@mui/icons-material#CheckBox TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @mui/icons-material#CheckBox. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: BooleanPreview.tsx    From firecms with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * @category Preview components
export function BooleanPreview({
                               }: PreviewComponentProps<boolean>): React.ReactElement {

    return value
        ? <CheckBox color="secondary"/>
        : <CheckBoxOutlineBlank color="disabled"/>;
Example #2
Source File: ConditionalSelector.tsx    From genshin-optimizer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
function SimpleConditionalSelector({ conditional, disabled }: SimpleConditionalSelectorProps) {
  const { character, characterDispatch, data } = useContext(DataContext)
  const setConditional = useCallback((v?: string) => {
    const conditionalValues = deepClone(character.conditional)
    if (v) {
      layeredAssignment(conditionalValues, conditional.path, v)
    } else {
      deletePropPath(conditionalValues, conditional.path)
    characterDispatch({ conditional: conditionalValues })
  }, [conditional, character, characterDispatch])

  const conditionalValue = data.get(conditional.value).value
  const [stateKey, st] = Object.entries(conditional.states)[0]
  const badge = getStateBadge(st.name)
  const condName = getCondName(conditional.name)

  return <Button fullWidth size="small" sx={{ borderRadius: 0 }} color={conditionalValue ? "success" : "primary"} onClick={() => setConditional(conditionalValue ? undefined : stateKey)} disabled={disabled} startIcon={conditionalValue ? <CheckBox /> : <CheckBoxOutlineBlank />}>
    {condName} {badge}
Example #3
Source File: ConditionalSelector.tsx    From genshin-optimizer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
function MultipleConditionalSelector({ conditional, disabled }: MultipleConditionalSelectorProps) {
  const { character, characterDispatch, data } = useContext(DataContext)
  const setConditional = useCallback((path: readonly string[], v?: string) => {
    const conditionalValues = deepClone(character.conditional)
    if (v) {
      layeredAssignment(conditionalValues, path, v)
    } else {
      deletePropPath(conditionalValues, path)
    characterDispatch({ conditional: conditionalValues })
  }, [character, characterDispatch])

  return <ButtonGroup fullWidth orientation="vertical" disableElevation color="secondary" >
    {Object.entries(conditional.states).map(([stateKey, st]) => {
      const conditionalValue = data.get(st.value).value
      const isSelected = conditionalValue === stateKey
      return <Button
        color={isSelected ? "success" : "primary"}
        onClick={() => setConditional(st.path, conditionalValue ? undefined : stateKey)}
        startIcon={isSelected ? <CheckBox /> : <CheckBoxOutlineBlank />}
        sx={{ borderRadius: 0 }}
Example #4
Source File: UseExcluded.tsx    From genshin-optimizer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export default function UseExcluded({ buildSettingsDispatch, useExcludedArts, disabled, artsDirty }) {
  const { t } = useTranslation("page_character")
  const { database } = useContext(DatabaseContext)
  const numExcludedArt = useMemo(() => artsDirty && database._getArts().reduce((a, art) => a + (art.exclude ? 1 : 0), 0), [database, artsDirty])
  return <Button fullWidth onClick={() => buildSettingsDispatch({ useExcludedArts: !useExcludedArts })} disabled={!numExcludedArt || disabled} startIcon={useExcludedArts ? <CheckBox /> : <CheckBoxOutlineBlank />} color={useExcludedArts ? "success" : "secondary"}>
      <span><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useExcluded.title" count={numExcludedArt}>Use Excluded Artifacts</Trans></span>
      {useExcludedArts && <SqBadge><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useExcluded.usingNum" count={numExcludedArt}>Using <strong>{{ count: numExcludedArt }}</strong> excluded artifacts</Trans></SqBadge>}
Example #5
Source File: TCToggleCard.tsx    From genshin-optimizer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export default function TCToggleCard() {
  const [{ tcMode }, setGlobalSettings] = useDBState("GlobalSettings", initGlobalSettings)

