {
      const regularFundies = await CourseFactory.create({
        name: 'CS 2500 Regular',
      const acceleratedFundies = await CourseFactory.create({
        name: 'CS 2500 Accelerated',
      const onlineFundies = await CourseFactory.create({
        name: 'CS 2500 Online',
      await CourseSectionFactory.create({
        crn: 98765,
        course: regularFundies,
      await CourseSectionFactory.create({
        crn: 13345,
        course: regularFundies,
      await CourseSectionFactory.create({
        crn: 87654,
        course: acceleratedFundies,
      await CourseSectionFactory.create({
        crn: 76543,
        course: onlineFundies,

    it('handles TA courses correctly', async () => {
      await setupTAAndProfessorCourses();

      await supertest()
          email: '[email protected]',
          campus: 1,
          first_name: 'Will',
          last_name: 'Stenzel',
          photo_url: 'sdf',
          courses: [
              crn: 98765,
              semester: '202110',
              role: 'TA',

      const ta = await UserModel.findOne({
        where: { email: '[email protected]' },
        relations: ['courses'],

      const fundiesRegular = await CourseModel.findOne({
        name: 'CS 2500 Regular',

        courseId: fundiesRegular.id,
        id: 1,
        override: false,
        role: 'ta',
        userId: ta.id,
        expires: false,

    it('handles professor courses correctly', async () => {
      await setupTAAndProfessorCourses();

      await supertest()
          email: '[email protected]',
          campus: 1,
          first_name: 'Will',
          last_name: 'Stenzel',
          photo_url: 'sdf',
          courses: [
              crns: [13345, 98765],
              semester: '202110',
              name: "Prof Li's Office Hours",

      const professor = await UserModel.findOne({
        where: { email: '[email protected]' },
        relations: ['courses'],

      const ucms = await UserCourseModel.find({
        where: { user: professor },

      expect(ucms.every((ucm) => ucm.role === Role.PROFESSOR)).toBeTruthy();

  describe('GET /logout', () => {
    it('makes sure logout endpoint is destroying cookies like a mob boss', async () => {
      const res = await supertest().get(`/logout`).expect(302);