@mui/icons-material#SpeakerNotes TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @mui/icons-material#SpeakerNotes. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.tsx    From Search-Next with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
navigations: Navigation[] = [
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    name: '社交',
    path: 'social',
    icon: <Group />,
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        name: '新浪微博',
        url: 'https://www.weibo.com/',
        intro: '随时随地发现新鲜事',
        icon: 'weibo',
        color: '#ff8140',
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        id: '68178f885c7b44e78ddc0be67b478644',
        name: '百度贴吧',
        url: 'https://tieba.baidu.com/',
        intro: '全球领先的中文社区',
        icon: 'tieba',
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        id: '854c6ae11b334bdbb0cd6c71c8598533',
        name: '简书',
        url: 'https://www.jianshu.com/',
        intro: '创作你的创作',
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        name: '知乎',
        url: 'https://www.zhihu.com/',
        intro: '有问题,就会有答案',
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        name: 'Facebook',
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        intro: 'Facebook,讓你與親朋好友保持聯繫,隨時分享生活精彩點滴。',
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        name: '京东',
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        intro: '正品低价、品质保障、配送及时、轻松购物!',
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        intro: '理想生活上天猫',
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        name: '小米商城',
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        intro: '让全球每个人都能享受到科技带来的美好生活',
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        name: '小米有品',
        url: 'https://www.xiaomiyoupin.com/',
        intro: '科技让生活更有品',
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        intro: 'QQ邮箱,常联系!',
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        intro: '传播中国,影响世界',
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        intro: '为全球华人读者提供集新鲜、热点、深度、趣味于一体的时政资讯。',
        icon: 'guancha',
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          'Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends.',
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        intro: '哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~',
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        name: '中关村在线',
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        intro: '大中华区专业IT网站',
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        name: '少数派',
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        name: '快科技',
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        intro: '科技改变未来',
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        id: '980359e6eeb84962b51240dfbe6de012',
        name: '数字尾巴',
        url: 'https://www.dgtle.com/',
        intro: '分享美好数字生活',
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        color: '#9A9A9A',
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        name: '爱范儿',
        url: 'https://www.ifanr.com/',
        intro: '让未来触手可及',
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        name: '充电头网',
        url: 'https://www.chongdiantou.com/',
        intro: '我们只谈充电',
        icon: 'chongdiantouCC',
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    id: 'b89ff1c092cd4c0594ebf8b2b2b351fc',
    name: '看图',
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        name: '天空之城',
        url: 'https://www.skypixel.com/',
        intro: '全球航拍爱好者和专业摄影师的作品社区',
        icon: 'skypixel',
        color: '#000000',
        isShow: true,
        id: 'ad91019e59ad447ab2c91d85c35bf841',
        name: '极像素',
        url: 'https://www.sigoo.com/',
        intro: '高像素看世界',
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        color: '#C24422',
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        id: '16ccfaced7b04cb28d24d069679fc05a',
        name: 'CNU',
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        name: 'Pexels',
        url: 'https://www.pexels.com/zh-cn/',
        intro: '才华横溢的摄影作者在这里免费分享最精彩的素材图片和视频。',
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        id: 'dc820c3149aa4b0e8a070605264457a8',
        name: '图虫',
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        intro: '优质摄影师交流社区',
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        name: 'React',
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        intro: '用于构建用户界面的 JavaScript 库',
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        id: '553324cb3a614441b23ae13082412d45',
        name: 'VusJs',
        url: 'https://v3.cn.vuejs.org/',
        intro: '渐进式 JavaScript 框架',
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        color: '#41B883',
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        id: 'a0383758c5ec46f0a24d913e6929872f',
        name: 'AngularJS',
        url: 'https://www.angularjs.net.cn/',
        intro: '一个开发动态Web应用的框架。',
        icon: 'angularjs',
