scala.xml.Node Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use scala.xml.Node. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: DFDLDefineFormat.scala    From incubator-daffodil   with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom

import scala.xml.Node
import scala.xml.Utility
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils

final class DFDLDefineFormat(node: Node, sd: SchemaDocument)
  extends DFDLDefiningAnnotation(node, sd) // Note: DefineFormat is not a format annotation


  // baseFormat was removed from the DFDL spec. Just use a ref from the
  // dfdl:format inside.
  // lazy val baseFormat = getAttributeOption("baseFormat") // nor baseFormat

  lazy val formatAnnotation = LV('formatAnnotation) {
    XMLUtils.removeComments(Utility.trim(node)) match {
      case <defineFormat>{ f @ <format>{ _* }</format> }</defineFormat> =>
        new DFDLFormat(f, sd)
      case _ =>
        schemaDefinitionError("dfdl:defineFormat does not contain a dfdl:format element.")

Example 2
Source File: ApplicationHistoryProvider.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.history


import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.SparkException
import org.apache.spark.ui.SparkUI

private[spark] case class ApplicationAttemptInfo(
    attemptId: Option[String],
    startTime: Long,
    endTime: Long,
    lastUpdated: Long,
    sparkUser: String,
    completed: Boolean = false)

private[spark] case class ApplicationHistoryInfo(
    id: String,
    name: String,
    attempts: List[ApplicationAttemptInfo]) {

  def getEmptyListingHtml(): Seq[Node] = Seq.empty
Example 3
Source File: HistoryPage.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.history

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[history] class HistoryPage(parent: HistoryServer) extends WebUIPage("") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val requestedIncomplete =

    val allAppsSize = parent.getApplicationList().count(_.completed != requestedIncomplete)
    val providerConfig = parent.getProviderConfig()
    val content =
          <div class="span12">
            <ul class="unstyled">
              { { case (k, v) => <li><strong>{k}:</strong> {v}</li> }}
            if (allAppsSize > 0) {
              <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/dataTables.rowsGroup.js")}></script> ++
                <div id="history-summary" class="span12 pagination"></div> ++
                <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/utils.js")}></script> ++
                <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/historypage.js")}></script> ++
            } else if (requestedIncomplete) {
              <h4>No incomplete applications found!</h4>
            } else {
              <h4>No completed applications found!</h4> ++ parent.emptyListingHtml

            <a href={makePageLink(!requestedIncomplete)}>
              if (requestedIncomplete) {
                "Back to completed applications"
              } else {
                "Show incomplete applications"
    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, "History Server", true)

  private def makePageLink(showIncomplete: Boolean): String = {
    UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/?" + "showIncomplete=" + showIncomplete)
Example 4
Source File: ExecutorsPage.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1.ExecutorSummary
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

// This isn't even used anymore -- but we need to keep it b/c of a MiMa false positive
private[ui] case class ExecutorSummaryInfo(
    id: String,
    hostPort: String,
    rddBlocks: Int,
    memoryUsed: Long,
    diskUsed: Long,
    activeTasks: Int,
    failedTasks: Int,
    completedTasks: Int,
    totalTasks: Int,
    totalDuration: Long,
    totalInputBytes: Long,
    totalShuffleRead: Long,
    totalShuffleWrite: Long,
    maxMemory: Long,
    executorLogs: Map[String, String])

private[ui] class ExecutorsPage(
    parent: ExecutorsTab,
    threadDumpEnabled: Boolean)
  extends WebUIPage("") {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val content =
          <div id="active-executors"></div> ++
          <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/utils.js")}></script> ++
          <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/executorspage.js")}></script> ++

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Executors", content, parent, useDataTables = true)

private[spark] object ExecutorsPage {
  def getExecInfo(
      listener: ExecutorsListener,
      statusId: Int,
      isActive: Boolean): ExecutorSummary = {
    val status = if (isActive) {
    } else {
    val execId = status.blockManagerId.executorId
    val hostPort = status.blockManagerId.hostPort
    val rddBlocks = status.numBlocks
    val memUsed = status.memUsed
    val maxMem = status.maxMem
    val diskUsed = status.diskUsed
    val taskSummary = listener.executorToTaskSummary.getOrElse(execId, ExecutorTaskSummary(execId))

    new ExecutorSummary(
      taskSummary.tasksActive + taskSummary.tasksFailed + taskSummary.tasksComplete,
Example 5
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.{Node, Text}

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") {

  private val sc =

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map { executorId =>
    }.getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter")
    val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId)

    val content = { threadDump =>
      val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith {
        case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) =>
          val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          if (v1 == v2) {
            threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase < threadTrace2.threadName.toLowerCase
          } else {
            v1 > v2
      }.map { thread =>
        val threadId = thread.threadId
        <tr id={s"thread_${threadId}_tr"} class="accordion-heading"
            onclick={s"toggleThreadStackTrace($threadId, false)"}
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_id"}>{threadId}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_name"}>{thread.threadName}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_state"}>{thread.threadState}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_stacktrace"} class="hidden">{thread.stackTrace}</td>

    <div class="row-fluid">
      <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p>
        // scalastyle:off
        <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="expandAllThreadStackTrace(true)">
          Expand All
        <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(true)">
          Collapse All
        <div class="form-inline">
        <div class="bs-example" data-example-id="simple-form-inline">
          <div class="form-group">
            <div class="input-group">
              Search: <input type="text" class="form-control" id="search" oninput="onSearchStringChange()"></input>
        // scalastyle:on
      <table class={UIUtils.TABLE_CLASS_STRIPED + " accordion-group" + " sortable"}>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread ID</th>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Name</th>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread State</th>
    }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump"))
    UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent)
Example 6
Source File: EnvironmentPage.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.env

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class EnvironmentPage(parent: EnvironmentTab) extends WebUIPage("") {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  private def removePass(kv: (String, String)): (String, String) = {
    if (kv._1.toLowerCase.contains("password") || kv._1.toLowerCase.contains("secret")) {
      (kv._1, "******")
    } else kv

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val runtimeInformationTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, jvmRow, listener.jvmInformation, fixedWidth = true)
    val sparkPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow,, fixedWidth = true)
    val systemPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, listener.systemProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val classpathEntriesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      classPathHeaders, classPathRow, listener.classpathEntries, fixedWidth = true)
    val content =
        <h4>Runtime Information</h4> {runtimeInformationTable}
        <h4>Spark Properties</h4> {sparkPropertiesTable}
        <h4>System Properties</h4> {systemPropertiesTable}
        <h4>Classpath Entries</h4> {classpathEntriesTable}

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Environment", content, parent)

  private def propertyHeader = Seq("Name", "Value")
  private def classPathHeaders = Seq("Resource", "Source")
  private def jvmRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def propertyRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def classPathRow(data: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{data._1}</td><td>{data._2}</td></tr>
Example 7
Source File: PoolTable.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up


import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{Schedulable, StageInfo}
import org.apache.spark.ui.UIUtils

private[ui] class PoolTable(pools: Seq[Schedulable], parent: StagesTab) {
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def toNodeSeq: Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      poolTable(poolRow, pools)

  private def poolTable(
      makeRow: (Schedulable, HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]) => Seq[Node],
      rows: Seq[Schedulable]): Seq[Node] = {
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed sortable table-fixed">
        <th>Pool Name</th>
        <th>Minimum Share</th>
        <th>Pool Weight</th>
        <th>Active Stages</th>
        <th>Running Tasks</th>
        { => makeRow(r, listener.poolToActiveStages))}

  private def poolRow(
      p: Schedulable,
      poolToActiveStages: HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]): Seq[Node] = {
    val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get( match {
      case Some(stages) => stages.size
      case None => 0
    val href = "%s/stages/pool?poolname=%s"
      .format(UIUtils.prependBaseUri(parent.basePath), URLEncoder.encode(, "UTF-8"))
        <a href={href}>{}</a>
Example 8
Source File: PoolPage.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StageInfo
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class PoolPage(parent: StagesTab) extends WebUIPage("pool") {
  private val sc =
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      val poolName = Option(request.getParameter("poolname")).map { poolname =>
      }.getOrElse {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing poolname parameter")

      val poolToActiveStages = listener.poolToActiveStages
      val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get(poolName) match {
        case Some(s) => s.values.toSeq
        case None => Seq[StageInfo]()
      val shouldShowActiveStages = activeStages.nonEmpty
      val activeStagesTable =
        new StageTableBase(request, activeStages, "", "activeStage", parent.basePath, "stages/pool",
          parent.progressListener, parent.isFairScheduler, parent.killEnabled,
          isFailedStage = false)

      // For now, pool information is only accessible in live UIs
      val pools = {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown poolname: $poolName")
      val poolTable = new PoolTable(pools, parent)

      var content = <h4>Summary </h4> ++ poolTable.toNodeSeq
      if (shouldShowActiveStages) {
        content ++= <h4>{activeStages.size} Active Stages</h4> ++ activeStagesTable.toNodeSeq

      UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Fair Scheduler Pool: " + poolName, content, parent)
Example 9
Source File: PagedTableSuite.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite

class PagedDataSourceSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

  test("basic") {
    val dataSource1 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource1.pageData(1) === PageData(3, (1 to 2)))

    val dataSource2 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource2.pageData(2) === PageData(3, (3 to 4)))

    val dataSource3 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource3.pageData(3) === PageData(3, Seq(5)))

    val dataSource4 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e1 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e1.getMessage === "Page 4 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")

    val dataSource5 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e2 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e2.getMessage === "Page 0 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")


class PagedTableSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
  test("pageNavigation") {
    // Create a fake PagedTable to test pageNavigation
    val pagedTable = new PagedTable[Int] {
      override def tableId: String = ""

      override def tableCssClass: String = ""

      override def dataSource: PagedDataSource[Int] = null

      override def pageLink(page: Int): String = page.toString

      override def headers: Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def row(t: Int): Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def pageSizeFormField: String = "pageSize"

      override def prevPageSizeFormField: String = "prevPageSize"

      override def pageNumberFormField: String = "page"

      override def goButtonFormPath: String = ""

    assert(pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 1) === Nil)
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("1", "2", ">"))
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("<", "1", "2"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<") ++ (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(100, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(99, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(11, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (11 to 20).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(93, 10, 97).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 97).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

private[spark] class SeqPagedDataSource[T](seq: Seq[T], pageSize: Int)
  extends PagedDataSource[T](pageSize) {

  override protected def dataSize: Int = seq.size

  override protected def sliceData(from: Int, to: Int): Seq[T] = seq.slice(from, to)
Example 10
Source File: StagePageSuite.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.mockito.Mockito.{mock, when, RETURNS_SMART_NULLS}

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics
import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
import org.apache.spark.ui.exec.ExecutorsListener
import{JobProgressListener, StagePage, StagesTab}
import org.apache.spark.ui.scope.RDDOperationGraphListener

class StagePageSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {

  private val peakExecutionMemory = 10

  test("peak execution memory only displayed if unsafe is enabled") {
    val unsafeConf = "spark.sql.unsafe.enabled"
    val conf = new SparkConf(false).set(unsafeConf, "true")
    val html = renderStagePage(conf).toString().toLowerCase
    val targetString = "peak execution memory"
    // Disable unsafe and make sure it's not there
    val conf2 = new SparkConf(false).set(unsafeConf, "false")
    val html2 = renderStagePage(conf2).toString().toLowerCase
    // Avoid setting anything; it should be displayed by default
    val conf3 = new SparkConf(false)
    val html3 = renderStagePage(conf3).toString().toLowerCase

  test("SPARK-10543: peak execution memory should be per-task rather than cumulative") {
    val unsafeConf = "spark.sql.unsafe.enabled"
    val conf = new SparkConf(false).set(unsafeConf, "true")
    val html = renderStagePage(conf).toString().toLowerCase
    // verify min/25/50/75/max show task value not cumulative values
    assert(html.contains(s"<td>$peakExecutionMemory.0 b</td>" * 5))

  private def renderStagePage(conf: SparkConf): Seq[Node] = {
    val jobListener = new JobProgressListener(conf)
    val graphListener = new RDDOperationGraphListener(conf)
    val executorsListener = new ExecutorsListener(new StorageStatusListener(conf), conf)
    val tab = mock(classOf[StagesTab], RETURNS_SMART_NULLS)
    val request = mock(classOf[HttpServletRequest])
    val page = new StagePage(tab)

    // Simulate a stage in job progress listener
    val stageInfo = new StageInfo(0, 0, "dummy", 1, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, "details")
    // Simulate two tasks to test PEAK_EXECUTION_MEMORY correctness
    (1 to 2).foreach {
      taskId =>
        val taskInfo = new TaskInfo(taskId, taskId, 0, 0, "0", "localhost", TaskLocality.ANY, false)
        jobListener.onTaskStart(SparkListenerTaskStart(0, 0, taskInfo))
        val taskMetrics = TaskMetrics.empty
          SparkListenerTaskEnd(0, 0, "result", Success, taskInfo, taskMetrics))

Example 11
Source File: XPath.scala    From xtract   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.xml.{Node, NodeSeq}

sealed trait XPathNode extends Function[NodeSeq, NodeSeq]

case class IdxXPathNode(idx: Int) extends XPathNode {
  def apply(xml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = xml(idx)
  override def toString = s"[$idx]"

case class KeyXPathNode(key: String) extends XPathNode {
  def apply(xml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = xml \ key
  override def toString = s"/$key"

case class RecursiveXPathNode(key: String) extends XPathNode {
  def apply(xml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = xml \\ key
  override def toString = s"//$key"

case class RecursiveWildCardXPathNode(regex: Regex) extends XPathNode {
  def apply(xml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = (xml \\ "_").filter(node => node.label.matches(regex.regex))
  override def toString = s"//?$regex"

case class WildCardXPathNode(regex: Regex) extends XPathNode {
  def apply(xml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = (xml \ "_").filter(node => node.label.matches(regex.regex))
  override def toString = s"/?$regex"

case class AttributedXPathNode(attr: String, value: Option[String]) extends XPathNode {
  def apply(xml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = xml.filter{ node =>
    node.attribute(attr) match {
      case Some(attrValues) => {
        value.fold(true)(_ == attrValues.toString)
      case None => false
  override def toString = {
    value match {
      case Some(v) => s"[@$attr=$v]"
      case None => s"[@$attr]"

object XPath extends XPath(Nil) {
Example 12
Source File: ScalastyleInspectionsGenerator.scala    From sonar-scala   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mwz.sonar.scala.metadata.scalastyle

import java.nio.file.Paths

import com.mwz.sonar.scala.metadata.scalastyle._
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import org.scalastyle.{Level, _}
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._

import scala.meta._
import scala.xml.{Node, NodeSeq, XML}

  def transform(source: Tree, inspections: Seq[ScalastyleInspection]): Tree = {
    val stringified: Seq[String] = inspections.collect {
      case inspection =>
        // Is there a better way of embedding multi-line text?
        val extraDescription = => "\"\"\"" + s + "\"\"\"")
        val justification = => "\"\"\"" + s + "\"\"\"")
        val params = { p =>
             |  name = "${}",
             |  typ = ${p.typ},
             |  label = "${p.label}",
             |  description = \"\"\"${p.description}\"\"\",
             |  default = \"\"\"${p.default}\"\"\"

        // It doesn't seem to be straightforward to automatically convert a collection
        // into a tree using scalameta, so I'm turning it into a String so it can be parsed,
        // which is easier than constructing the tree manually.
        // Totally doable with shapeless though, but it would be a bit of an overkill in this case.
           |  clazz = "${inspection.clazz}",
           |  id = "${}",
           |  label = "${inspection.label}",
           |  description = "${inspection.description}",
           |  extraDescription = $extraDescription,
           |  justification = $justification,
           |  defaultLevel = ${inspection.defaultLevel},
           |  params = ${params.toString.parse[Term].get.syntax}

    // Transform the template file.
    val term: Term = stringified.toString.parse[Term].get
    source.transform {
      case q"val AllInspections: $tpe = $expr" =>
        q"val AllInspections: $tpe = $term"
Example 13
Source File: ScoverageReportParser.scala    From sonar-scala   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mwz.sonar.scala
package scoverage

import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}

import scala.xml.{Node, XML}

import cats.syntax.semigroup.catsSyntaxSemigroup
import com.mwz.sonar.scala.util.PathUtils
import org.sonar.api.scanner.ScannerSide

  private[scoverage] def extractScoverageFromNode(node: Node): Scoverage = {
    val branches = (node \\ "statement")
      .filter(node => !(node \@ "ignored").toBoolean && (node \@ "branch").toBoolean)
    val coveredBranches = branches.filter(statement => (statement \@ "invocation-count").toInt > 0)
      statements = (node \@ "statement-count").toInt,
      coveredStatements = (node \@ "statements-invoked").toInt,
      statementCoverage = (node \@ "statement-rate").toDouble,
      branches = branches.size,
      coveredBranches = coveredBranches.size,
      branchCoverage = (node \@ "branch-rate").toDouble
Example 14
Source File: SpotXmlParser.scala    From dbpedia-spotlight-model   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.dbpedia.spotlight.model.{SurfaceForm, SurfaceFormOccurrence, Text}

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.xml.{Node, XML}

  def extract(spotsXml: Text): java.util.List[SurfaceFormOccurrence] = {
    val xml = XML.loadString(spotsXml.text)
    val text = (xml \\ "annotation" \ "@text").toString
    val surfaceForms = xml \\"annotation" \ "surfaceForm"
    val occs =, new Text(text)))

  def buildOcc(sf: Node, text: Text) = {
    val offset = (sf \ "@offset").toString.toInt
    val name = (sf \ "@name").toString
    new SurfaceFormOccurrence(new SurfaceForm(name), text, offset)

  def getName() = name

  def setName(n: String) {
    name = n;


object SpotXmlParser {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val xml = "<annotation text=\"The research, which is published online May 22 in the European Heart Journal, opens up the prospect of treating heart failure patients with their own, human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) to repair their damaged hearts.\">\n<surfaceForm name=\"published\" offset=\"23\"/>\n<surfaceForm name=\"May 22\" offset=\"40\"/>\n<surfaceForm name=\"European\" offset=\"54\"/>\n<surfaceForm name=\"Heart\" offset=\"63\"/>\n<surfaceForm name=\"Journal\" offset=\"69\"/>\n<surfaceForm name=\"prospect\" offset=\"91\"/>\n<surfaceForm name=\"heart failure\" offset=\"112\"/>\n<surfaceForm name=\"patients\" offset=\"126\"/>\n<surfaceForm name=\"human\" offset=\"151\"/>\n<surfaceForm name=\"stem cells\" offset=\"177\"/>\n<surfaceForm name=\"hearts\" offset=\"221\"/>\n</annotation>"
    val spotter = new SpotXmlParser()
    spotter.extract(new Text(xml)).foreach(println)
Example 15
Source File: ExecutorNumTab.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.monitor

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, SparkUITab, UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private class ExecutorNumTab(parent: SparkUI) extends SparkUITab(parent, "resources") {


  private def init(): Unit = {
    attachPage(new ExecutorNumPage(this))


private class ExecutorNumPage(parent: SparkUITab) extends WebUIPage("") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val content =
        <div id ="echart-container" class="row-fluid" style="height: 600px"></div> ++
        <script type="text/javascript"
                src=""></script> ++
        <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri(
          request, "/static/special/executornumpage.js")}></script>

