@mui/icons-material#Backpack TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @mui/icons-material#Backpack. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: OpenInv.tsx    From NekoMaid with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
playerAction: ActionComponent = ({ onClose, player }) => {
  const his = useHistory()
  const globalData = useGlobalData()
  return <MenuItem disabled={!player || (!globalData.hasOpenInv && !player.online)} onClick={() => {
    if (player) his.push('/NekoMaid/openInv/' + player.name)
    <ListItemIcon><Backpack /></ListItemIcon>{lang.openInv.title}
Example #2
Source File: App.tsx    From NekoMaid with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
App: React.FC<{ darkMode: boolean, setDarkMode: (a: boolean) => void }> = React.memo(({ darkMode, setDarkMode }) => {
  const loc = useLocation()
  const his = useHistory()
  const pluginRef = useRef<Plugin | null>(null)
  const [mobileOpen, setMobileOpen] = useState(false)
  const [globalItemsOpen, setGlobalItemsOpen] = useState(false)
  const [globalData, setGlobalData] = useState<GlobalInfo>({ } as any)
  const [drawerWidth, setDrawerWidth] = useState(240)
  const updateF = useState(0)[1]
  const create = useMemo(() => {
    const io = socketIO(origin!, { path: pathname!, auth: { token } })
    const map: Record<string, Plugin> = { }
    const fn = (window as any).__NekoMaidAPICreate = (name: string) => map[name] || (map[name] = new Plugin(io, name))
    const nekoMaid = pluginRef.current = fn('NekoMaid')
    io.on('globalData', (data: GlobalInfo) => {
      const his: ServerRecord[] = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('NekoMaid:servers') || '[]')
      const curAddress = address!.replace('http://', '') + '?' + token
      let cur = his.find(it => it.address === curAddress)
      if (!cur) his.push((cur = { address: curAddress, time: 0 }))
      cur.time = Date.now()
      cur.icon = data.icon
      const arr = loc.pathname.split('/')
      if (!sent && arr.length > 2) io.emit('switchPage', arr[1], arr[2])
      sent = true
      localStorage.setItem('NekoMaid:servers', JSON.stringify(his))
      new Set(Object.values(data.plugins).flat()).forEach(loadPlugin)
      pages = { }
      onGlobalDataReceived(nekoMaid, data)
      if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development' && data.pluginVersion !== version) toast(lang.pluginUpdate, 'warning')
    }).on('!', () => {
      dialog({ content: lang.wrongToken, cancelButton: false })
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign
        .then(() => (location.search = location.pathname = location.hash = ''))
    }).on('reconnect', () => {
      setTimeout(() => location.reload(), 5000)
    }).on('disconnect', () => failed(lang.disconnected)).on('connect_error', () => failed(lang.failedToConnect))
    return fn
  }, [])
  useEffect(() => { if (!loc.pathname || loc.pathname === '/') his.replace('/NekoMaid/dashboard') }, [loc.pathname])
  useEffect(() => {
    update = updateF
    return () => { update = undefined as any }
  }, [])

  const handleDrawerToggle = () => {

  const isExpand = drawerWidth === 240

  const routes: JSX.Element[] = []
  const mapToItem = (name: string, it: Page) => {
    const path = Array.isArray(it.path) ? it.path[0] : it.path
    const key = '/' + name + '/' + path
    routes.push(<pluginCtx.Provider key={key} value={create(name)}>
        path={Array.isArray(it.path) ? it.path.map(it => '/' + name + '/' + it) : key}
    const icon = <ListItemIcon><pluginCtx.Provider value={create(name)}>
      {(typeof it.icon === 'function' ? <it.icon /> : it.icon) || <Build />}
    return it.title
      ? <NavLink key={key} to={'/' + name + '/' + (it.url || path)} activeClassName='actived'>
        <ListItem button>
          {isExpand ? icon : <Tooltip title={it.title} placement='right'>{icon}</Tooltip>}
          {isExpand && <ListItemText primary={it.title} />}
      : undefined

  const singlePages: JSX.Element[] = []
  const multiPagesPages: Array<JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]> = []
  let index = 0
  for (const name in pages) {
    if (pages[name].length === 1) {
      const elm = mapToItem(name, pages[name][0])
      if (elm) singlePages.push(elm)
    } else {
      if (multiPagesPages.length) multiPagesPages.push(<Divider key={index++} />)
      multiPagesPages.push(pages[name].map(it => mapToItem(name, it)!).filter(Boolean))
  if (singlePages.length) multiPagesPages.push(<Divider key={index++} />, singlePages)

  const drawer = <Box sx={{ overflowX: 'hidden' }}>
    <Toolbar />
    <Divider sx={{ display: { sm: 'none', xs: 'block' } }} />
    <List sx={{
      '& a': {
        color: 'inherit',
        textDecoration: 'inherit'
      '& .actived > div': {
        fontWeight: 'bold',
        color: theme => theme.palette.primary.main,
        backgroundColor: theme => alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.selectedOpacity) + '!important',
        '& svg': { color: theme => theme.palette.primary.main + '!important' }

  return <Box sx={{ display: 'flex' }}>
    <CssBaseline />
    <AppBar position='fixed' sx={{ zIndex: theme => theme.zIndex.drawer + 1 }}>
          onClick={() => setDrawerWidth(isExpand ? 57 : 240)}
          sx={{ mr: 1, display: { sm: 'inline-flex', xs: 'none' } }}
        ><ChevronLeft sx={{ transition: '.3s', transform: isExpand ? undefined : 'rotate(-180deg)' }} /></IconButton>
        <IconButton color='inherit' edge='start' onClick={handleDrawerToggle} sx={{ mr: 2, display: { sm: 'none' } }}><Menu /></IconButton>
        <Typography variant='h3' noWrap component='div' sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>NekoMaid</Typography>
        {globalData.hasNBTAPI && <IconButton
          onClick={() => setGlobalItemsOpen(!globalItemsOpen)}
          onDragOver={() => setGlobalItemsOpen(true)}
        ><Backpack /></IconButton>}
        <LanguageSwitch />
        <IconButton color='inherit' edge='end' onClick={() => setDarkMode(!darkMode)}>
          {darkMode ? <Brightness7 /> : <Brightness4 />}
    <globalCtx.Provider value={globalData}>
      <Box component='nav' sx={{ width: { sm: drawerWidth }, flexShrink: { sm: 0 } }}>
          ModalProps={{ keepMounted: true }}
            display: { xs: 'block', sm: 'none' },
            '& .MuiDrawer-paper': {
              boxSizing: 'border-box',
              width: drawerWidth,
              backgroundImage: theme => theme.palette.mode === 'dark'
                ? 'linear-gradient(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05))'
                : undefined
            display: { xs: 'none', sm: 'block' },
            '& .MuiDrawer-paper': {
              boxSizing: 'border-box',
              width: drawerWidth,
              transition: 'width .3s',
              backgroundImage: theme => theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? 'linear-gradient(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05))' : undefined
      <Box component='main' sx={{ flexGrow: 1, width: '100vw' }}>
        <drawerWidthCtx.Provider value={drawerWidth}>{routes}</drawerWidthCtx.Provider>
        {globalData.hasNBTAPI && <pluginCtx.Provider value={pluginRef.current}>
          <GlobalItems open={globalItemsOpen} onClose={() => setGlobalItemsOpen(false)} />