@mui/icons-material#Shuffle TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @mui/icons-material#Shuffle. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: ArtifactEditor.tsx    From genshin-optimizer with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
export default function ArtifactEditor({ artifactIdToEdit = "", cancelEdit, allowUpload = false, allowEmpty = false, disableEditSetSlot: disableEditSlotProp = false }:
  { artifactIdToEdit?: string, cancelEdit: () => void, allowUpload?: boolean, allowEmpty?: boolean, disableEditSetSlot?: boolean }) {
  const { t } = useTranslation("artifact")

  const artifactSheets = usePromise(ArtifactSheet.getAll, [])

  const { database } = useContext(DatabaseContext)

  const [show, setShow] = useState(false)

  const [dirtyDatabase, setDirtyDatabase] = useForceUpdate()
  useEffect(() => database.followAnyArt(setDirtyDatabase), [database, setDirtyDatabase])

  const [editorArtifact, artifactDispatch] = useReducer(artifactReducer, undefined)
  const artifact = useMemo(() => editorArtifact && parseArtifact(editorArtifact), [editorArtifact])

  const [modalShow, setModalShow] = useState(false)

  const [{ processed, outstanding }, dispatchQueue] = useReducer(queueReducer, { processed: [], outstanding: [] })
  const firstProcessed = processed[0] as ProcessedEntry | undefined
  const firstOutstanding = outstanding[0] as OutstandingEntry | undefined

  const processingImageURL = usePromise(firstOutstanding?.imageURL, [firstOutstanding?.imageURL])
  const processingResult = usePromise(firstOutstanding?.result, [firstOutstanding?.result])

  const remaining = processed.length + outstanding.length

  const image = firstProcessed?.imageURL ?? processingImageURL
  const { artifact: artifactProcessed, texts } = firstProcessed ?? {}
  // const fileName = firstProcessed?.fileName ?? firstOutstanding?.fileName ?? "Click here to upload Artifact screenshot files"

  const disableEditSetSlot = disableEditSlotProp || !!artifact?.location

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!artifact && artifactProcessed)
      artifactDispatch({ type: "overwrite", artifact: artifactProcessed })
  }, [artifact, artifactProcessed, artifactDispatch])

  useEffect(() => {
    const numProcessing = Math.min(maxProcessedCount - processed.length, maxProcessingCount, outstanding.length)
    const processingCurrent = numProcessing && !outstanding[0].result
    outstanding.slice(0, numProcessing).forEach(processEntry)
    if (processingCurrent)
      dispatchQueue({ type: "processing" })
  }, [processed.length, outstanding])

  useEffect(() => {
    if (processingResult)
      dispatchQueue({ type: "processed", ...processingResult })
  }, [processingResult, dispatchQueue])

  const uploadFiles = useCallback((files: FileList) => {
    dispatchQueue({ type: "upload", files: [...files].map(file => ({ file, fileName: file.name })) })
  }, [dispatchQueue, setShow])
  const clearQueue = useCallback(() => dispatchQueue({ type: "clear" }), [dispatchQueue])

  useEffect(() => {
    const pasteFunc = (e: any) => uploadFiles(e.clipboardData.files)
    allowUpload && window.addEventListener('paste', pasteFunc);
    return () => {
      if (allowUpload) window.removeEventListener('paste', pasteFunc)
  }, [uploadFiles, allowUpload])

  const onUpload = useCallback(
    e => {
      e.target.value = null // reset the value so the same file can be uploaded again...

  const { old, oldType }: { old: ICachedArtifact | undefined, oldType: "edit" | "duplicate" | "upgrade" | "" } = useMemo(() => {
    const databaseArtifact = dirtyDatabase && artifactIdToEdit && database._getArt(artifactIdToEdit)
    if (databaseArtifact) return { old: databaseArtifact, oldType: "edit" }
    if (artifact === undefined) return { old: undefined, oldType: "" }
    const { duplicated, upgraded } = dirtyDatabase && database.findDuplicates(artifact)
    return { old: duplicated[0] ?? upgraded[0], oldType: duplicated.length !== 0 ? "duplicate" : "upgrade" }
  }, [artifact, artifactIdToEdit, database, dirtyDatabase])

  const { artifact: cachedArtifact, errors } = useMemo(() => {
    if (!artifact) return { artifact: undefined, errors: [] as Displayable[] }
    const validated = validateArtifact(artifact, artifactIdToEdit)
    if (old) {
      validated.artifact.location = old.location
      validated.artifact.exclude = old.exclude
    return validated
  }, [artifact, artifactIdToEdit, old])

