akka.actor.Scheduler Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use akka.actor.Scheduler. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: StatusCheckerModule.scala    From CloudGenesis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.lifeway.cloudops.cloudformation

import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Scheduler}
import com.amazonaws.services.cloudformation.AmazonCloudFormation

import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.pattern.after
import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
import com.lifeway.cloudops.cloudformation.Types.StackName
import org.scalactic._
import org.slf4j.Logger

trait StatusCheckerModule {
  val logger: Logger

  def waitForStatus(
      actorSystem: ActorSystem,
      maxRetries: Int = 100,
      maxWaitTime: Duration = 5.minutes,
      retrySpeed: FiniteDuration = 3.seconds)(statusFetcher: (AmazonCloudFormation, String) => (String, String))(
      cfClient: AmazonCloudFormation,
      id: String,
      stackName: StackName,
      waitForStatus: Types.Status,
      failIfInStatus: Seq[Types.Status]): Unit Or AutomationError = {

    implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = actorSystem.dispatcher
    implicit val sch: Scheduler       = actorSystem.scheduler

    sealed trait StatusException            extends Exception
    case object PendingException            extends StatusException
    case class FailedException(msg: String) extends StatusException

    def checkStatus: Unit = {
      val (status, reason) = statusFetcher(cfClient, id)

      if (status == waitForStatus) ()
      else if (failIfInStatus.contains(status))
        throw new FailedException(s"Unexpected stack status: $status. Reason: $reason")
      else throw PendingException

    def retry(op: => Unit, delay: FiniteDuration, retries: Int): Future[Unit Or AutomationError] =
      Future(op).map(x => Good(x)) recoverWith {
        case PendingException if retries > 0 => after(delay, sch)(retry(op, delay, retries - 1))
        case FailedException(err) =>
            Bad(StackError(s"Failed to reach expected status of $waitForStatus for $stackName due to: $err")))
        case t: AmazonServiceException if t.getStatusCode >= 500 =>
          logger.error(s"AWS 500 Service Exception: Failed to reach expected status of $waitForStatus for $stackName",
              s"AWS 500 Service Exception: Failed to reach expected status of $waitForStatus for $stackName")))
        case _ =>
          Future.successful(Bad(StackError(s"Failed to reach expected status of $waitForStatus for $stackName")))

    //Retry to find final status for up to max time...
    try {
      Await.result(retry(checkStatus, retrySpeed, maxRetries), maxWaitTime)
    } catch {
      case _: Throwable =>
            s"Failed to wait to reach expected status of $waitForStatus for $stackName due to process timeout"))
Example 2
Source File: Api.scala    From whirlwind-tour-akka-typed   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package de.heikoseeberger.wtat

import akka.actor.{ ActorSystem, Scheduler }
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http.ServerBinding
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.{ Conflict, Created, NoContent, NotFound }
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{ Directives, Route }
import akka.stream.Materializer
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.Actor
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.AskPattern.Askable
import akka.actor.typed.{ ActorRef, Behavior }
import akka.util.Timeout
import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpcirce.ErrorAccumulatingCirceSupport
import java.net.InetSocketAddress
import org.apache.logging.log4j.scala.Logging
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success }

object Api extends Logging {

  sealed trait Command
  private final case object HandleBindFailure                      extends Command
  private final case class HandleBound(address: InetSocketAddress) extends Command

  final val Name = "api"

  def apply(address: String,
            port: Int,
            userRepository: ActorRef[UserRepository.Command],
            userView: ActorRef[UserView.Command],
            askTimeout: FiniteDuration)(implicit mat: Materializer): Behavior[Command] =
    Actor.deferred { context =>
      import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.adapter._
      import context.executionContext
      implicit val s: ActorSystem = context.system.toUntyped

      val self = context.self
        .bindAndHandle(route(userRepository, userView)(askTimeout, context.system.scheduler),
        .onComplete {
          case Failure(_)                      => self ! HandleBindFailure
          case Success(ServerBinding(address)) => self ! HandleBound(address)

      Actor.immutable {
        case (_, HandleBindFailure) =>
          logger.error(s"Stopping, because cannot bind to $address:$port!")

        case (_, HandleBound(address)) =>
          logger.info(s"Bound to $address")

  def route(
      userRepository: ActorRef[UserRepository.Command],
      userView: ActorRef[UserView.Command]
  )(implicit askTimeout: Timeout, scheduler: Scheduler): Route = {
    import Directives._
    import ErrorAccumulatingCirceSupport._
    import io.circe.generic.auto._
    import io.circe.refined._

    pathEndOrSingleSlash {
      get {
        complete {
          import UserView._
          (userView ? GetUsers).mapTo[Users]
      } ~
      post {
        entity(as[User]) { user =>
          import UserRepository._
          onSuccess(userRepository ? addUser(user)) {
            case UsernameTaken(_) => complete(Conflict)
            case UserAdded(_)     => complete(Created)
    } ~
    path(Segment) { username =>
      delete {
        import UserRepository._
        onSuccess(userRepository ? removeUser(username)) {
          case UsernameUnknown(_) => complete(NotFound)
          case UserRemoved(_)     => complete(NoContent)
Example 3
Source File: UserProjection.scala    From whirlwind-tour-akka-typed   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package de.heikoseeberger.wtat

import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.actor.typed.{ ActorRef, Behavior }
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.Actor
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.AskPattern.Askable
import akka.cluster.Cluster
import akka.cluster.ddata.{ ORSet, ORSetKey }
import akka.cluster.ddata.Replicator.WriteLocal
import akka.cluster.ddata.typed.scaladsl.{ DistributedData, Replicator }
import akka.persistence.query.EventEnvelope
import akka.persistence.query.scaladsl.EventsByPersistenceIdQuery
import akka.stream.Materializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Sink
import akka.util.Timeout
import cats.instances.string._
import cats.syntax.eq._
import org.apache.logging.log4j.scala.Logging
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

object UserProjection extends Logging {
  import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.adapter._

  sealed trait Command
  final case object Stop                              extends Command
  private final case object HandleEventStreamComplete extends Command

  abstract class EventStreamCompleteException
      extends IllegalStateException("Event stream completed unexpectedly!")
  private final case object EventStreamCompleteException extends EventStreamCompleteException

  final val Name = "user-projection"

  final val usersKey: ORSetKey[User] =

  def apply(readJournal: EventsByPersistenceIdQuery,
            userView: ActorRef[UserView.Command],
            askTimeout: FiniteDuration)(implicit mat: Materializer): Behavior[Command] =
    Actor.deferred { context =>
      implicit val c: Cluster   = Cluster(context.system.toUntyped)
      implicit val s: Scheduler = context.system.scheduler
      implicit val t: Timeout   = askTimeout
      val replicator            = DistributedData(context.system).replicator
      val self                  = context.self

