@apollo/client#Operation TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @apollo/client#Operation. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: ApolloProvider.tsx    From mStable-apps with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
ApolloProvider: FC = ({ children }) => {
  const addErrorNotification = useAddErrorNotification()
  const [persisted, setPersisted] = useState(false)
  const network = useNetwork()
  const previousChainId = usePrevious(network.chainId)
  const networkChanged = previousChainId && network.chainId !== previousChainId

  // Serialized array of failed endpoints to be excluded from the client
  const [failedEndpoints] = useState<string>('')

  const handleError = useCallback(
    (message: string, error?: unknown): void => {
      console.error(message, error)

      // Not significant at the moment; falls back to the hosted service
      if (message.includes('Exhausted list of indexers')) return

      let sanitizedError: string = message
      let body: string | undefined
      if (message.includes('Failed to query subgraph deployment')) {
        sanitizedError = `Subgraph: ${message.split(': ')[1] ?? message}`

      if ((error as { operation?: Operation })?.operation?.operationName) {
        body = `Subgraph: ${(error as { operation: Operation }).operation.operationName}`

      addErrorNotification(sanitizedError, body)

  useEffect(() => {
      Object.keys(caches).map(clientName =>
          cache: caches[clientName as keyof ApolloClients] as never,
          storage: window.localStorage as never,
          key: `${network.chainId}-${clientName}`,
      .catch(_error => {
        console.warn('Cache persist error', _error)
      .finally(() => {
  }, [setPersisted, network.chainId])

  const apollo = useMemo<{ ready: true; clients: ApolloClients } | { ready: false }>(() => {
    if (!persisted) return { ready: false }

    // const _failedEndpoints = failedEndpoints.split(',')

    const errorLink = onError(error => {
      const { networkError, graphQLErrors } = error
      if (graphQLErrors) {
        graphQLErrors.forEach(({ message, ..._error }) => {
          // if (_failedEndpoints.includes(ctx.uri)) return

          handleError(message, error)

          // On any GraphQL error, mark the endpoint as failed; this may be
          // excessive, but failed endpoints are merely deprioritised rather than
          // excluded completely.
          // _failedEndpoints.push(ctx.uri)

      if (networkError) {
        handleError(networkError.message, error)
      // setFailedEndpoints(_failedEndpoints.join(','))

    const retryIf = (error: { statusCode: number }) => {
      const doNotRetryCodes = [500, 400]
      return !!error && !doNotRetryCodes.includes(error.statusCode)

    const clients = (Object.keys(caches) as AllGqlEndpoints[])
      .map<[AllGqlEndpoints, ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject>]>(name => {
        if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(network.gqlEndpoints, name)) {
          return [name, dummyClient]

        const endpoints = network.gqlEndpoints[name as keyof typeof network['gqlEndpoints']]
        const preferred = endpoints.filter(endpoint => !failedEndpoints.split(',').includes(endpoint))[0]
        const fallback = endpoints[0] // There is always a fallback, even if it failed
        const endpoint = preferred ?? fallback
        const timeoutLink = new ApolloLinkTimeout(30000)

        const endpointNameLink = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
          operation.extensions.endpointName = name
          return forward(operation)
        const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: endpoint })
        const retryLink = new RetryLink({ delay: { initial: 1e3, max: 5e3, jitter: true }, attempts: { max: 1, retryIf } })
        const link = ApolloLink.from([endpointNameLink, networkStatusLink, retryLink, timeoutLink, errorLink, httpLink])
        const client = new ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject>({
          cache: caches[name],
          defaultOptions: {
            watchQuery: {
              fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
              errorPolicy: 'all',
            query: {
              fetchPolicy: 'cache-first',
              errorPolicy: 'all',

        return [name, client]
        (prev, [clientName, client]) => ({ ...prev, [clientName as keyof ApolloClients]: client }),
        {} as ApolloClients,

    return { ready: true, clients }
  }, [persisted, failedEndpoints, handleError, network])

  useEffect(() => {
    // Reset caches that can have conflicting keyFields on network change
    // This prevents cached data from a previously selected network being used
    // on a newly-selected network
    if (networkChanged && (apollo as { clients: ApolloClients }).clients) {
      ;(apollo as { clients: ApolloClients }).clients.blocks.resetStore().catch(error => {
  }, [apollo, networkChanged])

  return apollo.ready ? <apolloClientsCtx.Provider value={apollo.clients}>{children}</apolloClientsCtx.Provider> : <Skeleton />