  // Overwriting using a different function from `databaseArtifact` because `useMemo` does not
  // guarantee to trigger *only when* dependencies change, which is necessary in this case.
  useEffect(() => {
    if (artifactIdToEdit === "new") {
      artifactDispatch({ type: "reset" })
    const databaseArtifact = artifactIdToEdit && dirtyDatabase && database._getArt(artifactIdToEdit)
    if (databaseArtifact) {
      artifactDispatch({ type: "overwrite", artifact: deepClone(databaseArtifact) })
  }, [artifactIdToEdit, database, dirtyDatabase])

  const sheet = artifact ? artifactSheets?.[artifact.setKey] : undefined
  const reset = useCallback(() => {
    dispatchQueue({ type: "pop" })
    artifactDispatch({ type: "reset" })
  }, [cancelEdit, artifactDispatch])
  const update = useCallback((newValue: Partial<IArtifact>) => {
    const newSheet = newValue.setKey ? artifactSheets![newValue.setKey] : sheet!

    function pick<T>(value: T | undefined, available: readonly T[], prefer?: T): T {
      return (value && available.includes(value)) ? value : (prefer ?? available[0])

    if (newValue.setKey) {
      newValue.rarity = pick(artifact?.rarity, newSheet.rarity, Math.max(...newSheet.rarity) as ArtifactRarity)
      newValue.slotKey = pick(artifact?.slotKey, newSheet.slots)
    if (newValue.rarity)
      newValue.level = artifact?.level ?? 0
    if (newValue.level)
      newValue.level = clamp(newValue.level, 0, 4 * (newValue.rarity ?? artifact!.rarity))
    if (newValue.slotKey)
      newValue.mainStatKey = pick(artifact?.mainStatKey, Artifact.slotMainStats(newValue.slotKey))

    if (newValue.mainStatKey) {
      newValue.substats = [0, 1, 2, 3].map(i =>
        (artifact && artifact.substats[i].key !== newValue.mainStatKey) ? artifact!.substats[i] : { key: "", value: 0 })
    artifactDispatch({ type: "update", artifact: newValue })
  }, [artifact, artifactSheets, sheet, artifactDispatch])
  const setSubstat = useCallback((index: number, substat: ISubstat) => {
    artifactDispatch({ type: "substat", index, substat })
  }, [artifactDispatch])
  const isValid = !errors.length
  const canClearArtifact = (): boolean => window.confirm(t`editor.clearPrompt` as string)
  const { rarity = 5, level = 0, slotKey = "flower" } = artifact ?? {}
  const { currentEfficiency = 0, maxEfficiency = 0 } = cachedArtifact ? Artifact.getArtifactEfficiency(cachedArtifact, allSubstatFilter) : {}
  const preventClosing = processed.length || outstanding.length
  const onClose = useCallback(
    (e) => {
      if (preventClosing) e.preventDefault()
    }, [preventClosing, setShow, cancelEdit])

  const theme = useTheme();
  const grmd = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.up('md'));

  const element = artifact ? allElementsWithPhy.find(ele => artifact.mainStatKey.includes(ele)) : undefined
  const color = artifact
    ? element ?? "success"
    : "primary"