        .eventsByPersistenceId(UserRepository.Name, 0, Long.MaxValue)
        .collect { case EventEnvelope(_, _, _, event: UserRepository.Event) => event }
        .mapAsync(1) {
          case UserRepository.UserAdded(user) =>
            replicator ? Replicator.Update(usersKey, ORSet.empty[User], WriteLocal)(_ + user)

          case UserRepository.UserRemoved(username) =>
            replicator ? Replicator.Update(usersKey, ORSet.empty[User], WriteLocal) { users =>
              users.elements.find(_.username.value === username).fold(users)(users - _)
        .runWith(Sink.onComplete(_ => self ! HandleEventStreamComplete))
      logger.debug("Running event stream")

      Actor.immutable {
        case (_, Stop)                      => Actor.stopped
        case (_, HandleEventStreamComplete) => throw EventStreamCompleteException
Example 4
Source File: QueriesAkkaHttpResource.scala    From model-serving-tutorial   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.lightbend.modelserving.akka

import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.actor.typed.ActorRef
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.AskPattern._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.lightbend.modelserving.model.ModelToServeStats
import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpjackson.JacksonSupport

import scala.concurrent.duration._

object QueriesAkkaHttpResource extends JacksonSupport {

  implicit val askTimeout = Timeout(30.seconds)

  def storeRoutes(modelserver: ActorRef[ModelServerManagerActor])(implicit scheduler: Scheduler) : Route =
    get {
      // Get list of models
      path("processors") {
        onSuccess(modelserver ? ((replyTo: ActorRef[GetModelsResult]) => GetModels(replyTo))) {
          case models: GetModelsResult =>
      } ~
      // Get statistics for a given data type
      path("state"/Segment) { dataType =>
        onSuccess(modelserver ? ((replyTo: ActorRef[ModelToServeStats]) => GetState(replyTo, dataType))) {
          case stats : ModelToServeStats =>
Example 5
Source File: TFQueriesAkkaHttpResource.scala    From model-serving-tutorial   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.lightbend.modelserving.tensorflowserving

import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.actor.typed.ActorRef
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.AskPattern._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.lightbend.modelserving.model.ModelToServeStats
import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpjackson.JacksonSupport

import scala.concurrent.duration._

object TFQueriesAkkaHttpResource extends JacksonSupport {

  implicit val askTimeout = Timeout(30.seconds)

  def storeRoutes(modelserver: ActorRef[TFModelServerActor])(implicit scheduler: Scheduler) : Route =
    get {
      // Get statistics
      path("state") {
        onSuccess(modelserver ? ((replyTo: ActorRef[ModelToServeStats]) => GetState(replyTo))) {
          case stats : ModelToServeStats =>
Example 6
Source File: AkkaSuite.scala    From streamee   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.moia.streamee

import akka.actor.{ ActorSystem, Scheduler }
import org.scalatest.{ BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite }
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt

trait AkkaSuite extends Suite with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  protected implicit val system: ActorSystem =

  protected implicit val scheduler: Scheduler =

  override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
    Await.ready(system.terminate(), 42.seconds)
Example 7
Source File: Retriable.scala    From vamp   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.vamp.container_driver.kubernetes

import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.pattern.after
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

trait Retriable {

  def retryIndefinitely[T](op: ⇒ T, delay: FiniteDuration)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] =
    Future(op) recoverWith { case _ ⇒ after(delay, s)(retryIndefinitely(op, delay)) }

  def retryWithLimit[T](op: ⇒ T, delay: FiniteDuration, iteration: Int, limit: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] =
    Future(op) recoverWith {
      case _ ⇒
        if (iteration < limit)
          after(delay * iteration, s)(retryWithLimit(op, delay, iteration + 1, limit))
          Future.failed(new Exception("Give up on retrial"))

Example 8
Source File: SimulatedScheduler.scala    From metronome   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dcos.metronome

import akka.actor.{Cancellable, Scheduler}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

class SimulatedScheduler(clock: SettableClock) extends Scheduler {
  override def maxFrequency = 0.0
  private[this] val nextId = new AtomicLong
  private[this] val scheduledTasks = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[Long, ScheduledTask]
  private case class ScheduledTask(action: () => Unit, var time: Long)
  private class ScheduledTaskCancellable(id: Long) extends Cancellable {
    override def cancel() = {
    override def isCancelled = scheduledTasks.contains(id)

  clock.onChange { () => poll() }

  private[this] def doCancel(id: Long) = synchronized { scheduledTasks -= id }
  private[this] def poll(): Unit =
    synchronized {
      val now = clock.instant().toEpochMilli
      scheduledTasks.values.foreach { task =>
        if (task.time <= now) task.action()

  override def scheduleOnce(delay: FiniteDuration, runnable: Runnable)(implicit
      executor: ExecutionContext
  ): Cancellable =
    synchronized {
      val id = nextId.getAndIncrement
      val cancellable = new ScheduledTaskCancellable(id)
      scheduledTasks(id) = ScheduledTask(
        time = clock.instant().plusMillis(delay.toMillis).toEpochMilli,
        action = () => {

  def schedule(initialDelay: FiniteDuration, interval: FiniteDuration, runnable: Runnable)(implicit
      executor: ExecutionContext
  ): Cancellable =
    synchronized {
      val id = nextId.getAndIncrement
      val cancellable = new ScheduledTaskCancellable(id)
      scheduledTasks(id) = ScheduledTask(
        time = clock.instant().toEpochMilli + initialDelay.toMillis,
        action = () => {
          scheduledTasks(id).time = clock.instant().toEpochMilli + interval.toMillis

  def taskCount = synchronized { scheduledTasks.size }
Example 9
Source File: FutureRetryUtilitySpec.scala    From NSDb   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.radicalbit.nsdb.util

import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Scheduler, Status}
import akka.event.{Logging, LoggingAdapter}
import akka.testkit.{TestKit, TestProbe}
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpecLike}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

class FutureRetryUtilitySpec
    extends TestKit(ActorSystem("MySpec"))
    with WordSpecLike
    with Matchers
    with FutureRetryUtility {

  implicit val schedule: Scheduler    = system.scheduler
  implicit val logger: LoggingAdapter = Logging.getLogger(system, this)

  private final val delay: FiniteDuration = 2.seconds
  private final val retries: Int          = 3

  private def future(flag: Boolean) =
    if (flag) Future.successful(3) else Future.failed(new RuntimeException("Failure"))

  "retry function in FutureRetryUtility" must {

    "successfully returns whether, after retries, the future is eventually successful" in {
      Await.result(future(true).retry(delay, retries)(_ > 2), Duration.Inf) shouldBe 3