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage(request, "ExecutorNumCurve", content, parent, useDataTables = false)
Example 16
Source File: CollectionTypes.scala    From xmlrpc   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package xmlrpc.protocol

import xmlrpc.protocol.Deserializer.Deserialized

import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Node}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scalaz.Scalaz._

trait CollectionTypes extends Protocol {
  import Deserializer.StringToError

  // We only support array of the same type, if an array contains elements with different
  // types, we deserialize it with case classes
  implicit def ArrayXmlrpc[T: Datatype]: Datatype[Seq[T]] = new Datatype[Seq[T]] {
    override def serialize(value: Seq[T]): Node =
      <array><data>{for {elem <- value} yield toXmlrpc(elem)}</data></array>.inValue

    override def deserialize(from: NodeSeq): Deserialized[Seq[T]] =
      from \\ "array" headOption match {
        case Some(<array><data>{array @ _*}</data></array>) =>
          (for { value <- array}
            yield fromXmlrpc[T](value)).toList.sequence[Deserialized, T]

        case _ => "Expected array structure in $from".toError.failures

  implicit def StructXmlrpc[T: Datatype]: Datatype[Map[String, T]] = new Datatype[Map[String, T]] {
    override def serialize(map: Map[String, T]): Node = {
      def inName(name: String): Node = <name>{name}</name>
      def inMember(elems: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = <member>{elems}</member>

      lazy val struct: NodeSeq = (for {
        (key, value) <- map
      } yield inMember(inName(key) ++ toXmlrpc(value))).reduce(_ ++ _)


    override def deserialize(from: NodeSeq): Deserialized[Map[String, T]] =
      from \\ "struct" headOption match {
        case Some(<struct>{members @ _*}</struct>) =>
          (for { member <- members }
            yield fromXmlrpc[T](member \ "value" head) map ((member \ "name" text) -> _))
            .sequence[Deserialized, (String, T)]
            .map(_.toMap[String, T])

        case _ => s"Expected struct in:\n$from".toError.failures
Example 17
Source File: OsmRecordReader.scala    From magellan   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package magellan.mapreduce

import{OsmKey, OsmShape, OsmNode, OsmWay, OsmRelation}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileSplit
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{InputSplit, RecordReader, TaskAttemptContext}
import scala.xml.{XML, Elem, Node}

private[magellan] class OsmRecordReader
  extends RecordReader[OsmKey, OsmShape] {
  val definedNodeLabels = Set("node", "way", "relation")
  var nodes : Seq[Node] = _
  var current : Int = 0
  lazy val total = nodes.length
  override def initialize(genericSplit: InputSplit, context: TaskAttemptContext) : Unit = {
    val split: FileSplit = genericSplit.asInstanceOf[FileSplit]
    val job = MapReduceUtils.getConfigurationFromContext(context)
    val file = split.getPath()
    val fs = file.getFileSystem(job)
    val fileIn =
    val doc = XML.load(fileIn)
    nodes = doc.child.filter(n => definedNodeLabels contains n.label)
  override def nextKeyValue() : Boolean = {
    if (!nodes.isEmpty) { 
      if (current != 0) nodes = nodes.tail
      current += 1
  override def getCurrentKey() : OsmKey = {
    val current = nodes.head
    new OsmKey(current.label, (current \ "@id").text)
  def getTags(shape: Node) = {
    (shape \ "tag").map(t => (t \ "@k").text -> (t \ "@v").text).toMap
  def getOsmNode(shape: Node) = {
    new OsmNode(
        (shape \ "@id").text,
        (shape \ "@lat").text.toDouble,
        (shape \ "@lon").text.toDouble,
  def getOsmWay(shape: Node) = {
    new OsmWay((shape \ "@id").text, (shape \ "nd").map(w => (w \ "@ref").text), getTags(shape))
  def getOsmRelation(shape: Node) = {
    new OsmRelation(
        (shape \ "@id").text,
        (shape \ "member").map(r => (r \ "@ref").text), getTags(shape)
  override def getCurrentValue() : OsmShape = {
    val current = nodes.head
    current.label match {
      case "node" => getOsmNode(current)
      case "way" => getOsmWay(current)
      case "relation" => getOsmRelation(current)
  override def getProgress() : Float = {
    current.toFloat / total
  override def close() : Unit = { }
Example 18
Source File: request.scala    From wix-http-testkit   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wix.e2e.http.client.transformers.internals


import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri.Query
import akka.http.scaladsl.model._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.{Cookie, RawHeader, `User-Agent`}
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.wix.e2e.http.api.Marshaller
import com.wix.e2e.http.client.transformers._
import com.wix.e2e.http.client.transformers.internals.RequestPartOps._
import com.wix.e2e.http.exceptions.UserAgentModificationNotSupportedException
import com.wix.e2e.http.{RequestTransformer, WixHttpTestkitResources}

import scala.xml.Node

trait HttpClientRequestUrlTransformers {
  def withParam(param: (String, String)): RequestTransformer = withParams(param)
  def withParams(params: (String, String)*): RequestTransformer = r =>
    r.copy(uri = r.uri
                  .withQuery( Query(currentParams(r) ++ params: _*)) )

  private def currentParams(r: HttpRequest): Seq[(String, String)] =
     .map( Query(_).toSeq )
     .getOrElse( Seq.empty )

trait HttpClientRequestHeadersTransformers {
  def withHeader(header: (String, String)): RequestTransformer = withHeaders(header)
  def withHeaders(headers: (String, String)*): RequestTransformer =
    appendHeaders( {
      case (h, _) if h.toLowerCase == "user-agent" => throw new UserAgentModificationNotSupportedException
      case (h, v) => RawHeader(h, v)
    } )

  def withUserAgent(value: String): RequestTransformer = appendHeaders(Seq(`User-Agent`(value)))

  def withCookie(cookie: (String, String)): RequestTransformer = withCookies(cookie)
  def withCookies(cookies: (String, String)*): RequestTransformer = appendHeaders( => Cookie(p._1, p._2)) )

  private def appendHeaders[H <: HttpHeader](headers: Iterable[H]): RequestTransformer = r =>
    r.withHeaders( r.headers ++ headers)

trait HttpClientRequestBodyTransformers extends HttpClientContentTypes {
  @deprecated("use `withTextPayload`", since = "Dec18, 2017")
  def withPayload(body: String, contentType: ContentType = TextPlain): RequestTransformer = withPayload(ByteString(body).toByteBuffer.array, contentType)
  def withTextPayload(body: String, contentType: ContentType = TextPlain): RequestTransformer = withPayload(ByteString(body).toByteBuffer.array, contentType)
  def withPayload(bytes: Array[Byte], contentType: ContentType): RequestTransformer = setBody(HttpEntity(contentType, bytes))
  def withPayload(xml: Node): RequestTransformer = setBody(HttpEntity(XmlContent, WixHttpTestkitResources.xmlPrinter.format(xml)))

  // todo: enable default marshaller when deprecated `withPayload` is removed
  def withPayload(entity: AnyRef)(implicit marshaller: Marshaller): RequestTransformer =
    withTextPayload(marshaller.marshall(entity), JsonContent)

  def withFormData(formParams: (String, String)*): RequestTransformer = setBody(FormData(formParams.toMap).toEntity)

  def withMultipartData(parts: (String, RequestPart)*): RequestTransformer =
    setBody( Multipart.FormData( {
      case (n, p) => Multipart.FormData.BodyPart(n, p.asBodyPartEntity, p.withAdditionalParams)

  private def setBody(entity: RequestEntity): RequestTransformer = _.copy(entity = entity)

object RequestPartOps {

      implicit class `RequestPart --> HttpEntity`(private val r: RequestPart) extends AnyVal {
        def asBodyPartEntity: BodyPartEntity = r match {
          case PlainRequestPart(v, c) => HttpEntity(v).withContentType(c)
          case BinaryRequestPart(b, c, _) => HttpEntity(c, b)
          case FileRequestPart(f, c, _) => HttpEntity.fromPath(c, f.toPath)
          case FileNameRequestPart(p, c, fn) => FileRequestPart(new File(p), c, fn).asBodyPartEntity

      implicit class `RequestPart --> AdditionalParams`(private val r: RequestPart) extends AnyVal {
        def withAdditionalParams: Map[String, String] = r match {
          case _: PlainRequestPart => NoAdditionalParams
          case BinaryRequestPart(_, _, fn) => additionalParams(fn)
          case FileRequestPart(_, _, fn) => additionalParams(fn)
          case FileNameRequestPart(_, _, fn) => additionalParams(fn)

        private def additionalParams(filenameOpt: Option[String]) =
 => Map("filename" -> fn))
                     .getOrElse( NoAdditionalParams )

        private def NoAdditionalParams = Map.empty[String, String]

trait HttpClientRequestTransformersOps  {
  implicit class TransformerConcatenation(first: RequestTransformer) {
    def and(second: RequestTransformer): RequestTransformer = first andThen second
Example 19
Source File: FiberCacheManagerPage.scala    From OAP   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.oap.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.oap.filecache.CacheStats
import org.apache.spark.sql.oap.OapRuntime
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class FiberCacheManagerPage(parent: OapTab) extends WebUIPage("") with Logging {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val content =
        <div id="active-cms"></div> ++
          <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri(request, parent.basePath,
            "/static/utils.js")}></script> ++
          <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri(request, parent.basePath,

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage(request, "FiberCacheManager", content, parent, useDataTables = true)


class FiberCacheManagerSummary private[spark](
    val id: String,
    val hostPort: String,
    val isActive: Boolean,
    val indexDataCacheSeparationEnable: Boolean,
    val memoryUsed: Long,
    val maxMemory: Long,
    val cacheSize: Long,
    val cacheCount: Long,
    val backendCacheSize: Long,
    val backendCacheCount: Long,
    val dataFiberSize: Long,
    val dataFiberCount: Long,
    val indexFiberSize: Long,
    val indexFiberCount: Long,
    val pendingFiberSize: Long,
    val pendingFiberCount: Long,
    val dataFiberHitCount: Long,
    val dataFiberMissCount: Long,
    val dataFiberLoadCount: Long,
    val dataTotalLoadTime: Long,
    val dataEvictionCount: Long,
    val indexFiberHitCount: Long,
    val indexFiberMissCount: Long,
    val indexFiberLoadCount: Long,
    val indexTotalLoadTime: Long,
    val indexEvictionCount: Long) 
Example 20
Source File: KerasParser.scala    From jigg   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

  private val tagset:Map[Int, String] = Map(0 -> "B", 1 -> "I", 2 -> "O")

  def parsing(str: String): Array[(Int, Int)] = {
    // For dummy input to indicate boundaries of sentence.
    val s = "\n" + str + "\n\n"
    val inputData = table.encodeCharacter(s)
    val outputData = model.convert(inputData)

    val tags = for {
      i <- 1 until outputData.rows - 2
      maxID = argmax(outputData(i, ::))
    } yield maxID


  def parsing(tokens: Node): Array[Array[String]] = {
    // For dummy input to indicate boundaries of sentence.
    val words = Array("\n").union(
      (tokens \\ "tokens").flatMap(x => x \\ "@lemma") => x.toString)).union(Array("\n\n"))
    val ids = (tokens \\ "tokens").flatMap(x => x \\ "@id") => x.toString)

    val inputData = table.encodeWords(words)
    val outputData = model.convert(inputData)

    val tags = for {
      i <- 1 until outputData.rows - 2
      maxID = argmax(outputData(i, ::))
    } yield maxID

    val ranges = getOffsets(tags.toArray) => ids.slice(x._1, x._2))

  def getOffsets(data: Array[Int]): Array[(Int, Int)]= {
    val ranges = ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]()
    var bpos = -1

    for(i <- data.indices){
      tagset(data(i)) match{
        case "B" =>
          if(bpos >= 0)
            ranges += ((bpos, i))
          bpos = i
        case "I" if i == 0 || bpos == -2 =>
          bpos = i
        case "O" =>
          if (bpos >= 0)
            ranges += ((bpos, i))
          bpos = -2
        case _ if i == data.indices.last =>
          ranges += ((bpos, i + 1))
        case _ =>
Example 21
Source File: RegexSentenceAnnotator.scala    From jigg   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package jigg.pipeline

import java.util.Properties

import scala.xml.{Node, Elem, Text, Atom}
import jigg.util.XMLUtil.RichNode

class RegexSentenceAnnotator(override val name: String, override val props: Properties) extends Annotator {

  @Prop(gloss = "Regular expression to segment lines (if omitted, specified method is used)") var pattern = ""
  @Prop(gloss = "Use predefined segment pattern newLine|point|pointAndNewLine") var method = "pointAndNewLine"

  val splitRegex = pattern match {
    case "" =>
      method match {
        case "newLine" => RegexSentenceAnnotator.newLine
        case "point" => RegexSentenceAnnotator.point
        case "pointAndNewLine" => RegexSentenceAnnotator.pointAndNewLine
        case other => argumentError("method")
    case pattern =>

  private[this] val sentenceIDGen = jigg.util.IDGenerator("s")

  override def annotate(annotation: Node): Node = {

    annotation.replaceAll("document") { e =>
      val line = e.text
      val sentenceBoundaries = 0 +: splitRegex.findAllMatchIn(line).map(_.end).toVector :+ line.length
      val sentences: Vector[Node] =
        sentenceBoundaries.sliding(2).toVector flatMap { case Seq(begin_, end_) =>

          def isSpace(c: Char) = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n'

          val snippet = line.substring(begin_, end_)
          val begin = snippet.indexWhere(!isSpace(_)) match {
            case -1 => begin_ // space only
            case offset => begin_ + offset
          val end = snippet.lastIndexWhere(!isSpace(_)) match {
            case -1 => begin_
            case offset => begin_ + offset + 1

          // val sentence: String = line.substring(begin, end).trim()
          val sentence: String = line.substring(begin, end)
          if (sentence.isEmpty)
          else {
              id={ }
              characterOffsetBegin={ begin+"" }
              characterOffsetEnd={ end+"" }>{ sentence }</sentence>)
      // val textRemoved = XMLUtil.removeText(e)
      // XMLUtil.addChild(textRemoved, <sentences>{ sentences }</sentences>)
      e addChild <sentences>{ sentences }</sentences>

  override def requires = Set()
  override def requirementsSatisfied = Set(Requirement.Ssplit)


object RegexSentenceAnnotator extends AnnotatorCompanion[RegexSentenceAnnotator] {
  val newLine = """\n+""".r
  val point = """。+""".r
  val pointAndNewLine = """\n+|。\n*""".r
Example 22
Source File: SpaceTokenizerAnnotator.scala    From jigg   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package jigg.pipeline

class SpaceTokenizerAnnotator(override val name: String, override val props: Properties)
    extends SentencesAnnotator {

  override def newSentenceAnnotation(sentence: Node): Node = {

    val sindex = sentence \@ "id"
    val text = sentence.text
    val range = (0 until text.size)

    def isSpace(c: Char) = c == ' ' || c == '\t'

    val begins = 0 +: (1 until text.size).filter { i => isSpace(text(i-1)) && !isSpace(text(i)) }

    val ends = begins map {
      range indexWhere (i=>isSpace(text(i)), _) match {
        case -1 => text.size
        case e => e

    val tokenSeq = map { case ((b, e), i) =>
        id={ sindex + "_tok" + i }
        form={ text.substring(b, e) }
        characterOffsetBegin={ b+"" }
        characterOffsetEnd={ e+"" }/>
    val tokens = <tokens annotators={ name }>{ tokenSeq }</tokens>
    sentence addChild tokens

  override def requires = Set(Requirement.Ssplit)
  override def requirementsSatisfied = Set(Requirement.Tokenize)
Example 23
Source File: DocumentAnnotator.scala    From jigg   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package jigg.pipeline

trait DocumentAnnotator extends Annotator {
  override def annotate(annotation: Node): Node = {

    annotation.replaceAll("root") { case e: Elem =>
      val newChild = Annotator.makePar(e.child, nThreads).map { c =>
        c match {
          case c if c.label == "document" =>
            try newDocumentAnnotation(c) catch {
              case e: AnnotationError =>
                System.err.println(s"Failed to annotate a document by $name.")
                Annotator.annotateError(c, name, e)
          case c => c
      e.copy(child = newChild)

  def newDocumentAnnotation(sentence: Node): Node

trait SeqDocumentAnnotator extends DocumentAnnotator {
  override def nThreads = 1
Example 24
Source File: BunsetsuKerasAnnotatorTest.scala    From jigg   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package jigg.pipeline

import java.util.Properties

import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.Matchers._

import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Node}

class BunsetsuKerasAnnotatorTest extends FunSuite {

  def findPath(localPath: String): String = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(localPath).getPath

  def segment(node: Node, properties: Properties): NodeSeq = {
    val bunsetsuSplitter = new IPABunsetsuKerasAnnotator("bunsetsuKeras", properties)

  val properties = new Properties
  properties.setProperty("bunsetsuKeras.model", findPath("./data/keras/bunsetsu_model.h5"))
  properties.setProperty("bunsetsuKeras.table", findPath("data/keras/jpnLookupWords.json"))

  test("do chunking") {

    val chunks = segment(Sentences.xml("oneSentence"),properties) \\ "chunk"

    chunks.length should be (2)

  object Sentences {
    val xml = Map("oneSentence" ->
      <sentence id="s1" characterOffsetBegin="0" characterOffsetEnd="6">
        <tokens annotators="mecab">
          <token id="s1_tok0" form="梅" offsetBegin="0" offsetEnd="1" pos="名詞" pos1="一般" pos2="*" pos3="*" cType="*" cForm="*" lemma="梅" yomi="ウメ" pron="ウメ"/>
          <token id="s1_tok1" form="が" offsetBegin="1" offsetEnd="2" pos="助詞" pos1="格助詞" pos2="一般" pos3="*" cType="*" cForm="*" lemma="が" yomi="ガ" pron="ガ"/>
          <token id="s1_tok2" form="咲い" offsetBegin="2" offsetEnd="4" pos="動詞" pos1="自立" pos2="*" pos3="*" cType="五段・カ行イ音便" cForm="連用タ接続" lemma="咲く" yomi="サイ" pron="サイ"/>
          <token id="s1_tok3" form="た" offsetBegin="4" offsetEnd="5" pos="助動詞" pos1="*" pos2="*" pos3="*" cType="特殊・タ" cForm="基本形" lemma="た" yomi="タ" pron="タ"/>
          <token id="s1_tok4" form="。" offsetBegin="5" offsetEnd="6" pos="記号" pos1="句点" pos2="*" pos3="*" cType="*" cForm="*" lemma="。" yomi="。" pron="。"/>
Example 25
Source File: MecabAnnotatorSpec.scala    From jigg   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package jigg.pipeline

import java.util.Properties
import scala.xml.Node
import org.scalatest._

class MecabAnnotatorSpec extends BaseAnnotatorSpec {

  def stubCom(output: String) = new StubExternalCommunicator(output)
  def mapCom(responces: Map[String, String]) = new MapStubExternalCommunicator(responces)

  def newIPA(mkCom: ()=>IOCommunicator, threads: Int = 1, p: Properties = new Properties) =
    new IPAMecabAnnotator("mecab", p) {
      override def mkLocalAnnotator = new IPALocalMecabAnnotator {
        override def mkCommunicator = mkCom()
      override def nThreads = threads

