Python builtins.round() Examples

The following are 18 code examples of builtins.round(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module builtins , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From neon with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def deepdream(image, iter_n=10, octave_n=4, octave_scale=1.4, name="Deep Dream"):
    model = DreamModel(model_path=args.data_dir)
    detail = None
    scales = [octave_scale ** -o for o in reversed(list(range(octave_n)))]

    for o_idx, scale in enumerate(scales):
        octave_shape = (
            3, round(image.shape[1] * scale), round(image.shape[2] * scale))
        octave_base = zoom_to(image.as_tensor(), octave_shape)
        detail = np.zeros_like(octave_base) if detail is None else zoom_to(
            detail, octave_shape)

        dream = DeepImage(octave_base + detail)

        for i in range(iter_n):
            ofile = get_numbered_file(args.dream_file, o_idx * iter_n + i)

        detail = dream.as_tensor() - octave_base

    return dream 
Example #2
Source File:    From kicad-footprint-generator with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def round_to(self, base):
        r"""Round to a specific base (like it's required for a grid)

        :param base: base we want to round to
        :return: rounded point

        >>> from KicadModTree import *
        >>> Vector3D(0.123, 0.456, 0.789).round_to(0.01)
        if base == 0 or base is None:
            return self.__copy__()

        return Vector3D([round(v / base) * base for v in self]) 
Example #3
Source File:    From neon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def fprop_roipooling_ref(fm, rois, fm_channel, fm_height, fm_width, bsz, rois_per_image, H, W):

    feature_maps = fm.reshape(fm_channel, fm_height, fm_width, bsz)
    rois_per_batch = rois_per_image * bsz
    outputs = np.zeros((fm_channel, H, W, rois_per_batch))

    # combine the feature map with ROIs
    for b_id in range(rois_per_batch):
        [idx, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] = rois[b_id]
        xmin = int(round(xmin * spatial_scale))
        xmax = int(round(xmax * spatial_scale))
        ymin = int(round(ymin * spatial_scale))
        ymax = int(round(ymax * spatial_scale))
        roi_width = max(xmax - xmin + 1, 1)
        roi_height = max(ymax - ymin + 1, 1)

        stride_h = float(roi_height) / H
        stride_w = float(roi_width) / W

        for h_out in range(H):
            sliceh, _ = _fprop_slice_np(h_out, stride_h, fm_height, ymin)
            if sliceh.stop <= sliceh.start:
            for w_out in range(W):
                slicew, _ = _fprop_slice_np(w_out, stride_w, fm_width, xmin)
                if slicew.stop <= slicew.start:
                    array_I = feature_maps[:, sliceh, slicew, int(idx)].reshape(
                        fm_channel, -1)
                    outputs[:, h_out, w_out, b_id] = np.max(array_I, axis=1)

    return outputs.reshape(-1, rois_per_batch) 
Example #4
Source File:    From neon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def compound_bprop_bn(self, delta_out, grad_gamma, grad_beta, delta_in,
                          x, xsum, xvar, gamma, eps, threads=None,
                          repeat=1, binary=False, layer=None):
        Function to perform batch normalization forward pass.

            delta_out (Tensor): Delta buffer (where to write the output deltas)
            grad_gamma (Tensor): Gradient w.r.t. gamma
            grad_beta (Tensor): Gradient w.r.t. beta
            delta_in (Tensor): Delta buffer (where to get the input deltas)
            x (Tensor): feedforward input
            xsum (Tensor): Batch sum over PQN dimension
            xvar (Tensor): Batch variance
            gamma (Tensor): scale parameter
            eps (float): constant for numerical stability
            threads (int): Number of GPU threads
            repeat (int): Repeats for benchmarking
            binary (bool): Binary shift based computations
        assert xsum.dtype.type is np.float32, "xsum should be fp32"