    "thrown an Exception whether, after retries, the future eventually returns an Exception" in {
      an[RuntimeException] shouldBe thrownBy(Await.result(future(false).retry(delay, retries)(_ => true), Duration.Inf))

    "consider the number of retries" in {
      val q = mutable.Queue(0)
      def future = {
        val nRetries = q.dequeue()
        if (nRetries < 2) { q.enqueue(nRetries + 1); Future.failed(new RuntimeException) } else {
          q.enqueue(nRetries + 1); Future.successful(nRetries)
      Await.result(future.retry(delay, retries)(_ > 2), Duration.Inf) shouldBe 3

  "pipeTo function in FutureRetryUtility" must {

    "returns a successful future and send the content of it through pipe" in {
      val testProbe = TestProbe("actor-test")
      future(true).pipeTo(delay, retries, testProbe.testActor)()

    "return a failed future and send a status failure through pipe" in {
      val testProbe = TestProbe("actor-test")
      future(false).pipeTo(delay, retries, testProbe.testActor)()
Example 10
Source File: FutureRetryUtility.scala    From NSDb   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.radicalbit.nsdb.util

import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, Scheduler, Status}
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import akka.pattern.after

import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

trait FutureRetryUtility {

  implicit class FutureRetry[T](f: => Future[T]) {
    def retry(delay: FiniteDuration, retries: Int)(
        wasSuccessful: T => Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler, log: LoggingAdapter): Future[T] =
      (for {
        a <- f
        result <- if (wasSuccessful(a) || retries < 1) Future(a)
        else { log.warning("{}. Retrying...", a); after(delay, s)(retry(delay, retries - 1)(wasSuccessful)) }
      } yield result) recoverWith {
        case t if retries > 0 =>
          log.warning("{}. Retrying...", t); after(delay, s)(retry(delay, retries - 1)(wasSuccessful))

  implicit class PipeToFutureRetry[T](f: => Future[T]) {
    def pipeTo(delay: FiniteDuration, retries: Int, recipient: ActorRef)(wasSuccessful: T => Boolean = _ => true)(
        implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
        s: Scheduler,
        log: LoggingAdapter,
        sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender) =
      f.retry(delay, retries)(wasSuccessful) andThen {
        case Success(r) ⇒ recipient ! r
        case Failure(f) ⇒ recipient ! Status.Failure(f)
Example 11
Source File: PingActorSpec.scala    From akka-typed-persistence   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.example

import scala.concurrent.duration._

import org.scalatest.{ FlatSpecLike, Matchers }
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.testkit.TestKit
import akka.typed.ActorRef
import akka.typed.scaladsl.AskPattern._
import akka.typed.scaladsl.adapter.actorRefAdapter
import akka.util.Timeout

class PingActorSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("pingSystem")) with FlatSpecLike with Matchers with ScalaFutures {

  import PingActor.MyMsg

  implicit val timeout: Timeout =

  implicit val scheduler: Scheduler =

  implicit override def patienceConfig: PatienceConfig =
    PatienceConfig(timeout = super.patienceConfig.timeout * 5)

  val dummyRef: ActorRef[Any] =

  "PingActor" should "reply with the number of pings it received so far" in {
    val ref: ActorRef[MyMsg] = PingActor.myBehavior.deployInto(this.system, "pingActor")
    ref.?[String](MyMsg("ping", _)).futureValue should be ("1 pings so far")
    ref ! MyMsg("foo", dummyRef)
    ref ! MyMsg("bar", dummyRef)
    ref.?[String](MyMsg("ping", _)).futureValue should be ("2 pings so far")
    ref.?[String](MyMsg("stop", _)).futureValue should be ("OK")
    val ref2: ActorRef[MyMsg] = PingActor.myBehavior.deployInto(this.system, "pingActor")
    ref2.?[String](MyMsg("ping", _)).futureValue should be ("3 pings so far")
Example 12
Source File: FutureRetries.scala    From HAT2.0   with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.hatdex.hat.utils

import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.pattern.after

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import scala.util.Random

object FutureRetries {
  def retry[T](f: => Future[T], delays: List[FiniteDuration])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] = {
    f recoverWith { case _ if delays.nonEmpty => after(delays.head, s)(retry(f, delays.tail)) }

  def withDefault(delays: List[FiniteDuration], retries: Int, default: FiniteDuration): List[FiniteDuration] = {
    if (delays.length > retries) {
      delays take retries
    else {
      delays ++ List.fill(retries - delays.length)(default)

  def withJitter(delays: List[FiniteDuration], maxJitter: Double, minJitter: Double): List[FiniteDuration] = {
    delays.map { delay =>
      val jitter = delay * (minJitter + (maxJitter - minJitter) * Random.nextDouble)
      jitter match {
        case d: FiniteDuration => d
        case _                 => delay

  val fibonacci: Stream[FiniteDuration] = 0.seconds #:: 1.seconds #:: (fibonacci zip fibonacci.tail).map { t => t._1 + t._2 }
Example 13
Source File: MultiNodeExpect.scala    From lagom   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.cluster

import akka.Done
import akka.actor.ActorRef
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.annotation.ApiMayChange
import akka.cluster.ddata.DistributedData
import akka.cluster.ddata.Flag
import akka.cluster.ddata.FlagKey
import akka.cluster.ddata.Replicator.Get
import akka.cluster.ddata.Replicator.GetSuccess
import akka.cluster.ddata.Replicator.ReadLocal
import akka.cluster.ddata.Replicator.Update
import akka.cluster.ddata.Replicator.UpdateSuccess
import akka.cluster.ddata.Replicator.WriteAll
import akka.cluster.ddata.Replicator.WriteConsistency
import akka.cluster.ddata.SelfUniqueAddress
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import akka.testkit.TestProbe

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import akka.pattern.after
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout

import scala.util.control.NonFatal

class MultiNodeExpect(probe: TestProbe)(implicit system: ActorSystem) {
  private implicit val scheduler: Scheduler               = system.scheduler
  private implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher

  val replicator: ActorRef             = DistributedData(system).replicator
  implicit val node: SelfUniqueAddress = DistributedData(system).selfUniqueAddress

  def expectMsgType[T](expectationKey: String, max: FiniteDuration)(implicit t: ClassTag[T]): Future[Done] = {
    val eventualT = () => Future(errorAsRuntime(probe.expectMsgType[T](max)))
    doExpect(eventualT)(expectationKey, max)