  "Annotator with nThreads=1" should "be able to annotate one sentence" in {
    val s = "a"
    val in = <root><document><sentences><sentence id="s0">a</sentence></sentences></document></root>
    val out = """a	名詞,固有名詞,組織,*,*,*,*
    val annotator = newIPA(()=>stubCom(out), threads=1)
    val result = annotator.annotate(in)
    val tokens = result \\ "token"
    tokens.size should be(1)
    (tokens(0) \@ "pos") should be("名詞")

    result \\ "tokens" \@ "annotators" should be("mecab")

  "Annotator with nThreads=2" should "annotate in parallel" in {
    val responces = Map(
      "a" -> """a	名詞,固有名詞,*,*,*,*,*
      "b" -> """b	動詞,*,*,*,*,*,*
      "c" -> """c	形容詞,*,*,*,*,*,*
    val in = <root>
    <sentence id="s0">a</sentence>
    <sentence id="s1">b</sentence>
    <sentence id="s2">c</sentence>

    val annotator = newIPA(()=>mapCom(responces), threads=2)
    val result = annotator.annotate(in)

    val sentences = result \\ "sentence"
    sentences.size should be(3)
    ((sentences(0) \\ "token")(0) \@ "form") should be("a")
    ((sentences(1) \\ "token")(0) \@ "form") should be("b")
    ((sentences(2) \\ "token")(0) \@ "form") should be("c")

Example 26
Source File: HistoryPage.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.history

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[history] class HistoryPage(parent: HistoryServer) extends WebUIPage("") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val requestedIncomplete =

    val allAppsSize = parent.getApplicationList().count(_.completed != requestedIncomplete)
    val eventLogsUnderProcessCount = parent.getEventLogsUnderProcess()
    val lastUpdatedTime = parent.getLastUpdatedTime()
    val providerConfig = parent.getProviderConfig()
    val content =
      <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/historypage-common.js")}></script>
          <div class="span12">
            <ul class="unstyled">
              { { case (k, v) => <li><strong>{k}:</strong> {v}</li> }}
            if (eventLogsUnderProcessCount > 0) {
              <p>There are {eventLogsUnderProcessCount} event log(s) currently being
                processed which may result in additional applications getting listed on this page.
                Refresh the page to view updates. </p>

            if (lastUpdatedTime > 0) {
              <p>Last updated: <span id="last-updated">{lastUpdatedTime}</span></p>

            if (allAppsSize > 0) {
              <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/dataTables.rowsGroup.js")}></script> ++
                <div id="history-summary" class="span12 pagination"></div> ++
                <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/utils.js")}></script> ++
                <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/historypage.js")}></script> ++
            } else if (requestedIncomplete) {
              <h4>No incomplete applications found!</h4>
            } else if (eventLogsUnderProcessCount > 0) {
              <h4>No completed applications found!</h4>
            } else {
              <h4>No completed applications found!</h4> ++ parent.emptyListingHtml

            <a href={makePageLink(!requestedIncomplete)}>
              if (requestedIncomplete) {
                "Back to completed applications"
              } else {
                "Show incomplete applications"
    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, "History Server", true)

  private def makePageLink(showIncomplete: Boolean): String = {
    UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/?" + "showIncomplete=" + showIncomplete)
Example 27
Source File: ExecutorsPage.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1.ExecutorSummary
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

// This isn't even used anymore -- but we need to keep it b/c of a MiMa false positive
private[ui] case class ExecutorSummaryInfo(
    id: String,
    hostPort: String,
    rddBlocks: Int,
    memoryUsed: Long,
    diskUsed: Long,
    activeTasks: Int,
    failedTasks: Int,
    completedTasks: Int,
    totalTasks: Int,
    totalDuration: Long,
    totalInputBytes: Long,
    totalShuffleRead: Long,
    totalShuffleWrite: Long,
    maxMemory: Long,
    executorLogs: Map[String, String])

private[ui] class ExecutorsPage(
    parent: ExecutorsTab,
    threadDumpEnabled: Boolean)
  extends WebUIPage("") {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val content =
          <div id="active-executors"></div> ++
          <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/utils.js")}></script> ++
          <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/executorspage.js")}></script> ++

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Executors", content, parent, useDataTables = true)

private[spark] object ExecutorsPage {
  def getExecInfo(
      listener: ExecutorsListener,
      statusId: Int,
      isActive: Boolean): ExecutorSummary = {
    val status = if (isActive) {
    } else {
    val execId = status.blockManagerId.executorId
    val hostPort = status.blockManagerId.hostPort
    val rddBlocks = status.numBlocks
    val memUsed = status.memUsed
    val maxMem = status.maxMem
    val diskUsed = status.diskUsed
    val taskSummary = listener.executorToTaskSummary.getOrElse(execId, ExecutorTaskSummary(execId))

    new ExecutorSummary(
      taskSummary.tasksActive + taskSummary.tasksFailed + taskSummary.tasksComplete,
Example 28
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.{Node, Text}

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") {

  private val sc =

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map { executorId =>
    }.getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter")
    val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId)

    val content = { threadDump =>
      val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith {
        case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) =>
          val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          if (v1 == v2) {
            threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase < threadTrace2.threadName.toLowerCase
          } else {
            v1 > v2
      }.map { thread =>
        val threadId = thread.threadId
        val blockedBy = thread.blockedByThreadId match {
          case Some(blockedByThreadId) =>
              Blocked by <a href={s"#${thread.blockedByThreadId}_td_id"}>
              Thread {thread.blockedByThreadId} {thread.blockedByLock}</a>
          case None => Text("")
        val heldLocks = thread.holdingLocks.mkString(", ")

        <tr id={s"thread_${threadId}_tr"} class="accordion-heading"
            onclick={s"toggleThreadStackTrace($threadId, false)"}
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_id"}>{threadId}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_name"}>{thread.threadName}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_state"}>{thread.threadState}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_locking"}>{blockedBy}{heldLocks}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_stacktrace"} class="hidden">{thread.stackTrace}</td>

    <div class="row-fluid">
      <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p>
        // scalastyle:off
        <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="expandAllThreadStackTrace(true)">
          Expand All
        <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(true)">
          Collapse All
        <div class="form-inline">
        <div class="bs-example" data-example-id="simple-form-inline">
          <div class="form-group">
            <div class="input-group">
              Search: <input type="text" class="form-control" id="search" oninput="onSearchStringChange()"></input>
        // scalastyle:on
      <table class={UIUtils.TABLE_CLASS_STRIPED + " accordion-group" + " sortable"}>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread ID</th>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Name</th>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread State</th>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Locks</th>
    }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump"))
    UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent)
Example 29
Source File: EnvironmentPage.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.env

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class EnvironmentPage(parent: EnvironmentTab) extends WebUIPage("") {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  private def removePass(kv: (String, String)): (String, String) = {
    if (kv._1.toLowerCase.contains("password") || kv._1.toLowerCase.contains("secret")) {
      (kv._1, "******")
    } else kv

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val runtimeInformationTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, jvmRow, listener.jvmInformation, fixedWidth = true)
    val sparkPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow,, fixedWidth = true)
    val systemPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, listener.systemProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val classpathEntriesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      classPathHeaders, classPathRow, listener.classpathEntries, fixedWidth = true)
    val content =
        <h4>Runtime Information</h4> {runtimeInformationTable}
        <h4>Spark Properties</h4> {sparkPropertiesTable}
        <h4>System Properties</h4> {systemPropertiesTable}
        <h4>Classpath Entries</h4> {classpathEntriesTable}

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Environment", content, parent)

  private def propertyHeader = Seq("Name", "Value")
  private def classPathHeaders = Seq("Resource", "Source")
  private def jvmRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def propertyRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def classPathRow(data: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{data._1}</td><td>{data._2}</td></tr>
Example 30
Source File: PoolTable.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up


import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{Schedulable, StageInfo}
import org.apache.spark.ui.UIUtils

private[ui] class PoolTable(pools: Seq[Schedulable], parent: StagesTab) {
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def toNodeSeq: Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      poolTable(poolRow, pools)

  private def poolTable(
      makeRow: (Schedulable, HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]) => Seq[Node],
      rows: Seq[Schedulable]): Seq[Node] = {
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed sortable table-fixed">
        <th>Pool Name</th>
        <th>Minimum Share</th>
        <th>Pool Weight</th>
        <th>Active Stages</th>
        <th>Running Tasks</th>
        { => makeRow(r, listener.poolToActiveStages))}

  private def poolRow(
      p: Schedulable,
      poolToActiveStages: HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]): Seq[Node] = {
    val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get( match {
      case Some(stages) => stages.size
      case None => 0
    val href = "%s/stages/pool?poolname=%s"
      .format(UIUtils.prependBaseUri(parent.basePath), URLEncoder.encode(, "UTF-8"))
        <a href={href}>{}</a>
Example 31
Source File: PoolPage.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StageInfo
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class PoolPage(parent: StagesTab) extends WebUIPage("pool") {
  private val sc =
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      val poolName = Option(request.getParameter("poolname")).map { poolname =>
      }.getOrElse {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing poolname parameter")

      val poolToActiveStages = listener.poolToActiveStages
      val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get(poolName) match {
        case Some(s) => s.values.toSeq
        case None => Seq[StageInfo]()
      val shouldShowActiveStages = activeStages.nonEmpty
      val activeStagesTable =
        new StageTableBase(request, activeStages, "", "activeStage", parent.basePath, "stages/pool",
          parent.progressListener, parent.isFairScheduler, parent.killEnabled,
          isFailedStage = false)

      // For now, pool information is only accessible in live UIs
      val pools = {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown poolname: $poolName")
      val poolTable = new PoolTable(pools, parent)

      var content = <h4>Summary </h4> ++ poolTable.toNodeSeq
      if (shouldShowActiveStages) {
        content ++= <h4>{activeStages.size} Active Stages</h4> ++ activeStagesTable.toNodeSeq

      UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Fair Scheduler Pool: " + poolName, content, parent)
Example 32
Source File: PagedTableSuite.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite

class PagedDataSourceSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

  test("basic") {
    val dataSource1 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource1.pageData(1) === PageData(3, (1 to 2)))

    val dataSource2 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource2.pageData(2) === PageData(3, (3 to 4)))

    val dataSource3 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource3.pageData(3) === PageData(3, Seq(5)))

    val dataSource4 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e1 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e1.getMessage === "Page 4 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")

    val dataSource5 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e2 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e2.getMessage === "Page 0 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")


class PagedTableSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
  test("pageNavigation") {
    // Create a fake PagedTable to test pageNavigation
    val pagedTable = new PagedTable[Int] {
      override def tableId: String = ""

      override def tableCssClass: String = ""

      override def dataSource: PagedDataSource[Int] = null

      override def pageLink(page: Int): String = page.toString

      override def headers: Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def row(t: Int): Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def pageSizeFormField: String = "pageSize"

      override def prevPageSizeFormField: String = "prevPageSize"

      override def pageNumberFormField: String = "page"

      override def goButtonFormPath: String = ""

    assert(pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 1) === Nil)
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("1", "2", ">"))
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("<", "1", "2"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<") ++ (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(100, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(99, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(11, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (11 to 20).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(93, 10, 97).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 97).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

private[spark] class SeqPagedDataSource[T](seq: Seq[T], pageSize: Int)
  extends PagedDataSource[T](pageSize) {

  override protected def dataSize: Int = seq.size

  override protected def sliceData(from: Int, to: Int): Seq[T] = seq.slice(from, to)
Example 33
Source File: StagePageSuite.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.mockito.Mockito.{mock, when, RETURNS_SMART_NULLS}

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics
import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
import org.apache.spark.ui.exec.ExecutorsListener
import{JobProgressListener, StagePage, StagesTab}
import org.apache.spark.ui.scope.RDDOperationGraphListener

class StagePageSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {

  private val peakExecutionMemory = 10

  test("peak execution memory should displayed") {
    val conf = new SparkConf(false)
    val html = renderStagePage(conf).toString().toLowerCase
    val targetString = "peak execution memory"

  test("SPARK-10543: peak execution memory should be per-task rather than cumulative") {
    val conf = new SparkConf(false)
    val html = renderStagePage(conf).toString().toLowerCase
    // verify min/25/50/75/max show task value not cumulative values
    assert(html.contains(s"<td>$peakExecutionMemory.0 b</td>" * 5))

  private def renderStagePage(conf: SparkConf): Seq[Node] = {
    val jobListener = new JobProgressListener(conf)
    val graphListener = new RDDOperationGraphListener(conf)
    val executorsListener = new ExecutorsListener(new StorageStatusListener(conf), conf)
    val tab = mock(classOf[StagesTab], RETURNS_SMART_NULLS)
    val request = mock(classOf[HttpServletRequest])
    val page = new StagePage(tab)

    // Simulate a stage in job progress listener
    val stageInfo = new StageInfo(0, 0, "dummy", 1, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, "details")
    // Simulate two tasks to test PEAK_EXECUTION_MEMORY correctness
    (1 to 2).foreach {
      taskId =>
        val taskInfo = new TaskInfo(taskId, taskId, 0, 0, "0", "localhost", TaskLocality.ANY, false)
        jobListener.onTaskStart(SparkListenerTaskStart(0, 0, taskInfo))
        val taskMetrics = TaskMetrics.empty
          SparkListenerTaskEnd(0, 0, "result", Success, taskInfo, taskMetrics))

Example 34
Source File: HistoryNotFoundPage.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[spark] class HistoryNotFoundPage(parent: MasterWebUI)
  extends WebUIPage("history/not-found") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val titleParam = request.getParameter("title")
    val msgParam = request.getParameter("msg")
    val exceptionParam = request.getParameter("exception")

    // If no parameters are specified, assume the user did not enable event logging
    val defaultTitle = "Event logging is not enabled"
    val defaultContent =
      <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12" style="font-size:14px">
          No event logs were found for this application! To
          <a href="">enable event logging</a>,
          set <span style="font-style:italic">spark.eventLog.enabled</span> to true and
          <span style="font-style:italic">spark.eventLog.dir</span> to the directory to which your
          event logs are written.

    val title = Option(titleParam).getOrElse(defaultTitle)
    val content = Option(msgParam)
      .map { msg => URLDecoder.decode(msg, "UTF-8") }
      .map { msg =>
        <div class="row-fluid">
          <div class="span12" style="font-size:14px">{msg}</div>
        </div> ++
          .map { e => URLDecoder.decode(e, "UTF-8") }
          .map { e => <pre>{e}</pre> }

    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, title)
Example 35
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.util.Try
import scala.xml.{Text, Node}

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") {

  private val sc =

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map {
      executorId =>
        // Due to YARN-2844, "<driver>" in the url will be encoded to "%25253Cdriver%25253E" when
        // running in yarn-cluster mode. `request.getParameter("executorId")` will return
        // "%253Cdriver%253E". Therefore we need to decode it until we get the real id.
        var id = executorId
        var decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8")
        while (id != decodedId) {
          id = decodedId
          decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8")
    }.getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter")
    val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId)

    val content = { threadDump =>
      val dumpRows = { thread =>
        <div class="accordion-group">
          <div class="accordion-heading" onclick="$(this).next().toggleClass('hidden')">
            <a class="accordion-toggle">
              Thread {thread.threadId}: {thread.threadName} ({thread.threadState})
          <div class="accordion-body hidden">
            <div class="accordion-inner">

      <div class="row-fluid">
        <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p>
          // scalastyle:off
          <p><a class="expandbutton"
                onClick="$('.accordion-body').removeClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')">
            Expand All
          <p><a class="expandbutton hidden"
                onClick="$('.accordion-body').addClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')">
            Collapse All
          // scalastyle:on
        <div class="accordion">{dumpRows}</div>
    }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump"))
    UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent)
Example 36
Source File: EnvironmentPage.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.env

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class EnvironmentPage(parent: EnvironmentTab) extends WebUIPage("") {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val runtimeInformationTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, jvmRow, listener.jvmInformation, fixedWidth = true)
    val sparkPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, listener.sparkProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val systemPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, listener.systemProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val classpathEntriesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      classPathHeaders, classPathRow, listener.classpathEntries, fixedWidth = true)
    val content =
        <h4>Runtime Information</h4> {runtimeInformationTable}
        <h4>Spark Properties</h4> {sparkPropertiesTable}
        <h4>System Properties</h4> {systemPropertiesTable}
        <h4>Classpath Entries</h4> {classpathEntriesTable}

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Environment", content, parent)

  private def propertyHeader = Seq("Name", "Value")
  private def classPathHeaders = Seq("Resource", "Source")
  private def jvmRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def propertyRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def classPathRow(data: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{data._1}</td><td>{data._2}</td></tr>
Example 37
Source File: StoragePage.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{WebUIPage, UIUtils}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

  private def rddRow(rdd: RDDInfo): Seq[Node] = {
    // scalastyle:off
        <a href={"%s/storage/rdd?id=%s".format(UIUtils.prependBaseUri(parent.basePath),}>
      <td>{"%.0f%%".format(rdd.numCachedPartitions * 100.0 / rdd.numPartitions)}</td>
      <td sorttable_customkey={rdd.memSize.toString}>{Utils.bytesToString(rdd.memSize)}</td>
      <td sorttable_customkey={rdd.tachyonSize.toString}>{Utils.bytesToString(rdd.tachyonSize)}</td>
      <td sorttable_customkey={rdd.diskSize.toString} >{Utils.bytesToString(rdd.diskSize)}</td>
    // scalastyle:on
Example 38
Source File: PoolTable.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{Schedulable, StageInfo}
import org.apache.spark.ui.UIUtils

private[ui] class PoolTable(pools: Seq[Schedulable], parent: StagesTab) {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  def toNodeSeq: Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      poolTable(poolRow, pools)

  private def poolTable(
      makeRow: (Schedulable, HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]) => Seq[Node],
      rows: Seq[Schedulable]): Seq[Node] = {
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed sortable table-fixed">
        <th>Pool Name</th>
        <th>Minimum Share</th>
        <th>Pool Weight</th>
        <th>Active Stages</th>
        <th>Running Tasks</th>
        { => makeRow(r, listener.poolToActiveStages))}

  private def poolRow(
      p: Schedulable,
      poolToActiveStages: HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]): Seq[Node] = {
    val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get( match {
      case Some(stages) => stages.size
      case None => 0
    val href = "%s/stages/pool?poolname=%s"
        <a href={href}>{}</a>
Example 39
Source File: PoolPage.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{Schedulable, StageInfo}
import org.apache.spark.ui.{WebUIPage, UIUtils}

private[ui] class PoolPage(parent: StagesTab) extends WebUIPage("pool") {
  private val sc =
  private val listener = parent.listener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      val poolName = request.getParameter("poolname")
      require(poolName != null && poolName.nonEmpty, "Missing poolname parameter")

      val poolToActiveStages = listener.poolToActiveStages
      val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get(poolName) match {
        case Some(s) => s.values.toSeq
        case None => Seq[StageInfo]()
      val activeStagesTable = new StageTableBase(activeStages.sortBy(_.submissionTime).reverse,
        parent.basePath, parent.listener, isFairScheduler = parent.isFairScheduler,
        killEnabled = parent.killEnabled)

