Python tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module tensorflow.python.framework.ops , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From tensornets with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_tensor_aliases(tensor):
  """Get a list with the aliases of the input tensor.

  If the tensor does not have any alias, it would default to its its or
  its name.

    tensor: A `Tensor`.

    A list of strings with the aliases of the tensor.
  if hasattr(tensor, 'aliases'):
    aliases = tensor.aliases
    if[-2:] == ':0':
      # Use for tensor ending in :0
      aliases = []
      aliases = []
  return aliases 
Example #2
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def shape(input, name=None, out_type=dtypes.int32):
  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
  """Returns the shape of a tensor.

  This operation returns a 1-D integer tensor representing the shape of `input`.

  For example:

  # 't' is [[[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]], [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]]
  shape(t) ==> [2, 2, 3]

    input: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`.
    name: A name for the operation (optional).
    out_type: (Optional) The specified output type of the operation
      (`int32` or `int64`). Defaults to `tf.int32`.

    A `Tensor` of type `out_type`.
  return shape_internal(input, name, optimize=True, out_type=out_type) 
Example #3
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def shape_internal(input, name=None, optimize=True, out_type=dtypes.int32):
  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
  """Returns the shape of a tensor.

    input: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`.
    name: A name for the operation (optional).
    optimize: if true, encode the shape as a constant when possible.
    out_type: (Optional) The specified output type of the operation
      (`int32` or `int64`). Defaults to tf.int32.

    A `Tensor` of type `out_type`.

  with ops.name_scope(name, "Shape", [input]) as name:
    if isinstance(
        input, (sparse_tensor.SparseTensor, sparse_tensor.SparseTensorValue)):
      return gen_math_ops.cast(input.dense_shape, out_type)
      input_tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(input)
      input_shape = input_tensor.get_shape()
      if optimize and input_shape.is_fully_defined():
        return constant(input_shape.as_list(), out_type, name=name)
      return gen_array_ops.shape(input, name=name, out_type=out_type) 
Example #4
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def size(input, name=None, out_type=dtypes.int32):
  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
  """Returns the size of a tensor.

  This operation returns an integer representing the number of elements in

  For example:

  # 't' is [[[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]], [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]]]
  size(t) ==> 12

    input: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`.
    name: A name for the operation (optional).
    out_type: (Optional) The specified output type of the operation
      (`int32` or `int64`). Defaults to tf.int32.

    A `Tensor` of type `out_type`. Defaults to tf.int32.
  return size_internal(input, name, optimize=True, out_type=out_type) 
Example #5
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def size_internal(input, name=None, optimize=True, out_type=dtypes.int32):
  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,protected-access
  """Returns the size of a tensor.

    input: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`.
    name: A name for the operation (optional).
    optimize: if true, encode the size as a constant when possible.
    out_type: (Optional) The specified output type of the operation
      (`int32` or `int64`). Defaults to tf.int32.

    A `Tensor` of type `out_type`.
  with ops.name_scope(name, "Size", [input]) as name:
    if isinstance(
        input, (sparse_tensor.SparseTensor, sparse_tensor.SparseTensorValue)):
      return gen_math_ops._prod(
          gen_math_ops.cast(input.dense_shape, out_type), 0, name=name)
      input_tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(input)
      input_shape = input_tensor.get_shape()
      if optimize and input_shape.is_fully_defined():
        return constant(input_shape.num_elements(), out_type, name=name)
      return gen_array_ops.size(input, name=name, out_type=out_type) 
Example #6
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def is_placeholder(self, graph_element_name):
    """Check whether a graph element is a Placeholder, by name.

      graph_element_name: (str) Name of the tensor or op to be tested.

      (bool) Whether the graph element of the specified name is a Placeholder
        op or the output Tensor of a Placeholder op.