  // prevents Errors from turning into BoxedError when using `Future(f)` (where f throws Error)
  private def errorAsRuntime[T](f: => T): T = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(t)  => throw t
      case x: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException(x)

  private def doExpect[T](eventualT: () => Future[T])(expectationKey: String, max: FiniteDuration): Future[Done] = {
    val DataKey: FlagKey           = FlagKey(expectationKey)
    val writeAll: WriteConsistency = WriteAll(max)
    implicit val timeout: Timeout  = Timeout(max)

    val retryDelay = 3.second

    val fTimeout = after(max, scheduler)(Future.failed(new RuntimeException(s"timeout $max expired")))

    // If the local expectation wins, it must notify others.
    val fLocalExpect: Future[Done] = eventualT()
      .map { _ =>
        (replicator ? Update(DataKey, Flag.empty, writeAll)(
      .map(_ => Done)

    // if a remote expectation wins, we can move on.
    val poll: () => Future[Done] = () =>
      (replicator ? Get(DataKey, ReadLocal)).map {
        case g @ GetSuccess(DataKey, _) if g.get(DataKey).enabled => Done
        case _                                                    => throw new RuntimeException("Flag unset")
    val fRemoteExpect: Future[Done] = retry(
      Int.MaxValue // keep retrying, there's a timeout later


  // From vklang's https://gist.github.com/viktorklang/9414163
  def retry[T](op: () => Future[T], delay: FiniteDuration, retries: Int): Future[T] =
    op().recoverWith { case _ if retries > 0 => after(delay, scheduler)(retry(op, delay, retries - 1)) }
Example 14
Source File: Retry.scala    From lagom   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.persistence.jpa

import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage
import java.util.function.Supplier

import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.pattern.after

import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.fromNanos
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

// With thanks to https://gist.github.com/viktorklang/9414163
private[lagom] class Retry(delay: FiniteDuration, delayFactor: Double, maxRetries: Int) {
  def apply[T](op: => T)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] = {
    def iterate(nextDelay: FiniteDuration, remainingRetries: Int): Future[T] =
      Future(op).recoverWith {
        case NonFatal(throwable) if remainingRetries > 0 => {
          onRetry(throwable, nextDelay, remainingRetries)
          after(nextDelay, s)(iterate(finiteMultiply(nextDelay, delayFactor), remainingRetries - 1))

    iterate(delay, maxRetries)

  // For convenient use from Java 8
  def retry[T](op: Supplier[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): CompletionStage[T] = {
    import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters._


  protected def onRetry(throwable: Throwable, delay: FiniteDuration, remainingRetries: Int): Unit = ()

  private def finiteMultiply(duration: FiniteDuration, factor: Double): FiniteDuration =
    fromNanos((duration.toNanos * factor).toLong)

private[lagom] object Retry {
  def apply[T](delay: FiniteDuration, delayFactor: Double, maxRetries: Int)(
      op: => T
  )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] =
    (new Retry(delay, delayFactor, maxRetries))(op)
Example 15
Source File: QueriesService.scala    From endpoints4s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package cqrs.queries

import java.util.UUID

import akka.actor.Scheduler
import play.api.libs.ws.WSClient

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import cqrs.commands.{CommandsEndpoints, MeterCreated, RecordAdded, StoredEvent}

import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.stm.{Ref, atomic}

  private def applyEvent(state: State, storedEvent: StoredEvent): State =
    storedEvent match {
      case StoredEvent(t, MeterCreated(id, label)) =>
          lastEventTimestamp = Some(t),
          meters = state.meters + (id -> Meter(id, label, SortedMap.empty))
      case StoredEvent(t, RecordAdded(id, date, value)) =>
        val meter = state.meters(id)
        val updatedMeter =
          meter.copy(timeSeries = meter.timeSeries + (date -> value))
          lastEventTimestamp = Some(t),
          meters = state.meters + (id -> updatedMeter)

Example 16
Source File: AkkaTest.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.ledger.client.testing

import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ScheduledExecutorService}

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Scheduler}
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Sink, Source}
import akka.stream.Materializer
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.daml.grpc.adapter.{ExecutionSequencerFactory, SingleThreadExecutionSequencerPool}
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory, ConfigValueFactory}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite}

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContextExecutor, Future}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

trait AkkaTest extends BeforeAndAfterAll with LazyLogging { self: Suite =>
  // TestEventListener is needed for log testing
  private val loggers =
    util.Arrays.asList("akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger", "akka.testkit.TestEventListener")
  protected implicit val sysConfig: Config = ConfigFactory
    .withValue("akka.loggers", ConfigValueFactory.fromIterable(loggers))
    .withValue("akka.logger-startup-timeout", ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef("30s"))
    .withValue("akka.stdout-loglevel", ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef("INFO"))
  protected implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("test", sysConfig)
  protected implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor =
  protected implicit val scheduler: Scheduler = system.scheduler
  protected implicit val schedulerService: ScheduledExecutorService =
  protected implicit val materializer: Materializer = Materializer(system)
  protected implicit val esf: ExecutionSequencerFactory =
    new SingleThreadExecutionSequencerPool("testSequencerPool")
  protected val timeout: FiniteDuration = 2.minutes
  protected val shortTimeout: FiniteDuration = 5.seconds

  protected def await[T](fun: => Future[T]): T = Await.result(fun, timeout)

  protected def awaitShort[T](fun: => Future[T]): T = Await.result(fun, shortTimeout)

  protected def drain(source: Source[ByteString, NotUsed]): ByteString = {
    val futureResult: Future[ByteString] = source.runFold(ByteString.empty) { (a, b) =>

  protected def drain[A, B](source: Source[A, B]): Seq[A] = {
    val futureResult: Future[Seq[A]] = source.runWith(Sink.seq)

  override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
    try {
      val _ = await(system.terminate())
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(_) => ()
Example 17
Source File: ApiGwLauncher.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.openwhisk.standalone

import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Scheduler}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri
import akka.pattern.RetrySupport
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.{Logging, TransactionId}
import org.apache.openwhisk.standalone.StandaloneDockerSupport.{containerName, createRunCmd}
import pureconfig._
import pureconfig.generic.auto._

