@mui/icons-material#Equalizer TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @mui/icons-material#Equalizer. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: Profiler.tsx    From NekoMaid with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
ProfilerIcon: React.FC = () => {
  const plugin = usePlugin()
  const globalData = useGlobalData()
  const [status, setStatus] = useState(!!globalData.profilerStarted)
  useEffect(() => {
    const off = plugin.on('profiler:status', (res: boolean) => {
      setStatus(globalData.profilerStarted = res)
    return () => { off() }
  return <Badge color='secondary' variant='dot' invisible={!status}><Equalizer /></Badge>
Example #2
Source File: Config.tsx    From NekoMaid with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
  title: lang.config.serverConfig,
  component () {
    const plugin = usePlugin()
    const globalData = useGlobalData()
    const [flag, update] = useState(0)
    const [info, setInfo] = useState<Record<string, string>>({ })
    const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
    const [canGetData, setCanGetData] = useState(true)
    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)
    const setValue = (field: string, value: any, isGlobal = true) => {
      plugin.emit('server:set', field, value)
      if (isGlobal) {
        (globalData as any)[field] = value
        update(flag + 1)
    const createEditButtom = (field: string, isGlobal?: boolean, isInt = true) => <IconButton
      onClick={() => dialog(
          content: lang.inputValue,
          input: isInt
            ? {
                error: true,
                type: 'number',
                helperText: lang.invalidValue,
                validator: (it: string) => /^\d+$/.test(it) && +it >= 0
            : { }
        }).then(res => res != null && setValue(field, isInt ? parseInt(res as any) : (res || null), isGlobal))}
    ><Edit /></IconButton>

    const infoElm: JSX.Element[] = []
    for (const key in info) {
      const name = (lang.config as any)[key]
      infoElm.push(<ListItem key={key} sx={{ pl: 4 }}>
          primary={key === 'isAikarFlags' ? <Link href='https://mcflags.emc.gs' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>{name}</Link> : name}

    return <List>
      <CircularLoading loading={loading} />
      <ListItem secondaryAction={globalData.canSetMaxPlayers
        ? createEditButtom('maxPlayers')
        : undefined}>
        <ListItemText primary={lang.config.maxPlayers + ': ' + globalData.maxPlayers} />
      <ListItem secondaryAction={createEditButtom('spawnRadius')}>
        <ListItemText primary={lang.config.spawnRadius + ': ' + globalData.spawnRadius} />
      <ListItem secondaryAction={createEditButtom('motd', false, false)}>
        <ListItemText primary={lang.config.motd} />
      <ListItem secondaryAction={<Switch checked={globalData.hasWhitelist} onChange={e => setValue('hasWhitelist', e.target.checked)} />}>
        <ListItemText primary={lang.config.whitelist} />
      {canGetData && <>
        <ListItemButton onClick={() => {
          if (infoElm.length) setOpen(!open)
          else {
            plugin.emit('server:fetchInfo', (data: any) => {
              if (!data) {
        <ListItemIcon><Equalizer /></ListItemIcon>
          <ListItemText primary={lang.info} />
          {open ? <ExpandLess /> : <ExpandMore />}
        <Collapse in={open} timeout='auto' unmountOnExit>
          <List component='div' dense disablePadding>{infoElm}</List>
  title: lang.history,
  component () {
    const [cur, update] = useState(0)
    const list: ServerRecord[] = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('NekoMaid:servers') || '[]')
    return <List>
      {list.sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time).map(it => {
        const i = it.address.indexOf('?')
        return <ListItem
          secondaryAction={<IconButton edge='end' size='small' onClick={() => {
            localStorage.setItem('NekoMaid:servers', JSON.stringify(list.filter(s => s.address !== it.address)))
            update(cur + 1)
          }}><Delete /></IconButton>}
          <ListItemButton onClick={() => {
            location.hash = ''
            location.search = it.address
          }} dense>
            <ListItemAvatar><Avatar src={it.icon} variant='rounded'><HelpOutline /></Avatar></ListItemAvatar>
            <ListItemText primary={<Tooltip title={it.address.slice(i + 1)}>
              <span>{it.address.slice(0, i)}</span></Tooltip>} secondary={dayjs(it.time).fromNow()} />
  title: lang.config.theme,
  component () {
    const color = localStorage.getItem('NekoMaid:color') || 'blue'
    return <CardContent sx={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
        <ToggleButtonGroup exclusive value={localStorage.getItem('NekoMaid:colorMode') || ''} onChange={(_, it) => {
          localStorage.setItem('NekoMaid:colorMode', it)
          <ToggleButton value='light'><Brightness7 /> {lang.config.light}</ToggleButton>
          <ToggleButton value=''><SettingsBrightness /> {lang.config.system}</ToggleButton>
          <ToggleButton value='dark'><Brightness4 /> {lang.config.dark}</ToggleButton>
      <Paper sx={{ marginTop: 2, width: '176px', overflow: 'hidden', display: 'inline-block' }}>
        {Object.keys(colors).slice(1, 17).map((key, i) => {
          const checked = color === key
          const elm = <Box
            onClick={() => {
              localStorage.setItem('NekoMaid:color', key)
              backgroundColor: (colors as any)[key][600],
              width: '44px',
              height: '44px',
              display: 'inline-block',
              cursor: 'pointer'
          ><Check htmlColor='white' sx={{ top: '10px', position: 'relative', opacity: checked ? 1 : 0 }} /></Box>
          return (i + 1) % 4 === 0 ? <React.Fragment key={key}>{elm}<br /></React.Fragment> : elm
Example #3
Source File: PlayerList.tsx    From NekoMaid with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
PlayerInfo: React.FC<{ name?: string }> = React.memo(({ name }) => {
  const plugin = usePlugin()
  const globalData = useGlobalData()
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
  const [info, setInfo] = useState<IPlayerInfo | undefined>()
  const refresh = () => plugin.emit('playerList:query', setInfo, name)
  useEffect(() => {
    if (name) refresh()
  }, [name])

