@chakra-ui/react#SlideFade TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @chakra-ui/react#SlideFade. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: hero-section.tsx    From notebook with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
export default function HeroSection() {
  return (
      <Flex h={"55vh"} justifyContent="center" align="center">
        <SlideFade in={true} offsetY="50vh">
          <motion.div whileHover={{ scale: 1.1 }} whileTap={{ scale: 0.9 }}>
              fontSize={{ base: "2xl", sm: "4xl", md: "6xl" }}
              <Text textShadow="1px 1px #9c1786">Make notes for </Text>
                bgGradient="linear(to-r, green.200, pink.500)"
                your daily work
Example #2
Source File: ConfigurationsWalkthrough.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
ConfigurationsWalkthrough = (): JSX.Element => {
    return (
        <SlideFade in={true} offsetY='150px'>
            <Box px={5}>
                <Text fontSize='4xl'>Setup Complete!</Text>
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>
                    Congratulations, you have completed the BlueBubbles Server setup! Here are some useful features that
                    you may want to checkout to customize your BlueBubbles experience!
                <Text fontSize='3xl' mt={5}>Features</Text>
                <Box my={3} />
                <AutoStartField />
                <Box my={3} />
                <AutoCaffeinateField />
                <Text fontSize='3xl' mt={5}>Update Settings</Text>
                <Box my={3} />
                <CheckForUpdatesField />
                <Box my={3} />
                <AutoInstallUpdatesField />
                <Text fontSize='3xl' mt={5}>Theme Settings</Text>
                <Box my={3} />
                <UseOledDarkModeField />
Example #3
Source File: PermissionsWalkthrough.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
PermissionsWalkthrough = (): JSX.Element => {
    return (
        <SlideFade in={true} offsetY='150px'>
            <Box px={5}>
                <Text fontSize='4xl'>Permissions</Text>
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>
                    Before setting up BlueBubbles, we need to make sure that the app is given the correct permissions
                    so that it can operate. The main permission that is required is the <strong>Full Disk Access</strong>&nbsp;
                    permission. This will allow BlueBubbles to read the iMessage database and provide notifications for
                    new messages.
                <Alert status='info' mt={2}>
                    <AlertIcon />
                    If you are on macOS Monterey, you will also need to enable&nbsp;<strong>Accessibility</strong>&nbsp;permissions
                    for BlueBubbles.
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>
                    Here is an evaluation of your current permissions. If Full Disk Access is not enabled, you will not be
                    able to use BlueBubbles
                <Box my={3} />
                <PermissionRequirements />
                <Text fontSize='lg' my={5}>Quick Guide</Text>
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>Open System Preferences, then the following:</Text>
                <Image src={SystemPreferencesImage} borderRadius='lg' my={2} />
                <Image src={FullDiskImage} borderRadius='lg' my={2} />
Example #4
Source File: ConnectionWalkthrough.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
ConnectionWalkthrough = (): JSX.Element => {
    const proxyService: string = (useAppSelector(state => state.config.proxy_service) ?? '').toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-');
    return (
        <SlideFade in={true} offsetY='150px'>
            <Box px={5}>
                <Text fontSize='4xl'>Connection Setup</Text>
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>
                    In order for you to be able to connect to this BlueBubbles server from the internet, you'll need
                    to either setup a Dynamic DNS or use one of the integrated proxy services. Proxy services create
                    a tunnel from your macOS device to your BlueBubbles clients. It does this by routing all communications
                    from your BlueBubbles server, through the proxy service's servers, and to your BlueBubbles client. Without
                    this, your BlueBubbles server will only be accessible on your local network.
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>
                    Now, we also do not want anyone else to be able to access your BlueBubbles server except you, so we have
                    setup password-based authentication. All clients will be required to provide the password in order to
                    interact with the BlueBubbles Server's API.
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>
                    Below, you'll be asked to set a password, as well as select the proxy service that you would like to use.
                    Just note, by 

                <Text fontSize='3xl' mt={5}>Configurations</Text>
                <Alert status='info' mt={2}>
                    <AlertIcon />
                    You must&nbsp;<i>at minimum</i>&nbsp;set a password and a proxy service