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        id: '8d34bc84c31048a8beb9b0f144f3fa5e',
        name: 'Flutter中文网',
        url: 'https://flutterchina.club/',
        intro: '极速构建漂亮的原生应用。',
        icon: 'flutterchina',
        color: '#0091EA',
        isShow: true,
        id: '879a26836b83420898d1e4daf45b5035',
        name: 'FlutterCN',
        url: 'https://flutter.cn/',
          'Flutter 是 Google 开源的 UI 工具包,帮助开发者通过一套代码库高效构建多平台精美应用,支持移动、Web、桌面和嵌入式平台。',
        icon: 'fluttercn',
        color: '#ED4845',
        isShow: true,
        id: '82d5e217d8fb4906a8b818e2052a0130',
        name: 'Flutter Gallery',
        url: 'https://gallery.flutter.dev/#/',
          'Flutter Gallery is a resource to help developers evaluate and use Flutter',
        icon: 'fluttergallery',
        color: '#FF8383',
        isShow: true,
        id: '8a03034d7cb246f5bb9a77a435e6e772',
        name: 'NodeJs',
        url: 'https://nodejs.org/zh-cn/',
        intro: 'Node.js® 是一个基于 Chrome V8 引擎 的 JavaScript 运行时环境。',
        icon: 'nodejs',
        color: '#3E863D',
        isShow: true,
        id: '6864605527e74850ac7a62d5605891b4',
        name: 'Webpack',
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        intro: '让一切变得简单',
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        color: '#55A7DD',
        isShow: true,
        id: '2e33301054214c98997b8b273a7a41b9',
        name: 'UmiJs',
        url: 'https://umijs.org/zh-CN',
        intro: '插件化的企业级前端应用框架。',
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        isShow: true,
        id: 'fae86853bc2147298985b624f0222b66',
        name: 'UmiJs',
        url: 'http://www.electronjs.org/',
        intro: '使用 JavaScript,HTML 和 CSS 构建跨平台的桌面应用程序',
        icon: 'electronjs',
        color: '#9FEAF9',
        isShow: true,
        id: 'c62839ace4d74d6e9f9ac4096e30a85a',
        name: 'React Native',
        url: 'https://reactnative.cn/',
        intro: '使用 React 来创建 Android 和 iOS 的原生应用',
        icon: 'reactnative',
        color: '#61DAFB',
        isShow: true,
        id: '2d07a5cfbf5440fa83e615d2a5bccc11',
        name: 'Uni App',
        url: 'https://uniapp.dcloud.io/',
        intro: '基于VueJs的多端开发框架',
        icon: 'uniapp',
        color: '#2A9938',
        isShow: true,
        id: '26b9fc15b3c643f98ec3a31a76ca86c0',
        name: 'npm',
        url: 'https://www.npmjs.com/',
        intro: 'build amazing things',
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        isShow: true,
        id: 'f2aedbbbcf844badad3dff3b3d965001',
        name: 'Tailwind CSS',
        url: 'https://www.tailwindcss.cn/',
        intro: '无需离开您的HTML,即可快速建立现代网站。',
        icon: 'tailwindcss',
        color: '#06B6D4',
        isShow: true,
        id: 'afc961364c5144689866add534c6719c',
        name: 'Vite',
        url: 'https://cn.vitejs.dev/',
        intro: '下一代前端开发与构建工具',
        icon: 'vitejs',
        color: '#646CFF',
        isShow: true,
        id: 'e5bab6816cf4495892a8bafaf436b400',
        name: 'webpack',
        url: 'https://www.webpackjs.com/',
        intro: '让一切变得简单',
        icon: 'webpackjs',
        color: '#55A7DD',
        isShow: true,
        id: '8adc9d543405497b95279847ef9db1d4',
        name: 'Amp What',
        url: 'http://www.amp-what.com/',
        intro: 'Discover your character',
        icon: 'webpackjs',
        color: '#333333',
        isShow: true,
    id: 'abc0adc7e979468b88134e958e2ed14e',
    name: '技术社区',
    path: 'community',
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    children: [
        id: '464583eeb36d4e488ce0dbfd55f24757',
        name: 'GitHub',
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        intro: '全球最大的开源技术社区',
        icon: 'github',
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        isShow: true,
        id: 'c8647d41918e491d96ecf951ec2ed158',
        name: '掘金',
        url: 'https://juejin.cn/',
        intro: '代码不止,掘金不停',
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        id: 'e984ca4cfb934a2d9848a5101641ef81',
        name: 'CSDN',
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        intro: '专业开发者社区',
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        id: 'd8795f22326d4bbeaf58004f57de9eed',
        name: 'Segmentfault CN',
        url: 'https://segmentfault.com/',
        intro: '检索,交流和分享任何技术编程相关的问题及知识。',
        icon: 'segmentfault',
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        isShow: true,
        id: '52f700fa8bc7411cbfc86bf7f572ee80',
        name: 'InfoQ',
        url: 'https://www.infoq.cn/',
        intro: '促进软件开发及相关领域知识与创新的传播',
        icon: 'infoq',
        color: '#0B76DB',
        isShow: true,
        id: '94356aa909ab47fb86a45c5850bd1aaf',
        name: '极客学院Wiki',
        url: 'https://wiki.jikexueyuan.com/',
        intro: 'IT技术图文教程库',
        icon: 'jikexueyuan',
        color: '#39B95C',
        isShow: true,
        id: '7c0daf094bdc4fa7936981f3a07617c8',
        name: '开源中国',
        url: 'https://www.oschina.net/',
        intro: '中文开源技术交流社区',
        icon: 'oschina',
        color: '#21B351',
        isShow: true,