      // For now, pool information is only accessible in live UIs
      val pools =
      val poolTable = new PoolTable(pools, parent)

      val content =
        <h4>Summary </h4> ++ poolTable.toNodeSeq ++
        <h4>{activeStages.size} Active Stages</h4> ++ activeStagesTable.toNodeSeq

      UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Fair Scheduler Pool: " + poolName, content, parent)
Example 40
Source File: XmlSerialization.scala    From ike   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.allenai.ike.index

import scala.xml.{ Elem, Node, Text }

object XmlSerialization {
  def xml(text: IndexableText): Elem = {
    val children = addSpaces(text.sentences map xml)
    <document>{ children }</document>
  def xml(tokens: Seq[IndexableToken]): Elem = {
    val children = addSpaces(tokens map xml)
    <sentence>{ children }</sentence>
  def xml(token: IndexableToken): Elem =
    <word pos={ token.pos } lemma={ token.lemma } chunk={ token.chunk }>{ token.word }</word>
  def addSpaces(elems: Seq[Elem]): Seq[Node] = {
    val n = elems.size
    val spaces = List.fill(n)(Text(" "))
    for {
      (elem, space) <-
      node <- List(elem, space)
    } yield node
Example 41
Source File: CustomPage.scala    From cuesheet   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

abstract class CustomPage(val name: String) extends WebUIPage("") {

  private[ui] var tab: SparkUITab = _
  private[ui] var title: String = _
  private[ui] var ui: SparkUI = _

  def attachRedirectHandler(
    srcPath: String,
    destPath: String,
    beforeRedirect: HttpServletRequest => Unit = x => (),
    basePath: String = "",
    httpMethods: Set[String] = Set("GET")): Unit = {

    // Can't use Jetty interface as it is shaded to org.spark-project; use reflection instead
    val createRedirectHandler = JettyUtils.getClass.getMethods.filter(_.getName == "createRedirectHandler").head
    val handler = createRedirectHandler.invoke(JettyUtils, srcPath, destPath, beforeRedirect, basePath, httpMethods)

    val attachHandler = ui.getClass.getMethods.filter(_.getName == "attachHandler").head
    attachHandler.invoke(ui, handler)

  def renderPage(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node]

  final override def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val content = renderPage(request)
    UIUtils.headerSparkPage(title, content, tab, Some(5000))

Example 42
Source File: PluginMetadata.scala    From chatoverflow   with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import scala.xml.Node

  def toXML: List[Node] = {
    // Map of tag names to variables. Add new vars here and in the constructor.
      "description" -> description,
      "licence" -> license,
      "website" -> website,
      "sourceRepo" -> sourceRepo,
      "bugtracker" -> bugtracker
    ).filter(_._2.nonEmpty) // filters not specified options
      .map(entry => {
        // just dummy tag name, replaced afterwards
        </value>.copy(label = entry._1) // update the tag name with the correct one
Example 43
Source File: ExternalVariablesLoader.scala    From incubator-daffodil   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.daffodil.externalvars

import scala.xml.parsing.ConstructingParser

import scala.xml.Node
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.{ VariableUtils, VariableMap }
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Misc._
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.ThrowsSDE

import scala.collection.immutable.Queue

object ExternalVariablesLoader {

  def loadVariables(bindings: Seq[Binding], referringContext: ThrowsSDE, vmap: VariableMap): VariableMap = {
    Assert.usage(referringContext != null, "loadVariables expects 'referringContext' to not be null!")
    VariableUtils.setExternalVariables(vmap, bindings, referringContext)

  // The following are methods that retrieve and transform variables into Seq[Binding]

  def mapToBindings(vars: Map[String, String]): Queue[Binding] = {
    val varsKVP = {
      case (name, value) => {
        Binding(name, value)

  def uriToBindings(uri: URI): Queue[Binding] = {
    Assert.usage(uri ne null)
    val file = new File(uri)

  def fileToBindings(file: File): Queue[Binding] = {
    Assert.usage(file ne null)
    ExternalVariablesValidator.validate(file) match {
      case Left(ex) => Assert.abort(ex)
      case Right(_) => // Success
    val enc = determineEncoding(file) // The encoding is needed for ConstructingParser
    val input =
    val node = ConstructingParser.fromSource(input, true).document.docElem

  def nodeToBindings(node: Node): Queue[Binding] = {
    Assert.usage(node ne null)
    val newBindings = Binding.getBindings(node)
    var res = Queue.empty[Binding]
    // couldn't get the enqueue(iterable) method overload to resolve.
    // So just doing this one by one
    newBindings.foreach{ b => res = res.enqueue(b) }
Example 44
Source File: ElementRef.scala    From incubator-daffodil   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom

import scala.xml.Node
import org.apache.daffodil.xml._
import org.apache.daffodil.dpath.NodeInfo

  override def namedQName: NamedQName = LV('namedQName) {

  override lazy val name = refQName.local

  override lazy val prefix = refQName.prefix.getOrElse(null)

  // Need to go get the Element we are referencing
  lazy val referencedElement: GlobalElementDecl = LV('referencedElement) {
    val ged = this.schemaSet.getGlobalElementDecl(refQName)
    val res = ged match {
      case None => {
        // this element ref refers to something not found.
        // That might be because the QName namespace prefix is no good, or
        // because there is no element with that global name.
        // Can't use namedQName because that's the resolved one
        // must use the refQName
        SDE("Referenced element not found: %s.", this.refQName)
      case Some(x) => x

  override lazy val namespace = refQName.namespace

  override lazy val diagnosticDebugName = "element reference " + refQName

  override def typeDef = referencedElement.typeDef

Example 45
Source File: Include.scala    From incubator-daffodil   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.daffodil.util._
import IIUtils._
import org.apache.daffodil.oolag.OOLAG

final class Include(xml: Node, xsd: XMLSchemaDocument, seenArg: IIMap)
  extends IIBase(xml, xsd, seenArg) {

  protected final def mapPair = LV('mapPair) {
    // for an include, the targetNamespace of the schema document that contained us is right.
    val mp = (targetNamespace, resolvedLocation)

  private lazy val slText = schemaLocationProperty.get // include always has a schemaLocation property

  lazy val resolvedNamespaceURI = None // include doesn't have a namespace.

  // include always has a schemaLocation
  lazy val resolvedLocation = LV('resolvedLocation) {
    resolvedSchemaLocation match {
      case Some(rsl) => {
        val ns = OOLAG.keepGoing(
          schemaDefinitionError("Unable to determine target namespace.")) {
        log(LogLevel.Debug, "Included schema from %s into namespace %s.", rsl, ns)
      case None => schemaDefinitionError("Included schema not found at location %s. %s", slText, whereSearched)

Example 46
Source File: GlobalElementDecl.scala    From incubator-daffodil   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom

import scala.xml.Node

final class GlobalElementDecl(
  xmlArg: Node,
  schemaDocument: SchemaDocument)
  extends AnnotatedSchemaComponentImpl(xmlArg, schemaDocument)
  with GlobalElementComponentMixin
  with ElementDeclMixin
  with NestingLexicalMixin
  // Needed to check some properties are
  // NOT on global element decls such as dfdl:choiceBranchKey
  with ResolvesLocalProperties {

  lazy val asRoot = new Root(xml, schemaDocument, namedQName, this)


  private def validateChoiceBranchKey(): Unit = {
    // Ensure that the global element decl does not have choiceBranchKey set.
    val found = findPropertyOption("choiceBranchKey")
    if (found.isDefined) {
      SDE("dfdl:choiceBranchKey cannot be specified on a global element declaration")
Example 47
Source File: DFDLAnnotation.scala    From incubator-daffodil   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom

import scala.xml.Node
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Misc

abstract class DFDLAnnotation(xmlArg: Node, annotatedSCArg: AnnotatedSchemaComponent)
  extends SchemaComponent
  with NestingLexicalMixin {

  final override val xml = xmlArg

  final override val optLexicalParent = Option(annotatedSCArg)

  final lazy val annotatedSC = annotatedSCArg

  override def toString = diagnosticDebugName

  override lazy val diagnosticDebugName: String = {
    val cn = Misc.getNameFromClass(this)
    val n =
      if (cn.startsWith("DFDL")) {
        val nn = cn.replaceFirst("DFDL", "")
        "dfdl:" + Misc.initialLowerCase(nn)
      } else {
    n // + "(" + annotatedSC.path + ")"
Example 48
Source File: LocalElementDecl.scala    From incubator-daffodil   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom

import scala.xml.Node

sealed abstract class LocalElementDeclBase(
  final override val xml: Node,
  final override val optLexicalParent: Option[SchemaComponent],
  final override val position: Int)
  extends ElementBase
  with LocalElementComponentMixin
  with ElementDeclMixin
  with NestingLexicalMixin {


class LocalElementDecl(
  xml: Node,
  lexicalParent: SchemaComponent,
  position: Int)
  extends LocalElementDeclBase(xml, Option(lexicalParent), position)

sealed abstract class QuasiElementDeclBase(
  xml: Node,
  lexicalParent: SchemaComponent)
  extends LocalElementDeclBase(xml, Option(lexicalParent), -1) {

  override lazy val isQuasiElement = true

class PrefixLengthQuasiElementDecl(
  xml: Node,
  lexicalParent: SchemaComponent)
  extends QuasiElementDeclBase(xml, lexicalParent) {

class RepTypeQuasiElementDecl(
  xml: Node,
  lexicalParent: SchemaComponent)
  extends QuasiElementDeclBase(xml, lexicalParent) {

Example 49
Source File: ComplexTypes.scala    From incubator-daffodil   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom

import scala.xml.Node
import org.apache.daffodil.dpath.NodeInfo
import org.apache.daffodil.api.WarnID
import scala.xml.Text
import scala.xml.Comment

sealed abstract class ComplexTypeBase(xmlArg: Node, parentArg: SchemaComponent)
  extends SchemaComponentImpl(xmlArg, parentArg)
  with TypeBase
  with NonPrimTypeMixin {

  final override def optRestriction = None
  final override def optUnion = None
  final override def typeNode = NodeInfo.Complex


  final def group = modelGroup

  final def sequence = group.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
  final def choice = group.asInstanceOf[Choice]

  private lazy val <complexType>{ xmlChildren @ _* }</complexType> = xml

  final lazy val Seq(modelGroup) = {
    val s = smg
    schemaDefinitionUnless(s.length == 1, "A complex type must have exactly one model-group element child which is a sequence, choice, or group reference.")

  private lazy val smg = { {
      xmlChild =>
        ModelGroupFactory(xmlChild, this, 1, false)

  private lazy val childrenForTerms = {
    xmlChildren.flatMap {
      xmlChild =>
          xmlChild match {
            case <annotation>{ annotationChildren @ _* }</annotation> => {
              val dais = annotationChildren.find { ai =>
                ai.attribute("source") match {
                  case Some(n) => n.text.contains("ogf") && n.text.contains("dfdl")
                  case _ => false
              if (dais != None) {
                this.SDW(WarnID.InvalidAnnotationPoint, "complexType is not a valid annotation point. Annotation ignored.")
            case textNode: Text => None
            case _: Comment => None
            case _ => Some(xmlChild)

final class GlobalComplexTypeDef(
  xmlArg: Node,
  schemaDocumentArg: SchemaDocument)
  extends ComplexTypeBase(xmlArg, schemaDocumentArg)
  with GlobalNonElementComponentMixin
  with NestingLexicalMixin {
  // Nothing needed here. The base class and mixins are providing all the functionality needed.

final class LocalComplexTypeDef(xmlArg: Node, val elementDecl: ElementDeclMixin)
  extends ComplexTypeBase(xmlArg, elementDecl)
  with LocalNonElementComponentMixin
  with NestingLexicalMixin {
  // Nothing needed here. The base class and mixins are providing all the functionality needed.
Example 50
Source File: TestInputValueCalc.scala    From incubator-daffodil   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom

import org.apache.daffodil.util._
import org.junit.Test
import scala.xml.Node
import org.junit.Test

class TestInputValueCalc extends Logging {

  // @Test
  @Test def testInputValueCalc1(): Unit = {
    val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
      <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>,
      <dfdl:format ref="tns:GeneralFormat"/>,
      <xs:element name="data" type="xs:string" dfdl:inputValueCalc="{ xs:string(42) }" />)
    val (_, actual) = TestUtils.testString(testSchema, "")
    val expected: Node = <data>42</data>
    TestUtils.assertEqualsXMLElements(expected, actual)

  // @Test
  @Test def testInputValueCalcString2(): Unit = {
    val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
      <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>,
      <dfdl:format ref="tns:GeneralFormat" encoding="ascii"/>,
      <xs:element name="data">
            <xs:element name="e1" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="1"/>
            <xs:element name="e2" type="xs:string" dfdl:inputValueCalc="{ ../tns:e1 }"/>

    val (_, actual) = TestUtils.testString(testSchema, "A")
    val expected: Node = <data><e1>A</e1><e2>A</e2></data>
    TestUtils.assertEqualsXMLElements(expected, actual)

  // @Test
  @Test def testInputValueCalcInt3(): Unit = {
    val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
      <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>,
      <dfdl:format ref="tns:GeneralFormat" encoding="ascii"/>,
      <xs:element name="data">
            <xs:element name="e1" type="xs:int" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="1"/>
            <xs:element name="e2" type="xs:int" dfdl:inputValueCalc="{ ../tns:e1 }"/>

    val (_, actual) = TestUtils.testString(testSchema, "8")
    val expected: Node = <data><e1>8</e1><e2>8</e2></data>
    TestUtils.assertEqualsXMLElements(expected, actual)
Example 51
Source File: TestPropertyScoping.scala    From incubator-daffodil   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom

import scala.xml.Node
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.apache.daffodil.util.LogLevel
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Fakes

class HasProps(xml: Node) extends DFDLFormatAnnotation(xml, Fakes.fakeElem)

class TestPropertyScoping {
  val x1 = new HasProps(<fake alignmentUnits="bytes"/>)

  @Test def test1(): Unit = {
    //    println(x1.formatRefs)
    //    println(x1.shortFormProperties)
    //    println(x1.longFormProperties)
    //    println(x1.elementFormProperties)
    assertTrue(x1.verifyPropValue("alignmentUnits", "bytes"))

Example 52
Source File: filter_errorcode.scala    From scalabpe   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package scalabpe.plugin

import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.xml.Node

import scalabpe.core.DummyActor
import scalabpe.core.HashMapStringAny
import scalabpe.core.Logging
import scalabpe.core.Request
import scalabpe.core.Response
import scalabpe.core.ResponseFilter
import scalabpe.core.Router

class ErrorCodeDefine(val resultCodeName: String, val resultMsgName: String);

class ErrorDescResponseFilter(val router: Router, val cfgNode: Node) extends ResponseFilter with Logging {

    val cfgs = new HashMap[Int, ErrorCodeDefine]()
    var localCacheServiceId = 0
    val dummyActor = new DummyActor()


    def init() {

        var s = (cfgNode \ "@localCacheServiceId").toString
        if (s != "")
            localCacheServiceId = s.toInt

        val serviceNodes = (cfgNode \ "Service")
        for (p <- serviceNodes) {

            val serviceId = (p \ "@serviceId").toString.toInt
            val resultCodeName = (p \ "@resultCodeField").toString
            val resultMsgName = (p \ "@resultMsgField").toString

            cfgs.put(serviceId, new ErrorCodeDefine(resultCodeName, resultMsgName))

        }"errorcode response filter created")

    def filter(res: Response, req: Request): Unit = {

        //"error response filter called, res={}",res.toString)

        val rd = cfgs.getOrElse(res.serviceId, null)
        if (rd == null) return

        if (rd.resultCodeName != "") {
            if (res.body.getOrElse(rd.resultCodeName, null) == null) {
                res.body.put(rd.resultCodeName, res.code)

        if (res.code == 0) return
        if (rd.resultMsgName == "") return
        if (res.body.getOrElse(rd.resultMsgName, null) != null) return

        val body = new HashMapStringAny()
        body.put("resultCode", res.code)

        val req = new Request(
            res.requestId + ":$",
            new HashMapStringAny(),

        val invokeResult = router.send(req)
        if (invokeResult == null) return

        val resultMsg = invokeResult.s("resultMsg", "")
        if (resultMsg != "")
            res.body.put(rd.resultMsgName, resultMsg)

Example 53
Source File: regdishook_sample.scala    From scalabpe   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package scalabpe.plugin

import scala.xml.Node

import scalabpe.core.Closable
import scalabpe.core.Logging
import scalabpe.core.RegDisHook
import scalabpe.core.Router

class RegDisHookSample(val router: Router, val cfgNode: Node) extends Logging with RegDisHook with Closable {"regdis hook created")

    def updateXml(xml: String): String = {"updateXml called")

    def close(): Unit = {"regdis hook closed")
Example 54
Source File: DruidQueriesPage.scala    From spark-druid-olap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparklinedata.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
import org.apache.spark.sql.SPLLogging
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}
import org.sparklinedata.druid.metadata.{DruidQueryExecutionView, DruidQueryHistory}
import scala.xml.Node

private[ui] class DruidQueriesPage(parent: DruidQueriesTab) extends WebUIPage("") with SPLLogging {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val content = generateDruidStatsTable()
    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Druid Query Details", content, parent, Some(5000))

  private def generateDruidStatsTable(): Seq[Node] = {
    val numStatement = DruidQueryHistory.getHistory.size
    val table = if (numStatement > 0) {
      val headerRow = Seq("stageId", "partitionId", "taskAttemptId", "druidQueryServer",
        "druidSegIntervals", "startTime", "druidExecTime", "queryExecTime", "numRows",
        "druidQuery", "sql")
      val druidContent = DruidQueryHistory.getHistory
      def generateDataRow(info: DruidQueryExecutionView): Seq[Node] = {
        var interval = ""
        for(temp <- info.druidSegIntervals){
          interval += temp
        val stageLink = "%s/stages/stage?id=%s&attempt=0"
          .format(UIUtils.prependBaseUri(parent.basePath), info.stageId)
          <td><a href={stageLink}> {info.stageId} </a></td>
      Some(UIUtils.listingTable(headerRow, generateDataRow,
        druidContent, false, None, Seq(null), false))
    } else {
    val content =
      <h5 id="sqlstat">Druid Query Details</h5> ++
          <ul class="unstyled">
            {table.getOrElse("No queries have been executed yet.")}
Example 55
Source File: WebCrawler.scala    From CSYE7200_Old   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package edu.neu.coe.csye7200.asstwc


import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util._
import scala.xml.Node

object WebCrawler extends App {

  def getURLContent(u: URL): Future[String] = {
    for {
      source <- Future(Source.fromURL(u))
    } yield source mkString

  def wget(u: URL): Future[Seq[URL]] = {
    // TO BE IMPLEMENTED implement. 16 points. Hint: write as a for-comprehension, using the constructor new URL(URL,String) to get the appropriate URL for relative links
    def getURLs(ns: Node): Seq[URL] = ???
    def getLinks(g: String): Try[Seq[URL]] =
      for (n <- HTMLParser.parse(g) recoverWith { case f => Failure(new RuntimeException(s"parse problem with URL $u: $f")) })
        yield getURLs(n)
    // TO BE IMPLEMENTED implement. 9 points. Hint: write as a for-comprehension, using getURLContent (above) and getLinks above. You might also need MonadOps.asFuture

  def wget(us: Seq[URL]): Future[Seq[Either[Throwable, Seq[URL]]]] = {
    val us2 = us.distinct take 10
    // TO BE IMPLEMENTED implement the rest of this, based on us2 instead of us. 15 points.
    // Hint: Use wget(URL) (above). MonadOps.sequence and Future.sequence are also available to you to use.

