 * Copyright (C) 2018-2020  All sonar-scala contributors
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package com.mwz.sonar.scala
package scoverage

import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}

import scala.xml.{Node, XML}

import cats.syntax.semigroup.catsSyntaxSemigroup
import com.mwz.sonar.scala.util.PathUtils
import org.sonar.api.scanner.ScannerSide

/** [[ScoverageMetrics]] of a component. */
private[scoverage] final case class Scoverage(
  statements: Int,
  coveredStatements: Int,
  statementCoverage: Double,
  branches: Int,
  coveredBranches: Int,
  branchCoverage: Double

 *  The coverage information of an entire project.
 *  It is composed of:
 *    - the overall [[ScoverageMetrics]] of the project.
 *    - the coverage information of each file of the project.
private[scoverage] final case class ProjectCoverage(
  projectScoverage: Scoverage,
  filesCoverage: Map[String, FileCoverage]

 *  The coverage information of a file.
 *  It is composed of:
 *    - the overall [[ScoverageMetrics]] of the file.
 *    - the coverage information of each line of the file.
private[scoverage] final case class FileCoverage(
  fileScoverage: Scoverage,
  linesCoverage: LinesCoverage

trait ScoverageReportParserAPI {
  def parse(scoverageReportPath: Path, projectPath: Path, sourcePrefixes: List[Path]): ProjectCoverage

/** Scoverage XML reports parser. */
final class ScoverageReportParser extends ScoverageReportParserAPI {

  /** Parses the scoverage report from a file and returns the ProjectCoverage. */
  override def parse(
    scoverageReportPath: Path,
    projectPath: Path,
    sourcePrefixes: List[Path]
  ): ProjectCoverage = {
    val scoverageXMLReport = XML.loadFile(scoverageReportPath.toFile)
    val projectScoverage = extractScoverageFromNode(scoverageXMLReport)

    val classCoverages = for {
      classNode <- scoverageXMLReport \\ "class"
      scoverageFilename = Paths.get(classNode \@ "filename")
      filename <- sourcePrefixes map { prefix =>
        // We call stripOutPrefix twice here to get the full path to the filenames from Scoverage report,
        // relative to the current project and the sources prefix.
        // E.g. both module1/sources/File.scala as well as sources/File.scala will return File.scala as a result.
        val filename = PathUtils.stripOutPrefix(
          PathUtils.stripOutPrefix(projectPath, prefix),
        (prefix, filename)
      } collectFirst {
        case (prefix, filename) if PathUtils.cwd.resolve(prefix).resolve(filename).toFile.exists =>
      classScoverage = extractScoverageFromNode(classNode)

      lines: Seq[(Int, Int)] = for {
        statement <- (classNode \\ "statement").filter(node => !(node \@ "ignored").toBoolean)
        lineNum = (statement \@ "line").toInt
        count = (statement \@ "invocation-count").toInt
      } yield lineNum -> count

      linesCoverage =
          .groupMapReduce { case (lineNum, _) => lineNum } {
            case (_, count) => count
          }(_ + _)

      classCoverage = FileCoverage(classScoverage, linesCoverage)
    } yield filename -> classCoverage

    // Merge the class coverages by filename.
    val files =
        .groupMapReduce { case (fileName, _) => fileName } {
          case (_, classCoverage) => classCoverage
        }(_ |+| _)

    ProjectCoverage(projectScoverage, files)

  /** Extracts the scoverage metrics form a class or project node. */
  private[scoverage] def extractScoverageFromNode(node: Node): Scoverage = {
    val branches = (node \\ "statement")
      .filter(node => !(node \@ "ignored").toBoolean && (node \@ "branch").toBoolean)
    val coveredBranches = branches.filter(statement => (statement \@ "invocation-count").toInt > 0)
      statements = (node \@ "statement-count").toInt,
      coveredStatements = (node \@ "statements-invoked").toInt,
      statementCoverage = (node \@ "statement-rate").toDouble,
      branches = branches.size,
      coveredBranches = coveredBranches.size,
      branchCoverage = (node \@ "branch-rate").toDouble