        K = int(x.shape[0])
        N = int(x.shape[1])

        if threads is None:
            if N <= 8192:
                threads = 1 << max(5, int(round(log(N, 2))) - 3)
                threads = 128 if K < 192 else 64

        params = [(K, 1, 1), (threads, 1, 1),,
                  delta_out.gpudata, grad_gamma.gpudata, grad_beta.gpudata, delta_in.gpudata,
                  x.gpudata, xsum.gpudata, xvar.gpudata, gamma.gpudata, eps, N, binary]

        from neon.backends.float_ew import _get_bn_bprop_kernel

        kernel = _get_bn_bprop_kernel(x.dtype.str[1:], threads, self.compute_capability)

        self._execute_bn(kernel, params, repeat, x.nbytes * 4, N) 
Example #5
Source File:    From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def conv_dec_gms(self, base_coord, coord_spacing, u, neg_character, pos_character):
        xbase = base_coord + coord_spacing*u
        x = abs(xbase)
        xdeg = floor(round(x,4))
        xmin = floor(round(((x - xdeg)*60),4))
        xseg = floor(round(((x - xdeg - xmin/60)*60),4))
        if xbase < 0:
            xhem = neg_character
            xhem = pos_character
        conv_exp_str = '\'' + str(xdeg).rjust(2,'0') + 'ยบ ' + str(xmin).rjust(2,'0') + str('\\') + str('\' ') + str(xseg).rjust(2,'0') + '"\'' + '+\' ' + str(xhem) + '\''

        return conv_exp_str 
Example #6
Source File:    From python-ballpark with ISC License 5 votes vote down vote up
def quantize(number, digits=0, q=builtins.round):
    Quantize to somewhere in between a magnitude.

    For example:

        * ceil(55.25, 1.2) => 55.26
        * floor(55.25, 1.2) => 55.24
        * round(55.3333, 2.5) => 55.335
        * round(12.345, 1.1) == round(12.345, 2) == 12.34

    base, fraction = split(digits)

    # quantization beyond an order of magnitude results in a variable amount
    # of decimal digits depending on the lowest common multiple,
    # e.g. floor(1.2341234, 1.25) = 1.225 but floor(1.2341234, 1.5) = 1.20
    if fraction * 10 % 1 > 0:
        digits = base + 2
        digits = base + 1

    multiplier = 10 ** base * invert(fraction, default=1)
    quantized = q(number * multiplier) / multiplier

    # additional rounding step to get rid of floating point math wonkiness
    return builtins.round(quantized, digits) 
Example #7
Source File:    From ngraph-python with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def memory_efficiency(self):
        mem = 100
        if self.memory_footprint() > 0:
            mem = round(float(self.memory_usage()) / float(self.memory_footprint()) * 100)
            mem = int(mem)
        return mem 
Example #8
Source File:    From kicad-footprint-generator with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def round_to(self, base):
        r"""Round to a specific base (like it's required for a grid)

        :param base: base we want to round to
        :return: rounded point

        >>> from KicadModTree import *
        >>> Vector2D(0.1234, 0.5678).round_to(0.01)
        if base == 0 or base is None:
            return self.__copy__()

        return Vector2D([round(v / base) * base for v in self]) 
Example #9
Source File:    From Turing with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def gradient(func, x, h=1e-7):
    result = (func(x + h) - func(x - h)) / (2 * h)
    if h < 1:
        result = round(result, h)
    return result 
Example #10
Source File:    From Turing with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def round(num, prec=None):
    if 0 < prec < 1:
        return round(num, -int(rmath.log10(prec)))
    if type(num) == complex:
        return complex(round(num.real, prec), round(num.imag, prec))
    if prec:
        return builtins.round(num, int(prec))
    return builtins.round(num) 
Example #11
Source File:    From reframe with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def round(number, *args):
    '''Replacement for the built-in
    :func:`round() <python:round>` function.'''
    return builtins.round(number, *args) 
Example #12
Source File:    From qtpandas with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_numericalValues(self, model, index, value, dtype, precision):
        dataFrame = pandas.DataFrame([value], columns=['A'])
        dataFrame['A'] = dataFrame['A'].astype(dtype)
        assert not model.dataFrame().empty
        assert model.dataFrame() is dataFrame

        assert index.isValid()

        newValue = value + 1
        assert model.setData(index, newValue)