  return <ModalWrapper open={show} onClose={onClose} >
    <Suspense fallback={<Skeleton variant="rectangular" sx={{ width: "100%", height: show ? "100%" : 64 }} />}><CardDark >
      <UploadExplainationModal modalShow={modalShow} hide={() => setModalShow(false)} />
        title={<Trans t={t} i18nKey="editor.title" >Artifact Editor</Trans>}
        action={<CloseButton disabled={!!preventClosing} onClick={onClose} />}
      <CardContent sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 1 }}>
        <Grid container spacing={1} columns={{ xs: 1, md: 2 }} >
          {/* Left column */}
          <Grid item xs={1} display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={1}>
            {/* set & rarity */}
            <ButtonGroup sx={{ display: "flex", mb: 1 }}>
              {/* Artifact Set */}
                artSetKey={artifact?.setKey ?? ""}
                setArtSetKey={setKey => update({ setKey: setKey as ArtifactSetKey })}
                sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}
              {/* rarity dropdown */}
              <ArtifactRarityDropdown rarity={artifact ? rarity : undefined} onChange={r => update({ rarity: r })} filter={r => !!sheet?.rarity?.includes?.(r)} disabled={disableEditSetSlot || !sheet} />

            {/* level */}
            <Box component="div" display="flex">
              <CustomNumberTextField id="filled-basic" label="Level" variant="filled" sx={{ flexShrink: 1, flexGrow: 1, mr: 1, my: 0 }} margin="dense" size="small"
                value={level} disabled={!sheet} placeholder={`0~${rarity * 4}`} onChange={l => update({ level: l })}
              <ButtonGroup >
                <Button onClick={() => update({ level: level - 1 })} disabled={!sheet || level === 0}>-</Button>
                {rarity ? [...Array(rarity + 1).keys()].map(i => 4 * i).map(i => <Button key={i} onClick={() => update({ level: i })} disabled={!sheet || level === i}>{i}</Button>) : null}
                <Button onClick={() => update({ level: level + 1 })} disabled={!sheet || level === (rarity * 4)}>+</Button>

            {/* slot */}
            <Box component="div" display="flex">
              <ArtifactSlotDropdown disabled={disableEditSetSlot || !sheet} slotKey={slotKey} onChange={slotKey => update({ slotKey })} />
              <CardLight sx={{ p: 1, ml: 1, flexGrow: 1 }}>
                <Suspense fallback={<Skeleton width="60%" />}>
                  <Typography color="text.secondary">
                    {sheet?.getSlotName(artifact!.slotKey) ? <span><ImgIcon src={sheet.slotIcons[artifact!.slotKey]} /> {sheet?.getSlotName(artifact!.slotKey)}</span> : t`editor.unknownPieceName`}

            {/* main stat */}
            <Box component="div" display="flex">
              <DropdownButton startIcon={element ? uncoloredEleIcons[element] : (artifact?.mainStatKey ? StatIcon[artifact.mainStatKey] : undefined)}
                title={<b>{artifact ? KeyMap.getArtStr(artifact.mainStatKey) : t`mainStat`}</b>} disabled={!sheet} color={color} >
                {Artifact.slotMainStats(slotKey).map(mainStatK =>
                  <MenuItem key={mainStatK} selected={artifact?.mainStatKey === mainStatK} disabled={artifact?.mainStatKey === mainStatK} onClick={() => update({ mainStatKey: mainStatK })} >
              <CardLight sx={{ p: 1, ml: 1, flexGrow: 1 }}>
                <Typography color="text.secondary">
                  {artifact ? `${cacheValueString(Artifact.mainStatValue(artifact.mainStatKey, rarity, level), KeyMap.unit(artifact.mainStatKey))}${KeyMap.unit(artifact.mainStatKey)}` : t`mainStat`}

            {/* Current/Max Substats Efficiency */}
            <SubstatEfficiencyDisplayCard valid={isValid} efficiency={currentEfficiency} t={t} />
            {currentEfficiency !== maxEfficiency && <SubstatEfficiencyDisplayCard max valid={isValid} efficiency={maxEfficiency} t={t} />}

