Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: AccountMergeResult.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.NativeAmount
import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encode}

sealed abstract class AccountMergeResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 8)

object AccountMergeResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], AccountMergeResult] = int.flatMap {
    case 0 =>
    case -1 => State.pure(AccountMergeMalformed)
    case -2 => State.pure(AccountMergeNoAccount)
    case -3 => State.pure(AccountMergeImmutable)
    case -4 => State.pure(AccountMergeHasSubEntries)
    case -5 => State.pure(AccountMergeSeqNumTooFar)
    case -6 => State.pure(AccountMergeDestinationFull)

case object AccountMergeDestinationFull extends AccountMergeResult(-6) 
Example 2
Source File: DerivedLawsSuite.scala    From meow-mtl   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.olegpy.meow.derivations

import cats.{ApplicativeError, Eq, MonadError}
import cats.instances.all._
import cats.mtl._
import minitest._
import minitest.laws.Checkers
import org.typelevel.discipline.Laws
import com.olegpy.meow.hierarchy._
import cats.mtl.instances.all._
import cats.mtl.laws.discipline._
import cats.laws.discipline._
import cats.laws.discipline.arbitrary._
import cats.laws.discipline.eq._
import cats.laws.discipline.DeprecatedEqInstances._

object DerivedLawsSuite extends SimpleTestSuite with Checkers {
  private def checkAll(name: String)(ruleSet: Laws#RuleSet) = {
    for ((id, prop) <-
      test(name + "." + id) {

  type Data = (Long, Int)

  checkAll("MonadState") {
    type M[A] = State[Data, A]
    def derive[F[_]](implicit MS: MonadState[F, Data]): MonadState[F, Int] =

    implicit def eqState[A: Eq]: Eq[M[A]] =, 0)))

  checkAll("ApplicativeLocal") {
    type M[A] = Data => A
    def derive[F[_]](implicit MS: ApplicativeLocal[F, Data]): ApplicativeLocal[F, Int] =

    ApplicativeLocalTests(derive[M]).applicativeLocal[Int, String]

//  checkAll("ApplicativeAsk") {
//    type M[A] = Data => A
//    def derive[F[_]](implicit MS: ApplicativeAsk[F, Data]): ApplicativeAsk[F, Int] =
//      implicitly
//    ApplicativeAskTests(derive[M]).applicativeAsk[Int]
//  }

  type DataC = Either[String, Either[Int, Long]]

  checkAll("MonadError") {
    type M[A] = Either[DataC, A]

    def derive[F[_]](implicit MS: MonadError[F, DataC]): MonadError[F, Long] =

    MonadErrorTests(derive[M]).monadError[Int, Long, String]

  checkAll("ApplicativeError") {
    type M[A] = Either[DataC, A]

    def derive[F[_]](implicit MS: ApplicativeError[F, DataC]): ApplicativeError[F, Long] =

    ApplicativeErrorTests(derive[M]).applicativeError[Int, Long, String]

  checkAll("ApplicativeHandle") {
    type M[A] = Either[DataC, A]

    def derive[F[_]](implicit MS: ApplicativeHandle[F, DataC]): ApplicativeHandle[F, Long] =

Example 3
Source File: Void.scala    From skunk   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris
// This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
// For more information see LICENSE or

package skunk

import cats.implicits._

case object Void extends Void {

  val codec: Codec[Void] =
    new Codec[Void] {
      override def encode(a: Void): List[Option[String]] = Nil
      override def decode(index: Int, ss: List[Option[String]]): Either[Decoder.Error, Void.type ] =
        ss match {
          case Nil => Void.asRight
          case _   => Left(Decoder.Error(index, 0, s"Expected no values, found $ss"))
      override val types: List[Type] = Nil
      override val sql: State[Int, String]   = "".pure[State[Int, ?]]

Example 4
Source File: FocusedRef.scala    From tofu   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package tofu.concurrent.impl
import cats.Functor
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import tofu.optics.Contains
import cats.syntax.functor._

final case class FocusedRef[F[_]: Functor, A, B](ref: Ref[F, A], focus: Contains[A, B]) extends Ref[F, B] {
  private def focusedMod[X](f: B => (B, X))(a: A): (A, X) = {
    val (next, res) = f(focus.extract(a))
    focus.set(a, next) -> res

  def get: F[B]          =
  def set(b: B): F[Unit] = ref.update(a => focus.set(a, b))

  def update(f: B => B): F[Unit]               = ref.update(focus.update(_, f))
  def modify[X](f: B => (B, X)): F[X]          = ref.modify(focusedMod(f))
  def modifyState[X](state: State[B, X]): F[X] = ref.modifyState(focus.focusState(state))