      ValueError: If graph_element_name is not in the transitive closure of the
        stepper instance.

    node_name = self._get_node_name(graph_element_name)
    if node_name not in self.sorted_nodes():
      raise ValueError(
          "%s is not in the transitive closure of this NodeStepper "
          "instance" % graph_element_name)

    graph_element = self._sess.graph.as_graph_element(graph_element_name)
    if not isinstance(graph_element, ops.Operation):
      graph_element = graph_element.op
    return graph_element.type == "Placeholder" 
Example #7
Source File:    From tensorflow_end2end_speech_recognition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _maybe_merge_batch_beams(self, t, s):
        """Splits the tensor from a batch by beams into a batch of beams.
        More exactly, t is a tensor of dimension [batch_size*beam_width, s]. We
        reshape this into [batch_size, beam_width, s]
          t: Tensor of dimension [batch_size*beam_width, s]
          s: Tensor, Python int, or TensorShape.
          A reshaped version of t with dimension [batch_size, beam_width, s].
          TypeError: If t is an instance of TensorArray.
          ValueError:  If the rank of t is not statically known.
        if t.shape.ndims >= 2:
            return self._merge_batch_beams(t, s)
            return t 
Example #8
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _autopacking_conversion_function(v, dtype=None, name=None, as_ref=False):
  """Tensor conversion function that automatically packs arguments."""
  if as_ref:
    return NotImplemented
  inferred_dtype = _get_dtype_from_nested_lists(v)
  if inferred_dtype is None:
    # We did not find any tensor-like objects in the nested lists, so defer to
    # other conversion functions.
    return NotImplemented
  if dtype is not None and dtype != inferred_dtype:
    return NotImplemented
  return _autopacking_helper(v, inferred_dtype, name or "packed")
# pylint: enable=invalid-name

# NOTE: Register this conversion function to run *before* one that
# assumes every element is a value. 
Example #9
Source File:    From tensorflow_end2end_speech_recognition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _merge_batch_beams(self, t, s=None):
        """Merges the tensor from a batch of beams into a batch by beams.
        More exactly, t is a tensor of dimension [batch_size, beam_width, s]. We
        reshape this into [batch_size*beam_width, s]
          t: Tensor of dimension [batch_size, beam_width, s]
          s: (Possibly known) depth shape.
          A reshaped version of t with dimension [batch_size * beam_width, s].
        if isinstance(s, ops.Tensor):
            s = tensor_shape.as_shape(tensor_util.constant_value(s))
            s = tensor_shape.TensorShape(s)
        t_shape = tf.shape(t)
        static_batch_size = tensor_util.constant_value(self._batch_size)
        batch_size_beam_width = (
            None if static_batch_size is None
            else static_batch_size * self._beam_width)
        reshaped_t = tf.reshape(
            t, tf.concat(
                ([self._batch_size * self._beam_width], t_shape[2:]), 0))
        return reshaped_t 
Example #10
Source File:    From tensorflow_end2end_speech_recognition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def tile_batch(t, multiplier, name=None):
    """Tile the batch dimension of a (possibly nested structure of) tensor(s) t.
    For each tensor t in a (possibly nested structure) of tensors,
    this function takes a tensor t shaped `[batch_size, s0, s1, ...]` composed of
    minibatch entries `t[0], ..., t[batch_size - 1]` and tiles it to have a shape
    `[batch_size * multiplier, s0, s1, ...]` composed of minibatch entries
    `t[0], t[0], ..., t[1], t[1], ...` where each minibatch entry is repeated
    `multiplier` times.
      t: `Tensor` shaped `[batch_size, ...]`.
      multiplier: Python int.
      name: Name scope for any created operations.
      A (possibly nested structure of) `Tensor` shaped
      `[batch_size * multiplier, ...]`.
      ValueError: if tensor(s) `t` do not have a statically known rank or
      the rank is < 1.
    flat_t = nest.flatten(t)
    with tf.name_scope(name, "tile_batch", flat_t + [multiplier]):
        return nest.map_structure(lambda t_: _tile_batch(t_, multiplier), t) 
Example #11
Source File:    From tensorflow_end2end_speech_recognition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _transpose_batch_time(x):
    """Transpose the batch and time dimensions of a Tensor.
    Retains as much of the static shape information as possible.
        x: A tensor of rank 2 or higher.
        x transposed along the first two dimensions.
        ValueError: if `x` is rank 1 or lower.
    x_static_shape = x.get_shape()
    if x_static_shape.ndims is not None and x_static_shape.ndims < 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected input tensor %s to have rank at least 2, but saw shape: %s" %
            (x, x_static_shape))
    x_rank = array_ops.rank(x)
    x_t = array_ops.transpose(
        x, array_ops.concat(
            ([1, 0], math_ops.range(2, x_rank)), axis=0))
            x_static_shape[1].value, x_static_shape[0].value
    return x_t 
Example #12
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _get_fetch_names(fetches):
  """Get a flattened list of the names in run() call fetches.

