@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faTv TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faTv. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: VieraConfigUI.tsx    From homebridge-vieramatic with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
Body = () => {
  useSingleton(() => void (async (): Promise<void> => await updateGlobalConfig())())
  const state = useState(globalState)

    () => (state.loading.value ? homebridge.showSpinner() : homebridge.hideSpinner()),

  const request = async (path: string, body?: unknown) => {
    return await homebridge.request(path, body).finally(() => state.loading.set(false))

  const previousConfig = (ip: string): UserConfig | undefined =>
    state.pluginConfig.tvs.value.find((o) => o.ipAddress === ip)

  const backToMain = (form?: IHomebridgeUiFormHelper) => {
    if (form) form.end()
    state.merge({ frontPage: true, selected: none })

  const onEdition = async (raw?: string): Promise<void> => {
    const pair = (challenge: string) => {
      const pinForm = homebridge.createForm(pinRequestSchema, undefined, 'Next', 'Cancel')
        async (data) =>
          await request('/pair', { challenge, ip: tv.ipAddress, pin: data.pin })
            .then(async (auth: VieraAuth) => {
              const body = JSON.stringify({ ...tv, appId: auth.appId, encKey: auth.key })
              const specs: VieraSpecs = await request('/specs', body)
              return { auth, specs }
            // eslint-disable-next-line promise/always-return
            .then((payload) => {
              const config = { ...tv, appId: payload.auth.appId, encKey: payload.auth.key }
              state.selected.merge({ config, onHold: false, reachable: true, specs: payload.specs })
            .catch(() => {
              homebridge.toast.error('Wrong PIN...', tv.ipAddress)

    if (!raw) {
      const tvForm = homebridge.createForm(tvAddressSchema, undefined, 'Next', 'Cancel')
      tvForm.onCancel(() => backToMain(tvForm))

      tvForm.onSubmit(async (data) => {
        if (isValidIPv4(data.ipAddress)) {
          if (previousConfig(data.ipAddress))
            homebridge.toast.error('Trying to add an already configured TV set!', data.ipAddress)
          else {
            const config = { hdmiInputs: [], ipAddress: data.ipAddress }
            state.selected.merge({ config, onHold: true })
        } else homebridge.toast.error('Please insert a valid IP address...', data.ipAddress)
    } else
      state.batch((s) => {
        s.selected.merge({ config: JSON.parse(raw), onHold: true }), s.frontPage.set(false)

    while (!state.selected.value?.config) await sleep(250)
    const tv = state.selected.value.config
    await request('/ping', tv.ipAddress).then(async (reachable: boolean) => {
      /* eslint-disable promise/no-nesting*/
      if (!reachable) return state.selected.merge({ onHold: false, reachable })
      return await request('/specs', JSON.stringify(tv))
        .then((specs) => state.selected.merge({ onHold: false, reachable, specs }))
        .catch(async () => await request('/pin', tv.ipAddress).then((challenge) => pair(challenge)))

  const onDeletion = (raw: string) =>
    state.batch((s) => {
      s.frontPage.set(false), s.selected.merge({ config: JSON.parse(raw), onHold: false })

  const FrontPage = () => {
    const flip = () => !state.abnormal.value && state.killSwitch.set((k) => !k)
    const label = `${state.killSwitch.value ? 'deletion' : 'edition'} mode`
    const doIt = (tv: string) => (state.killSwitch.value ? onDeletion(tv) : onEdition(tv))
    const KillBox = () =>
      state.pluginConfig.value.tvs.length === 0 ? (
      ) : state.abnormal.value ? (
        <Alert variant="warning" className="d-flex justify-content-center mt-3 mb-5">
          <b>more than one TV with same IP address found: please delete the bogus ones!</b>
      ) : (
        <Form className="d-flex justify-content-end mt-3 mb-5">
          <Form.Switch onChange={flip} id="kS" label={label} checked={state.killSwitch.value} />
    const style = { height: '4em', width: '10em' }
    const AddNew = () =>
      state.killSwitch.value ? (
      ) : (
        <div className="d-flex justify-content-center mt-3 mb-5">
            onClick={async () => await onEdition()}
            <Icon fixedWidth size="sm" icon={faTv} /> <br />
            <Icon fixedWidth size="lg" icon={faCartPlus} />
    const Available = () => {
      const variant = state.killSwitch.value ? 'danger' : 'info'
      const onClick = (tv: UserConfig) => doIt(JSON.stringify(tv))
      const tvs = state.pluginConfig.value.tvs.map((tv, index) => (
        <Button variant={variant} style={style} key={index} onClick={() => onClick(tv)}>
          <Icon fixedWidth size="lg" icon={state.killSwitch.value ? faTrash : faTv} />
          <br /> {tv.ipAddress}
      return <>{tvs}</>