  def crawler(depth: Int, args: Seq[URL]): Future[Seq[URL]] = {
    def inner(urls: Seq[URL], depth: Int, accum: Seq[URL]): Future[Seq[URL]] =
      if (depth > 0)
        for (us <- MonadOps.flattenRecover(wget(urls), { x => System.err.println(x) }); r <- inner(us, depth - 1, accum ++: urls)) yield r
    inner(args, depth, Nil)

  println(s"web reader: ${args.toList}")
  val urls = for (arg <- args toList) yield Try(new URL(arg))
  val s = MonadOps.sequence(urls)
  s match {
    case Success(z) =>
      println(s"invoking crawler on $z")
      val f = crawler(2, z)
      Await.ready(f, Duration("60 second"))
      for (x <- f) println(s"Links: $x")
    case Failure(z) => println(s"failure: $z")
Example 56
Source File: HistoryPage.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.history

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[history] class HistoryPage(parent: HistoryServer) extends WebUIPage("") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val requestedIncomplete =

    val allAppsSize = parent.getApplicationList().count(_.completed != requestedIncomplete)
    val eventLogsUnderProcessCount = parent.getEventLogsUnderProcess()
    val lastUpdatedTime = parent.getLastUpdatedTime()
    val providerConfig = parent.getProviderConfig()
    val content =
      <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/historypage-common.js")}></script>
          <div class="span12">
            <ul class="unstyled">
              { { case (k, v) => <li><strong>{k}:</strong> {v}</li> }}
            if (eventLogsUnderProcessCount > 0) {
              <p>There are {eventLogsUnderProcessCount} event log(s) currently being
                processed which may result in additional applications getting listed on this page.
                Refresh the page to view updates. </p>

            if (lastUpdatedTime > 0) {
              <p>Last updated: <span id="last-updated">{lastUpdatedTime}</span></p>

            if (allAppsSize > 0) {
              <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/dataTables.rowsGroup.js")}></script> ++
                <div id="history-summary" class="span12 pagination"></div> ++
                <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/utils.js")}></script> ++
                <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/historypage.js")}></script> ++
            } else if (requestedIncomplete) {
              <h4>No incomplete applications found!</h4>
            } else if (eventLogsUnderProcessCount > 0) {
              <h4>No completed applications found!</h4>
            } else {
              <h4>No completed applications found!</h4> ++ parent.emptyListingHtml

            <a href={makePageLink(!requestedIncomplete)}>
              if (requestedIncomplete) {
                "Back to completed applications"
              } else {
                "Show incomplete applications"
    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, "History Server", true)

  private def makePageLink(showIncomplete: Boolean): String = {
    UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/?" + "showIncomplete=" + showIncomplete)
Example 57
Source File: ExecutorsPage.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1.ExecutorSummary
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

// This isn't even used anymore -- but we need to keep it b/c of a MiMa false positive
private[ui] case class ExecutorSummaryInfo(
    id: String,
    hostPort: String,
    rddBlocks: Int,
    memoryUsed: Long,
    diskUsed: Long,
    activeTasks: Int,
    failedTasks: Int,
    completedTasks: Int,
    totalTasks: Int,
    totalDuration: Long,
    totalInputBytes: Long,
    totalShuffleRead: Long,
    totalShuffleWrite: Long,
    maxMemory: Long,
    executorLogs: Map[String, String])

private[ui] class ExecutorsPage(
    parent: ExecutorsTab,
    threadDumpEnabled: Boolean)
  extends WebUIPage("") {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val content =
          <div id="active-executors"></div> ++
          <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/utils.js",
            sparkUser = parent.sparkUser)}></script> ++
          <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/executorspage.js",
            sparkUser = parent.sparkUser)}></script> ++

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Executors", content, parent, useDataTables = true)

private[spark] object ExecutorsPage {
  def getExecInfo(
      listener: ExecutorsListener,
      statusId: Int,
      isActive: Boolean): ExecutorSummary = {
    val status = if (isActive) {
    } else {
    val execId = status.blockManagerId.executorId
    val hostPort = status.blockManagerId.hostPort
    val rddBlocks = status.numBlocks
    val memUsed = status.memUsed
    val maxMem = status.maxMem
    val diskUsed = status.diskUsed
    val taskSummary = listener.executorToTaskSummary.getOrElse(execId, ExecutorTaskSummary(execId))

    new ExecutorSummary(
      taskSummary.tasksActive + taskSummary.tasksFailed + taskSummary.tasksComplete,
Example 58
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.{Node, Text}

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") {

  private val sc =

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map { executorId =>
    }.getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter")
    val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId)

    val content = { threadDump =>
      val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith {
        case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) =>
          val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          if (v1 == v2) {
            threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase < threadTrace2.threadName.toLowerCase
          } else {
            v1 > v2
      }.map { thread =>
        val threadId = thread.threadId
        val blockedBy = thread.blockedByThreadId match {
          case Some(blockedByThreadId) =>
              Blocked by <a href={s"#${thread.blockedByThreadId}_td_id"}>
              Thread {thread.blockedByThreadId} {thread.blockedByLock}</a>
          case None => Text("")
        val heldLocks = thread.holdingLocks.mkString(", ")

        <tr id={s"thread_${threadId}_tr"} class="accordion-heading"
            onclick={s"toggleThreadStackTrace($threadId, false)"}
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_id"}>{threadId}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_name"}>{thread.threadName}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_state"}>{thread.threadState}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_locking"}>{blockedBy}{heldLocks}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_stacktrace"} class="hidden">{thread.stackTrace}</td>

    <div class="row-fluid">
      <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p>
        // scalastyle:off
        <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="expandAllThreadStackTrace(true)">
          Expand All
        <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(true)">
          Collapse All
        <div class="form-inline">
        <div class="bs-example" data-example-id="simple-form-inline">
          <div class="form-group">
            <div class="input-group">
              Search: <input type="text" class="form-control" id="search" oninput="onSearchStringChange()"></input>
        // scalastyle:on
      <table class={UIUtils.TABLE_CLASS_STRIPED + " accordion-group" + " sortable"}>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread ID</th>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Name</th>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread State</th>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Locks</th>
    }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump"))
    UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent)
Example 59
Source File: EnvironmentPage.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.env

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class EnvironmentPage(parent: EnvironmentTab) extends WebUIPage("") {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  private def removePass(kv: (String, String)): (String, String) = {
    if (kv._1.toLowerCase.contains("password") || kv._1.toLowerCase.contains("secret")) {
      (kv._1, "******")
    } else kv

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val runtimeInformationTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, jvmRow, listener.jvmInformation, fixedWidth = true)
    val sparkPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow,, fixedWidth = true)
    val systemPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, listener.systemProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val classpathEntriesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      classPathHeaders, classPathRow, listener.classpathEntries, fixedWidth = true)
    val content =
        <h4>Runtime Information</h4> {runtimeInformationTable}
        <h4>Spark Properties</h4> {sparkPropertiesTable}
        <h4>System Properties</h4> {systemPropertiesTable}
        <h4>Classpath Entries</h4> {classpathEntriesTable}

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Environment", content, parent)

  private def propertyHeader = Seq("Name", "Value")
  private def classPathHeaders = Seq("Resource", "Source")
  private def jvmRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def propertyRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def classPathRow(data: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{data._1}</td><td>{data._2}</td></tr>
Example 60
Source File: PoolTable.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up


import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{Schedulable, StageInfo}
import org.apache.spark.ui.UIUtils

private[ui] class PoolTable(pools: Seq[Schedulable], parent: StagesTab) {
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def toNodeSeq: Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      poolTable(poolRow, pools)

  private def poolTable(
      makeRow: (Schedulable, HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]) => Seq[Node],
      rows: Seq[Schedulable]): Seq[Node] = {
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed sortable table-fixed">
        <th>Pool Name</th>
        <th>Minimum Share</th>
        <th>Pool Weight</th>
        <th>Active Stages</th>
        <th>Running Tasks</th>
        { => makeRow(r, listener.poolToActiveStages))}

  private def poolRow(
      p: Schedulable,
      poolToActiveStages: HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]): Seq[Node] = {
    val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get( match {
      case Some(stages) => stages.size
      case None => 0
    val href = "%s/stages/pool?poolname=%s"
      .format(UIUtils.prependBaseUri(parent.basePath, sparkUser = parent.sparkUser), URLEncoder.encode(, "UTF-8"))
        <a href={href}>{}</a>
Example 61
Source File: PoolPage.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StageInfo
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class PoolPage(parent: StagesTab) extends WebUIPage("pool") {
  private val sc =
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      val poolName = Option(request.getParameter("poolname")).map { poolname =>
      }.getOrElse {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing poolname parameter")

      val poolToActiveStages = listener.poolToActiveStages
      val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get(poolName) match {
        case Some(s) => s.values.toSeq
        case None => Seq[StageInfo]()
      val shouldShowActiveStages = activeStages.nonEmpty
      val activeStagesTable =
        new StageTableBase(request, activeStages, "", "activeStage", parent.basePath, "stages/pool",
          parent.progressListener, parent.isFairScheduler, parent.killEnabled,
          isFailedStage = false, parent.sparkUser)

      // For now, pool information is only accessible in live UIs
      val pools = {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown poolname: $poolName")
      val poolTable = new PoolTable(pools, parent)

      var content = <h4>Summary </h4> ++ poolTable.toNodeSeq
      if (shouldShowActiveStages) {
        content ++= <h4>{activeStages.size} Active Stages</h4> ++ activeStagesTable.toNodeSeq

      UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Fair Scheduler Pool: " + poolName, content, parent)
Example 62
Source File: PagedTableSuite.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite

class PagedDataSourceSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

  test("basic") {
    val dataSource1 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource1.pageData(1) === PageData(3, (1 to 2)))

    val dataSource2 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource2.pageData(2) === PageData(3, (3 to 4)))

    val dataSource3 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource3.pageData(3) === PageData(3, Seq(5)))

    val dataSource4 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e1 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e1.getMessage === "Page 4 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")

    val dataSource5 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e2 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e2.getMessage === "Page 0 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")


class PagedTableSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
  test("pageNavigation") {
    // Create a fake PagedTable to test pageNavigation
    val pagedTable = new PagedTable[Int] {
      override def tableId: String = ""

      override def tableCssClass: String = ""

      override def dataSource: PagedDataSource[Int] = null

      override def pageLink(page: Int): String = page.toString

      override def headers: Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def row(t: Int): Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def pageSizeFormField: String = "pageSize"

      override def prevPageSizeFormField: String = "prevPageSize"

      override def pageNumberFormField: String = "page"

      override def goButtonFormPath: String = ""

    assert(pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 1) === Nil)
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("1", "2", ">"))
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("<", "1", "2"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<") ++ (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(100, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(99, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(11, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (11 to 20).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(93, 10, 97).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 97).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

private[spark] class SeqPagedDataSource[T](seq: Seq[T], pageSize: Int)
  extends PagedDataSource[T](pageSize) {

  override protected def dataSize: Int = seq.size

  override protected def sliceData(from: Int, to: Int): Seq[T] = seq.slice(from, to)
Example 63
Source File: StagePageSuite.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.mockito.Mockito.{RETURNS_SMART_NULLS, mock, when}

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics
import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
import org.apache.spark.ui.exec.ExecutorsListener
import{JobProgressListener, StagePage, StagesTab}
import org.apache.spark.ui.scope.RDDOperationGraphListener
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class StagePageSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {

  private val peakExecutionMemory = 10

  test("peak execution memory should displayed") {
    val conf = new SparkConf(false)
    val html = renderStagePage(conf).toString().toLowerCase
    val targetString = "peak execution memory"

  test("SPARK-10543: peak execution memory should be per-task rather than cumulative") {
    val conf = new SparkConf(false)
    val html = renderStagePage(conf).toString().toLowerCase
    // verify min/25/50/75/max show task value not cumulative values
    assert(html.contains(s"<td>$peakExecutionMemory.0 b</td>" * 5))

  private def renderStagePage(conf: SparkConf): Seq[Node] = {

    val jobListener = new JobProgressListener(conf, Utils.getCurrentUserName())
    val graphListener = new RDDOperationGraphListener(conf)
    val executorsListener = new ExecutorsListener(new StorageStatusListener(conf), conf)
    val tab = mock(classOf[StagesTab], RETURNS_SMART_NULLS)
    val request = mock(classOf[HttpServletRequest])
    val page = new StagePage(tab)

    // Simulate a stage in job progress listener
    val stageInfo = new StageInfo(0, 0, "dummy", 1, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, "details")
    // Simulate two tasks to test PEAK_EXECUTION_MEMORY correctness
    (1 to 2).foreach {
      taskId =>
        val taskInfo = new TaskInfo(taskId, taskId, 0, 0, "0", "localhost", TaskLocality.ANY, false)
        jobListener.onTaskStart(SparkListenerTaskStart(0, 0, taskInfo))
        val taskMetrics = TaskMetrics.empty
          SparkListenerTaskEnd(0, 0, "result", Success, taskInfo, taskMetrics))

Example 64
Source File: MesosClusterPage.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.mesos.Protos.TaskStatus
import org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos.MesosDriverDescription
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.mesos.MesosClusterSubmissionState
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[mesos] class MesosClusterPage(parent: MesosClusterUI) extends WebUIPage("") {
  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val state = parent.scheduler.getSchedulerState()
    val queuedHeaders = Seq("Driver ID", "Submit Date", "Main Class", "Driver Resources")
    val driverHeaders = queuedHeaders ++
      Seq("Start Date", "Mesos Slave ID", "State")
    val retryHeaders = Seq("Driver ID", "Submit Date", "Description") ++
      Seq("Last Failed Status", "Next Retry Time", "Attempt Count")
    val queuedTable = UIUtils.listingTable(queuedHeaders, queuedRow, state.queuedDrivers)
    val launchedTable = UIUtils.listingTable(driverHeaders, driverRow, state.launchedDrivers)
    val finishedTable = UIUtils.listingTable(driverHeaders, driverRow, state.finishedDrivers)
    val retryTable = UIUtils.listingTable(retryHeaders, retryRow, state.pendingRetryDrivers)
    val content =
      <p>Mesos Framework ID: {state.frameworkId}</p>
      <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12">
          <h4>Queued Drivers:</h4>
          <h4>Launched Drivers:</h4>
          <h4>Finished Drivers:</h4>
          <h4>Supervise drivers waiting for retry:</h4>
    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, "Spark Drivers for Mesos cluster")

  private def queuedRow(submission: MesosDriverDescription): Seq[Node] = {
    val id = submission.submissionId
      <td><a href={s"driver?id=$id"}>{id}</a></td>
      <td>cpus: {submission.cores}, mem: {submission.mem}</td>

  private def driverRow(state: MesosClusterSubmissionState): Seq[Node] = {
    val id = state.driverDescription.submissionId
      <td><a href={s"driver?id=$id"}>{id}</a></td>
      <td>cpus: {state.driverDescription.cores}, mem: {state.driverDescription.mem}</td>

  private def retryRow(submission: MesosDriverDescription): Seq[Node] = {
    val id = submission.submissionId
      <td><a href={s"driver?id=$id"}>{id}</a></td>

  private def stateString(status: Option[TaskStatus]): String = {
    if (status.isEmpty) {
      return ""
    val sb = new StringBuilder
    val s = status.get
    sb.append(s"State: ${s.getState}")
    if (status.get.hasMessage) {
      sb.append(s", Message: ${s.getMessage}")
    if (status.get.hasHealthy) {
      sb.append(s", Healthy: ${s.getHealthy}")
    if (status.get.hasSource) {
      sb.append(s", Source: ${s.getSource}")
    if (status.get.hasReason) {
      sb.append(s", Reason: ${s.getReason}")
    if (status.get.hasTimestamp) {
      sb.append(s", Time: ${s.getTimestamp}")
Example 65
Source File: HistoryNotFoundPage.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class HistoryNotFoundPage(parent: MasterWebUI)
  extends WebUIPage("history/not-found") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val titleParam = request.getParameter("title")
    val msgParam = request.getParameter("msg")
    val exceptionParam = request.getParameter("exception")

    // If no parameters are specified, assume the user did not enable event logging
    val defaultTitle = "Event logging is not enabled"
    val defaultContent =
      <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12" style="font-size:14px">
          No event logs were found for this application! To
          <a href="">enable event logging</a>,
          set <span style="font-style:italic">spark.eventLog.enabled</span> to true and
          <span style="font-style:italic">spark.eventLog.dir</span> to the directory to which your
          event logs are written.

    val title = Option(titleParam).getOrElse(defaultTitle)
    val content = Option(msgParam)
      .map { msg => URLDecoder.decode(msg, "UTF-8") }
      .map { msg =>
        <div class="row-fluid">
          <div class="span12" style="font-size:14px">{msg}</div>
        </div> ++
          .map { e => URLDecoder.decode(e, "UTF-8") }
          .map { e => <pre>{e}</pre> }

    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, title)
Example 66
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.util.Try
import scala.xml.{Text, Node}

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") {

  private val sc =

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map {
      executorId =>
        // Due to YARN-2844, "<driver>" in the url will be encoded to "%25253Cdriver%25253E" when
        // running in yarn-cluster mode. `request.getParameter("executorId")` will return
        // "%253Cdriver%253E". Therefore we need to decode it until we get the real id.
        var id = executorId
        var decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8")
        while (id != decodedId) {
          id = decodedId
          decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8")
    }.getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter")
    val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId)

    val content = { threadDump =>
      val dumpRows = { thread =>
        <div class="accordion-group">
          <div class="accordion-heading" onclick="$(this).next().toggleClass('hidden')">
            <a class="accordion-toggle">
              Thread {thread.threadId}: {thread.threadName} ({thread.threadState})
          <div class="accordion-body hidden">
            <div class="accordion-inner">

      <div class="row-fluid">
        <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p>
          // scalastyle:off
          <p><a class="expandbutton"
                onClick="$('.accordion-body').removeClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')">
            Expand All
          <p><a class="expandbutton hidden"
                onClick="$('.accordion-body').addClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')">
            Collapse All
          // scalastyle:on
        <div class="accordion">{dumpRows}</div>
    }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump"))
    UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent)
Example 67
Source File: EnvironmentPage.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.env

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class EnvironmentPage(parent: EnvironmentTab) extends WebUIPage("") {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val runtimeInformationTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, jvmRow, listener.jvmInformation, fixedWidth = true)
    val sparkPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, listener.sparkProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val systemPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, listener.systemProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val classpathEntriesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      classPathHeaders, classPathRow, listener.classpathEntries, fixedWidth = true)
    val content =
        <h4>Runtime Information</h4> {runtimeInformationTable}
        <h4>Spark Properties</h4> {sparkPropertiesTable}
        <h4>System Properties</h4> {systemPropertiesTable}
        <h4>Classpath Entries</h4> {classpathEntriesTable}