  return <CardLight>
      <Typography gutterBottom color="warning.main">Enabling this toggle will show some features that might be too complex for the average user.</Typography>
      <Button fullWidth
        onClick={() => setGlobalSettings({ tcMode: !tcMode })}
        color={tcMode ? "success" : "primary"}
        startIcon={tcMode ? <CheckBox /> : <CheckBoxOutlineBlank />}>
        Theorycrafting Mode
Example #6
Source File: UseEquipped.tsx    From genshin-optimizer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
export default function UseEquipped({ useEquippedArts, buildSettingsDispatch, disabled }) {
  const { t } = useTranslation("page_character")
  const { character: { key: characterKey } } = useContext(DataContext)
  const { database } = useContext(DatabaseContext)
  const [show, onOpen, onClose] = useBoolState(false)
  const [{ equipmentPriority: tempEquipmentPriority }, setOptimizeDBState] = useOptimizeDBState()
  //Basic validate for the equipmentPrio list to remove dups and characters that doesnt exist.
  const equipmentPriority = useMemo(() => [...new Set(tempEquipmentPriority)].filter(ck => database._getChar(ck)), [database, tempEquipmentPriority])
  const setPrio = useCallback((equipmentPriority: CharacterKey[]) => setOptimizeDBState({ equipmentPriority }), [setOptimizeDBState])

  const setPrioRank = useCallback((fromIndex, toIndex) => {
    const arr = [...equipmentPriority]
    var element = arr[fromIndex];
    arr.splice(fromIndex, 1);
    arr.splice(toIndex, 0, element);
  }, [equipmentPriority, setPrio])
  const removePrio = useCallback((fromIndex) => {
    const arr = [...equipmentPriority]
    arr.splice(fromIndex, 1)
  }, [equipmentPriority, setPrio])
  const addPrio = useCallback((ck: CharacterKey) => setPrio([...equipmentPriority, ck]), [equipmentPriority, setPrio])
  const resetPrio = useCallback(() => setPrio([]), [setPrio])

  const numAbove = useMemo(() => {
    let numAbove = equipmentPriority.length
    const index = equipmentPriority.indexOf(characterKey)
    if (index >= 0) numAbove = index
    return numAbove
  }, [characterKey, equipmentPriority])
  const numUseEquippedChar = useMemo(() => {
    return database._getCharKeys().length - 1 - numAbove
  }, [numAbove, database])
  const numUnlisted = useMemo(() => {
    return database._getCharKeys().length - equipmentPriority.length
  }, [equipmentPriority, database])

  return <Box display="flex" gap={1}>
    <ModalWrapper open={show} onClose={onClose} containerProps={{ maxWidth: "sm" }}><CardDark>
        <Grid container spacing={1}>
          <Grid item flexGrow={1}>
            <Typography variant="h6"><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.title">Character Priority for Equipped Artifacts</Trans></Typography>
          <Grid item sx={{ mb: -1 }}>
            <CloseButton onClick={onClose} />
      <Divider />
        <CardLight sx={{ mb: 1 }}>
            <Typography gutterBottom><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.desc1">When generating a build, the Optimizer will only consider equipped artifacts from characters below the current character or those not on the list.</Trans></Typography>
            <Typography gutterBottom><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.desc2">If the current character is not on the list, the Optimizer will only consider equipped artifacts from others characters that are not on the list.</Trans></Typography>
        <Box display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={2}>
          {equipmentPriority.map((ck, i) =>
            <SelectItem key={ck} characterKey={ck} rank={i + 1} maxRank={equipmentPriority.length} setRank={(num) => num && setPrioRank(i, num - 1)} onRemove={() => removePrio(i)} numAbove={numAbove} />)}
          <Box sx={{ display: "flex", gap: 1 }}>
            <NewItem onAdd={addPrio} list={equipmentPriority} />
            <Button color="error" onClick={resetPrio} startIcon={<Replay />}><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.clearList">Clear List</Trans></Button>
          {!!numUseEquippedChar && <SqBadge color="success"><Typography><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.usingNum" count={numUnlisted}>Using artifacts from <strong>{{ count: numUnlisted }}</strong> unlisted characters</Trans></Typography></SqBadge>}
    </CardDark ></ModalWrapper>
    <ButtonGroup sx={{ display: "flex", width: "100%" }}>
      <Button sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }} onClick={() => buildSettingsDispatch({ useEquippedArts: !useEquippedArts })} disabled={disabled} startIcon={useEquippedArts ? <CheckBox /> : <CheckBoxOutlineBlank />} color={useEquippedArts ? "success" : "secondary"}>
          <span><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.title">Use Equipped Artifacts</Trans></span>
          {useEquippedArts && <SqBadge><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.usingNum" count={numUseEquippedChar}>Using from <strong>{{ count: numUseEquippedChar }}</strong> characters</Trans></SqBadge>}
      {useEquippedArts && <Button sx={{ flexShrink: 1 }} color="info" onClick={onOpen}><Settings /></Button>}
Example #7
Source File: EpisodeListing.tsx    From multi-downloader-nx with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
EpisodeListing: React.FC = () => {
  const [store, dispatch] = useStore();