                <Stack direction='column' p={5}>
                    <ServerPasswordField />
                    <ProxyServiceField />
                    {(proxyService === 'ngrok') ? (
                            <NgrokAuthTokenField />
                            <NgrokRegionField />
                    ): null}
Example #5
Source File: PrivateApiWalkthrough.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
PrivateApiWalkthrough = (): JSX.Element => {
    return (
        <SlideFade in={true} offsetY='150px'>
            <Box px={5}>
                <Text fontSize='4xl'>Private API Setup (Advanced)</Text>
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>
                    You may already know this, but BlueBubbles is one of the only cross-platform iMessage solution that
                    supports sending reactions, replies, subjects, and effects. This is because we developed an Objective-C
                    library that allows us to interface with Apple's "private APIs". Normally, this is not possible, however,
                    after disabling your macOS device's SIP controls, these private APIs are made accessible.
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>
                    If you would like to find out more information, please go to the link below:
                <LinkBox as='article' maxW='sm' px='5' pb={5} pt={2} mt={5} borderWidth='1px' rounded='xl'>
                    <Text color='gray'>
                    <Heading size='md' my={2}>
                        <LinkOverlay href='https://bluebubbles.app/donate' target='_blank'>
                            Private API Documentation
                        This documentation will go over the pros and cons to setting up the Private API. It will speak to
                        the risks of disabling SIP controls, as well as the full feature set that uses the Private API
                <Text fontSize='3xl' mt={5}>Configurations</Text>
                <Alert status='info' mt={2}>
                    <AlertIcon />
                    Unless you know what you're doing, please make sure the following Private API Requirements all pass
                    before enabling the setting. Enabling this will automatically attempt to install the helper bundle
                    into MacForge or MySIMBL.
                <Box mt={4} />
                    helpText={'Note: If the plugins folder is missing, you may need to manually install the helper bundle'}
Example #6
Source File: page-transitions.tsx    From portfolio with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
PageSlideFade = ({ children }) => {
  return <SlideFade in>{children}</SlideFade>;
Example #7
Source File: IntroWalkthrough.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
IntroWalkthrough = (): JSX.Element => {
    return (
        <SlideFade in={true} offsetY='150px'>
            <Box px={5}>
                <Text fontSize='4xl'>Welcome to BlueBubbles!</Text>
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>
                    Hey there, and welcome to the BlueBubbles Server! For starters, BlueBubbles is a cross-platform and
                    open-source ecosystem of apps, enabling the use of iMessage on Android, Web, and PC (Linux and Windows).
                    This Server App is the hub for all your connected devices; allowing you to send messages and receive
                    notifications as you would on an Apple device.
                <Text fontSize='3xl' mt={10}>Useful Resources</Text>
                <Text fontSize='md' my={5}>
                    In addition to the links in the navigation bar, use the links below to learn more about BlueBubbles and how to use it!
                <Wrap spacing='10px'>
                        <LinkBox as='article' maxW='sm' px='5' pb={5} pt={2} borderWidth='1px' rounded='xl'>
                            <Text color='gray'>
                            <Heading size='md' my={2}>
                                <LinkOverlay href='https://bluebubbles.app/install' target='_blank'>
                                    Installation Guide
                                Let us help walk you through the full setup of BlueBubbles. This guide will take you step
                                by step to learn how to setup Google FCM and the BlueBubbles Server.
                        <LinkBox as='article' maxW='sm' px='5' pb={5} pt={2} borderWidth='1px' rounded='xl'>
                            <Text color='gray'>
                            <Heading size='md' my={2}>
                                <LinkOverlay href='https://docs.bluebubbles.app' target='_blank'>
                                    Documentation &amp; User Guide
                                Read about what BlueBubbles has to offer, how to set it up, and how to use the plethora
                                of features. This documentation also provides more links to other useful articles.
                        <LinkBox as='article' maxW='sm' px='5' pb={5} pt={2} borderWidth='1px' rounded='xl'>
                            <Text color='gray'>
                            <Heading size='md' my={2}>
                                <LinkOverlay href='https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/765844/UV5RnfwM' target='_blank'>
                                    REST API
                                If you're a developer looking to utilize the REST API to interact with iMessage in unique
                                ways, look no further. Perform automation, orchestration, or basic scripting!
                        <LinkBox as='article' maxW='sm' px='5' pb={5} pt={2} borderWidth='1px' rounded='xl'>
                            <Text color='gray'>
                            <Heading size='md' my={2}>
                                <LinkOverlay href='https://bluebubbles.app/faq' target='_blank'>
                                If you have any questions, someone else has likely already asked them! View our frequently
                                asked questions to figure out how you may be able to solve an issue.
                        <LinkBox as='article' maxW='sm' px='5' pb={5} pt={2} borderWidth='1px' rounded='xl'>
                            <Text color='gray'>
                            <Heading size='md' my={2}>
                                <LinkOverlay href='https://bluebubbles.app/web' target='_blank'>
                                    BlueBubbles Web
                                BlueBubbles is not limited to running on your Android device. It can also be run in your
                                browser so you can use it on the go! Connect it to this server once setup is complete.
                        <LinkBox as='article' maxW='sm' px='5' pb={5} pt={2} borderWidth='1px' rounded='xl'>
                            <Text color='gray'>
                            <Heading size='md' my={2}>
                                <LinkOverlay href='https://bluebubbles.app/donate' target='_blank'>
                                    Support Us
                                BlueBubbles was created and is currently run by independent engineers in their free time.
                                Any sort of support is greatly appreciated! This can be monetary, or just a review.
Example #8
Source File: NotificationsWalkthrough.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
NotificationsWalkthrough = (): JSX.Element => {
    const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
    const alertRef = useRef(null);