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Environment", content, parent)

  private def propertyHeader = Seq("Name", "Value")
  private def classPathHeaders = Seq("Resource", "Source")
  private def jvmRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def propertyRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def classPathRow(data: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{data._1}</td><td>{data._2}</td></tr>
Example 68
Source File: StoragePage.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

  private def rddRow(rdd: RDDInfo): Seq[Node] = {
    // scalastyle:off
        <a href={"%s/storage/rdd?id=%s".format(UIUtils.prependBaseUri(parent.basePath),}>
      <td>{"%.0f%%".format(rdd.numCachedPartitions * 100.0 / rdd.numPartitions)}</td>
      <td sorttable_customkey={rdd.memSize.toString}>{Utils.bytesToString(rdd.memSize)}</td>
      <td sorttable_customkey={rdd.externalBlockStoreSize.toString}>{Utils.bytesToString(rdd.externalBlockStoreSize)}</td>
      <td sorttable_customkey={rdd.diskSize.toString} >{Utils.bytesToString(rdd.diskSize)}</td>
    // scalastyle:on
Example 69
Source File: PoolTable.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{Schedulable, StageInfo}
import org.apache.spark.ui.UIUtils

private[ui] class PoolTable(pools: Seq[Schedulable], parent: StagesTab) {
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def toNodeSeq: Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      poolTable(poolRow, pools)

  private def poolTable(
      makeRow: (Schedulable, HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]) => Seq[Node],
      rows: Seq[Schedulable]): Seq[Node] = {
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed sortable table-fixed">
        <th>Pool Name</th>
        <th>Minimum Share</th>
        <th>Pool Weight</th>
        <th>Active Stages</th>
        <th>Running Tasks</th>
        { => makeRow(r, listener.poolToActiveStages))}

  private def poolRow(
      p: Schedulable,
      poolToActiveStages: HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]): Seq[Node] = {
    val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get( match {
      case Some(stages) => stages.size
      case None => 0
    val href = "%s/stages/pool?poolname=%s"
        <a href={href}>{}</a>
Example 70
Source File: PoolPage.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StageInfo
import org.apache.spark.ui.{WebUIPage, UIUtils}

private[ui] class PoolPage(parent: StagesTab) extends WebUIPage("pool") {
  private val sc =
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      val poolName = request.getParameter("poolname")
      require(poolName != null && poolName.nonEmpty, "Missing poolname parameter")

      val poolToActiveStages = listener.poolToActiveStages
      val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get(poolName) match {
        case Some(s) => s.values.toSeq
        case None => Seq[StageInfo]()
      val activeStagesTable = new StageTableBase(activeStages.sortBy(_.submissionTime).reverse,
        parent.basePath, parent.progressListener, isFairScheduler = parent.isFairScheduler,
        killEnabled = parent.killEnabled)

      // For now, pool information is only accessible in live UIs
      val pools =
      val poolTable = new PoolTable(pools, parent)

      val content =
        <h4>Summary </h4> ++ poolTable.toNodeSeq ++
        <h4>{activeStages.size} Active Stages</h4> ++ activeStagesTable.toNodeSeq

      UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Fair Scheduler Pool: " + poolName, content, parent)
Example 71
Source File: MesosClusterPage.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.mesos.Protos.TaskStatus
import org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos.MesosDriverDescription
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.mesos.MesosClusterSubmissionState
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[mesos] class MesosClusterPage(parent: MesosClusterUI) extends WebUIPage("") {
  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val state = parent.scheduler.getSchedulerState()
    val queuedHeaders = Seq("Driver ID", "Submit Date", "Main Class", "Driver Resources")
    val driverHeaders = queuedHeaders ++
      Seq("Start Date", "Mesos Slave ID", "State")
    val retryHeaders = Seq("Driver ID", "Submit Date", "Description") ++
      Seq("Last Failed Status", "Next Retry Time", "Attempt Count")
    val queuedTable = UIUtils.listingTable(queuedHeaders, queuedRow, state.queuedDrivers)
    val launchedTable = UIUtils.listingTable(driverHeaders, driverRow, state.launchedDrivers)
    val finishedTable = UIUtils.listingTable(driverHeaders, driverRow, state.finishedDrivers)
    val retryTable = UIUtils.listingTable(retryHeaders, retryRow, state.pendingRetryDrivers)
    val content =
      <p>Mesos Framework ID: {state.frameworkId}</p>
      <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12">
          <h4>Queued Drivers:</h4>
          <h4>Launched Drivers:</h4>
          <h4>Finished Drivers:</h4>
          <h4>Supervise drivers waiting for retry:</h4>
    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, "Spark Drivers for Mesos cluster")

  private def queuedRow(submission: MesosDriverDescription): Seq[Node] = {
    val id = submission.submissionId
      <td><a href={s"driver?id=$id"}>{id}</a></td>
      <td>cpus: {submission.cores}, mem: {submission.mem}</td>

  private def driverRow(state: MesosClusterSubmissionState): Seq[Node] = {
    val id = state.driverDescription.submissionId
      <td><a href={s"driver?id=$id"}>{id}</a></td>
      <td>cpus: {state.driverDescription.cores}, mem: {state.driverDescription.mem}</td>

  private def retryRow(submission: MesosDriverDescription): Seq[Node] = {
    val id = submission.submissionId
      <td><a href={s"driver?id=$id"}>{id}</a></td>

  private def stateString(status: Option[TaskStatus]): String = {
    if (status.isEmpty) {
      return ""
    val sb = new StringBuilder
    val s = status.get
    sb.append(s"State: ${s.getState}")
    if (status.get.hasMessage) {
      sb.append(s", Message: ${s.getMessage}")
    if (status.get.hasHealthy) {
      sb.append(s", Healthy: ${s.getHealthy}")
    if (status.get.hasSource) {
      sb.append(s", Source: ${s.getSource}")
    if (status.get.hasReason) {
      sb.append(s", Reason: ${s.getReason}")
    if (status.get.hasTimestamp) {
      sb.append(s", Time: ${s.getTimestamp}")
Example 72
Source File: HistoryNotFoundPage.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class HistoryNotFoundPage(parent: MasterWebUI)
  extends WebUIPage("history/not-found") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val titleParam = request.getParameter("title")
    val msgParam = request.getParameter("msg")
    val exceptionParam = request.getParameter("exception")

    // If no parameters are specified, assume the user did not enable event logging
    val defaultTitle = "Event logging is not enabled"
    val defaultContent =
      <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12" style="font-size:14px">
          No event logs were found for this application! To
          <a href="">enable event logging</a>,
          set <span style="font-style:italic">spark.eventLog.enabled</span> to true and
          <span style="font-style:italic">spark.eventLog.dir</span> to the directory to which your
          event logs are written.

    val title = Option(titleParam).getOrElse(defaultTitle)
    val content = Option(msgParam)
      .map { msg => URLDecoder.decode(msg, "UTF-8") }
      .map { msg =>
        <div class="row-fluid">
          <div class="span12" style="font-size:14px">{msg}</div>
        </div> ++
          .map { e => URLDecoder.decode(e, "UTF-8") }
          .map { e => <pre>{e}</pre> }

    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, title)
Example 73
Source File: ApplicationPage.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.deploy.ExecutorState
import org.apache.spark.deploy.DeployMessages.{MasterStateResponse, RequestMasterState}
import org.apache.spark.deploy.master.ExecutorDesc
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[ui] class ApplicationPage(parent: MasterWebUI) extends WebUIPage("app") {

  private val master = parent.masterEndpointRef

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val appId = request.getParameter("appId")
    val state = master.askWithRetry[MasterStateResponse](RequestMasterState)
    val app = state.activeApps.find( == appId).getOrElse({
      state.completedApps.find( == appId).getOrElse(null)
    if (app == null) {
      val msg = <div class="row-fluid">No running application with ID {appId}</div>
      return UIUtils.basicSparkPage(msg, "Not Found")

    val executorHeaders = Seq("ExecutorID", "Worker", "Cores", "Memory", "State", "Logs")
    val allExecutors = (app.executors.values ++ app.removedExecutors).toSet.toSeq
    // This includes executors that are either still running or have exited cleanly
    val executors = allExecutors.filter { exec =>
      !ExecutorState.isFinished(exec.state) || exec.state == ExecutorState.EXITED
    val removedExecutors = allExecutors.diff(executors)
    val executorsTable = UIUtils.listingTable(executorHeaders, executorRow, executors)
    val removedExecutorsTable = UIUtils.listingTable(executorHeaders, executorRow, removedExecutors)

    val content =
      <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12">
          <ul class="unstyled">
            <li><strong>ID:</strong> {}</li>
            <li><strong>Name:</strong> {}</li>
            <li><strong>User:</strong> {app.desc.user}</li>
              if (app.desc.maxCores.isEmpty) {
                "Unlimited (%s granted)".format(app.coresGranted)
              } else {
                "%s (%s granted, %s left)".format(
                  app.desc.maxCores.get, app.coresGranted, app.coresLeft)
              <strong>Executor Memory:</strong>
            <li><strong>Submit Date:</strong> {app.submitDate}</li>
            <li><strong>State:</strong> {app.state}</li>
            <li><strong><a href={app.desc.appUiUrl}>Application Detail UI</a></strong></li>

      <div class="row-fluid"> <!-- Executors -->
        <div class="span12">
          <h4> Executor Summary </h4>
            if (removedExecutors.nonEmpty) {
              <h4> Removed Executors </h4> ++
    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, "Application: " +

  private def executorRow(executor: ExecutorDesc): Seq[Node] = {
        <a href={executor.worker.webUiAddress}>{}</a>
        <a href={"%s/logPage?appId=%s&executorId=%s&logType=stdout"
        <a href={"%s/logPage?appId=%s&executorId=%s&logType=stderr"
Example 74
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.util.Try
import scala.xml.{Text, Node}

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") {

  private val sc =

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map {
      executorId =>
        // Due to YARN-2844, "<driver>" in the url will be encoded to "%25253Cdriver%25253E" when
        // running in yarn-cluster mode. `request.getParameter("executorId")` will return
        // "%253Cdriver%253E". Therefore we need to decode it until we get the real id.
        var id = executorId
        var decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8")
        while (id != decodedId) {
          id = decodedId
          decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8")
    }.getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter")
    val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId)

    val content = { threadDump =>
      val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith {
        case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) => {
          val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          if (v1 == v2) {
            threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase < threadTrace2.threadName.toLowerCase
          } else {
            v1 > v2
      }.map { thread =>
        val threadName = thread.threadName
        val className = "accordion-heading " + {
          if (threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) {
          } else {
        <div class="accordion-group">
          <div class={className} onclick="$(this).next().toggleClass('hidden')">
            <a class="accordion-toggle">
              Thread {thread.threadId}: {threadName} ({thread.threadState})
          <div class="accordion-body hidden">
            <div class="accordion-inner">

      <div class="row-fluid">
        <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p>
          // scalastyle:off
          <p><a class="expandbutton"
                onClick="$('.accordion-body').removeClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')">
            Expand All
          <p><a class="expandbutton hidden"
                onClick="$('.accordion-body').addClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')">
            Collapse All
          // scalastyle:on
        <div class="accordion">{dumpRows}</div>
    }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump"))
    UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent)
Example 75
Source File: EnvironmentPage.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.env

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class EnvironmentPage(parent: EnvironmentTab) extends WebUIPage("") {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val runtimeInformationTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, jvmRow, listener.jvmInformation, fixedWidth = true)
    val sparkPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, listener.sparkProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val systemPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, listener.systemProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val classpathEntriesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      classPathHeaders, classPathRow, listener.classpathEntries, fixedWidth = true)
    val content =
        <h4>Runtime Information</h4> {runtimeInformationTable}
        <h4>Spark Properties</h4> {sparkPropertiesTable}
        <h4>System Properties</h4> {systemPropertiesTable}
        <h4>Classpath Entries</h4> {classpathEntriesTable}

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Environment", content, parent)

  private def propertyHeader = Seq("Name", "Value")
  private def classPathHeaders = Seq("Resource", "Source")
  private def jvmRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def propertyRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def classPathRow(data: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{data._1}</td><td>{data._2}</td></tr>
Example 76
Source File: PoolTable.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{Schedulable, StageInfo}
import org.apache.spark.ui.UIUtils

private[ui] class PoolTable(pools: Seq[Schedulable], parent: StagesTab) {
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def toNodeSeq: Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      poolTable(poolRow, pools)

  private def poolTable(
      makeRow: (Schedulable, HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]) => Seq[Node],
      rows: Seq[Schedulable]): Seq[Node] = {
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed sortable table-fixed">
        <th>Pool Name</th>
        <th>Minimum Share</th>
        <th>Pool Weight</th>
        <th>Active Stages</th>
        <th>Running Tasks</th>
        { => makeRow(r, listener.poolToActiveStages))}

  private def poolRow(
      p: Schedulable,
      poolToActiveStages: HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]): Seq[Node] = {
    val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get( match {
      case Some(stages) => stages.size
      case None => 0
    val href = "%s/stages/pool?poolname=%s"
        <a href={href}>{}</a>
Example 77
Source File: PoolPage.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StageInfo
import org.apache.spark.ui.{WebUIPage, UIUtils}

private[ui] class PoolPage(parent: StagesTab) extends WebUIPage("pool") {
  private val sc =
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      val poolName = request.getParameter("poolname")
      require(poolName != null && poolName.nonEmpty, "Missing poolname parameter")

      val poolToActiveStages = listener.poolToActiveStages
      val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get(poolName) match {
        case Some(s) => s.values.toSeq
        case None => Seq[StageInfo]()
      val activeStagesTable = new StageTableBase(activeStages.sortBy(_.submissionTime).reverse,
        parent.basePath, parent.progressListener, isFairScheduler = parent.isFairScheduler,
        killEnabled = parent.killEnabled)

      // For now, pool information is only accessible in live UIs
      val pools =
      val poolTable = new PoolTable(pools, parent)

      val content =
        <h4>Summary </h4> ++ poolTable.toNodeSeq ++
        <h4>{activeStages.size} Active Stages</h4> ++ activeStagesTable.toNodeSeq

      UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Fair Scheduler Pool: " + poolName, content, parent)
Example 78
Source File: PagedTableSuite.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite

class PagedDataSourceSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

  test("basic") {   
    val dataSource1 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource1.pageData(1) === PageData(3, (1 to 2)))

    val dataSource2 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource2.pageData(2) === PageData(3, (3 to 4)))

    val dataSource3 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource3.pageData(3) === PageData(3, Seq(5)))

    val dataSource4 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e1 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e1.getMessage === "Page 4 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")

    val dataSource5 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e2 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e2.getMessage === "Page 0 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")


class PagedTableSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
  test("pageNavigation") {//页面导航
    // Create a fake PagedTable to test pageNavigation
    val pagedTable = new PagedTable[Int] {
      override def tableId: String = ""

      override def tableCssClass: String = ""

      override def dataSource: PagedDataSource[Int] = null

      override def pageLink(page: Int): String = page.toString

      override def headers: Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def row(t: Int): Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def goButtonJavascriptFunction: (String, String) = ("", "")

    assert(pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 1) === Nil)
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("1", "2", ">"))
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("<", "1", "2"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<") ++ (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(100, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(99, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(11, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (11 to 20).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(93, 10, 97).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 97).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

private[spark] class SeqPagedDataSource[T](seq: Seq[T], pageSize: Int)
  extends PagedDataSource[T](pageSize) {

  override protected def dataSize: Int = seq.size

  override protected def sliceData(from: Int, to: Int): Seq[T] = seq.slice(from, to)
Example 79
Source File: StagePageSuite.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.mockito.Mockito.{mock, when, RETURNS_SMART_NULLS}

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics
import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
import{JobProgressListener, StagePage, StagesTab}
import org.apache.spark.ui.scope.RDDOperationGraphListener

class StagePageSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {
  test("peak execution memory only displayed if unsafe is enabled") {
    val unsafeConf = "spark.sql.unsafe.enabled"
    val conf = new SparkConf(false).set(unsafeConf, "true")
    val html = renderStagePage(conf).toString().toLowerCase
    val targetString = "peak execution memory"
    // Disable unsafe and make sure it's not there
    val conf2 = new SparkConf(false).set(unsafeConf, "false")
    val html2 = renderStagePage(conf2).toString().toLowerCase
    // Avoid setting anything; it should be displayed by default
    val conf3 = new SparkConf(false)
    val html3 = renderStagePage(conf3).toString().toLowerCase

  test("SPARK-10543: peak execution memory should be per-task rather than cumulative") {
    val unsafeConf = "spark.sql.unsafe.enabled"
    val conf = new SparkConf(false).set(unsafeConf, "true")
    val html = renderStagePage(conf).toString().toLowerCase
    // verify min/25/50/75/max show task value not cumulative values
    //验证min / 25/50/75 / max显示任务值不是累积值
    assert(html.contains("<td>10.0 b</td>" * 5))

  private def renderStagePage(conf: SparkConf): Seq[Node] = {
    val jobListener = new JobProgressListener(conf)
    val graphListener = new RDDOperationGraphListener(conf)
    val tab = mock(classOf[StagesTab], RETURNS_SMART_NULLS)
    val request = mock(classOf[HttpServletRequest])
    val page = new StagePage(tab)

    // Simulate a stage in job progress listener
    val stageInfo = new StageInfo(0, 0, "dummy", 1, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, "details")
    // Simulate two tasks to test PEAK_EXECUTION_MEMORY correctness
    (1 to 2).foreach {
      taskId =>
        val taskInfo = new TaskInfo(taskId, taskId, 0, 0, "0", "localhost", TaskLocality.ANY, false)
        val peakExecutionMemory = 10
        taskInfo.accumulables += new AccumulableInfo(0, InternalAccumulator.PEAK_EXECUTION_MEMORY,
          Some(peakExecutionMemory.toString), (peakExecutionMemory * taskId).toString, true)
        jobListener.onTaskStart(SparkListenerTaskStart(0, 0, taskInfo))
          SparkListenerTaskEnd(0, 0, "result", Success, taskInfo, TaskMetrics.empty))

Example 80
Source File: WebCrawler.scala    From CSYE7200   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package edu.neu.coe.csye7200.asstwc


import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import{BufferedSource, Source}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.xml.Node

object WebCrawler extends App {

  def getURLContent(u: URL): Future[String] =
    for {
      s <- MonadOps.asFuture(SourceFromURL(u))
      w <- MonadOps.asFuture(sourceToString(s, s"Cannot read from source at $u"))
    } yield w

  def wget(u: URL): Future[Seq[URL]] = {
    // Hint: write as a for-comprehension, using the method createURL(Option[URL], String) to get the appropriate URL for relative links
    // 16 points.
    def getURLs(ns: Node): Seq[Try[URL]] = ??? // TO BE IMPLEMENTED

    def getLinks(g: String): Try[Seq[URL]] = {
      val ny = HTMLParser.parse(g) recoverWith { case f => Failure(new RuntimeException(s"parse problem with URL $u: $f")) }
      for (n <- ny; z <- MonadOps.sequence(getURLs(n))) yield z
    // Hint: write as a for-comprehension, using getURLContent (above) and getLinks above. You might also need MonadOps.asFuture
    // 9 points.

  def wget(us: Seq[URL]): Future[Seq[Either[Throwable, Seq[URL]]]] = {
    val us2 = us.distinct take 10
    // Hint: Use wget(URL) (above). MonadOps.sequence and Future.sequence are also available to you to use.
    // 15 points. Implement the rest of this, based on us2 instead of us.

