package stellar.sdk.model.result

import stellar.sdk.model.xdr.Decode

sealed abstract class ManageDataResult(val opResultCode: Int) extends ProcessedOperationResult(opCode = 10)

object ManageDataResult extends Decode {
  val decode: State[Seq[Byte], ManageDataResult] = {
    case 0 => ManageDataSuccess
    case -1 => ManageDataNotSupportedYet
    case -2 => DeleteDataNameNotFound
    case -3 => AddDataLowReserve
    case -4 => AddDataInvalidName

  * ManageData operation was successful.
case object ManageDataSuccess extends ManageDataResult(0)

  * ManageData operation failed because the network was not yet prepared to support this operation.
case object ManageDataNotSupportedYet extends ManageDataResult(-1)

  * ManageData operation failed because there was no data entry with the given name.
case object DeleteDataNameNotFound extends ManageDataResult(-2)

  * ManageData operation failed because there was insufficient reserve to support the addition of a new data entry.
case object AddDataLowReserve extends ManageDataResult(-3)

  * ManageData operation failed because the name was not a valid string.
case object AddDataInvalidName extends ManageDataResult(-4)