  def tryUpdate(f: B => B): F[Boolean]                    = ref.tryUpdate(focus.update(_, f))
  def tryModify[X](f: B => (B, X)): F[Option[X]]          = ref.tryModify(focusedMod(f))
  def tryModifyState[X](state: State[B, X]): F[Option[X]] = ref.tryModifyState(focus.focusState(state))

  def access: F[(B, B => F[Boolean])] = {
    case (a, update) => (focus.extract(a), b => update(focus.set(a, b)))
Example 5
Source File: package.scala    From morpheus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.atnos.eff._
import org.atnos.eff.all._
import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._
import org.opencypher.okapi.api.schema.PropertyGraphSchema
import org.opencypher.okapi.api.types.{CTNode, CTRelationship, CypherType}
import org.opencypher.okapi.impl.exception.IllegalArgumentException

package object impl {

  type _mayFail[R] = MayFail |= R
  type _hasContext[R] = HasContext |= R

  type MayFail[A] = Either[IRBuilderError, A]
  type HasContext[A] = State[IRBuilderContext, A]

  type IRBuilderStack[A] = Fx.fx2[MayFail, HasContext]

  implicit final class RichIRBuilderStack[A](val program: Eff[IRBuilderStack[A], A]) {

    def run(context: IRBuilderContext): Either[IRBuilderError, (A, IRBuilderContext)] = {
      val stateRun = program.runState(context)
      val errorRun = stateRun.runEither[IRBuilderError]

  def error[R: _mayFail : _hasContext, A](err: IRBuilderError)(v: A): Eff[R, A] =
    left[R, IRBuilderError, BlockRegistry](err) >> pure(v)

  implicit final class RichSchema(schema: PropertyGraphSchema) {

    def forElementType(cypherType: CypherType): PropertyGraphSchema = cypherType match {
      case CTNode(labels, _) =>
      case r: CTRelationship =>
      case x => throw IllegalArgumentException("element type", x)

    def addLabelsToCombo(labels: Set[String], combo: Set[String]): PropertyGraphSchema = {
      val labelsWithAddition = combo ++ labels
        .withNodePropertyKeys(labelsWithAddition, schema.nodePropertyKeys(combo))

    def addPropertyToElement(propertyKey: String, propertyType: CypherType, elementType: CypherType): PropertyGraphSchema = {
      elementType match {
        case CTNode(labels, _) =>
          val allRelevantLabelCombinations = schema.combinationsFor(labels)
          val property = if (allRelevantLabelCombinations.size == 1) propertyType else propertyType.nullable
          allRelevantLabelCombinations.foldLeft(schema) { case (innerCurrentSchema, combo) =>
            val updatedPropertyKeys = innerCurrentSchema.nodePropertyKeysForCombinations(Set(combo)).updated(propertyKey, property)
            innerCurrentSchema.withOverwrittenNodePropertyKeys(combo, updatedPropertyKeys)
        case CTRelationship(types, _) =>
          val typesToUpdate = if (types.isEmpty) schema.relationshipTypes else types
          typesToUpdate.foldLeft(schema) { case (innerCurrentSchema, relType) =>
            val updatedPropertyKeys = innerCurrentSchema.relationshipPropertyKeys(relType).updated(propertyKey, propertyType)
            innerCurrentSchema.withOverwrittenRelationshipPropertyKeys(relType, updatedPropertyKeys)
        case other => throw IllegalArgumentException("node or relationship to set a property on", other)


Example 6
Source File: StateEffectPage.scala    From eff   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package lib

object StateEffectPage extends UserGuidePage { def is = "State".title ^ s2"""

A `State` effect can be seen as the combination of both a `Reader` and a `Writer` with these operations:

 - `get` get the current state

 - `put` set a new state

Let's see an example showing that we can also use tags to track different states at the same time:${snippet{
  import org.atnos.eff._, all._, syntax.all._

  type S1[A] = State[Int, A]
  type S2[A] = State[String, A]

  type S = Fx.fx2[S1, S2]

  val swapVariables: Eff[S, String] = for {
    v1 <- get[S, Int]
    v2 <- get[S, String]
    _  <- put[S, Int](v2.size)
    _  <- put[S, String](v1.toString)
    w1 <- get[S, Int]
    w2 <- get[S, String]
  } yield "initial: "+(v1, v2).toString+", final: "+(w1, w2).toString


In the example above we have used an `eval` method to get the `A` in `Eff[R, A]` but it is also possible to get both the
 value and the state with `run` or only the state with `exec`.