    fetches: Fetches of the `` call. It maybe a Tensor, an
      Operation or a Variable. It may also be nested lists, tuples or
      dicts. See doc of `` for more details.

    (list of str) A flattened list of fetch names from `fetches`.

  lines = []
  if isinstance(fetches, (list, tuple)):
    for fetch in fetches:
  elif isinstance(fetches, dict):
    for key in fetches:
    # This ought to be a Tensor, an Operation or a Variable, for which the name
    # attribute should be available. (Bottom-out condition of the recursion.)

  return lines 
Example #13
Source File:    From tensornets with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def append_tensor_alias(tensor, alias):
  """Append an alias to the list of aliases of the tensor.

    tensor: A `Tensor`.
    alias: String, to add to the list of aliases of the tensor.

    The tensor with a new alias appended to its list of aliases.
  # Remove ending '/' if present.
  if alias[-1] == '/':
    alias = alias[:-1]
  if hasattr(tensor, 'aliases'):
    tensor.aliases = [alias]
  return tensor 
Example #14
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def _asset_path_from_tensor(path_tensor):
  """Returns the filepath value stored in constant `path_tensor`.

    path_tensor: Tensor of a file-path.

    The string value i.e. path of the tensor, if valid.

    TypeError if tensor does not match expected op type, dtype or value.
  if not isinstance(path_tensor, ops.Tensor):
    raise TypeError("Asset path tensor must be a Tensor.")
  if path_tensor.op.type != "Const":
    raise TypeError("Asset path tensor must be of type constant.")
  if path_tensor.dtype != dtypes.string:
    raise TypeError("Asset path tensor must be of dtype string.")
  str_values = path_tensor.op.get_attr("value").string_val
  if len(str_values) != 1:
    raise TypeError("Asset path tensor must be a scalar.")
  return str_values[0] 
Example #15
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def _underlying_variable_ref(t):
  """Find the underlying variable ref.

  Traverses through Identity, ReadVariableOp, and Enter ops.
  Stops when op type has Variable or VarHandle in name.

    t: a Tensor

    a Tensor that is a variable ref, or None on error.
  while t.op.type in ["Identity", "ReadVariableOp", "Enter"]:
    t = t.op.inputs[0]

  op_type = t.op.type
  if "Variable" in op_type or "VarHandle" in op_type:
    return t
    return None 
Example #16
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def _flatten_fetches(fetches):
  """Flatten list, tuple of fetches, or a single fetch into a list of fetches.

    fetches: The fetches to flatten: Can be a single Tensor, Op, or a
      potentially nested list, tuple or dict of such individual fetches.

    The fetches flattened to a list.

  flattened = []
  if isinstance(fetches, (list, tuple)):
    for fetch in fetches:
  elif isinstance(fetches, dict):
    for key in fetches:

  return flattened 
Example #17
Source File:    From seglink with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _ImageDimensions(image):
    """Returns the dimensions of an image tensor.
      image: A 3-D Tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`.
      A list of `[height, width, channels]` corresponding to the dimensions of the
        input image.  Dimensions that are statically known are python integers,
        otherwise they are integer scalar tensors.
    if image.get_shape().is_fully_defined():
        return image.get_shape().as_list()
        static_shape = image.get_shape().with_rank(3).as_list()
        dynamic_shape = array_ops.unstack(array_ops.shape(image), 3)
        return [s if s is not None else d
                for s, d in zip(static_shape, dynamic_shape)] 
Example #18
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def num_records_produced(self, name=None):
    """Returns the number of records this reader has produced.

