@jupyterlab/apputils#InputDialog TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @jupyterlab/apputils#InputDialog. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: plugin.tsx    From jupyterlab-tour with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
function activate(
  app: JupyterFrontEnd,
  stateDB: IStateDB,
  palette?: ICommandPalette,
  menu?: MainMenu,
  translator?: ITranslator
): ITourManager {
  const { commands } = app;

  translator = translator ?? nullTranslator;

  // Create tour manager
  const manager = new TourManager(stateDB, translator, menu);

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.launch, {
    label: args => {
      if (args['id']) {
        const tour = manager.tours.get(args['id'] as string) as TourHandler;
        return manager.translator.__(tour.label);
      } else {
        return manager.translator.__('Launch a Tour');
    usage: manager.translator.__(
      'Launch a tour.\nIf no id provided, prompt the user.\nArguments {id: Tour ID}'
    isEnabled: () => !manager.activeTour,
    execute: async args => {
      let id = args['id'] as string;
      const force =
        args['force'] === undefined ? true : (args['force'] as boolean);

      if (!id) {
        const answer = await InputDialog.getItem({
          items: Array.from(manager.tours.keys()),
          title: manager.translator.__('Choose a tour')

        if (answer.button.accept && answer.value) {
          id = answer.value;
        } else {

      manager.launch([id], force);

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.addTour, {
    label: manager.translator.__('Add a tour'),
    usage: manager.translator.__(
      'Add a tour and returns it.\nArguments {tour: ITour}\nReturns `null` if a failure occurs.'
    execute: (args): ITourHandler | null => {
      return manager.addTour(args.tour as any);

  if (palette) {
      category: manager.translator.__('Help'),
      command: CommandIDs.launch

  const node = document.createElement('div');

  ReactDOM.render(<TourContainer tourLaunched={manager.tourLaunched} />, node);

  return manager;
Example #2
Source File: index.ts    From jupyterlab-interactive-dashboard-editor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Add commands to the main JupyterLab command registry.
 * @param app - the JupyterLab instance.
 * @param dashboardTracker - a tracker for dashboards.
 * @param outputTracker - a tracker for dashboard outputs.
 * @param clipboard - a set used to keep track of widgets for copy/pasting.
 * @param docManager - a document manager used to create/rename files.
 * @param notebookTracker - a tracker for notebooks.
function addCommands(
  app: JupyterFrontEnd,
  dashboardTracker: WidgetTracker<Dashboard>,
  outputTracker: WidgetTracker<DashboardWidget>,
  clipboard: Set<Widgetstore.WidgetInfo>,
  docManager: IDocumentManager,
  notebookTracker: INotebookTracker
): void {
  const { commands } = app;

   * Whether there is an active dashboard.
  function hasDashboard(): boolean {
    return dashboardTracker.currentWidget !== null;

   * Whether there is a dashboard output.
  function hasOutput(): boolean {
    return outputTracker.currentWidget !== null;

  function inToolbar(args: ReadonlyJSONObject): boolean {
    return args.toolbar as boolean;

   * Deletes a selected DashboardWidget.
  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.deleteOutput, {
    label: 'Delete Output',
    execute: args => {
      const widget = outputTracker.currentWidget;
      const dashboard = dashboardTracker.currentWidget;

   * Undo the last change to a dashboard.
  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.undo, {
    label: args => (inToolbar(args) ? '' : 'Undo'),
    icon: undoIcon,
    execute: args => {
    isEnabled: args =>
      inToolbar(args) ||
      (dashboardTracker.currentWidget &&

   * Redo the last undo to a dashboard.
  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.redo, {
    label: args => (inToolbar(args) ? '' : 'Redo'),
    icon: redoIcon,
    execute: args => {
    isEnabled: args =>
      inToolbar(args) ||
      (dashboardTracker.currentWidget &&

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.toggleFitContent, {
    label: args => 'Fit To Content',
    execute: args => {
      const widget = outputTracker.currentWidget;
      widget.fitToContent = !widget.fitToContent;
      if (widget.fitToContent) {
    isVisible: args => outputTracker.currentWidget.mode === 'free-edit',
    isToggled: args => outputTracker.currentWidget.fitToContent

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.toggleMode, {
    icon: args => {
      const mode = dashboardTracker.currentWidget?.model.mode || 'present';
      if (mode === 'present') {
        return DashboardIcons.edit;
      } else {
        return DashboardIcons.view;
    label: args => {
      if (inToolbar(args)) {
        return '';
      const mode = dashboardTracker.currentWidget?.model.mode || 'present';
      if (mode === 'present') {
        return 'Switch To Edit Mode';
      } else {
        return 'Switch To Presentation Mode';
    execute: args => {
      const dashboard = dashboardTracker.currentWidget;
      if (dashboard.model.mode === 'present') {
        dashboard.model.mode = 'free-edit';
      } else {
        dashboard.model.mode = 'present';

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.runOutput, {
    label: args => (inToolbar(args) ? '' : 'Run Output'),
    icon: runIcon,
    execute: args => {
      const widget = outputTracker.currentWidget;
      const sessionContext = widget.notebook.sessionContext;
      CodeCell.execute(widget.cell as CodeCell, sessionContext);