    return (
      <section className="mh-100">
        <KillBox /> <Available /> <AddNew />

  const Results = (props: { selected: State<Selected> | undefined }) => {
    if (!props.selected || props.selected.onHold.value) return <></>

    const Offline = (props: { selected: State<Selected> }) => (
      <Alert variant="danger" className="mt-3">
          The Viera TV at <b>{props.selected.config.ipAddress.value}</b> could not be edited.
        <hr />
        <p className="mb-2">
          Please, do make sure that it is <b>turned on</b> and <b>connected to the network</b>, and
          then try again.
        <div className="mt-4 w-75 mx-auto">
          <p className="text-left ">
            Also, <b>if you haven't done it already</b>...
          <p className="text-left">
            ...on your TV go to <b>Menu / Network / TV Remote App Settings</b> and make sure that
            the following settings are <b>all</b> turned <b>ON</b>:
            <ul className="mt-2">
                <b>TV Remote</b>
                <b>Powered On by Apps</b>
                <b>Networked Standby</b>
        <div className="d-flex justify-content-end mt-5">
          <Button onClick={() => backToMain()} variant="primary">

    const ConfirmDeletion = (props: { selected: State<Selected> }) => {
      const { ipAddress } = props.selected.config.value
      const nxt = rawClone(state.pluginConfig.value.tvs.filter((o) => o.ipAddress !== ipAddress))
      const dropIt = async () =>
        await updateHomebridgeConfig(ipAddress, nxt, actionType.delete).then(() => backToMain())

      return (
        <Alert variant="danger" className="mt-3">
            The Viera TV at <b>{ipAddress}</b> is about to be deleted from this Homebridge.
          <hr />
          <div className="d-flex justify-content-center">
            <div className="w-75">
              <p className="mb-2">Please, make sure you know what you are doing...</p>
              <hr />
              <pre class="text-monospace text-left bg-light p-2">
              <hr />
          <div className="d-flex justify-content-end mt-1">
            <Button onClick={() => backToMain()} variant="primary">
            <Button onClick={() => dropIt()} variant="danger">

    const Editor = (props: { selected: State<Selected> }) => {
      if (props.selected.specs.ornull?.requiresEncryption.value)
        commonFormLayout.splice(1, 0, authLayout)

      const schema = { layout: commonFormLayout, schema: commonSchema }
      const data = rawClone(props.selected.config.value)
      const tvform = homebridge.createForm(schema, data, 'Submit', 'Cancel')
      tvform.onCancel(() => backToMain(tvform))
      tvform.onSubmit(async (submited) => {
        const queued = submited as UserConfig
        const before = previousConfig(queued.ipAddress)
        let [others, type] = [[] as UserConfig[], actionType.none]

        if (!isSame(before, queued)) {
          const modded = before !== undefined
          const { tvs } = state.pluginConfig.value
          others = modded ? rawClone(tvs.filter((v) => v.ipAddress != queued.ipAddress)) : []
          type = modded ? actionType.update : actionType.create
        await updateHomebridgeConfig(queued.ipAddress, [...others, queued], type).finally(() =>
      return <></>

    if (state.killSwitch.value) return <ConfirmDeletion selected={props.selected} />
    if (props.selected.reachable.value) return <Editor selected={props.selected} />
    return <Offline selected={props.selected} />

  return state.frontPage.value ? <FrontPage /> : <Results selected={state.selected.ornull} />