    This is the same as the number of Read executions that have

      name: A name for the operation (optional).

      An int64 Tensor.

    if self._reader_ref.dtype == dtypes.resource:
      return gen_io_ops._reader_num_records_produced_v2(self._reader_ref,
      return gen_io_ops._reader_num_records_produced(self._reader_ref,
Example #19
Source File:    From Counterfactual-StoryRW with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, sample_fn, sample_shape, sample_dtype,
                 start_inputs, end_fn, next_inputs_fn=None):

          sample_fn: A callable that takes `outputs` and emits tensor `sample_ids`.
          sample_shape: Either a list of integers, or a 1-D Tensor of type `int32`,
            the shape of the each sample in the batch returned by `sample_fn`.
          sample_dtype: the dtype of the sample returned by `sample_fn`.
          start_inputs: The initial batch of inputs.
          end_fn: A callable that takes `sample_ids` and emits a `bool` vector
            shaped `[batch_size]` indicating whether each sample is an end token.
          next_inputs_fn: (Optional) A callable that takes `sample_ids` and returns
            the next batch of inputs. If not provided, `sample_ids` is used as the
            next batch of inputs.
        self._sample_fn = sample_fn
        self._end_fn = end_fn
        self._sample_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(sample_shape)
        self._sample_dtype = sample_dtype
        self._next_inputs_fn = next_inputs_fn
        self._batch_size = array_ops.shape(start_inputs)[0]
        self._start_inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor(
            start_inputs, name="start_inputs") 
Example #20
Source File:    From Counterfactual-StoryRW with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def sample(self, time, outputs, state, name=None):
        """Gets a sample for one step."""
        del time, state  # unused by sample_fn
        # Outputs are logits, we sample instead of argmax (greedy).
        if not isinstance(outputs, ops.Tensor):
            raise TypeError("Expected outputs to be a single Tensor, got: %s" %
        if self._softmax_temperature is None:
            logits = outputs
            logits = outputs / self._softmax_temperature

        sample_id_sampler = categorical.Categorical(logits=logits)
        sample_ids = sample_id_sampler.sample(seed=self._seed)

        return sample_ids 
Example #21
Source File:    From Counterfactual-StoryRW with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, initialize_fn, sample_fn, next_inputs_fn,
                 sample_ids_shape=None, sample_ids_dtype=None):

          initialize_fn: callable that returns `(finished, next_inputs)`
            for the first iteration.
          sample_fn: callable that takes `(time, outputs, state)`
            and emits tensor `sample_ids`.
          next_inputs_fn: callable that takes `(time, outputs, state, sample_ids)`
            and emits `(finished, next_inputs, next_state)`.
          sample_ids_shape: Either a list of integers, or a 1-D Tensor of type
            `int32`, the shape of each value in the `sample_ids` batch. Defaults to
            a scalar.
          sample_ids_dtype: The dtype of the `sample_ids` tensor. Defaults to int32.
        self._initialize_fn = initialize_fn
        self._sample_fn = sample_fn
        self._next_inputs_fn = next_inputs_fn
        self._batch_size = None
        self._sample_ids_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(sample_ids_shape or [])
        self._sample_ids_dtype = sample_ids_dtype or dtypes.int32 
Example #22
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def read(self, queue, name=None):
    """Returns the next record (key, value pair) produced by a reader.

    Will dequeue a work unit from queue if necessary (e.g. when the
    Reader needs to start reading from a new file since it has
    finished with the previous file).

      queue: A Queue or a mutable string Tensor representing a handle
        to a Queue, with string work items.
      name: A name for the operation (optional).