        id: 'd380fc254f0b4428a7359c2ac654fc75',
        name: '博客园',
        url: 'https://www.cnblogs.com/',
        intro: '开发者的网上家园',
        icon: 'cnblogs',
        color: '#2E7ACC',
        isShow: true,
        id: '0237ea70b65b4facbce9d286030aee88',
        name: 'Stackoverflow',
        url: 'https://stackoverflow.com/',
        intro: 'Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers',
        icon: 'stackoverflow',
        color: '#F48024',
        isShow: true,
        id: 'ebc0a7c723224376a7a20016351c706b',
        name: '链滴',
        url: 'https://ld246.com/',
        intro: '记录生活,连接点滴',
        icon: 'ld246',
        color: '#D23F31',
        isShow: true,
    id: '2f2480b6e2974694a89f962e24fa1de0',
    name: '图标库',
    path: 'icons',
    icon: <Apps />,
    color: '',
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    children: [
        id: '75f6ae67b74a4457bb91edc58654ade1',
        name: 'Font Awesome',
        url: 'https://fontawesome.com/',
          "Get vector icons and social logos on your website with Font Awesome, the web's most popular icon set and toolkit.",
        icon: 'fontawesome',
        color: '#183153',
        isShow: true,
        id: '1ab297fb419642f0adfa8e1d304daa6f',
        name: 'Icon Font',
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        id: '18bcd286eaf942829a2e6322084ab679',
        name: 'Material Icons',
        url: 'https://fonts.google.com/icons',
          'Material Icons are available in five styles and a range of downloadable sizes and densities. The icons are based on the core Material Design principles and metrics.',
        icon: 'materialicons',
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        id: 'fcdfc66efc524d73849c6cbc52fa10a5',
        name: 'Simple Icons',
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        intro: 'Free SVG icons for popular brands',
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        isShow: true,
    id: '597891a55a2545b29b6c6af63e319d4c',
    name: '工具',
    path: 'tools',
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    children: [
        id: '47e97fedff2d40779e072dc6ee7ddd16',
        name: 'VS Code',
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        intro: 'Code editing. Redefined.',
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        isShow: true,
        id: '5e5f263d87564a8289a111cd7113ba00',
        name: 'Jetbrains',
        url: 'https://www.jetbrains.com/',
        intro: 'Essential tools for software developers and teams',
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        name: 'Atom',
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        intro: 'A hackable text editor for the 21st Century',
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        id: '7ceff82cbfc7472687e3bf637107ebfb',
        name: 'HBuilderX',
        url: 'https://www.dcloud.io/hbuilderx.html',
        intro: 'HBuilderX 是轻如编辑器、强如IDE的合体版本。',
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        color: '#1A9F35',
        isShow: true,
        id: '83b6b56394114522be7c36d8c2a6bd2d',
        name: 'uTools',
        url: 'https://u.tools/',
        intro: '你的生产力工具集',
        icon: 'utools',
        color: '#172B4D',
        isShow: true,
        id: '42a414464d7847d586bd58ee6c83a147',
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        url: 'https://typora.io/',
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        id: 'ae2689493e4a42d896b4867ad75fa605',
        name: 'PicGo',
        url: 'https://picgo.github.io/PicGo-Doc/zh/',
        intro: '图片上传、管理新体验',
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        color: '#4CA4E3',
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        id: '0f2d7d7a0529413d8af90c16c3e41336',
        name: '思源笔记',
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        name: 'RunJs',
        url: 'https://runjs.app/',
        intro: 'The JavaScript playground for your desktop',
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        name: 'Sourcetree',
        url: 'https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/',
        intro: 'Simplicity and power in a beautiful Git GUI',
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        name: 'Apifox',
        url: 'https://www.apifox.cn/',
        intro: 'API 文档、调试、Mock、测试一体化协作平台',
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        url: 'https://www.figma.com/',
        intro: 'The collaborative interface design tool.',
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        url: 'https://getsharex.com/',
        intro: 'Screen capture, file sharing and productivity tool',
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        name: 'EmojiAll官方网站',
        url: 'https://www.emojiall.com/',
        intro: 'Emoji大全 | Emoji表情符号字典',
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        name: 'gitmoji',
        url: 'https://gitmoji.dev/',
        intro: 'An emoji guide for your commit messages',
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        color: '#FFDD67',
        isShow: true,