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

class ApiGwLauncher(docker: StandaloneDockerClient, apiGwApiPort: Int, apiGwMgmtPort: Int, serverPort: Int)(
  implicit logging: Logging,
  ec: ExecutionContext,
  actorSystem: ActorSystem,
  tid: TransactionId)
    extends RetrySupport {
  private implicit val scd: Scheduler = actorSystem.scheduler
  case class RedisConfig(image: String)
  case class ApiGwConfig(image: String)
  private val redisConfig = loadConfigOrThrow[RedisConfig](StandaloneConfigKeys.redisConfigKey)
  private val apiGwConfig = loadConfigOrThrow[ApiGwConfig](StandaloneConfigKeys.apiGwConfigKey)

  def run(): Future[Seq[ServiceContainer]] = {
    for {
      (redis, redisSvcs) <- runRedis()
      _ <- waitForRedis(redis)
      (_, apiGwSvcs) <- runApiGateway(redis)
      _ <- waitForApiGw()
    } yield Seq(redisSvcs, apiGwSvcs).flatten

  def runRedis(): Future[(StandaloneDockerContainer, Seq[ServiceContainer])] = {
    val defaultRedisPort = 6379
    val redisPort = StandaloneDockerSupport.checkOrAllocatePort(defaultRedisPort)
    logging.info(this, s"Starting Redis at $redisPort")

    val params = Map("-p" -> Set(s"$redisPort:6379"))
    val name = containerName("redis")
    val args = createRunCmd(name, dockerRunParameters = params)
    val f = docker.runDetached(redisConfig.image, args, shouldPull = true)
    val sc = ServiceContainer(redisPort, s"http://localhost:$redisPort", name)
    f.map(c => (c, Seq(sc)))

  def waitForRedis(c: StandaloneDockerContainer): Future[Unit] = {
    retry(() => isRedisUp(c), 12, 5.seconds)

  private def isRedisUp(c: StandaloneDockerContainer) = {
    val args = Seq(
    docker.runCmd(args, docker.clientConfig.timeouts.run).map(out => require(out.toLowerCase == "pong"))

  def runApiGateway(redis: StandaloneDockerContainer): Future[(StandaloneDockerContainer, Seq[ServiceContainer])] = {
    val hostIp = StandaloneDockerSupport.getLocalHostIp()
    val env = Map(
      "BACKEND_HOST" -> s"http://$hostIp:$serverPort",
      "REDIS_HOST" -> redis.addr.host,
      "REDIS_PORT" -> "6379",
      //This is the name used to render the final url. So should be localhost
      //as that would be used by end user outside of docker
      "PUBLIC_MANAGEDURL_HOST" -> StandaloneDockerSupport.getLocalHostName(),
      "PUBLIC_MANAGEDURL_PORT" -> apiGwMgmtPort.toString)

    logging.info(this, s"Starting Api Gateway at api port: $apiGwApiPort, management port: $apiGwMgmtPort")
    val name = containerName("apigw")
    val params = Map("-p" -> Set(s"$apiGwApiPort:9000", s"$apiGwMgmtPort:8080"))
    val args = createRunCmd(name, env, params)

    //TODO ExecManifest is scoped to core. Ideally we would like to do
    // ExecManifest.ImageName(apiGwConfig.image).prefix.contains("openwhisk")
    val pull = apiGwConfig.image.startsWith("openwhisk")
    val f = docker.runDetached(apiGwConfig.image, args, pull)
    val sc = Seq(
      ServiceContainer(apiGwApiPort, s"http://localhost:$apiGwApiPort", s"$name, Api Gateway - Api Service "),
      ServiceContainer(apiGwMgmtPort, s"http://localhost:$apiGwMgmtPort", s"$name, Api Gateway - Management Service"))
    f.map(c => (c, sc))

  def waitForApiGw(): Future[Unit] = {
    new ServerStartupCheck(
Example 18
Source File: RetryPolicy.scala    From reactive-consul   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package stormlantern.consul.client
package util

import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.pattern.after

trait RetryPolicy {
  def maxRetries = 4
  def retry[T](
    delay: FiniteDuration = 500.milli,
    retries: Int = 4,
    backoff: Int = 2,
    predicate: T ⇒ Boolean = (r: T) ⇒ true
  )(f: ⇒ Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] = {
    f.map {
      case r if !predicate(r) ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("Result does not satisfy the predicate specified")
      case r                  ⇒ r
    } recoverWith { case _ if retries > 0 ⇒ after(delay, s)(retry(delay * backoff, retries - 1, backoff, predicate)(f)) }
Example 19
Source File: CustomAutoDownBase.scala    From akka-cluster-custom-downing   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package tanukki.akka.cluster.autodown

import akka.actor.{Cancellable, Scheduler, Address, Actor}
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent._
import akka.cluster.MemberStatus.{Exiting, Down}
import akka.cluster._
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, FiniteDuration}

object CustomDowning {
  case class UnreachableTimeout(member: Member)

abstract class CustomAutoDownBase(autoDownUnreachableAfter: FiniteDuration) extends Actor {

  import CustomDowning._

  def selfAddress: Address

  def down(node: Address): Unit

  def downOrAddPending(member: Member): Unit

  def downOrAddPendingAll(members: Set[Member]): Unit

  def scheduler: Scheduler

  import context.dispatcher

  val skipMemberStatus = Set[MemberStatus](Down, Exiting)

  private var scheduledUnreachable: Map[Member, Cancellable] = Map.empty
  private var pendingUnreachable: Set[Member] = Set.empty
  private var unstableUnreachable: Set[Member] = Set.empty

  override def postStop(): Unit = {
    scheduledUnreachable.values foreach { _.cancel }

  def receiveEvent: Receive

  def receive: Receive = receiveEvent orElse predefinedReceiveEvent

  def predefinedReceiveEvent: Receive = {
    case state: CurrentClusterState =>
      state.unreachable foreach unreachableMember

    case UnreachableTimeout(member) =>
      if (scheduledUnreachable contains member) {
        scheduledUnreachable -= member
        if (scheduledUnreachable.isEmpty) {
          unstableUnreachable += member
          unstableUnreachable = Set.empty
        } else {
          unstableUnreachable += member

    case _: ClusterDomainEvent =>

  def initialize(state: CurrentClusterState) = {}

  def unreachableMember(m: Member): Unit =
    if (!skipMemberStatus(m.status) && !scheduledUnreachable.contains(m))

  def scheduleUnreachable(m: Member): Unit = {
    if (autoDownUnreachableAfter == Duration.Zero) {
    } else {
      val task = scheduler.scheduleOnce(autoDownUnreachableAfter, self, UnreachableTimeout(m))
      scheduledUnreachable += (m -> task)

  def remove(member: Member): Unit = {
    scheduledUnreachable.get(member) foreach { _.cancel }
    scheduledUnreachable -= member
    pendingUnreachable -= member
    unstableUnreachable -= member

  def scheduledUnreachableMembers: Map[Member, Cancellable] = scheduledUnreachable

  def pendingUnreachableMembers: Set[Member] = pendingUnreachable

  def pendingAsUnreachable(member: Member): Unit = pendingUnreachable += member

  def downPendingUnreachableMembers(): Unit = {
    pendingUnreachable.foreach(member => down(member.address))
    pendingUnreachable = Set.empty