Instead of tagging state effects it is also possible to transform a State effect acting on a "small" state into a State
effect acting on a "bigger" state:${snippet{
import org.atnos.eff._, all._, syntax.all._

type Count[A] = State[Int, A]
type Sum[A]   = State[Int, A]
type Mean[A]  = State[(Int, Int), A]

type S1 = Fx.fx1[Count]
type S2 = Fx.fx1[Sum]
type S  = Fx.fx1[Mean]

def count(list: List[Int]): Eff[S1, String] = for {
  _ <- put(list.size)
} yield s"there are ${list.size} values"

def sum(list: List[Int]): Eff[S2, String] = {
  val s = if (list.isEmpty) 0 else list.sum
  for {
    _ <- put(s)
  } yield s"the sum is $s"

def mean(list: List[Int]): Eff[S, String] = for {
  m1 <- count(list).lensState((_:(Int, Int))._1, (s: (Int,Int), i: Int) => (i, s._2))
  m2 <- sum(list).lensState((_:(Int, Int))._2, (s: (Int, Int), i: Int) => (s._1, i))
} yield m1+"\n"+m2

mean(List(1, 2, 3)).runState((0, 0)).run

Example 7
Source File: AllowTrustResult.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.Decode

sealed abstract class AllowTrustResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 7)

object AllowTrustResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], AllowTrustResult] = {
    case 0 => AllowTrustSuccess
    case -1 => AllowTrustMalformed
    case -2 => AllowTrustNoTrustLine
    case -3 => AllowTrustNotRequired
    case -4 => AllowTrustCannotRevoke
    case -5 => AllowTrustSelfNotAllowed

case object AllowTrustSelfNotAllowed extends AllowTrustResult(-5) 
Example 8
Source File: SetOptionsResult.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.Decode

sealed abstract class SetOptionsResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 5)

object SetOptionsResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], SetOptionsResult] = {
    case 0 => SetOptionsSuccess
    case -1 => SetOptionsLowReserve
    case -2 => SetOptionsTooManySigners
    case -3 => SetOptionsBadFlags
    case -4 => SetOptionsInvalidInflation
    case -5 => SetOptionsCannotChange
    case -6 => SetOptionsUnknownFlag
    case -7 => SetOptionsThresholdOutOfRange
    case -8 => SetOptionsBadSigner
    case -9 => SetOptionsInvalidHomeDomain

case object SetOptionsInvalidHomeDomain extends SetOptionsResult(-9) 
Example 9
Source File: CreatePassiveOfferResult.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.Decode

sealed abstract class CreatePassiveSellOfferResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 4)

object CreatePassiveSellOfferResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], CreatePassiveSellOfferResult] = {
    case 0 => CreatePassiveSellOfferSuccess
    case -1 => CreatePassiveSellOfferMalformed
    case -2 => CreatePassiveSellOfferSellNoTrust
    case -3 => CreatePassiveSellOfferBuyNoTrust
    case -4 => CreatePassiveSellOfferSellNoAuth
    case -5 => CreatePassiveSellOfferBuyNoAuth
    case -6 => CreatePassiveSellOfferLineFull
    case -7 => CreatePassiveSellOfferUnderfunded
    case -8 => CreatePassiveSellOfferCrossSelf
    case -9 => CreatePassiveSellOfferSellNoIssuer
    case -10 => CreatePassiveSellOfferBuyNoIssuer
    case -11 => UpdatePassiveOfferIdNotFound
    case -12 => CreatePassiveSellOfferLowReserve

case object CreatePassiveSellOfferLowReserve extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult(-12) 
Example 10
Source File: ManageDataResult.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.Decode

sealed abstract class ManageDataResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 10)

object ManageDataResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], ManageDataResult] = {
    case 0 => ManageDataSuccess
    case -1 => ManageDataNotSupportedYet
    case -2 => DeleteDataNameNotFound
    case -3 => AddDataLowReserve
    case -4 => AddDataInvalidName

case object AddDataInvalidName extends ManageDataResult(-4) 
Example 11
Source File: CreateAccountResult.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.Decode

sealed abstract class CreateAccountResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 0)

object CreateAccountResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], CreateAccountResult] = {
    case 0 => CreateAccountSuccess
    case -1 => CreateAccountMalformed
    case -2 => CreateAccountUnderfunded
    case -3 => CreateAccountLowReserve
    case -4 => CreateAccountAlreadyExists

case object CreateAccountAlreadyExists extends CreateAccountResult(-4) 
Example 12
Source File: ManageOfferResult.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.ledger.OfferEntry
import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encode}

sealed abstract class ManageOfferResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 3)

object ManageOfferResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], ManageOfferResult] = int.flatMap {
    case 0 => for {
      claims <- arr(OfferClaim.decode)
      entry <- switch[Option[OfferEntry]]( OfferEntry)), OfferEntry)),
    } yield ManageOfferSuccess(claims, entry)
    case -1 => State.pure(ManageOfferMalformed)
    case -2 => State.pure(ManageOfferSellNoTrust)
    case -3 => State.pure(ManageOfferBuyNoTrust)
    case -4 => State.pure(ManageOfferSellNoAuth)
    case -5 => State.pure(ManageOfferBuyNoAuth)
    case -6 => State.pure(ManageOfferLineFull)
    case -7 => State.pure(ManageOfferUnderfunded)
    case -8 => State.pure(ManageOfferCrossSelf)
    case -9 => State.pure(ManageOfferSellNoIssuer)
    case -10 => State.pure(ManageOfferBuyNoIssuer)
    case -11 => State.pure(UpdateOfferIdNotFound)
    case -12 => State.pure(ManageOfferLowReserve)

case object ManageOfferLowReserve extends ManageOfferResult(-12) 
Example 13
Source File: InflationResult.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.NativeAmount
import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encodable, Encode}
import stellar.sdk.{KeyPair, PublicKey}

sealed abstract class InflationResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 9)

object InflationResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], InflationResult] = int.flatMap {
    case 0 => arr(InflationPayout.decode).map(InflationSuccess)
    case -1 => State.pure(InflationNotDue)

case object InflationNotDue extends InflationResult(-1)

case class InflationPayout(recipient: PublicKey, amount: NativeAmount) extends Encodable {
  def encode: LazyList[Byte] = recipient.encode ++ Encode.long(amount.units)

object InflationPayout extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], InflationPayout] = for {
    recipient <- KeyPair.decode
    units <- long
  } yield InflationPayout(recipient, NativeAmount(units))
Example 14
Source File: OfferClaim.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.Amount
import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encodable, Encode}
import stellar.sdk.{KeyPair, PublicKey}

case class OfferClaim(seller: PublicKey, offerId: Long, sold: Amount, bought: Amount) extends Encodable {
  def encode: LazyList[Byte] = seller.encode ++ Encode.long(offerId) ++ sold.encode ++ bought.encode

object OfferClaim extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], OfferClaim] = for {
    seller <- KeyPair.decode
    offerId <- long
    sold <- Amount.decode
    bought <- Amount.decode
  } yield OfferClaim(seller, offerId, sold, bought)
Example 15
Source File: EntityParser.scala    From matcher   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.deser

import{Ints, Longs}
import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account.PublicKey
import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.asset.Asset
import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.asset.Asset.{IssuedAsset, Waves}
import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.{ByteStr, deser}
import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto.{KeyLength, Proofs, SignatureLength}
import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils._

import scala.util.Try

trait EntityParser[E] {

  import EntityParser._

  protected def read[R: Stateful]: Stateful[R] = implicitly

  private[domain] def statefulParse: Stateful[E]

  def parseBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Try[E] = Try { statefulParse.runA(S(0, bytes)).value }

object EntityParser {

  private[domain] final case class S(offset: Int, bytes: Array[Byte])

  type Stateful[T] = State[S, T]
  type Signature   = ByteStr

  private def standardRead[R](f: Array[Byte] => R, size: Int): Stateful[R] = State[S, R] { s =>
    s.copy(offset = s.offset + size) -> f(s.bytes.slice(s.offset, s.offset + size))

  implicit val readByte: Stateful[Byte]           = standardRead(_.head, 1)
  implicit val readInt: Stateful[Int]             = standardRead(Ints.fromByteArray, 4)
  implicit val readLong: Stateful[Long]           = standardRead(Longs.fromByteArray, 8)
  implicit val readPublicKey: Stateful[PublicKey] = standardRead(PublicKey.apply, KeyLength)
  implicit val readSignature: Stateful[Signature] = standardRead(ByteStr.apply, SignatureLength)

  implicit val readProofs: Stateful[Proofs] = State[S, Proofs] { s =>
    val (proofs, length) = Proofs.fromBytes(s.bytes drop s.offset).explicitGet()
    s.copy(offset = s.offset + length) -> proofs

  implicit val readAsset: Stateful[Asset] = State[S, Asset] { s =>
    val (maybeByteArr, resultOffset) = deser.parseByteArrayOption(s.bytes, s.offset, Asset.AssetIdLength)
    s.copy(offset = resultOffset) -> maybeByteArr.fold[Asset](Waves)(arr => IssuedAsset(ByteStr(arr)))
Example 16
Source File: PathPaymentResult.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.{Amount, Asset}
import stellar.sdk.{KeyPair, PublicKey}
import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encode}

sealed abstract class PathPaymentResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 2)

object PathPaymentResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], PathPaymentResult] = int.flatMap {
    case 0 => arr(OfferClaim.decode).flatMap { claims =>
      KeyPair.decode.flatMap { destination =>, destination, _))
    case -1 => State.pure(PathPaymentMalformed)
    case -2 => State.pure(PathPaymentUnderfunded)
    case -3 => State.pure(PathPaymentSourceNoTrust)
    case -4 => State.pure(PathPaymentSourceNotAuthorised)
    case -5 => State.pure(PathPaymentNoDestination)
    case -6 => State.pure(PathPaymentDestinationNoTrust)
    case -7 => State.pure(PathPaymentDestinationNotAuthorised)
    case -8 => State.pure(PathPaymentDestinationLineFull)
    case -9 =>
    case -10 => State.pure(PathPaymentTooFewOffers)
    case -11 => State.pure(PathPaymentOfferCrossesSelf)
    case -12 => State.pure(PathPaymentSendMaxExceeded)

case object PathPaymentSendMaxExceeded extends PathPaymentResult(-12) 
Example 17
Source File: PaymentResult.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.Decode

sealed abstract class PaymentResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 1)

object PaymentResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], PaymentResult] = {
    case 0 => PaymentSuccess
    case -1 => PaymentMalformed
    case -2 => PaymentUnderfunded
    case -3 => PaymentSourceNoTrust
    case -4 => PaymentSourceNotAuthorised
    case -5 => PaymentNoDestination
    case -6 => PaymentDestinationNoTrust
    case -7 => PaymentDestinationNotAuthorised
    case -8 => PaymentDestinationLineFull
    case -9 => PaymentNoIssuer

case object PaymentNoIssuer extends PaymentResult(-9) 
Example 18
Source File: ChangeTrustResult.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.Decode

sealed abstract class ChangeTrustResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 6)

object ChangeTrustResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], ChangeTrustResult] = {
    case 0 => ChangeTrustSuccess
    case -1 => ChangeTrustMalformed
    case -2 => ChangeTrustNoIssuer
    case -3 => ChangeTrustInvalidLimit
    case -4 => ChangeTrustLowReserve
    case -5 => ChangeTrustSelfNotAllowed

case object ChangeTrustSelfNotAllowed extends ChangeTrustResult(-5) 
Example 19
Source File: Asset.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encodable, Encode}
import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays._
import stellar.sdk.{KeyPair, PublicKeyOps}

sealed trait Asset extends Encodable {
  val code: String

object Asset extends Decode {
  def apply(code: String, issuer: PublicKeyOps): NonNativeAsset = {
    require(code.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9?]+"), s"Asset code $code does not match [a-zA-Z0-9]+")
    if (code.length <= 4) IssuedAsset4.of(code, issuer) else IssuedAsset12.of(code, issuer)

  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], Asset] = int.flatMap {
    case 0 => State.pure(NativeAsset)
    case 1 => => x: Asset)
    case 2 => => x: Asset)

case object NativeAsset extends Asset {
  val code: String = "XLM"
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] =

sealed trait NonNativeAsset extends Asset {
  val code: String
  val issuer: PublicKeyOps
  val typeString: String

  override def toString: String = s"${issuer.accountId}:$code"

case class IssuedAsset12 private (code: String, issuer: PublicKeyOps) extends NonNativeAsset {
  assert(code.length >= 5 && code.length <= 12, s"Asset's code '$code' should have length between 5 & 12 inclusive")

  override val typeString = "credit_alphanum12"

  def encode: LazyList[Byte] = {
    val codeBytes = paddedByteArray(code, 12) ++ Encode.bytes(12, codeBytes) ++ issuer.encode

object IssuedAsset12 extends Decode {
  def of(code: String, keyPair: PublicKeyOps): IssuedAsset12 = IssuedAsset12(code, keyPair.asPublicKey)

  def decode: State[Seq[Byte], IssuedAsset12] = for {
    bs <- bytes(12)
    issuer <- KeyPair.decode
    code = paddedByteArrayToString(bs.toArray)
  } yield IssuedAsset12(code, issuer)
Example 20
Source File: Decode.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.xdr

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.time.Instant

import cats.Eval
import{IndexedStateT, State}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging

import scala.util.Try

trait Decode extends LazyLogging {

  private def decode[T](bs: Seq[Byte], len: Int)(decoder: Seq[Byte] => T): (Seq[Byte], T) = {
    if (bs.length < len) throw new EOFException("Insufficient data remains to parse.")
    val t = decoder(bs.take(len))
    logger.trace(s"Dropping {} to make {}", len, t)
    bs.drop(len) -> t

  val int: State[Seq[Byte], Int] = State[Seq[Byte], Int] { bs =>
    decode(bs, 4) { in => ByteBuffer.wrap(in.toArray).getInt }

  val long: State[Seq[Byte], Long] = State[Seq[Byte], Long] { bs =>
    decode(bs, 8) { in => ByteBuffer.wrap(in.toArray).getLong }

  val instant: State[Seq[Byte], Instant] =

  val bool: State[Seq[Byte], Boolean] = == 1)