  def crawler(depth: Int, us: Seq[URL]): Future[Seq[URL]] = {
    def inner(urls: Seq[URL], depth: Int, accum: Seq[URL]): Future[Seq[URL]] =
      if (depth > 0)
        for (us <- MonadOps.flattenRecover(wget(urls), { x => System.err.println(s"""crawler: ignoring exception $x ${if (x.getCause != null) " with cause " + x.getCause else ""}""") }); r <- inner(us, depth - 1, accum ++: urls)) yield r

    inner(us, depth, Nil)

  println(s"web reader: ${args.toList}")
  val uys = for (arg <- args toList) yield getURL(arg)
  val s = MonadOps.sequence(uys)
  s match {
    case Success(z) =>
      println(s"invoking crawler on $z")
      val f = crawler(2, z)
      Await.ready(f, Duration("60 second"))
      for (x <- f) println(s"Links: $x")
    case Failure(z) => println(s"failure: $z")

  private def sourceToString(source: BufferedSource, errorMsg: String): Try[String] =
    try Success(source mkString) catch {
      case NonFatal(e) => Failure(WebCrawlerException(errorMsg, e))

  private def getURL(resource: String): Try[URL] = createURL(null, resource)

  private def createURL(context: Option[URL], resource: String): Try[URL] =
    try Success(new URL(context.orNull, resource)) catch {
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        val message: String = s"""Bad URL: ${if (context.isDefined) "context: " + context else ""} resource=$resource"""
        Failure(WebCrawlerException(message, e))

  private def SourceFromURL(resource: URL): Try[BufferedSource] =
    try Success(Source.fromURL(resource)) catch {
      case NonFatal(e) => Failure(WebCrawlerException(s"""Cannot get source from URL: $resource""", e))

case class WebCrawlerException(url: String, cause: Throwable) extends Exception(s"Web Crawler could not decode URL: $url", cause) 
Example 81
Source File: HistoryPage.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.history

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1.ApplicationInfo
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[history] class HistoryPage(parent: HistoryServer) extends WebUIPage("") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    // stripXSS is called first to remove suspicious characters used in XSS attacks
    val requestedIncomplete =

    val allAppsSize = parent.getApplicationList()
      .count(isApplicationCompleted(_) != requestedIncomplete)
    val eventLogsUnderProcessCount = parent.getEventLogsUnderProcess()
    val lastUpdatedTime = parent.getLastUpdatedTime()
    val providerConfig = parent.getProviderConfig()
    val content =
      <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/historypage-common.js")}></script> ++
      <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/utils.js")}></script>
          <div class="container-fluid">
            <ul class="unstyled">
              { { case (k, v) => <li><strong>{k}:</strong> {v}</li> }}
            if (eventLogsUnderProcessCount > 0) {
              <p>There are {eventLogsUnderProcessCount} event log(s) currently being
                processed which may result in additional applications getting listed on this page.
                Refresh the page to view updates. </p>

            if (lastUpdatedTime > 0) {
              <p>Last updated: <span id="last-updated">{lastUpdatedTime}</span></p>

            <p>Client local time zone: <span id="time-zone"></span></p>

            if (allAppsSize > 0) {
              <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/dataTables.rowsGroup.js")}></script> ++
                <div id="history-summary" class="row-fluid"></div> ++
                <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/historypage.js")}></script> ++
            } else if (requestedIncomplete) {
              <h4>No incomplete applications found!</h4>
            } else if (eventLogsUnderProcessCount > 0) {
              <h4>No completed applications found!</h4>
            } else {
              <h4>No completed applications found!</h4> ++ parent.emptyListingHtml

            <a href={makePageLink(!requestedIncomplete)}>
              if (requestedIncomplete) {
                "Back to completed applications"
              } else {
                "Show incomplete applications"
    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, "History Server", true)

  private def makePageLink(showIncomplete: Boolean): String = {
    UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/?" + "showIncomplete=" + showIncomplete)

  private def isApplicationCompleted(appInfo: ApplicationInfo): Boolean = {
    appInfo.attempts.nonEmpty && appInfo.attempts.head.completed
Example 82
Source File: ExecutorsTab.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, SparkUITab, UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class ExecutorsTab(parent: SparkUI) extends SparkUITab(parent, "executors") {


  private def init(): Unit = {
    val threadDumpEnabled = && parent.conf.getBoolean("spark.ui.threadDumpsEnabled", true)

    attachPage(new ExecutorsPage(this, threadDumpEnabled))
    if (threadDumpEnabled) {
      attachPage(new ExecutorThreadDumpPage(this,


private[ui] class ExecutorsPage(
    parent: SparkUITab,
    threadDumpEnabled: Boolean)
  extends WebUIPage("") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val content =
          <div id="active-executors" class="row-fluid"></div> ++
          <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/utils.js")}></script> ++
          <script src={UIUtils.prependBaseUri("/static/executorspage.js")}></script> ++

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Executors", content, parent, useDataTables = true)
Example 83
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import java.util.Locale
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.{Node, Text}

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUITab, UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(
    parent: SparkUITab,
    sc: Option[SparkContext]) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") {

  // stripXSS is called first to remove suspicious characters used in XSS attacks
  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val executorId =
      Option(UIUtils.stripXSS(request.getParameter("executorId"))).map { executorId =>
    }.getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter")
    val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId)

    val content = { threadDump =>
      val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith {
        case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) =>
          val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          if (v1 == v2) {
            threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) <
          } else {
            v1 > v2
      }.map { thread =>
        val threadId = thread.threadId
        val blockedBy = thread.blockedByThreadId match {
          case Some(_) =>
              Blocked by <a href={s"#${thread.blockedByThreadId}_td_id"}>
              Thread {thread.blockedByThreadId} {thread.blockedByLock}</a>
          case None => Text("")
        val heldLocks = thread.holdingLocks.mkString(", ")

        <tr id={s"thread_${threadId}_tr"} class="accordion-heading"
            onclick={s"toggleThreadStackTrace($threadId, false)"}
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_id"}>{threadId}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_name"}>{thread.threadName}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_state"}>{thread.threadState}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_locking"}>{blockedBy}{heldLocks}</td>
          <td id={s"${threadId}_td_stacktrace"} class="hidden">{thread.stackTrace}</td>

    <div class="row-fluid">
      <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p>
        // scalastyle:off
        <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="expandAllThreadStackTrace(true)">
          Expand All
        <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(true)">
          Collapse All
        <div class="form-inline">
        <div class="bs-example" data-example-id="simple-form-inline">
          <div class="form-group">
            <div class="input-group">
              Search: <input type="text" class="form-control" id="search" oninput="onSearchStringChange()"></input>
        // scalastyle:on
      <table class={UIUtils.TABLE_CLASS_STRIPED + " accordion-group" + " sortable"}>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread ID</th>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Name</th>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread State</th>
          <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Locks</th>
    }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump"))
    UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent)
Example 84
Source File: EnvironmentPage.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.env

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.status.AppStatusStore
import org.apache.spark.ui._
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[ui] class EnvironmentPage(
    parent: EnvironmentTab,
    conf: SparkConf,
    store: AppStatusStore) extends WebUIPage("") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val appEnv = store.environmentInfo()
    val jvmInformation = Map(
      "Java Version" -> appEnv.runtime.javaVersion,
      "Java Home" -> appEnv.runtime.javaHome,
      "Scala Version" -> appEnv.runtime.scalaVersion)

    val runtimeInformationTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, jvmRow, jvmInformation, fixedWidth = true)
    val sparkPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(propertyHeader, propertyRow,
      Utils.redact(conf, appEnv.sparkProperties.toSeq), fixedWidth = true)
    val systemPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, appEnv.systemProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val classpathEntriesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      classPathHeaders, classPathRow, appEnv.classpathEntries, fixedWidth = true)
    val content =
        <h4>Runtime Information</h4> {runtimeInformationTable}
        <h4>Spark Properties</h4> {sparkPropertiesTable}
        <h4>System Properties</h4> {systemPropertiesTable}
        <h4>Classpath Entries</h4> {classpathEntriesTable}

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Environment", content, parent)

  private def propertyHeader = Seq("Name", "Value")
  private def classPathHeaders = Seq("Resource", "Source")
  private def jvmRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def propertyRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def classPathRow(data: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{data._1}</td><td>{data._2}</td></tr>

private[ui] class EnvironmentTab(
    parent: SparkUI,
    store: AppStatusStore) extends SparkUITab(parent, "environment") {
  attachPage(new EnvironmentPage(this, parent.conf, store))
Example 85
Source File: PoolTable.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up


import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.Schedulable
import org.apache.spark.status.PoolData
import org.apache.spark.ui.UIUtils

private[ui] class PoolTable(pools: Map[Schedulable, PoolData], parent: StagesTab) {

  def toNodeSeq: Seq[Node] = {
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed sortable table-fixed">
        <th>Pool Name</th>
        <th>Minimum Share</th>
        <th>Pool Weight</th>
        <th>Active Stages</th>
        <th>Running Tasks</th>
        { { case (s, p) => poolRow(s, p) }}

  private def poolRow(s: Schedulable, p: PoolData): Seq[Node] = {
    val activeStages = p.stageIds.size
    val href = "%s/stages/pool?poolname=%s"
      .format(UIUtils.prependBaseUri(parent.basePath), URLEncoder.encode(, "UTF-8"))
        <a href={href}>{}</a>
Example 86
Source File: PoolPage.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.status.PoolData
import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1._
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class PoolPage(parent: StagesTab) extends WebUIPage("pool") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    // stripXSS is called first to remove suspicious characters used in XSS attacks
    val poolName = Option(UIUtils.stripXSS(request.getParameter("poolname"))).map { poolname =>
    }.getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing poolname parameter")

    // For now, pool information is only accessible in live UIs
    val pool = {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown pool: $poolName")

    val uiPool =
      new PoolData(poolName, Set()))
    val activeStages =
    val activeStagesTable =
      new StageTableBase(, request, activeStages, "", "activeStage", parent.basePath,
        "stages/pool", parent.isFairScheduler, parent.killEnabled, false)

    val poolTable = new PoolTable(Map(pool -> uiPool), parent)
    var content = <h4>Summary </h4> ++ poolTable.toNodeSeq
    if (activeStages.nonEmpty) {
      content ++= <h4>Active Stages ({activeStages.size})</h4> ++ activeStagesTable.toNodeSeq

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Fair Scheduler Pool: " + poolName, content, parent)
Example 87
Source File: PagedTableSuite.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite

class PagedDataSourceSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

  test("basic") {
    val dataSource1 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource1.pageData(1) === PageData(3, (1 to 2)))

    val dataSource2 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource2.pageData(2) === PageData(3, (3 to 4)))

    val dataSource3 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource3.pageData(3) === PageData(3, Seq(5)))

    val dataSource4 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e1 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e1.getMessage === "Page 4 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")

    val dataSource5 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e2 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e2.getMessage === "Page 0 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")


class PagedTableSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
  test("pageNavigation") {
    // Create a fake PagedTable to test pageNavigation
    val pagedTable = new PagedTable[Int] {
      override def tableId: String = ""

      override def tableCssClass: String = ""

      override def dataSource: PagedDataSource[Int] = null

      override def pageLink(page: Int): String = page.toString

      override def headers: Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def row(t: Int): Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def pageSizeFormField: String = "pageSize"

      override def prevPageSizeFormField: String = "prevPageSize"

      override def pageNumberFormField: String = "page"

      override def goButtonFormPath: String = ""

    assert(pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 1) === Nil)
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("1", "2", ">"))
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("<", "1", "2"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<") ++ (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(100, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(99, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(11, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (11 to 20).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(93, 10, 97).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 97).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

private[spark] class SeqPagedDataSource[T](seq: Seq[T], pageSize: Int)
  extends PagedDataSource[T](pageSize) {

  override protected def dataSize: Int = seq.size

  override protected def sliceData(from: Int, to: Int): Seq[T] = seq.slice(from, to)
Example 88
Source File: MesosClusterPage.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.mesos.Protos.TaskStatus
import org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos.MesosDriverDescription
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.mesos.MesosClusterSubmissionState
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[mesos] class MesosClusterPage(parent: MesosClusterUI) extends WebUIPage("") {
  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val state = parent.scheduler.getSchedulerState()
    val queuedHeaders = Seq("Driver ID", "Submit Date", "Main Class", "Driver Resources")
    val driverHeaders = queuedHeaders ++
      Seq("Start Date", "Mesos Slave ID", "State")
    val retryHeaders = Seq("Driver ID", "Submit Date", "Description") ++
      Seq("Last Failed Status", "Next Retry Time", "Attempt Count")
    val queuedTable = UIUtils.listingTable(queuedHeaders, queuedRow, state.queuedDrivers)
    val launchedTable = UIUtils.listingTable(driverHeaders, driverRow, state.launchedDrivers)
    val finishedTable = UIUtils.listingTable(driverHeaders, driverRow, state.finishedDrivers)
    val retryTable = UIUtils.listingTable(retryHeaders, retryRow, state.pendingRetryDrivers)
    val content =
      <p>Mesos Framework ID: {state.frameworkId}</p>
      <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12">
          <h4>Queued Drivers:</h4>
          <h4>Launched Drivers:</h4>
          <h4>Finished Drivers:</h4>
          <h4>Supervise drivers waiting for retry:</h4>
    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, "Spark Drivers for Mesos cluster")

  private def queuedRow(submission: MesosDriverDescription): Seq[Node] = {
    val id = submission.submissionId
      <td><a href={s"driver?id=$id"}>{id}</a></td>
      <td>cpus: {submission.cores}, mem: {submission.mem}</td>

  private def driverRow(state: MesosClusterSubmissionState): Seq[Node] = {
    val id = state.driverDescription.submissionId
      <td><a href={s"driver?id=$id"}>{id}</a></td>
      <td>cpus: {state.driverDescription.cores}, mem: {state.driverDescription.mem}</td>

  private def retryRow(submission: MesosDriverDescription): Seq[Node] = {
    val id = submission.submissionId
      <td><a href={s"driver?id=$id"}>{id}</a></td>

  private def stateString(status: Option[TaskStatus]): String = {
    if (status.isEmpty) {
      return ""
    val sb = new StringBuilder
    val s = status.get
    sb.append(s"State: ${s.getState}")
    if (status.get.hasMessage) {
      sb.append(s", Message: ${s.getMessage}")
    if (status.get.hasHealthy) {
      sb.append(s", Healthy: ${s.getHealthy}")
    if (status.get.hasSource) {
      sb.append(s", Source: ${s.getSource}")
    if (status.get.hasReason) {
      sb.append(s", Reason: ${s.getReason}")
    if (status.get.hasTimestamp) {
      sb.append(s", Time: ${s.getTimestamp}")
Example 89
Source File: HistoryNotFoundPage.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class HistoryNotFoundPage(parent: MasterWebUI)
  extends WebUIPage("history/not-found") {

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val titleParam = request.getParameter("title")
    val msgParam = request.getParameter("msg")
    val exceptionParam = request.getParameter("exception")

    // If no parameters are specified, assume the user did not enable event logging
    val defaultTitle = "Event logging is not enabled"
    val defaultContent =
      <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12" style="font-size:14px">
          No event logs were found for this application! To
          <a href="">enable event logging</a>,
          set <span style="font-style:italic">spark.eventLog.enabled</span> to true and
          <span style="font-style:italic">spark.eventLog.dir</span> to the directory to which your
          event logs are written.

    val title = Option(titleParam).getOrElse(defaultTitle)
    val content = Option(msgParam)
      .map { msg => URLDecoder.decode(msg, "UTF-8") }
      .map { msg =>
        <div class="row-fluid">
          <div class="span12" style="font-size:14px">{msg}</div>
        </div> ++
          .map { e => URLDecoder.decode(e, "UTF-8") }
          .map { e => <pre>{e}</pre> }

    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, title)
Example 90
Source File: ApplicationPage.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.deploy.ExecutorState
import org.apache.spark.deploy.DeployMessages.{MasterStateResponse, RequestMasterState}
import org.apache.spark.deploy.master.ExecutorDesc
import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[ui] class ApplicationPage(parent: MasterWebUI) extends WebUIPage("app") {

  private val master = parent.masterEndpointRef

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val appId = request.getParameter("appId")
    val state = master.askWithRetry[MasterStateResponse](RequestMasterState)
    val app = state.activeApps.find( == appId).getOrElse({
      state.completedApps.find( == appId).getOrElse(null)
    if (app == null) {
      val msg = <div class="row-fluid">No running application with ID {appId}</div>
      return UIUtils.basicSparkPage(msg, "Not Found")

    val executorHeaders = Seq("ExecutorID", "Worker", "Cores", "Memory", "State", "Logs")
    val allExecutors = (app.executors.values ++ app.removedExecutors).toSet.toSeq
    // This includes executors that are either still running or have exited cleanly
    val executors = allExecutors.filter { exec =>
      !ExecutorState.isFinished(exec.state) || exec.state == ExecutorState.EXITED
    val removedExecutors = allExecutors.diff(executors)
    val executorsTable = UIUtils.listingTable(executorHeaders, executorRow, executors)
    val removedExecutorsTable = UIUtils.listingTable(executorHeaders, executorRow, removedExecutors)

    val content =
      <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12">
          <ul class="unstyled">
            <li><strong>ID:</strong> {}</li>
            <li><strong>Name:</strong> {}</li>
            <li><strong>User:</strong> {app.desc.user}</li>
              if (app.desc.maxCores.isEmpty) {
                "Unlimited (%s granted)".format(app.coresGranted)
              } else {
                "%s (%s granted, %s left)".format(
                  app.desc.maxCores.get, app.coresGranted, app.coresLeft)
              <strong>Executor Memory:</strong>
            <li><strong>Submit Date:</strong> {app.submitDate}</li>
            <li><strong>State:</strong> {app.state}</li>
            <li><strong><a href={app.curAppUIUrl}>Application Detail UI</a></strong></li>

      <div class="row-fluid"> <!-- Executors -->
        <div class="span12">
          <h4> Executor Summary </h4>
            if (removedExecutors.nonEmpty) {
              <h4> Removed Executors </h4> ++
    UIUtils.basicSparkPage(content, "Application: " +

  private def executorRow(executor: ExecutorDesc): Seq[Node] = {
        <a href={executor.worker.webUiAddress}>{}</a>
        <a href={"%s/logPage?appId=%s&executorId=%s&logType=stdout"
        <a href={"%s/logPage?appId=%s&executorId=%s&logType=stderr"
Example 91
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.util.Try
import scala.xml.{Text, Node}

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") {

  private val sc =

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map { executorId =>
    }.getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter")
    val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId)

    val content = { threadDump =>
      val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith {
        case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) => {
          val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
          if (v1 == v2) {
            threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase < threadTrace2.threadName.toLowerCase
          } else {
            v1 > v2
      }.map { thread =>
        val threadName = thread.threadName
        val className = "accordion-heading " + {
          if (threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) {
          } else {
        <div class="accordion-group">
          <div class={className} onclick="$(this).next().toggleClass('hidden')">
            <a class="accordion-toggle">
              Thread {thread.threadId}: {threadName} ({thread.threadState})
          <div class="accordion-body hidden">
            <div class="accordion-inner">