  def unstableUnreachableMembers: Set[Member] = unstableUnreachable
Example 20
Source File: ClusterCustomDowning.scala    From akka-cluster-custom-downing   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package tanukki.akka.cluster.autodown

import akka.actor.{Address, ActorLogging, Scheduler}
import akka.cluster.Cluster
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.ClusterDomainEvent
import scala.concurrent.duration._

trait ClusterCustomDowning extends ActorLogging { base: CustomAutoDownBase =>

  val cluster = Cluster(context.system)

  override def selfAddress: Address = cluster.selfAddress

  override def scheduler: Scheduler = {
    if (context.system.scheduler.maxFrequency < 1.second / cluster.settings.SchedulerTickDuration) {
      log.warning("CustomDowning does not use a cluster dedicated scheduler. Cluster will use a dedicated scheduler if configured " +
        "with 'akka.scheduler.tick-duration' [{} ms] >  'akka.cluster.scheduler.tick-duration' [{} ms].",
        (1000 / context.system.scheduler.maxFrequency).toInt, cluster.settings.SchedulerTickDuration.toMillis)

  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    cluster.subscribe(self, classOf[ClusterDomainEvent])
  override def postStop(): Unit = {
Example 21
Source File: AkkaUnitTestLike.scala    From reactive-kinesis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.weightwatchers.reactive.kinesis.common

import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Scheduler}
import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, Materializer}
import akka.testkit.TestKitBase
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite}

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor

trait AkkaUnitTestLike extends TestKitBase with ScalaFutures with BeforeAndAfterAll {
  self: Suite =>

  implicit lazy val config: Config                = ConfigFactory.load("sample.conf")
  implicit lazy val system: ActorSystem           = ActorSystem(suiteName, config)
  implicit lazy val scheduler: Scheduler          = system.scheduler
  implicit lazy val mat: Materializer             = ActorMaterializer()
  implicit lazy val ctx: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.dispatcher

  abstract override def afterAll(): Unit = {
    // intentionally shutdown the actor system last.
Example 22
Source File: FallbackPublisher.scala    From reliable-http-client   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package rhttpc.transport.fallback

import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Scheduler}
import akka.pattern.CircuitBreaker
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import rhttpc.transport.{Message, Publisher}

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

private[fallback] class FallbackPublisher[Msg](main: Publisher[Msg],
                                               fallback: Publisher[Msg])
                                              (maxFailures: Int,
                                               callTimeout: FiniteDuration,
                                               resetTimeout: FiniteDuration)
                                              (implicit system: ActorSystem) extends Publisher[Msg] {

  import system.dispatcher

  private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)

  private val circuitBreaker = new CircuitBreaker(system.scheduler, maxFailures, callTimeout, resetTimeout)
    .onOpen(logger.debug("Circuit opened"))
    .onHalfOpen(logger.debug("Circuit half-opened"))
    .onClose(logger.debug("Circuit closed"))

  override def publish(msg: Message[Msg]): Future[Unit] = {
    circuitBreaker.withCircuitBreaker(main.publish(msg)).recoverWith {
      case NonFatal(ex) =>
        logger.debug(s"Circuit is opened, sending message [${msg.getClass.getName}] to fallback transport")

  override def start(): Unit = {

  override def stop(): Future[Unit] = {
    import rhttpc.utils.Recovered._
    recoveredFuture("stopping main publisher", main.stop())
      .flatMap(_ => recoveredFuture("stopping fallback publisher", fallback.stop()))
Example 23
Source File: AmqpJdbcScheduler.scala    From reliable-http-client   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package rhttpc.transport.amqpjdbc

import akka.actor.{Cancellable, Scheduler}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import rhttpc.transport.SerializingPublisher.SerializedMessage
import rhttpc.transport._

import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

private[amqpjdbc] trait AmqpJdbcScheduler[PubMsg] {

  def schedule(msg: Message[PubMsg], delay: FiniteDuration): Future[Unit]

  def start(): Unit

  def stop(): Future[Unit]


private[amqpjdbc] class AmqpJdbcSchedulerImpl[PubMsg](scheduler: Scheduler,
                                                      checkInterval: FiniteDuration,
                                                      repo: ScheduledMessagesRepository,
                                                      queueName: String,
                                                      batchSize: Int,
                                                      publisher: SerializingPublisher[PubMsg])
                                                     (implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
                                                      serializer: Serializer[PubMsg]) extends AmqpJdbcScheduler[PubMsg] {
  private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)

  private var ran: Boolean = false
  private var scheduledCheck: Option[Cancellable] = None
  private var currentPublishedFetchedFuture: Future[Int] = Future.successful(0)

  override def schedule(msg: Message[PubMsg], delay: FiniteDuration): Future[Unit] = {
    val serialized = serializer.serialize(msg.content)
    repo.save(MessageToSchedule(queueName, serialized, msg.properties, delay))

  override def start(): Unit = {
    synchronized {
      if (!ran) {
        ran = true

  private def publishFetchedMessagesThanReschedule(): Unit = {
    synchronized {
      if (ran) {
        val publishedFetchedFuture = repo.fetchMessagesShouldByRun(queueName, batchSize)(publish)
        currentPublishedFetchedFuture = publishedFetchedFuture
        publishedFetchedFuture onComplete handlePublicationResult

  private def publish(messages: Seq[ScheduledMessage]): Future[Seq[Unit]] = {
    if (messages.nonEmpty) {
      logger.debug(s"Fetched ${messages.size}, publishing")
    val handlingFutures = messages.map { message =>
      publisher.publishSerialized(SerializedMessage(message.content.getBytes(), message.properties))

  private def handlePublicationResult(tryResult: Try[Int]): Unit = {
    tryResult match {
      case Failure(ex) =>
        logger.error("Exception while publishing fetched messages", ex)
      case _ =>
    synchronized {
      if (ran) {
        scheduledCheck = Some(scheduler.scheduleOnce(checkInterval)(publishFetchedMessagesThanReschedule()))
      } else {
        logger.debug(s"Scheduler is stopping, next check will be skipped")

  override def stop(): Future[Unit] = {
    synchronized {
      ran = false
      currentPublishedFetchedFuture.map(_ => Unit)