        if precision:
            modelValue =, role=Qt.DisplayRole)
            #assert abs(decimal.Decimal(str(modelValue)).as_tuple().exponent) == precision
            assert == round(newValue, precision)
            assert, role=Qt.DisplayRole) == round(newValue, precision)
            assert, role=Qt.EditRole) == round(newValue, precision)
            assert == newValue
            assert, role=Qt.DisplayRole) == newValue
            assert, role=Qt.EditRole) == newValue
        assert, role=Qt.CheckStateRole) == None
        assert isinstance(, role=DATAFRAME_ROLE), dtype)
        assert, role=DATAFRAME_ROLE).dtype == dtype 
Example #13
Source File:    From ngraph-python with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def memory_efficiency(self):
        footprint = self.memory_footprint()
        usage = 0
        for node in self.ops:
            usage = max(usage, node.memory_usage())
        result = 100
        if footprint > 0:
            result = int(round((float(usage) / float(footprint)) * 100))
        return result 
Example #14
Source File:    From gdspy with Boost Software License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def to_gds(self, outfile, multiplier):
        Convert this object to a GDSII element.

        outfile : open file
            Output to write the GDSII.
        multiplier : number
            A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII
        if isinstance(self.ref_cell, Cell):
            name =
            name = self.ref_cell
        if len(name) % 2 != 0:
            name = name + "\0"
        outfile.write(struct.pack(">4H", 4, 0x0A00, 4 + len(name), 0x1206))
        if (
            (self.rotation is not None)
            or (self.magnification is not None)
            or self.x_reflection
            word = 0
            values = b""
            if self.x_reflection:
                word += 0x8000
            if not (self.magnification is None):
                # This flag indicates that the magnification is absolute, not
                # relative (not supported).
                # word += 0x0004
                values += struct.pack(">2H", 12, 0x1B05) + _eight_byte_real(
            if not (self.rotation is None):
                # This flag indicates that the rotation is absolute, not
                # relative (not supported).
                # word += 0x0002
                values += struct.pack(">2H", 12, 0x1C05) + _eight_byte_real(
            outfile.write(struct.pack(">3H", 6, 0x1A01, word))
                int(round(self.origin[0] * multiplier)),
                int(round(self.origin[1] * multiplier)),
Example #15
Source File:    From neon with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def compound_fprop_bn(self, x, xsum, xvar, gmean, gvar, gamma, beta, y, eps, rho, compute_batch_sum,
                          accumbeta=0.0, relu=False, threads=None, repeat=1,
                          binary=False, inference=False, outputs=None, layer=None):
        Function to perform compound kernel call for batch normalization
        forward pass.

            x (Tensor): Input from previous layer
            xsum (Tensor): Precomputed batch sum over PQN dimension
            xvar (Tensor): Buffer for variance (computed in kernel)
            gmean (Tensor): global mean ()
            gvar (Tensor): global variance
            gamma (Tensor): scale parameter
            beta (Tensor): location parameter
            y (Tensor): normalized output
            eps (float): constant for numerical stability
            rho (float): exponential window averaging constant
            accumbeta (float): value to scale output by before accumulating
            relu (bool): Compound ReLU activation in kernel
            threads (int): Number of GPU threads
            repeat (int): Repeats for benchmarking
            binary (bool): Binary shift based computations
        assert xsum.dtype.type is np.float32

        if inference:
            xhat = (x - gmean) / self.sqrt(gvar + eps)  # Op-tree only
            y[:] = y * accumbeta + xhat * gamma + beta

        if compute_batch_sum:
            xsum[:] = self.sum(x, axis=1)