      <div class="row-fluid">
        <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p>
          // scalastyle:off
          <p><a class="expandbutton"
                onClick="$('.accordion-body').removeClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')">
            Expand All
          <p><a class="expandbutton hidden"
                onClick="$('.accordion-body').addClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')">
            Collapse All
          // scalastyle:on
        <div class="accordion">{dumpRows}</div>
    }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump"))
    UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent)
Example 92
Source File: EnvironmentPage.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui.env

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage}

private[ui] class EnvironmentPage(parent: EnvironmentTab) extends WebUIPage("") {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val runtimeInformationTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, jvmRow, listener.jvmInformation, fixedWidth = true)
    val sparkPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, listener.sparkProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val systemPropertiesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      propertyHeader, propertyRow, listener.systemProperties, fixedWidth = true)
    val classpathEntriesTable = UIUtils.listingTable(
      classPathHeaders, classPathRow, listener.classpathEntries, fixedWidth = true)
    val content =
        <h4>Runtime Information</h4> {runtimeInformationTable}
        <h4>Spark Properties</h4> {sparkPropertiesTable}
        <h4>System Properties</h4> {systemPropertiesTable}
        <h4>Classpath Entries</h4> {classpathEntriesTable}

    UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Environment", content, parent)

  private def propertyHeader = Seq("Name", "Value")
  private def classPathHeaders = Seq("Resource", "Source")
  private def jvmRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def propertyRow(kv: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{kv._1}</td><td>{kv._2}</td></tr>
  private def classPathRow(data: (String, String)) = <tr><td>{data._1}</td><td>{data._2}</td></tr>
Example 93
Source File: PoolTable.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up


import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{Schedulable, StageInfo}
import org.apache.spark.ui.UIUtils

private[ui] class PoolTable(pools: Seq[Schedulable], parent: StagesTab) {
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def toNodeSeq: Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      poolTable(poolRow, pools)

  private def poolTable(
      makeRow: (Schedulable, HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]) => Seq[Node],
      rows: Seq[Schedulable]): Seq[Node] = {
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed sortable table-fixed">
        <th>Pool Name</th>
        <th>Minimum Share</th>
        <th>Pool Weight</th>
        <th>Active Stages</th>
        <th>Running Tasks</th>
        { => makeRow(r, listener.poolToActiveStages))}

  private def poolRow(
      p: Schedulable,
      poolToActiveStages: HashMap[String, HashMap[Int, StageInfo]]): Seq[Node] = {
    val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get( match {
      case Some(stages) => stages.size
      case None => 0
    val href = "%s/stages/pool?poolname=%s"
      .format(UIUtils.prependBaseUri(parent.basePath), URLEncoder.encode(, "UTF-8"))
        <a href={href}>{}</a>
Example 94
Source File: PoolPage.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StageInfo
import org.apache.spark.ui.{WebUIPage, UIUtils}

private[ui] class PoolPage(parent: StagesTab) extends WebUIPage("pool") {
  private val sc =
  private val listener = parent.progressListener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    listener.synchronized {
      val poolName = Option(request.getParameter("poolname")).map { poolname =>
      }.getOrElse {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing poolname parameter")

      val poolToActiveStages = listener.poolToActiveStages
      val activeStages = poolToActiveStages.get(poolName) match {
        case Some(s) => s.values.toSeq
        case None => Seq[StageInfo]()
      val activeStagesTable = new StageTableBase(activeStages.sortBy(_.submissionTime).reverse,
        parent.basePath, parent.progressListener, isFairScheduler = parent.isFairScheduler,
        killEnabled = parent.killEnabled)

      // For now, pool information is only accessible in live UIs
      val pools = {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown poolname: $poolName")
      val poolTable = new PoolTable(pools, parent)

      val content =
        <h4>Summary </h4> ++ poolTable.toNodeSeq ++
        <h4>{activeStages.size} Active Stages</h4> ++ activeStagesTable.toNodeSeq

      UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Fair Scheduler Pool: " + poolName, content, parent)
Example 95
Source File: PagedTableSuite.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite

class PagedDataSourceSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

  test("basic") {
    val dataSource1 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource1.pageData(1) === PageData(3, (1 to 2)))

    val dataSource2 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource2.pageData(2) === PageData(3, (3 to 4)))

    val dataSource3 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    assert(dataSource3.pageData(3) === PageData(3, Seq(5)))

    val dataSource4 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e1 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e1.getMessage === "Page 4 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")

    val dataSource5 = new SeqPagedDataSource[Int](1 to 5, pageSize = 2)
    val e2 = intercept[IndexOutOfBoundsException] {
    assert(e2.getMessage === "Page 0 is out of range. Please select a page number between 1 and 3.")


class PagedTableSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
  test("pageNavigation") {
    // Create a fake PagedTable to test pageNavigation
    val pagedTable = new PagedTable[Int] {
      override def tableId: String = ""

      override def tableCssClass: String = ""

      override def dataSource: PagedDataSource[Int] = null

      override def pageLink(page: Int): String = page.toString

      override def headers: Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def row(t: Int): Seq[Node] = Nil

      override def goButtonJavascriptFunction: (String, String) = ("", "")

    assert(pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 1) === Nil)
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("1", "2", ">"))
      (pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 2).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) === Seq("<", "1", "2"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(1, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(2, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<") ++ (1 to 10).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(100, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(99, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 100).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(11, 10, 100).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (11 to 20).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">", ">>"))
    assert((pagedTable.pageNavigation(93, 10, 97).head \\ "li").map(_.text.trim) ===
      Seq("<<", "<") ++ (91 to 97).map(_.toString) ++ Seq(">"))

private[spark] class SeqPagedDataSource[T](seq: Seq[T], pageSize: Int)
  extends PagedDataSource[T](pageSize) {

  override protected def dataSize: Int = seq.size

  override protected def sliceData(from: Int, to: Int): Seq[T] = seq.slice(from, to)
Example 96
Source File: StagePageSuite.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.ui

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.mockito.Mockito.{mock, when, RETURNS_SMART_NULLS}

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics
import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
import{JobProgressListener, StagePage, StagesTab}
import org.apache.spark.ui.scope.RDDOperationGraphListener

class StagePageSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {

  test("peak execution memory only displayed if unsafe is enabled") {
    val unsafeConf = "spark.sql.unsafe.enabled"
    val conf = new SparkConf(false).set(unsafeConf, "true")
    val html = renderStagePage(conf).toString().toLowerCase
    val targetString = "peak execution memory"
    // Disable unsafe and make sure it's not there
    val conf2 = new SparkConf(false).set(unsafeConf, "false")
    val html2 = renderStagePage(conf2).toString().toLowerCase
    // Avoid setting anything; it should be displayed by default
    val conf3 = new SparkConf(false)
    val html3 = renderStagePage(conf3).toString().toLowerCase

  test("SPARK-10543: peak execution memory should be per-task rather than cumulative") {
    val unsafeConf = "spark.sql.unsafe.enabled"
    val conf = new SparkConf(false).set(unsafeConf, "true")
    val html = renderStagePage(conf).toString().toLowerCase
    // verify min/25/50/75/max show task value not cumulative values
    assert(html.contains("<td>10.0 b</td>" * 5))

  private def renderStagePage(conf: SparkConf): Seq[Node] = {
    val jobListener = new JobProgressListener(conf)
    val graphListener = new RDDOperationGraphListener(conf)
    val tab = mock(classOf[StagesTab], RETURNS_SMART_NULLS)
    val request = mock(classOf[HttpServletRequest])
    val page = new StagePage(tab)

    // Simulate a stage in job progress listener
    val stageInfo = new StageInfo(0, 0, "dummy", 1, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, "details")
    // Simulate two tasks to test PEAK_EXECUTION_MEMORY correctness
    (1 to 2).foreach {
      taskId =>
        val taskInfo = new TaskInfo(taskId, taskId, 0, 0, "0", "localhost", TaskLocality.ANY, false)
        val peakExecutionMemory = 10
        taskInfo.accumulables += new AccumulableInfo(0, InternalAccumulator.PEAK_EXECUTION_MEMORY,
          Some(peakExecutionMemory.toString), (peakExecutionMemory * taskId).toString, true)
        jobListener.onTaskStart(SparkListenerTaskStart(0, 0, taskInfo))
          SparkListenerTaskEnd(0, 0, "result", Success, taskInfo, TaskMetrics.empty))

Example 97
Source File: BasicElemFormats.scala    From xmlconfect   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mthaler.xmlconfect

import scala.reflect._
import scala.xml.{ Node, Null, Text }

object BasicElemFormats {

  implicit object BooleanXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Boolean] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Boolean = node.text.toBoolean

  implicit object ByteXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Byte] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Byte = node.text.toByte

  implicit object ShortXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Short] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Short = node.text.toShort

  implicit object IntXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Int] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Int = node.text.toInt

  implicit object LongXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Long] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Long = node.text.toLong

  implicit object FloatXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Float] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Float = node.text.toFloat

  implicit object DoubleXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Double] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Double = node.text.toDouble

  implicit object StringXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[String] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): String = node.text

  implicit object CharXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Char] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Char = {
      val txt = node.text
      if (txt.length == 1) txt.charAt(0) else deserializationError("Expected Char as single-character string, but got " + txt)

  implicit object SymbolXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Symbol] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Symbol = Symbol(node.text)
    protected override def writeElem(obj: Symbol, name: String = ""): Node = elem(name, Null, Seq(Text(

  implicit object BigIntXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[BigInt] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): BigInt = BigInt(node.text)

  implicit object BigDecimalXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[BigDecimal] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): BigDecimal = BigDecimal(node.text)

  implicit def enumFormat[T <: Enum[T]: ClassTag] = new SimpleXmlElemFormat[T] {
    protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): T = {
      val c = classTag[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
      Enum.valueOf(c, node.text)
Example 98
Source File: BasicTextFormats.scala    From xmlconfect   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mthaler.xmlconfect

import scala.reflect._
import scala.xml.{ Null, Node, Text }

object BasicTextFormats {

  implicit object BooleanXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Boolean] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Boolean = text.text.toBoolean

  implicit object ByteXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Byte] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Byte = text.text.toByte

  implicit object ShortXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Short] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Short = text.text.toShort

  implicit object IntXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Int] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Int = text.text.toInt

  implicit object LongXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Long] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Long = text.text.toLong

  implicit object FloatXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Float] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Float = text.text.toFloat

  implicit object DoubleXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Double] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Double = text.text.toDouble

  implicit object StringXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[String] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): String = text.text

  implicit object CharXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Char] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Char = {
      val txt = text.text
      if (txt.length == 1) txt.charAt(0) else deserializationError("Expected Char as single-character string, but got " + txt)

  implicit object SymbolXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Symbol] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Symbol = Symbol(text.text)
    protected override def writeElem(obj: Symbol, name: String = ""): Node = Text(

  implicit object BigIntXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[BigInt] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): BigInt = BigInt(text.text)

  implicit object BigDecimalXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[BigDecimal] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): BigDecimal = BigDecimal(text.text)

  implicit def enumFormat[T <: Enum[T]: ClassTag] = new SimpleXmlTextFormat[T] {
    protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): T = {
      val c = classTag[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
      Enum.valueOf(c, text.text)
Example 99
Source File: SQLConnectorParser.scala    From fusion-data   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package mass.connector.sql

import java.util.Properties

import helloscala.common.Configuration
import mass.connector.{ ConnectorParser, ConnectorSetting }
import mass.core.XmlUtils

import scala.xml.Node

class SQLConnectorParser extends ConnectorParser {
  import mass.core.XmlUtils.XmlRich

  override val `type` = "jdbc"

  def parseSettingFromXML(node: Node): ConnectorSetting = {
    val props = new Properties()

    val id = node.attr("name")
    props.put("poolName", id)
    (node \\ "props" \\ "prop").foreach { prop =>
      val key = (prop \\ "@key").text
      val value = getText(prop)
      props.put(key, value)

  override def parseFromXML(node: Node): SQLConnector = {
    val setting = parseSettingFromXML(node)
    SQLConnector(node.attr("name"), setting)

  @inline private def getText(prop: Node): String =
    prop.getAttr("value").getOrElse(XmlUtils.text(prop \ "value"))
Example 100
Source File: Poets.scala    From Scalaprof   with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package edu.neu.coe.csye._7200.poets

import scala.xml.{Node, NodeSeq, XML}

case class Name(name: String, language: String) { 
  def toXML = <name language={language}>{name}</name>

case class Poet(names: Seq[Name]) {
  def toXML = <poet>{names map (_.toXML)}</poet>  

object Poet {
  def fromXML(node: Node) = Poet(Name.fromXML(node \ "name")) 

object Name {
  def getLanguage(x: Option[Seq[Node]]) = x match {case Some(Seq(y)) => y.text; case _ => ""} 
  def fromXML(nodes: NodeSeq): Seq[Name] = for {
    node <- nodes
  } yield Name(node.text,getLanguage(node.attribute("language")))

object Poets extends App {
  import spray.json._
  type PoetSeq = Seq[Poet]
  def toXML(poets: PoetSeq) = poets map {_ toXML}
  val xml = XML.loadFile("poets.xml")
  val poets: PoetSeq = for ( poet <- xml \\ "poet" ) yield Poet.fromXML(poet)

  case class Poets(poets: PoetSeq)

  object PoetsJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
      implicit val nameFormat = jsonFormat2(Name.apply)
      implicit val poetFormat = ??? // TODO 5 points
      implicit val poetsFormat = jsonFormat1(Poets)

  ??? // TODO 25 points. Write poets out as Json. Show the Json in the console...
      // ...Read the Json file back as poets1 and write that out as XML. Show it on console.
      // Show the comparison of the XML file you produced with the poets.xml file (as part of your submission).
Example 101
Source File: WebCrawler.scala    From Scalaprof   with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package edu.neu.coe.csye._7200.crawler


import edu.neu.coe.csye._7200.MonadOps

import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util._
import scala.xml.Node

object WebCrawler extends App {

  def getURLContent(u: URL): Future[String] = {
    println(s"url: $u")
    for {
      source <- Future(Source.fromURL(u))
    } yield source mkString

  //  def countWords(sy: Try[String]) =
  //    for { gD <- sy; n <- HTMLParser.parse(gD); gN <- Try(n.text); l <- Try(gN.split(" ").length) } yield l

  def wget(u: URL): Future[Seq[URL]] = {
    // TODO implement. 16 points. Hint: write as a for-comprehension, using the constructor new URL(URL,String) to get the appropriate URL for relative links
    def getURLs(ns: Node): Seq[URL] = ???
    def getLinks(g: String): Try[Seq[URL]] =
      for (n <- HTMLParser.parse(g) recoverWith { case f => Failure(new RuntimeException(s"parse problem with URL $u: $f")) })
        yield getURLs(n)
    // TODO implement. 9 points. Hint: write as a for-comprehension, using getURLContent (above) and getLinks above. You might also need MonadOps.asFuture

  def wget(us: Seq[URL]): Future[Seq[Either[Throwable, Seq[URL]]]] = {
    val us2 = us.distinct take 10
    // TODO implement the rest of this, based on us2 instead of us. 15 points.
    // Hint: Use wget(URL) (above). MonadOps.sequence and Future.sequence are also available to you to use.

  def crawler(depth: Int, args: Seq[URL]): Future[Seq[URL]] = {
    def inner(urls: Seq[URL], depth: Int, accum: Seq[URL]): Future[Seq[URL]] =
      if (depth > 0)
        for (us <- MonadOps.flattenRecover(wget(urls), { x => System.err.println(x) }); r <- inner(us, depth - 1, accum ++: urls)) yield r
    inner(args, depth, Nil)

  println(s"web reader: ${args.toList}")
  val urls = for (arg <- args toList) yield Try(new URL(arg))
//  println(urls)
  val s = MonadOps.sequence(urls)
  s match {
    case Success(z) =>
//      println(s"invoking crawler on $z")
      val f = crawler(2, z)
      Await.ready(f, Duration("60 second"))
      for (x <- f) println(s"Links: $x")
    case Failure(z) => println(s"failure: $z")
Example 102
Source File: Helpers.scala    From xmlrpc   with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
package xmlrpc.protocol

import xmlrpc.protocol.Deserializer.{DeserializationError, Deserialized}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.xml.transform.{RewriteRule, RuleTransformer}
import scala.xml.{Elem, Node, NodeSeq}
import scalaz.Scalaz._

trait Helpers {
  implicit class PimpedNode(node: NodeSeq) {
    def inValue = <value>{node}</value>
    def inParam = <param>{node}</param>

  object FromRequestToResponse extends RewriteRule {
    override def transform(n: Node): Seq[Node] = n match {
      case e: Elem if e.label == "methodCall" =>

      case _ => n

  object ToResponse extends RuleTransformer(FromRequestToResponse)

  implicit class RequestTransformer(request: Node) {
    val asResponse: Node = ToResponse(request)

  def makeNumericConversion[T : Datatype : ClassTag](f: String => T, input: String): Deserialized[T] =
    Try(f(input)) match {
      case Success(convertedValue) => convertedValue.success
      case Failure(e) =>
        DeserializationError(s"The value $input couldn't be converted to a ${implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass.getSimpleName}", Some(e)).failures
Example 103
Source File: XmlTransformer.scala    From nexus   with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
import sbt._
import sbt.librarymanagement.ModuleFilter

import scala.xml.transform.{RewriteRule, RuleTransformer}
import scala.xml.{Elem, Node, NodeSeq}

object XmlTransformer {

  def transformer(blacklist: ModuleFilter): RuleTransformer =
    new RuleTransformer(new RewriteRule {
      override def transform(node: Node): NodeSeq =
        node match {
          case e: Elem if e.label == "dependency" =>
            val organization = e.child.filter(_.label == "groupId").flatMap(_.text).mkString
            val artifact     = e.child.filter(_.label == "artifactId").flatMap(_.text).mkString
            val version      = e.child.filter(_.label == "version").flatMap(_.text).mkString
            if (blacklist(organization % artifact % version)) NodeSeq.Empty else node
          case _                                  => node
Example 104
Source File: XMLUtils.scala    From infinispan-spark   with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
package org.infinispan.spark.test


import scala.xml.transform.{RewriteRule, RuleTransformer}
import scala.xml.{Elem, Node, XML}
import scala.language.postfixOps

object XMLUtils {

   private def addChildToNode(element: Node, elementName: String, attributeName: String, attributeValue: String, elementToAdd: Node) = {
      object Rule extends RewriteRule {
         override def transform(n: Node): Seq[Node] = n match {
            case Elem(prefix, en, att, scope, child@_*)
               if en == elementName && att.asAttrMap.exists(t => t._1 == attributeName && t._2 == attributeValue) =>
               Elem(prefix, en, att, scope, child.isEmpty, elementToAdd ++ child: _*)
            case other => other
      object Transform extends RuleTransformer(Rule)

   def addCacheTemplate(cacheContainer: String, configFile: File): Unit = {
      val xmlFile = XML.loadFile(configFile)
      val exists = ((xmlFile \\ "cache-container").filter(n => n.attributes.asAttrMap.exists {
         case (k, v) => k.equals("name") && v.equals(cacheContainer)
      }) \ "replicated-cache-configuration" \ "@name" text) == "replicated"

      val cacheConfig = <replicated-cache-configuration name="replicated"/>

      if (!exists) {
         val newXML = XMLUtils.addChildToNode(xmlFile, "cache-container", "name", cacheContainer, cacheConfig), newXML, "UTF-8")