@chakra-ui/react#TableCaption TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @chakra-ui/react#TableCaption. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: DevicesTable.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
DevicesTable = ({ devices }: { devices: Array<DeviceItem> }): JSX.Element => {
    return (
        <Table variant="striped" colorScheme="blue" size='sm'>
            <TableCaption>Devices registered for notifications over Google Play Services</TableCaption>
                    <Th isNumeric>Last Active</Th>
                {devices.map(item => (
                    <Tr key={item.name}>
                        <Td wordBreak='break-all'>{item.name}</Td>
                        <Td wordBreak='break-all'>{`${item.id.substring(0, 100)}...`}</Td>
                        <Td isNumeric>{new Date(item.lastActive).toLocaleString()}</Td>
Example #2
Source File: LogsTable.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
LogsTable = ({ logs }: { logs: Array<LogItem> }): JSX.Element => {
    return (
        <Table variant="striped" colorScheme="blue" size='sm'>
            <TableCaption>Logs will stream in as they come in</TableCaption>
                    <Th isNumeric>Timestamp</Th>
                {logs.map(item => (
                    <Tr key={item.id}>
                        <Td wordBreak="break-word">{item.message}</Td>
                        <Td isNumeric>{item.timestamp.toLocaleString()}</Td>
Example #3
Source File: NotificationsTable.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
NotificationsTable = ({ notifications }: { notifications: Array<NotificationItem> }): JSX.Element => {
    return (
        <Table variant="striped" colorScheme="blue">
                Alerts are normal to have. As long as the server recovers,
                you have nothing to worry about. Alerts are mostly helpful when you
                are experiencing an issue and want to see if any errors have occured.
                    <Th isNumeric>Time / Read</Th>
                {notifications.map(item => (
                    <Tr key={item.id} color={(item?.read ?? false) ? 'gray.400' : 'current'}>
                                as={AlertTypeIcon[item.type] ?? AiOutlineWarning}
                        <Td isNumeric>
                            <Flex flexDirection="row" justifyContent='flex-end' alignItems='center'>
                                <Text mr={1}>{item.timestamp.toLocaleString()}</Text>
                                {(item?.read ?? false) ? <BsCheckAll fontSize={24} /> : null}
Example #4
Source File: WebhooksTable.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
WebhooksTable = ({ webhooks }: { webhooks: Array<WebhookItem> }): JSX.Element => {
    const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
    const dialogRef = useRef(null);
    const [selectedId, setSelectedId] = useState(undefined as number | undefined);
    return (
            <Table variant="striped" colorScheme="blue">
                <TableCaption>These are callbacks to receive events from the BlueBubbles Server</TableCaption>
                        <Th>Event Subscriptions</Th>
                        <Th isNumeric>Actions</Th>
                    {webhooks.map(item => (
                        <Tr key={item.id}>
                            <Td>{JSON.parse(item.events).map((e: string) => webhookEventValueToLabel(e)).join(', ')}</Td>
                            <Td isNumeric>
                                <Grid templateColumns="repeat(2, 1fr)">
                                    <Tooltip label='Edit' placement='bottom'>
                                        <GridItem _hover={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} onClick={() => setSelectedId(item.id)}>
                                            <Icon as={AiOutlineEdit} />
                                    <Tooltip label='Delete' placement='bottom'>
                                        <GridItem _hover={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} onClick={() => dispatch(remove(item.id))}>
                                            <Icon as={FiTrash} />

                onClose={() => {