        K = int(x.shape[0])
        N = int(x.shape[1])

        if threads is None:
            if N <= 8192:
                threads = 1 << max(5, int(round(log(N, 2))) - 3)
                occup = K / (128.0 * _get_sm_count())
                for t in (32, 64, 128, 256, 512):
                    if occup * t > 5.0:
                        threads = t
        if threads is None:
            threads = 1024

        params = [(K, 1, 1), (threads, 1, 1),,
                  y.gpudata, xvar.gpudata, gmean.gpudata, gvar.gpudata,
                  x.gpudata, xsum.gpudata, gmean.gpudata, gvar.gpudata,
                  gamma.gpudata, beta.gpudata, eps, rho, accumbeta, N,
                  relu, binary]

        from neon.backends.float_ew import _get_bn_fprop_kernel

        kernel = _get_bn_fprop_kernel(x.dtype.str[1:], threads, self.compute_capability)

        self._execute_bn(kernel, params, repeat, x.nbytes * 2, N) 
Example #16
Source File:    From qtpandas with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_numericalValues(self, model, index, value, dtype, precision):
        dataFrame = pandas.DataFrame([value], columns=['A'])
        dataFrame['A'] = dataFrame['A'].astype(dtype)
        assert not model.dataFrame().empty
        assert model.dataFrame() is dataFrame

        assert index.isValid()
        if precision:
            modelValue =, role=Qt.DisplayRole)
            assert == round(value, precision)
            assert, role=Qt.DisplayRole) == round(value, precision)
            assert, role=Qt.EditRole) == round(value, precision)
            assert == value
            assert, role=Qt.DisplayRole) == value
            assert, role=Qt.EditRole) == value
        assert, role=Qt.CheckStateRole) == None
        assert isinstance(, role=DATAFRAME_ROLE), dtype)
        assert, role=DATAFRAME_ROLE).dtype == dtype

        #"border1, modifier, border2, dtype", [
            #("min", -1, "max", numpy.uint8),
            #("max", +1, "min", numpy.uint8),
            #("min", -1, "max", numpy.uint16),
            #("max", +1, "min", numpy.uint16),
            #("min", -1, "max", numpy.uint32),
            #("max", +1, "min", numpy.uint32),
            #("min", -1, "max", numpy.uint64),
            ##("max", +1, "min", numpy.uint64),  # will raise OverFlowError caused by astype function,
                                                ## uneffects models data method
            #("min", -1, "max", numpy.int8),
            #("max", +1, "min", numpy.int8),
            #("min", -1, "max", numpy.int16),
            #("max", +1, "min", numpy.int16),
            #("min", -1, "max", numpy.int32),
            #("max", +1, "min", numpy.int32),
            ##("min", -1, "max", numpy.int64),   # will raise OverFlowError caused by astype function
                                                ## uneffects models data method
            ##("max", +1, "min", numpy.int64),   # will raise OverFlowError caused by astype function
                                                ## uneffects models data method
    #def test_integerBorderValues(self, model, index, border1, modifier, border2, dtype):
        #ii = numpy.iinfo(dtype)
        #dataFrame = pandas.DataFrame([getattr(ii, border1) + modifier], columns=['A'])
        #dataFrame['A'] = dataFrame['A'].astype(dtype)
        #assert not model.dataFrame().empty
        #assert model.dataFrame() is dataFrame

        #assert index.isValid()
        #assert == getattr(ii, border2) 
Example #17
Source File:    From neon with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def roipooling_fprop(self, I, rois, O, argmax, roi_count, C, H, W,
                         pooled_height, pooled_width, spatial_scale):
        Function to perform fprop of ROIPooling

            I (Tensor): (C, H, W, N)
            rois (Tensor): (ROIs, 5)
            O (Tensor): (C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
            argmax (Tensor): (C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
        assert I.size == C * H * W * self.bsz,\
            "ROIPooling input feature map size do not match"
        assert O.size == argmax.size == C * pooled_height * pooled_width * roi_count,\
            "ROIPooling output shape do not match"

        assert rois.shape[1] == 5, "ROIs should be on the row dimension"
        assert rois.shape[0] == roi_count, "ROIs do not match with roi count"

        array_fm = I._tensor.reshape(C, H, W, self.bsz)
        array_rois = rois._tensor
        array_O = O._tensor.reshape(C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)

        array_argmax = argmax._tensor.reshape(C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
        array_O[:] = 0
        array_argmax[:] = -1

