@mui/icons-material#ExitToApp TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @mui/icons-material#ExitToApp. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: LogoutButton.tsx    From multi-downloader-nx with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
LogoutButton: React.FC = () => {
  const messageChannel = React.useContext(messageChannelContext);
  const [, dispatch] = useStore();

  const logout = () => {
    if (messageChannel?.isDownloading())
      return alert('You are currently downloading. Please finish the download first.');
    if (messageChannel?.logout())
        type: 'service',
        payload: undefined
      alert('Unable to change service');

  return <Require value={messageChannel}>
      startIcon={<ExitToApp />}
      Service select

Example #2
Source File: Sider.tsx    From your_spotify with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
links = [
    label: 'General',
    items: [
      { label: 'Home', link: '/', icon: <HomeOutlined />, iconOn: <Home /> },
        label: 'All stats',
        link: '/all',
        icon: <BarChartOutlined />,
        iconOn: <BarChart />,
    label: 'Tops',
    items: [
        label: 'Top songs',
        link: '/top/songs',
        icon: <MusicNoteOutlined />,
        iconOn: <MusicNote />,
        label: 'Top artists',
        link: '/top/artists',
        icon: <PersonOutlined />,
        iconOn: <Person />,
        label: 'Top albums',
        link: '/top/albums',
        icon: <AlbumOutlined />,
        iconOn: <Album />,
    label: 'With people',
    items: [
        label: 'Affinity',
        link: '/collaborative/affinity',
        icon: <MusicNoteOutlined />,
        iconOn: <MusicNote />,
    label: 'Settings',
    items: [
        label: 'Share this page',
        link: '/share',
        icon: <ShareOutlined />,
        iconOn: <Share />,
        label: 'Settings',
        link: '/settings',
        icon: <SettingsOutlined />,
        iconOn: <Settings />,
        label: 'Logout',
        link: '/logout',
        icon: <ExitToApp />,
        iconOn: <ExitToApp />,
Example #3
Source File: Dashboard.tsx    From NekoMaid with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
Players: React.FC<{ players?: CurrentStatus['players'] }> = React.memo(({ players }) => {
  const his = useHistory()
  const plugin = usePlugin()
  const globalData = useGlobalData()
  const [page, setPage] = useState(1)
  const [id, update] = useState(0)
  return <Card>
    <CardHeader title={lang.dashboard.onlinePlayers} />
    <Divider />
      {players?.length === 0
        ? <Empty />
        : <>
        <List sx={{ paddingTop: 0 }}>
            ? players.slice((page - 1) * 8, page * 8).map(p => {
              const name = typeof p === 'string' ? p : p.name
              return <Tooltip key={name} title={'IP: ' + ((p as any).ip || lang.unknown)}>
                      onClick={() => dialog(lang.dashboard.confirmKick(<span className='bold'>{name}</span>), lang.reason)
                        .then(it => it != null && plugin.emit('dashboard:kick', (res: boolean) => {
                          if (!players) return
                          players.splice(players.indexOf(it!), 1)
                          update(id + 1)
                        }, name, it || null))
                    ><ExitToApp /></IconButton>
                    <IconButton edge='end' onClick={() => his.push('/NekoMaid/playerList/' + name)} size='small'><MoreHoriz /></IconButton>
                      src={getSkin(globalData, name, true)}
                      imgProps={{ crossOrigin: 'anonymous', onClick () { his.push('/NekoMaid/playerList/' + name) }, style: { width: 40, height: 40 } }}
                      sx={{ cursor: 'pointer' }}
                  <ListItemText primary={name} />
            : <LoadingList />
        {players && <Pagination
          onChange={(_, it) => setPage(it)}
          count={Math.max(Math.ceil(players.length / 8), 1)}
          sx={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'flex-end' }}