  def bytes(len: Int): State[Seq[Byte], Seq[Byte]] = State[Seq[Byte], Seq[Byte]] { bs =>
    decode(bs, len) { _.take(len) }

  val bytes: State[Seq[Byte], Seq[Byte]] = for {
    len <- int
    bs <- bytes(len)
  } yield bs

  def padded(multipleOf: Int = 4): State[Seq[Byte], Seq[Byte]] = for {
    len <- int
    bs <- bytes(len)
    _ <- bytes((multipleOf - (len % multipleOf)) % multipleOf)
  } yield bs

  val string: State[Seq[Byte], String] = padded().map(_.toArray).map(new String(_, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))

  def switch[T](zero: State[Seq[Byte], T], others: State[Seq[Byte], T]*): IndexedStateT[Eval, Seq[Byte], Seq[Byte], T] = int.flatMap {
    case 0 => zero
    case n =>  Try(others(n - 1)).getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"No parser defined for discriminant $n")

  // TODO (jem) - All switches should use this instead and Discriminators should be held in the parent (switcher not switchee).
  def switchInt[T](zero: State[Seq[Byte], T], others: State[Seq[Byte], T]*): State[Seq[Byte], (T, Int)] = int.flatMap {
    case 0 => -> 0)
    case n => Try(others(n - 1).map(_ -> n)).getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"No parser defined for discriminant $n")

  def opt[T](parseT: State[Seq[Byte], T]): State[Seq[Byte], Option[T]] = bool.flatMap {
    case true =>
    case false => State.pure(None)

  def arr[T](parseT: State[Seq[Byte], T]): State[Seq[Byte], Seq[T]] = int.flatMap(seq(_, parseT))

  // For debugging XDR only.
  def log[T](t: T): State[Seq[Byte], Unit] = State[Seq[Byte], Unit] { bs =>
    logger.debug("{}\n", t)
    bs -> ()

  def seq[T](qty: Int, parseT: State[Seq[Byte], T]): State[Seq[Byte], Seq[T]] = {
    (0 until qty).foldLeft(State.pure[Seq[Byte], Seq[T]](Seq.empty[T])) { case (state, _) =>
      for {
        ts <- state
        t <- parseT
      } yield ts :+ t

  def drop[T](parse: State[Seq[Byte], _])(t: T): State[Seq[Byte], T] = for {
    _ <- parse
  } yield t

  def widen[A, W, O <: W](s: State[A, O]): State[A, W] = => w: W)
Example 21
Source File: LedgerKey.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.ledger

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encodable, Encode}
import stellar.sdk.model.{Asset, NonNativeAsset}
import stellar.sdk.{KeyPair, PublicKeyOps}

sealed trait LedgerKey extends Encodable

object LedgerKey extends Decode {

  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], LedgerKey] = switch[LedgerKey](

case class AccountKey(account: PublicKeyOps) extends LedgerKey {
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ account.encode

object AccountKey extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], AccountKey] =

case class TrustLineKey(account: PublicKeyOps, asset: NonNativeAsset) extends LedgerKey {
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ account.encode ++ asset.encode

object TrustLineKey extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], TrustLineKey] = for {
    account <- KeyPair.decode
    asset <-[NonNativeAsset])
  } yield TrustLineKey(account, asset)

case class OfferKey(account: PublicKeyOps, offerId: Long) extends LedgerKey {
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ account.encode ++ Encode.long(offerId)

object OfferKey extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], OfferKey] = for {
    account <- KeyPair.decode
    offerId <- long
  } yield OfferKey(account, offerId)

case class DataKey(account: PublicKeyOps, name: String) extends LedgerKey {
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ account.encode ++ Encode.string(name)

object DataKey extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], DataKey] = for {
    account <- KeyPair.decode
    name <- string
  } yield DataKey(account, name)
Example 22
Source File: Liabilities.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.ledger

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encodable}
import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.Encode._

case class Liabilities(buying: Long, selling: Long) extends Encodable {
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = long(buying) ++ long(selling) ++ int(0)

object Liabilities extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], Liabilities] = for {
    buying <- long
    selling <- long
    _ <- int
  } yield Liabilities(buying, selling)
Example 23
Source File: LedgerEntryChanges.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.ledger

import stellar.sdk.model.ledger.TransactionLedgerEntries.arr
import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encodable, Encode}
import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays

sealed trait LedgerEntryChange extends Encodable

case class LedgerEntryCreate(entry: LedgerEntry) extends LedgerEntryChange {
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ entry.encode ++

case class LedgerEntryUpdate(entry: LedgerEntry) extends LedgerEntryChange {
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ entry.encode ++

case class LedgerEntryDelete(entry: LedgerKey) extends LedgerEntryChange {
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ entry.encode

case class LedgerEntryState(entry: LedgerEntry) extends LedgerEntryChange {
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ entry.encode ++

object LedgerEntryChange extends Decode {

  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], LedgerEntryChange] = switch[LedgerEntryChange](

object LedgerEntryChanges {

  def decodeXDR(base64: String): Seq[LedgerEntryChange] =

Example 24
Source File: TransactionLedgerEntries.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model.ledger