  return name && info
    ? <>
      <Divider />
        sx={{ width: '100%' }}
        subheader={<ListSubheader component='div' sx={{ backgroundColor: 'inherit' }}>{lang.playerList.details}</ListSubheader>}
          <ListItemIcon><AssignmentInd /></ListItemIcon>
          <ListItemText primary={globalData.onlineMode
            ? <Link underline='hover' rel='noopener' target='_blank' href={'https://namemc.com/profile/' + info.id}>{info.id}</Link>
            : info.id
          } />
        {!info.hasPlayedBefore && <ListItem>
          <ListItemIcon><ErrorOutline color='error' /></ListItemIcon>
          <ListItemText primary={lang.playerList.hasNotPlayed} />
        {info.ban != null && <ListItem>
          <ListItemIcon><Block color='error' /></ListItemIcon>
          <ListItemText primary={lang.playerList.banned + (info.ban ? ': ' + info.ban : '')} />
        {info.whitelisted && <ListItem>
          <ListItemIcon><Star color='warning' /></ListItemIcon>
          <ListItemText primary={lang.playerList.whitelisted} />
        {info.isOP && <ListItem>
          <ListItemIcon><Security color='primary' /></ListItemIcon>
          <ListItemText primary={lang.playerList.op} />
        {info.hasPlayedBefore && <>
            <ListItemButton onClick={() => setOpen(!open)}>
            <ListItemIcon><Equalizer /></ListItemIcon>
            <ListItemText primary={minecraft['gui.stats']} />
            {open ? <ExpandLess /> : <ExpandMore />}
          <Collapse in={open} timeout="auto" unmountOnExit>
            <List component='div' dense disablePadding>
                minecraft['stat.minecraft.play_time'] + ': ' + dayjs.duration(info.playTime / 20, 'seconds').humanize(),
                lang.playerList.firstPlay + ': ' + dayjs(info.firstPlay).fromNow(),
                lang.playerList.lastPlay + ': ' + dayjs(info.lastOnline).fromNow(),
                minecraft['stat.minecraft.leave_game'] + ': ' + info.quit,
                minecraft['stat.minecraft.deaths'] + ': ' + info.death,
                minecraft['stat.minecraft.player_kills'] + ': ' + info.playerKill,
                minecraft['stat.minecraft.mob_kills'] + ': ' + info.entityKill,
                lang.playerList.tnt + ': ' + info.tnt
              ].map((it, i) => <ListItem key={i} sx={{ pl: 4 }}>
                <ListItemText primary={it} />
      <CardActions disableSpacing sx={{ justifyContent: 'flex-end' }}>
        <Tooltip title={lang.playerList[info.whitelisted ? 'clickToRemoveWhitelist' : 'clickToAddWhitelist']}>
          <IconButton onClick={() => whitelist(name, plugin, refresh, !info.whitelisted)}>
            {info.whitelisted ? <Star color='warning' /> : <StarBorder />}
        <Tooltip title={lang.playerList[info.ban == null ? 'clickToBan' : 'clickToPardon']}>
          <IconButton onClick={() => banPlayer(name, plugin, refresh, info.ban == null)}>
            <Block color={info.ban == null ? undefined : 'error'} />
    : <></>