Akka Typed Persistence

Gitter chat

Event sourcing for Akka Typed

This library implements actor persistence for Akka Typed with event sourcing. It provides:

A conference talk introducing the library was presented at Scala By the Bay (slides). For the full code of the example in the talk, see this file.


Akka Typed provides a type safe API for defining Akka actors. However, originally it had no solution for actor persistence. The goal of this library was exactly that: integrating Akka Typed and Akka Persistence. (Since then, Akka Typed have been extended to include a persistence API.)

Getting started

This library is currently not published, but you can use it by depending on this git repository in sbt:

dependsOn(ProjectRef(uri("https://github.com/nokia/akka-typed-persistence.git#master"), "persistence"))

For how to use the library, see this example.