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encodable, Encode, Encoded}
import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays

case class TransactionLedgerEntries(txnLevelChanges: Option[(Option[Seq[LedgerEntryChange]], Seq[LedgerEntryChange])],
                                    operationLevelChanges: Seq[Seq[LedgerEntryChange]]) extends Encodable {

  val txnLevelChangesBefore: Option[Seq[LedgerEntryChange]] = txnLevelChanges.flatMap(_._1)
  val txnLevelChangesAfter: Option[Seq[LedgerEntryChange]] =

  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = txnLevelChanges match {
    case Some((Some(before), after)) => encode2(before, after)
    case Some((_, after)) => encode1(after)
    case _ => encode0

  private def encode0: LazyList[Byte] = ++

  private def encode1(txnLevel: Seq[LedgerEntryChange]): LazyList[Byte] = ++
    Encode.arr(txnLevel) ++

  private def encode2(before: Seq[LedgerEntryChange], after: Seq[LedgerEntryChange]): LazyList[Byte] = ++
    Encode.arr(before) ++
    Encode.arr( ++


object TransactionLedgerEntries extends Decode {

  def decodeXDR(base64: String): TransactionLedgerEntries =

  private val decodeV0: State[Seq[Byte], TransactionLedgerEntries] = for {
    ops <- arr(arr(LedgerEntryChange.decode))
  } yield TransactionLedgerEntries(None, ops)

  private val decodeV1: State[Seq[Byte], TransactionLedgerEntries] = for {
    txnLevelChanges <- arr(LedgerEntryChange.decode)
    ops <- arr(arr(LedgerEntryChange.decode))
  } yield TransactionLedgerEntries(Some(None, txnLevelChanges), ops)

  private val decodeV2: State[Seq[Byte], TransactionLedgerEntries] = for {
    txnLevelChangesBefore <- arr(LedgerEntryChange.decode)
    ops <- arr(arr(LedgerEntryChange.decode))
    txnLevelChangesAfter <- arr(LedgerEntryChange.decode)
  } yield TransactionLedgerEntries(Some(Some(txnLevelChangesBefore), txnLevelChangesAfter), ops)

  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], TransactionLedgerEntries] = switch(decodeV0, decodeV1, decodeV2)

Example 25
Source File: Memo.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8

import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays._
import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encode}

import scala.util.Try

sealed trait Memo {
  def encode: LazyList[Byte]

object Memo extends Decode {
  def decode: State[Seq[Byte], Memo] = switch(

case object NoMemo extends Memo {
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] =

case class MemoText(text: String) extends Memo {
  val Length = 28
  val bytes = text.getBytes(UTF_8)
  assert(bytes.length <= Length, s"Text exceeded limit (${bytes.length}/$Length bytes)")

  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ Encode.string(text)

case class MemoId(id: Long) extends Memo {
  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ Encode.long(id)

  def unsignedId: BigInt = BigInt(java.lang.Long.toUnsignedString(id))

  override def toString = s"MemoId(${unsignedId.toString()})"

sealed trait MemoWithHash extends Memo {
  val Length = 32
  val bs: Seq[Byte]
  val bytes: Array[Byte] = paddedByteArray(bs.toArray, Length)

  def hex: String = bytesToHex(bytes)

  def hexTrim: String = bytesToHex(bs)

case class MemoHash(bs: Seq[Byte]) extends MemoWithHash {
  assert(bs.length <= Length, s"Hash exceeded limit (${bytes.length}/$Length bytes)")

  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ Encode.bytes(bs)

object MemoHash {
  def from(hex: String): Try[MemoHash] = Try(MemoHash(hexToBytes(hex)))

case class MemoReturnHash(bs: Seq[Byte]) extends MemoWithHash {
  assert(bs.length <= Length, s"Hash exceeded limit (${bytes.length}/$Length bytes)")

  override def encode: LazyList[Byte] = ++ Encode.bytes(bs)

object MemoReturnHash {
  def from(hex: String) = Try(MemoReturnHash(hexToBytes(hex)))
Example 26
Source File: Amount.scala    From scala-stellar-sdk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package stellar.sdk.model

import java.math.{MathContext, RoundingMode}
import java.util.Locale

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.{Decode, Encodable, Encode}

import scala.util.Try

sealed trait Amount extends Encodable {
  val units: Long
  val asset: Asset

  def toDisplayUnits: String = "%.7f".formatLocal(Locale.ROOT, BigDecimal(units) / Amount.toIntegralFactor)