Example 24
Source File: RandomDataProducer.scala    From parquet4s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.indefinite

import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, Cancellable, Props, Scheduler}
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext}
import scala.util.Random

object RandomDataProducer {

  private val words = Seq("Example", "how", "to", "setup", "indefinite", "stream", "with", "Parquet", "writer")


trait RandomDataProducer {

  this: Akka with Logger with Kafka =>

  import RandomDataProducer._

  private def nextWord: String = words(Random.nextInt(words.size - 1))
  private def action(): Unit = sendKafkaMessage(nextWord)

  private lazy val scheduler: ActorRef = system.actorOf(FluctuatingSchedulerActor.props(action))
  implicit private val stopTimeout: Timeout = new Timeout(FluctuatingSchedulerActor.MaxDelay)

  def startDataProducer(): Unit = {
    logger.info("Starting scheduler that sends messages to Kafka...")
    scheduler ! FluctuatingSchedulerActor.Start

  def stopDataProducer(): Unit = {
    logger.info("Stopping scheduler...")
    Await.ready(scheduler.ask(FluctuatingSchedulerActor.Stop), Duration.Inf)


private object FluctuatingSchedulerActor {

  case object Start
  case object ScheduleNext
  case object Stop

  val MinDelay: FiniteDuration = 1.milli
  val MaxDelay: FiniteDuration = 500.millis
  val StartDelay: FiniteDuration = 100.millis

  trait Direction
  case object Up extends Direction
  case object Down extends Direction

  def props(action: () => Unit): Props = Props(new FluctuatingSchedulerActor(action))


private class FluctuatingSchedulerActor(action: () => Unit) extends Actor {

  import FluctuatingSchedulerActor._

  implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext = context.system.dispatcher
  def scheduler: Scheduler = context.system.scheduler
  var scheduled: Option[Cancellable] = None

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case Start =>
      self ! ScheduleNext
      context.become(scheduling(StartDelay, direction = Down), discardOld = true)

  def scheduling(delay: FiniteDuration, direction: Direction): Receive = {
    case ScheduleNext =>

      val rate = Random.nextFloat / 10.0f
      val step = (delay.toMillis * rate).millis
      val (newDirection, newDelay) = direction match {
        case Up if delay + step < MaxDelay =>
          (Up, delay + step)
        case Up =>
          (Down, delay - step)
        case Down if delay - step > MinDelay =>
          (Down, delay - step)
        case Down =>
          (Up, delay + step)

      scheduled = Some(scheduler.scheduleOnce(delay, self, ScheduleNext))
      context.become(scheduling(newDelay, newDirection), discardOld = true)

    case Stop =>

Example 25
Source File: WriteJournalDao.scala    From akka-persistence-dynamodb   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.dao

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.persistence.PersistentRepr
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.JournalRow
import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.model.{ PersistenceId, SequenceNumber }

import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.util.Try

trait WriteJournalDao extends JournalDaoWithReadMessages {

  def deleteMessages(
      persistenceId: PersistenceId,
      toSequenceNr: SequenceNumber
  ): Source[Long, NotUsed]

  def highestSequenceNr(persistenceId: PersistenceId, fromSequenceNr: SequenceNumber): Source[Long, NotUsed]

  def putMessages(messages: Seq[JournalRow]): Source[Long, NotUsed]


trait JournalDaoWithUpdates extends WriteJournalDao {

  def updateMessage(journalRow: JournalRow): Source[Unit, NotUsed]


trait JournalDaoWithReadMessages {

  def getMessagesAsPersistentRepr(
      persistenceId: PersistenceId,
      fromSequenceNr: SequenceNumber,
      toSequenceNr: SequenceNumber,
      max: Long,
      deleted: Option[Boolean] = Some(false)
  ): Source[Try[PersistentRepr], NotUsed]

  def getMessagesAsPersistentReprWithBatch(
      persistenceId: String,
      fromSequenceNr: Long,
      toSequenceNr: Long,
      batchSize: Int,
      refreshInterval: Option[(FiniteDuration, Scheduler)]
  ): Source[Try[PersistentRepr], NotUsed]

Example 26
Source File: PeerListSupport.scala    From mantis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.iohk.ethereum.blockchain.sync

import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, Scheduler}
import io.iohk.ethereum.network.{EtcPeerManagerActor, Peer, PeerId}
import io.iohk.ethereum.network.EtcPeerManagerActor.PeerInfo
import io.iohk.ethereum.network.PeerEventBusActor.PeerEvent.PeerDisconnected
import io.iohk.ethereum.network.PeerEventBusActor.SubscriptionClassifier.PeerDisconnectedClassifier
import io.iohk.ethereum.network.PeerEventBusActor.{PeerSelector, Subscribe, Unsubscribe}
import io.iohk.ethereum.utils.Config.SyncConfig

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

trait PeerListSupport {
  self: Actor with ActorLogging with BlacklistSupport =>

  def etcPeerManager: ActorRef
  def peerEventBus: ActorRef
  def syncConfig: SyncConfig
  def scheduler: Scheduler

  var handshakedPeers: Map[Peer, PeerInfo] = Map.empty

  scheduler.schedule(0.seconds, syncConfig.peersScanInterval, etcPeerManager, EtcPeerManagerActor.GetHandshakedPeers)(global, context.self)

  def removePeer(peerId: PeerId): Unit = {
    peerEventBus ! Unsubscribe(PeerDisconnectedClassifier(PeerSelector.WithId(peerId)))
    handshakedPeers.find(_._1.id == peerId).foreach { case (peer, _) => undoBlacklist(peer.id) }
    handshakedPeers = handshakedPeers.filterNot(_._1.id == peerId)

  def peersToDownloadFrom: Map[Peer, PeerInfo] =
    handshakedPeers.filterNot { case (p, s) => isBlacklisted(p.id) }

  def handlePeerListMessages: Receive = {
    case EtcPeerManagerActor.HandshakedPeers(peers) =>
      peers.keys.filterNot(handshakedPeers.contains).foreach { peer =>
        peerEventBus ! Subscribe(PeerDisconnectedClassifier(PeerSelector.WithId(peer.id)))
      handshakedPeers = peers

    case PeerDisconnected(peerId) if handshakedPeers.exists(_._1.id == peerId) =>
Example 27
Source File: BlacklistSupport.scala    From mantis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.iohk.ethereum.blockchain.sync

import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging, Cancellable, Scheduler}
import io.iohk.ethereum.network.PeerId

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

trait BlacklistSupport {
  selfActor: Actor with ActorLogging =>

  import BlacklistSupport._

  def scheduler: Scheduler

  var blacklistedPeers: Seq[(PeerId, Cancellable)] = Nil

  def blacklist(peerId: PeerId, duration: FiniteDuration, reason: String): Unit = {
    log.debug(s"Blacklisting peer ($peerId), $reason")
    val unblacklistCancellable = scheduler.scheduleOnce(duration, self, UnblacklistPeer(peerId))
    blacklistedPeers :+= (peerId, unblacklistCancellable)

  def undoBlacklist(peerId: PeerId): Unit = {
    blacklistedPeers.find(_._1 == peerId).foreach(_._2.cancel())
    blacklistedPeers = blacklistedPeers.filterNot(_._1 == peerId)

  def isBlacklisted(peerId: PeerId): Boolean =
    blacklistedPeers.exists(_._1 == peerId)

  def handleBlacklistMessages: Receive = {
    case UnblacklistPeer(ref) => undoBlacklist(ref)

object BlacklistSupport {
  private case class UnblacklistPeer(peerId: PeerId)
Example 28
Source File: KnownNodesManager.scala    From mantis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.iohk.ethereum.network

import java.net.URI

import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging, Props, Scheduler}
import io.iohk.ethereum.db.storage.KnownNodesStorage
import io.iohk.ethereum.network.KnownNodesManager.KnownNodesManagerConfig

