Python pyramid.view.view_config() Examples
The following are 3
code examples of pyramid.view.view_config().
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Example #1
Source File: From janus-cloud with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, **settings): method = self.__class__.__name__.split('_')[0].upper() super(_rest_view, self).__init__(request_method=method, **settings) # add CORS OPTIONS method support for registered REST view route_name = settings['route_name'] if route_name in self.cors_route: self.cors_route[route_name].add_method(method) return handler = PrefligthHandlerFactory(route_name, method) self.cors_route[route_name] = handler view_config(request_method='OPTIONS', route_name=route_name, _depth=1)(handler) # dirty hack # to get caller's module, in order to inject preflight_handler to that module # so when scan configuration, pyramid will pick OPTIONS for that route module = inspect.getmodule(inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[0][0].f_back) setattr(module, 'preflight_'+route_name, handler)
Example #2
Source File: From channelstream with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def shared_messages(request): server_state = get_state() schema = schemas.MessageBodySchema(context={"request": request}, many=True) data = schema.load(request.json_body) data = [m for m in data if m.get("channel") or m.get("pm_users")] for msg in data: gevent.spawn(operations.pass_message, msg, server_state.stats) return list(data) # prepare v1 version # @view_config(route_name="api_v1_messages", request_method="POST", renderer="json")
Example #3
Source File: From muesli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def api_login(request): user = request.db.query(models.User).filter_by( email=request.POST['email'].strip(), password=sha1(request.POST['password'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() ).first() exp = datetime.timedelta(days=muesli.config["api"]["KEY_EXPIRATION"]) token = models.BearerToken(client="Personal Token", user=user, description="Requested from API", expires=datetime.datetime.utcnow()+exp ) request.db.add(token) request.db.flush() jwt_token = request.create_jwt_token(, admin=(user.is_admin),, expiration=exp) request.db.commit() if user: return { 'result': 'ok', 'token': jwt_token } return {'result': 'error'} # Only for testing purposes. If it is decided that this should be implemented # the function needs to be changed to work similar to api_login #@view_config(route_name='api_login', renderer='json', request_method='GET') #def refresh(request): # user = request.db.query(models.User).get(request.authenticated_userid) # if user: # return { # 'result': 'ok', # 'token': request.create_jwt_token(, admin=(user.is_admin)) # } # return {'result': 'error'}