  def encode: LazyList[Byte] = asset.encode ++ Encode.long(units)

case class NativeAmount(units: Long) extends Amount {
  override val asset: Asset = NativeAsset
  override def toString: String = s"$toDisplayUnits XLM"

case class IssuedAmount(units: Long, asset: NonNativeAsset) extends Amount {
  override def toString: String = s"$toDisplayUnits $asset"

object Amount extends Decode {
  private val decimalPlaces = 7
  private val toIntegralFactor = BigDecimal(math.pow(10, decimalPlaces))

  def toBaseUnits(d: Double): Try[Long] = toBaseUnits(BigDecimal(d))

  def toBaseUnits(s: String): Try[Long] = Try(BigDecimal(s)).flatMap(toBaseUnits)

  def toBaseUnits(bd: BigDecimal): Try[Long] = Try {
    (bd * toIntegralFactor.round(new MathContext(0, RoundingMode.DOWN))).toLongExact

  def apply(units: Long, asset: Asset): Amount = {
    asset match {
      case NativeAsset => NativeAmount(units)
      case a: NonNativeAsset => IssuedAmount(units, a)

  def lumens(units: Double): NativeAmount = toBaseUnits(units).map(NativeAmount).getOrElse(
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Too many digits in fractional portion of $units. Limit is $decimalPlaces")

  def decode: State[Seq[Byte], Amount] = for {
    asset <- Asset.decode
    units <- long
  } yield apply(units, asset)

object IssuedAmount {
  def decode: State[Seq[Byte], IssuedAmount] = => x.asInstanceOf[IssuedAmount])
Example 27
Source File: Optimize.scala    From skeuomorph   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package higherkindness.skeuomorph.openapi
import higherkindness.droste._

import cats.implicits._
import scala.annotation.tailrec

object Optimize {
  def namedTypesTrans[T](name: String): Trans[JsonSchemaF, JsonSchemaF, T] =
    Trans {
      case JsonSchemaF.ObjectF(_, _) => JsonSchemaF.reference[T](name)
      case JsonSchemaF.EnumF(_)      => JsonSchemaF.reference[T](name)
      case other                     => other

  def namedTypes[T: Basis[JsonSchemaF, ?]](name: String): T => T = scheme.cata(namedTypesTrans(name).algebra)

  type NestedTypesState[T, O] = State[(Map[String, T], Long), O]

  def nestedTypesTrans[T: Basis[JsonSchemaF, ?]]: TransM[NestedTypesState[T, ?], JsonSchemaF, JsonSchemaF, T] =
    TransM {
      case JsonSchemaF.ArrayF(x) if isNestedType(x) =>
        extractNestedTypes("AnonymousObject", x).map { case (n, t) => JsonSchemaF.ArrayF(namedTypes(n).apply(t)) }

      case JsonSchemaF.ObjectF(fields, required) =>
          .traverse[NestedTypesState[T, ?], JsonSchemaF.Property[T]] {
            case p if isNestedType(p.tpe) =>
              extractNestedTypes(, p.tpe).map { //TODO Maybe we should normalize
                case (n, t) => p.copy(tpe = namedTypes[T](n).apply(t))
            case p => State.pure(p)
          .map(JsonSchemaF.ObjectF(_, required))

      case other => State.pure(other)

  def nestedTypes[T: Basis[JsonSchemaF, ?]]: T => NestedTypesState[T, T] =

  private def isNestedType[T: Project[JsonSchemaF, ?]](t: T): Boolean = {
    import JsonSchemaF._
    import higherkindness.droste.syntax.project.toProjectSyntaxOps
    t.project match {
      case ObjectF(properties, _) if properties.nonEmpty => true
      case EnumF(_)                                      => true
      case _                                             => false

  private def extractNestedTypes[T: Basis[JsonSchemaF, ?]](name: String, tpe: T): NestedTypesState[T, (String, T)] = {
    def addType(items: (String, T)): NestedTypesState[T, Unit] =
      State.modify {
        case (x, y) => (x + items) -> y

    def generateName(originalName: String, previousOccurrences: Long): String =
      originalName.capitalize + (if (previousOccurrences > 0) previousOccurrences.toString else "")

    def findNameAndIndex(ix: Long, x: Map[String, _]): (String, Long) = {
      val n = generateName(name, ix)
      if (x.contains(n)) findNameAndIndex(ix + 1, x) else n -> ix

    def findName: NestedTypesState[T, String] =
      State {
        case (x, i) =>
          val (name, nextI) = findNameAndIndex(i, x)
          (x, nextI) -> name

    for {
      newType <- nestedTypes.apply(tpe)
      newName <- findName
      _       <- addType(newName -> newType)
    } yield newName -> newType