        # combine the feature map with ROIs
        for b_id in xrange(roi_count):
            [idx, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] = array_rois[b_id]
            xmin = int(round(xmin * spatial_scale))
            xmax = int(round(xmax * spatial_scale))
            ymin = int(round(ymin * spatial_scale))
            ymax = int(round(ymax * spatial_scale))
            roi_width = max(xmax - xmin + 1, 1)
            roi_height = max(ymax - ymin + 1, 1)

            stride_h = float(roi_height) / float(pooled_height)
            stride_w = float(roi_width) / float(pooled_width)

            for h_out in xrange(pooled_height):
                sliceh, lenh = self._roipooling_slice(h_out, stride_h, H, ymin)
                if sliceh.stop <= sliceh.start:
                for w_out in xrange(pooled_width):
                    slicew, lenw = self._roipooling_slice(w_out, stride_w, W, xmin)
                    if slicew.stop <= slicew.start:
                        array_I = array_fm[:, sliceh, slicew, int(idx)].reshape(C, -1)
                        array_O[:, h_out, w_out, b_id] = np.max(array_I, axis=1)

                        # get the max idx respect to feature_maps coordinates
                        max_idx_slice = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(array_I, axis=1), (lenh, lenw))
                        max_idx_slice_h = max_idx_slice[0] + sliceh.start
                        max_idx_slice_w = max_idx_slice[1] + slicew.start
                        max_idx_slice = max_idx_slice_h * W + max_idx_slice_w
                        array_argmax[:, h_out, w_out, b_id] = max_idx_slice 
Example #18
Source File:    From neon with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def roipooling_bprop(self, I, rois, O, argmax, roi_count, C, H, W,
                         pooled_height, pooled_width, spatial_scale):
        Function to perform bprop of ROIPooling.

            I (Tensor): input errors (C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
            argmax (Tensor): max args from the fprp (C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
            rois (Tensor): (ROIs, 5)
            O (Tensor): output deltas (C, H, W, N)
        assert I.size == argmax.size == C * pooled_height * pooled_width * roi_count,\
            "ROIPooling bprop input size do not match"
        assert O.size == C * H * W * self.bsz,\
            "ROIPooling bprop output size do not match"

        assert rois.shape[1] == 5, "ROIs should be on the row dimension"
        assert rois.shape[0] == roi_count, "ROIs do not match with roi count"

        array_E = I._tensor.reshape(C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
        array_rois = rois._tensor
        array_delta = O._tensor.reshape(C, H, W, self.bsz)
        array_argmax = argmax._tensor.reshape(C, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_count)
        array_delta[:] = 0

        for b_id in xrange(roi_count):
            [idx, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] = array_rois[b_id]
            xmin = int(round(xmin * spatial_scale))
            xmax = int(round(xmax * spatial_scale))
            ymin = int(round(ymin * spatial_scale))
            ymax = int(round(ymax * spatial_scale))
            roi_width = max(xmax - xmin + 1, 1)
            roi_height = max(ymax - ymin + 1, 1)

            stride_h = float(roi_height) / float(pooled_height)
            stride_w = float(roi_width) / float(pooled_width)

            # iterate all the w, h (from feature map) that fall into this ROIs
            for w in range(xmin, xmax + 1):
                for h in range(ymin, ymax + 1):
                    phstart = int(np.floor(float(h - ymin) / stride_h))
                    phend = int(np.ceil(float(h - ymin + 1) / stride_h))
                    pwstart = int(np.floor(float(w - xmin) / stride_w))
                    pwend = int(np.ceil(float(w - xmin + 1) / stride_w))

                    phstart = min(max(phstart, 0), pooled_height)
                    phend = min(max(phend, 0), pooled_height)
                    pwstart = min(max(pwstart, 0), pooled_width)
                    pwend = min(max(pwend, 0), pooled_width)

                    for ph in range(phstart, phend):
                        for pw in range(pwstart, pwend):
                            max_idx_tmp = array_argmax[:, ph, pw, b_id]
                            for c in range(C):
                                if max_idx_tmp[c] == (h * W + w):
                                    array_delta[c, h, w, int(idx)] += array_E[c, ph, pw, b_id]