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.setDimensions, {
    label: 'Set Dashboard Dimensions',
    execute: async args => {
      const model = dashboardTracker.currentWidget.model;
      const width = model.width ? model.width : Dashboard.DEFAULT_WIDTH;
      const height = model.height ? model.height : Dashboard.DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
      await showDialog({
        title: 'Enter Dimensions',
        body: new Private.ResizeHandler(width, height),
        focusNodeSelector: 'input',
        buttons: [Dialog.cancelButton(), Dialog.okButton()]
      }).then(result => {
        const value = result.value;
        let newWidth = value[0];
        let newHeight = value[1];
        if (value === null && model.width && model.height) {
        if (!newWidth) {
          if (!model.width) {
            newWidth = Dashboard.DEFAULT_WIDTH;
          } else {
            newWidth = model.width;
        if (!newHeight) {
          if (!model.height) {
            newHeight = Dashboard.DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
          } else {
            newHeight = model.height;
        model.width = newWidth;
        model.height = newHeight;
    isEnabled: hasDashboard

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.setTileSize, {
    label: 'Set Grid Dimensions',
    execute: async args => {
      const newSize = await InputDialog.getNumber({
        title: 'Enter Grid Size'
      if (newSize.value) {
        const layout = dashboardTracker.currentWidget.layout as DashboardLayout;
    isEnabled: hasDashboard

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.copy, {
    label: args => (inToolbar(args) ? '' : 'Copy'),
    icon: copyIcon,
    execute: args => {
      const info = outputTracker.currentWidget.info;
    isEnabled: args => inToolbar(args) || hasOutput()

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.cut, {
    label: args => (inToolbar(args) ? '' : 'Cut'),
    icon: cutIcon,
    execute: args => {
      const widget = outputTracker.currentWidget;
      const info = widget.info;
      const dashboard = dashboardTracker.currentWidget;
    isEnabled: args => inToolbar(args) || hasOutput()

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.paste, {
    label: args => (inToolbar(args) ? '' : 'Paste'),
    icon: pasteIcon,
    execute: args => {
      const id = args.dashboardId;
      let dashboard: Dashboard;
      if (id) {
        dashboard = dashboardTracker.find(widget => widget.id === id);
      } else {
        dashboard = dashboardTracker.currentWidget;
      const widgetstore = dashboard.model.widgetstore;
      clipboard.forEach(info => {
        const widgetId = DashboardWidget.createDashboardWidgetId();
        const pos = info.pos;
        pos.left = Math.max(pos.left - 10, 0);
        pos.top = Math.max(pos.top - 10, 0);

        const newWidget = widgetstore.createWidget({ ...info, widgetId, pos });
        dashboard.addWidget(newWidget, pos);
    isEnabled: args => inToolbar(args) || (hasOutput() && clipboard.size !== 0)

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.saveToMetadata, {
    label: 'Save Dashboard To Notebook Metadata',
    execute: args => {
      const dashboard = dashboardTracker.currentWidget;

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.createNew, {
    label: 'Dashboard',
    icon: DashboardIcons.tealDashboard,
    execute: async args => {
      // A new file is created and opened separately to override the default
      // opening behavior when there's a notebook and open the dashboard in a
      // split pane instead of a tab.

      const notebook = notebookTracker.currentWidget;
      const newModel = await docManager.newUntitled({
        ext: 'dash',
        path: '/',
        type: 'file'
      const path = newModel.path;
      if (notebook) {
        docManager.openOrReveal(`/${path}`, undefined, undefined, {
          mode: 'split-left',
          ref: notebook.id
      } else {

  // TODO: Make this optionally saveAs (based on filename?)
  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.save, {
    label: args => (inToolbar(args) ? '' : 'Save'),
    icon: saveIcon,
    execute: args => {
      const dashboard = dashboardTracker.currentWidget;
    isEnabled: args => inToolbar(args) || hasDashboard()

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.openFromMetadata, {
    label: 'Open Metadata Dashboard',
    execute: args => {
      const notebook = notebookTracker.currentWidget;
      const notebookMetadata = getMetadata(notebook);
      const notebookId = notebookMetadata.id;
      const cells = notebook.content.widgets;

      const widgetstore = new Widgetstore({ id: 0, notebookTracker });


      for (const cell of cells) {
        const metadata = getMetadata(cell);
        if (metadata !== undefined && !metadata.hidden) {
          const widgetInfo: WidgetInfo = {
            widgetId: DashboardWidget.createDashboardWidgetId(),
            cellId: metadata.id,
            pos: metadata.pos


      const model = new DashboardModel({

      const dashboard = new Dashboard({

      dashboard.model.mode = 'present';

      notebook.context.addSibling(dashboard, { mode: 'split-left' });
    isEnabled: args => {
      const notebook = notebookTracker.currentWidget;
      const metadata = getMetadata(notebook);
      if (metadata !== undefined && metadata.hasDashboard !== undefined) {
        return metadata.hasDashboard;
      return false;

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.toggleWidgetMode, {
    label: 'Snap to Grid',
    isToggled: args => {
      const widget = outputTracker.currentWidget;
      return widget.mode === 'grid-edit';
    execute: args => {
      const widget = outputTracker.currentWidget;
      if (widget.mode === 'grid-edit') {
        widget.mode = 'free-edit';
      } else if (widget.mode === 'free-edit') {
        widget.mode = 'grid-edit';

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.toggleInfiniteScroll, {
    label: 'Infinite Scroll',
    isToggled: args =>
      dashboardTracker.currentWidget?.model.scrollMode === 'infinite',
    execute: args => {
      const dashboard = dashboardTracker.currentWidget;
      if (dashboard.model.scrollMode === 'infinite') {
        dashboard.model.scrollMode = 'constrained';
      } else {
        dashboard.model.scrollMode = 'infinite';

  commands.addCommand(CommandIDs.trimDashboard, {
    label: 'Trim Dashboard',
    execute: args => {
      const dashboard = dashboardTracker.currentWidget;
      (dashboard.layout as DashboardLayout).trimDashboard();