  const [season, setSeason] = React.useState<'all'|string>('all');

  const seasons = React.useMemo(() => {
    const s: string[] = [];
    for (const {season} of store.episodeListing) {
      if (s.includes(season))
    return s;
  }, [ store.episodeListing ])

  const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<string[]>([]);

  React.useEffect(() => {
  }, [ store.episodeListing ])

  const close = () => {
      type: 'episodeListing',
      payload: []
      type: 'downloadOptions',
      payload: {
        e: `${([...new Set([...parseSelect(store.downloadOptions.e), ...selected])]).join(',')}`

  return <Dialog open={store.episodeListing.length > 0} onClose={close} scroll='paper' maxWidth='xl' sx={{ p: 2 }}>
      <Box sx={{ display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: '1fr 200px 20px' }}>
        <Typography color='text.primary' variant="h5" sx={{ textAlign: 'center', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', display: 'flex' }}>
        <FormControl sx={{ mr: 2, mt: 2 }}>
          <InputLabel id='seasonSelectLabel'>Season</InputLabel>
          <Select labelId="seasonSelectLabel" label='Season' value={season} onChange={(e) => setSeason(e.target.value)}>
            <MenuItem value='all'>Show all Epsiodes</MenuItem>
            {seasons.map((a, index) => {
              return <MenuItem value={a} key={`MenuItem_SeasonSelect_${index}`}>
        <ListItem sx={{ display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: '25px 1fr 5fr' }}>
            indeterminate={store.episodeListing.some(a => selected.includes(a.e)) && !store.episodeListing.every(a => selected.includes(a.e))}
            checked={store.episodeListing.every(a => selected.includes(a.e))}
            onChange={() => {
              if (selected.length > 0) {
              } else {
                setSelected(store.episodeListing.map(a => a.e));
        {store.episodeListing.filter((a) => season === 'all' ? true : a.season === season).map((item, index, { length }) => {
          const e = isNaN(parseInt(item.e)) ? item.e : parseInt(item.e);
          const isSelected = selected.includes(e.toString());
          return <Box {...{ mouseData: isSelected }} key={`Episode_List_Item_${index}`} sx={{
              backdropFilter: isSelected ? 'brightness(1.5)' : '',
              '&:hover': {
                backdropFilter: 'brightness(1.5)'
            onClick={() => {
              let arr: string[] = [];
              if (isSelected) {
                arr = [...selected.filter(a => a !== e.toString())];
              } else {
                arr = [...selected, e.toString()];
              setSelected(arr.filter(a => a.length > 0));
            <ListItem sx={{ display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: '25px 50px 1fr 5fr' }}>
              { isSelected ? <CheckBox /> : <CheckBoxOutlineBlank /> }
              <Typography color='text.primary' sx={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
              <img style={{ width: 'inherit', maxHeight: '200px', minWidth: '150px' }} src={item.img}></img>
              <Box sx={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', pl: 1 }}>
                <Box sx={{ display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: '1fr min-content' }}>
                  <Typography color='text.primary' variant="h5">
                  <Typography color='text.primary'>
                    {item.time.startsWith('00:') ? item.time.slice(3) : item.time}
                <Typography color='text.primary'>
            {index < length - 1 && <Divider />}
Example #8
Source File: ChartCard.tsx    From genshin-optimizer with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
export default function ChartCard({ chartData, plotBase, setPlotBase, disabled = false }: ChartCardProps) {
  const [showDownload, setshowDownload] = useState(false)
  const [showMin, setshowMin] = useState(true)
  const { data } = useContext(DataContext)
  const statKeys = ["atk", "hp", "def", "eleMas", "critRate_", "critDMG_", "heal_", "enerRech_"]
  if (data.get(input.weaponType).value !== "catalyst") statKeys.push("physical_dmg_")