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

class KnownNodesManager(
    config: KnownNodesManagerConfig,
    knownNodesStorage: KnownNodesStorage,
    externalSchedulerOpt: Option[Scheduler] = None)
  extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  import KnownNodesManager._

  private def scheduler = externalSchedulerOpt getOrElse context.system.scheduler

  var knownNodes: Set[URI] = knownNodesStorage.getKnownNodes()

  var toAdd: Set[URI] = Set.empty

  var toRemove: Set[URI] = Set.empty

  scheduler.schedule(config.persistInterval, config.persistInterval, self, PersistChanges)

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case AddKnownNode(uri) =>
      if (!knownNodes.contains(uri)) {
        knownNodes += uri
        toAdd += uri
        toRemove -= uri

    case RemoveKnownNode(uri) =>
      if (knownNodes.contains(uri)) {
        knownNodes -= uri
        toAdd -= uri
        toRemove += uri

    case GetKnownNodes =>
      sender() ! KnownNodes(knownNodes)

    case PersistChanges =>

  private def persistChanges(): Unit = {
    log.debug(s"Persisting ${knownNodes.size} known nodes.")
    if (knownNodes.size > config.maxPersistedNodes) {
      val toAbandon = knownNodes.take(knownNodes.size - config.maxPersistedNodes)
      toRemove ++= toAbandon
      toAdd --= toAbandon
    if (toAdd.nonEmpty || toRemove.nonEmpty) {
        toAdd = toAdd,
        toRemove = toRemove)
      toAdd = Set.empty
      toRemove = Set.empty


object KnownNodesManager {
  def props(config: KnownNodesManagerConfig, knownNodesStorage: KnownNodesStorage): Props =
    Props(new KnownNodesManager(config, knownNodesStorage))

  case class AddKnownNode(uri: URI)
  case class RemoveKnownNode(uri: URI)
  case object GetKnownNodes
  case class KnownNodes(nodes: Set[URI])

  private case object PersistChanges

  case class KnownNodesManagerConfig(persistInterval: FiniteDuration, maxPersistedNodes: Int)

  object KnownNodesManagerConfig {
    def apply(etcClientConfig: com.typesafe.config.Config): KnownNodesManagerConfig = {
      val knownNodesManagerConfig = etcClientConfig.getConfig("network.known-nodes")
        persistInterval = knownNodesManagerConfig.getDuration("persist-interval").toMillis.millis,
        maxPersistedNodes = knownNodesManagerConfig.getInt("max-persisted-nodes"))
Example 29
Source File: RetryHelper.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.navigator.util

import java.lang.Math.floor

import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.pattern.after
import com.daml.grpc.GrpcException
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

  val always: RetryStrategy = {
    case NonFatal(_) => true

  val failFastOnPermissionDenied: RetryStrategy = {
    case GrpcException.PERMISSION_DENIED() => false
    case NonFatal(_) => true

  def retry[T](retryConfig: Option[(Scheduler, IRetryConfig)])(retryStrategy: RetryStrategy)(
      f: => Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = {
    retryConfig match {
      case None =>
      case Some(rc) =>
        implicit val scheduler: Scheduler = rc._1

  def retry[T](retryConfig: Option[IRetryConfig])(retryStrategy: RetryStrategy)(
      f: => Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] = {
    retryConfig match {
      case None =>
      case Some(rc) =>
        val maxAttempts = floor(rc.timeout / rc.interval).toInt
        retry(maxAttempts, rc.interval)(retryStrategy)(f)

  def retry[T](maxAttempts: Int, delay: FiniteDuration)(retryStrategy: RetryStrategy)(
      f: => Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] = {

    def shouldRetry(n: Int, e: Throwable): Boolean =
      n > 0 && retryStrategy.applyOrElse(e, (_: Throwable) => false)

    val remainingAttempts = maxAttempts - 1 // the next line will trigger a future evaluation

    f.recoverWith {
      case NonFatal(e) if shouldRetry(remainingAttempts, e) =>
        logWarning(remainingAttempts, e)
        after(delay, s)(retry(remainingAttempts, delay)(retryStrategy)(f))

  private def logWarning(remainingAttempts: Int, e: Throwable): Unit = {
      s"Retrying after failure. Attempts remaining: $remainingAttempts. Error: ${e.getMessage}")
Example 30
Source File: RetryHelper.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.ledger.client.binding.retrying

import java.lang.Math.floor

import akka.actor.Scheduler
import akka.pattern.after
import com.daml.ledger.client.binding.config.IRetryConfig
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging

import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

object RetryHelper extends LazyLogging {

  val always: RetryStrategy = {
    case NonFatal(_) => true

  def retry[T](retryConfig: Option[(Scheduler, IRetryConfig)])(retryStrategy: RetryStrategy)(
      f: => Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = {
    retryConfig match {
      case None =>
      case Some(rc) =>
        implicit val scheduler: Scheduler = rc._1

  def retry[T](retryConfig: Option[IRetryConfig])(retryStrategy: RetryStrategy)(
      f: => Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] = {
    retryConfig match {
      case None =>
      case Some(rc) =>
        val maxAttempts = floor(rc.timeout / rc.interval).toInt
        retry(maxAttempts, rc.interval)(retryStrategy)(f)

  def retry[T](maxAttempts: Int, delay: FiniteDuration)(retryStrategy: RetryStrategy)(
      f: => Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] = {

    def shouldRetry(n: Int, e: Throwable): Boolean =
      n > 0 && retryStrategy.applyOrElse(e, (_: Throwable) => false)

    val remainingAttempts = maxAttempts - 1 // the next line will trigger a future evaluation

    f.recoverWith {
      case NonFatal(e) if shouldRetry(remainingAttempts, e) =>
        logWarning(remainingAttempts, e)
        after(delay, s)(retry(remainingAttempts, delay)(retryStrategy)(f))

  private def logWarning(remainingAttempts: Int, e: Throwable): Unit = {
      s"Retrying after failure. Attempts remaining: $remainingAttempts. Error: ${e.getMessage}")