    const serverLoaded = (useAppSelector(state => state.config.fcm_server !== null) ?? false);
    const clientLoaded = (useAppSelector(state => state.config.fcm_client !== null) ?? false);
    const [isDragging, setDragging] = useBoolean();
    const [errors, setErrors] = useState([] as Array<ErrorItem>);
    const alertOpen = errors.length > 0;

    const onDrop = async (e: React.DragEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {

        dragCounter = 0;
        // I'm not sure why, but we need to copy the file data _before_ we read it using the file reader.
        // If we do not, the data transfer file list gets set to empty after reading the first file.
        const listCopy: Array<Blob> = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < e.dataTransfer.files.length; i++) {
            listCopy.push(e.dataTransfer.files.item(i) as Blob);

        // Actually read the files
        const errors: Array<ErrorItem> = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < listCopy.length; i++) {
            try {
                const fileStr = await readFile(listCopy[i]);
                const validClient = isValidClientConfig(fileStr);
                const validServer = isValidServerConfig(fileStr);
                const jsonData = JSON.parse(fileStr);

                if (validClient) {
                    const test = isValidFirebaseUrl(jsonData);
                    if (test) {
                        await saveFcmClient(jsonData);
                        dispatch(setConfig({ name: 'fcm_client', 'value': jsonData }));
                    } else {
                        throw new Error(
                            'Your Firebase setup does not have a real-time database enabled. ' +
                            'Please enable the real-time database in your Firebase Console.'
                } else if (validServer) {
                    await saveFcmServer(jsonData);
                    dispatch(setConfig({ name: 'fcm_server', 'value': jsonData }));
                } else {
                    throw new Error('Invalid Google FCM File!');
            } catch (ex: any) {
                errors.push({ id: String(i), message: ex?.message ?? String(ex) });

        if (errors.length > 0) {

    const onDragEnter = (e: React.DragEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {
        if (dragCounter === 0) {

        dragCounter += 1;

    const onDragOver = (e: React.DragEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {

    const onDragLeave = () => {
        dragCounter -= 1;
        if (dragCounter === 0) {

    const closeAlert = () => {

    return (
        <SlideFade in={true} offsetY='150px'>
                onDragEnter={(e) => onDragEnter(e)}
                onDragLeave={() => onDragLeave()}
                onDragOver={(e) => onDragOver(e)}
                onDrop={(e) => onDrop(e)}    
                <Text fontSize='4xl'>Notifications &amp; Firebase</Text>
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>
                    BlueBubbles utilizes Google FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) to deliver notifications to your devices.
                    We do this so the client do not need to hold a connection to the server at all times. As a result,
                    BlueBubbles can deliver notifications even when the app is running in the background. It also means
                    BlueBubbles will use less battery when running in the background.
                <Alert status='info' mt={5}>
                    <AlertIcon />
                    If you do not complete this setup, you will not receive notifications!
                <Text fontSize='md' mt={5}>
                    The setup with Google FCM is a bit tedious, but it is a "set it and forget it" feature. Follow the
                    instructions here: <Link
                <Text fontSize='3xl' mt={5}>Firebase Configurations</Text>
                <SimpleGrid columns={2} spacing={5} mt={5}>
                        text="Drag n' Drop google-services.json"
                        loadedText="google-services.json Successfully Loaded!"
                        text="Drag n' Drop *-firebase-adminsdk-*.json"
                        loadedText="*-firebase-adminsdk-*.json Successfully Loaded!"

                onClose={() => closeAlert()}