            {/* Image OCR */}
            {allowUpload && <CardLight>
              <CardContent sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 1 }}>
                {/* TODO: artifactDispatch not overwrite */}
                <Suspense fallback={<Skeleton width="100%" height="100" />}>
                  <Grid container spacing={1} alignItems="center">
                    <Grid item flexGrow={1}>
                      <label htmlFor="contained-button-file">
                        <InputInvis accept="image/*" id="contained-button-file" multiple type="file" onChange={onUpload} />
                        <Button component="span" startIcon={<PhotoCamera />}>
                          Upload Screenshot (or Ctrl-V)
                    <Grid item>
                      <Button color="info" sx={{ px: 2, minWidth: 0 }} onClick={() => setModalShow(true)}><Typography><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faQuestionCircle} /></Typography></Button>
                  {image && <Box display="flex" justifyContent="center">
                    <Box component="img" src={image} width="100%" maxWidth={350} height="auto" alt="Screenshot to parse for artifact values" />
                  {remaining > 0 && <CardDark sx={{ pl: 2 }} ><Grid container spacing={1} alignItems="center" >
                    {!firstProcessed && firstOutstanding && <Grid item>
                      <CircularProgress size="1em" />
                    <Grid item flexGrow={1}>
                          Screenshots in file-queue: <b>{remaining}</b>
                          {/* {process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && ` (Debug: Processed ${processed.length}/${maxProcessedCount}, Processing: ${outstanding.filter(entry => entry.result).length}/${maxProcessingCount}, Outstanding: ${outstanding.length})`} */}
                    <Grid item>
                      <Button size="small" color="error" onClick={clearQueue}>Clear file-queue</Button>

          {/* Right column */}
          <Grid item xs={1} display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={1}>
            {/* substat selections */}
            {[0, 1, 2, 3].map((index) => <SubstatInput key={index} index={index} artifact={cachedArtifact} setSubstat={setSubstat} />)}
            {texts && <CardLight><CardContent>

        {/* Duplicate/Updated/Edit UI */}
        {old && <Grid container sx={{ justifyContent: "space-around" }} spacing={1} >
          <Grid item xs={12} md={5.5} lg={4} ><CardLight>
            <Typography sx={{ textAlign: "center" }} py={1} variant="h6" color="text.secondary" >{oldType !== "edit" ? (oldType === "duplicate" ? t`editor.dupArt` : t`editor.upArt`) : t`editor.beforeEdit`}</Typography>
            <ArtifactCard artifactObj={old} />
          {grmd && <Grid item md={1} display="flex" alignItems="center" justifyContent="center" >
            <CardLight sx={{ display: "flex" }}><ChevronRight sx={{ fontSize: 40 }} /></CardLight>
          <Grid item xs={12} md={5.5} lg={4} ><CardLight>
            <Typography sx={{ textAlign: "center" }} py={1} variant="h6" color="text.secondary" >{t`editor.preview`}</Typography>
            <ArtifactCard artifactObj={cachedArtifact} />

        {/* Error alert */}
        {!isValid && <Alert variant="filled" severity="error" >{errors.map((e, i) => <div key={i}>{e}</div>)}</Alert>}

        {/* Buttons */}
        <Grid container spacing={2}>
          <Grid item>
            {oldType === "edit" ?
              <Button startIcon={<Add />} onClick={() => {
                database.updateArt(editorArtifact!, old!.id);
                if (allowEmpty) reset()
                else {
              }} disabled={!editorArtifact || !isValid} color="primary">
              </Button> :
              <Button startIcon={<Add />} onClick={() => {
                if (allowEmpty) reset()
                else {
              }} disabled={!artifact || !isValid} color={oldType === "duplicate" ? "warning" : "primary"}>
          <Grid item flexGrow={1}>
            {allowEmpty && <Button startIcon={<Replay />} disabled={!artifact} onClick={() => { canClearArtifact() && reset() }} color="error">{t`editor.btnClear`}</Button>}
          <Grid item>
            {process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && <Button color="info" startIcon={<Shuffle />} onClick={async () => artifactDispatch({ type: "overwrite", artifact: await randomizeArtifact() })}>{t`editor.btnRandom`}</Button>}
          {old && oldType !== "edit" && <Grid item>
            <Button startIcon={<Update />} onClick={() => { database.updateArt(editorArtifact!, old.id); allowEmpty ? reset() : setShow(false) }} disabled={!editorArtifact || !isValid} color="success">{t`editor.btnUpdate`}</Button>
    </CardDark ></Suspense>