  const { displayData, downloadData } = useMemo(() => {
    if (!chartData) return { displayData: null, downloadData: null }
    const points = chartData.data.map(({ value: y, plot: x }) => ({ x, y })) as Point[]
    const increasingX: Point[] = points.sort((a, b) => a.x - b.x)
    const minimumData: Point[] = []
    for (const point of increasingX) {
      let last: Point | undefined
      while ((last = minimumData.pop())) {
        if (last.y > point.y) {

    // Note:
    // We can also just use `minimumData` if the plotter supports multiple data sources.
    // It could be faster too since there're no empty entries in `minimumData`.
    if (minimumData[0]?.x !== increasingX[0]?.x)
      increasingX[0].min = minimumData[0].y
    minimumData.forEach(x => { x.min = x.y })

    const downloadData = {
      minimum: minimumData.map(({ x, y }) => [x, y]),
      allData: increasingX.map(({ x, y }) => [x, y]),
    return { displayData: increasingX, downloadData }
  }, [chartData])

  return <CardLight>
      <Grid container spacing={1} alignItems="center">
        <Grid item>
          <Typography variant="h6" >Optimization Target vs</Typography>
        <Grid item>
          <DropdownButton title={plotBase ? KeyMap.get(plotBase) : "Not Selected"}
            color={plotBase ? "success" : "primary"}
            <MenuItem onClick={() => { setPlotBase("") }}>Unselect</MenuItem>
            <Divider />
            {statKeys.map(sKey => <MenuItem key={sKey} onClick={() => { setPlotBase(sKey as any) }}>{KeyMap.get(sKey)}</MenuItem>)}
        <Grid item flexGrow={1}>
          <Tooltip placement="top" title="Using data from the builder, this will generate a graph to visualize Optimization Target vs. a selected stat. The graph will show the maximum Optimization Target value per 0.01 of the selected stat.">
            <Info />
        {!!downloadData && <Grid item>
          <Button startIcon={showMin ? <CheckBox /> : <CheckBoxOutlineBlank />}
            color={showMin ? "success" : "secondary"}
            onClick={() => setshowMin(!showMin)}>Show Min Stat Threshold</Button>
        {!!downloadData && <Grid item>
          <Button color="info" startIcon={<Download />} onClick={() => setshowDownload(!showDownload)}>Download Data</Button>
    {!!displayData && <Divider />}
    {chartData && !!displayData && <CardContent>
      <Collapse in={!!downloadData && showDownload}>
        <CardDark sx={{ mb: 2 }}>
            <Typography>Min Data</Typography>
            <DataDisplay data={downloadData?.minimum} />
            <Typography>All Data</Typography>
            <DataDisplay data={downloadData?.allData} />
      <Chart displayData={displayData} plotNode={chartData.plotNode} valueNode={chartData.valueNode} showMin={showMin} />
  </CardLight >