      A tuple of Tensors (key, value).
      key: A string scalar Tensor.
      value: A string scalar Tensor.
    if isinstance(queue, ops.Tensor):
      queue_ref = queue
      queue_ref = queue.queue_ref
    if self._reader_ref.dtype == dtypes.resource:
      return gen_io_ops._reader_read_v2(self._reader_ref, queue_ref, name=name)
      # For compatibility with pre-resource queues, create a ref(string) tensor
      # which can be looked up as the same queue by a resource manager.
      old_queue_op = gen_data_flow_ops._fake_queue(queue_ref)
      return gen_io_ops._reader_read(self._reader_ref, old_queue_op, name=name) 
Example #23
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def _ExitGrad(op, grad):
  """Gradients for an exit op are calculated using an Enter op."""
  graph = ops.get_default_graph()
  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  grad_ctxt = graph._get_control_flow_context()
  # pylint: enable=protected-access
  if not grad_ctxt.back_prop:
    # The flag `back_prop` is set by users to suppress gradient
    # computation for this loop. If the attribute `back_prop` is false,
    # no gradient computation.
    return None

  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  if op._get_control_flow_context().grad_state:
    raise TypeError("Second-order gradient for while loops not supported.")
  # pylint: enable=protected-access

  if isinstance(grad, ops.Tensor):
    if not isinstance(grad, (ops.IndexedSlices, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor)):
      raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(grad))
    dense_shape = grad.dense_shape
    if dense_shape is not None:
  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  result = control_flow_ops._Enter(
      grad,, is_constant=False,
  # pylint: enable=protected-access
  return result 
Example #24
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _EnterGrad(op, grad):
  """Gradients for an Enter are calculated using an Exit op.

  For loop variables, grad is the gradient so just add an exit.
  For loop invariants, we need to add an accumulator loop.
  graph = ops.get_default_graph()
  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  grad_ctxt = graph._get_control_flow_context()
  # pylint: enable=protected-access
  if not grad_ctxt.back_prop:
    # Skip gradient computation, if the attribute `back_prop` is false.
    return grad
  if grad_ctxt.grad_state is None:
    # Pass the gradient through if we are not in a gradient while context.
    return grad
  if op.get_attr("is_constant"):
    # Add a gradient accumulator for each loop invariant.
    if isinstance(grad, ops.Tensor):
      result = grad_ctxt.AddBackPropAccumulator(op, grad)
    elif isinstance(grad, ops.IndexedSlices):
      result = grad_ctxt.AddBackPropIndexedSlicesAccumulator(op, grad)
      # TODO(yuanbyu, lukasr): Add support for SparseTensor.
      raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(grad))
    result = exit(grad)
  return result 
Example #25
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def rank(input, name=None):
  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
  """Returns the rank of a tensor.

  This operation returns an integer representing the rank of `input`.

  For example:

  # 't' is [[[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]], [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]]
  # shape of tensor 't' is [2, 2, 3]
  rank(t) ==> 3

  **Note**: The rank of a tensor is not the same as the rank of a matrix. The
  rank of a tensor is the number of indices required to uniquely select each
  element of the tensor. Rank is also known as "order", "degree", or "ndims."

    input: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`.
    name: A name for the operation (optional).

    A `Tensor` of type `int32`.

  Equivalent to np.ndim
  return rank_internal(input, name, optimize=True) 
Example #26
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def zero_state(self, batch_size, dtype):
    """Return zero-filled state tensor(s).

      batch_size: int, float, or unit Tensor representing the batch size.
      dtype: the data type to use for the state.

      If `state_size` is an int or TensorShape, then the return value is a
      `N-D` tensor of shape `[batch_size x state_size]` filled with zeros.

      If `state_size` is a nested list or tuple, then the return value is
      a nested list or tuple (of the same structure) of `2-D` tensors with
      the shapes `[batch_size x s]` for each s in `state_size`.
    with ops.name_scope(type(self).__name__ + "ZeroState", values=[batch_size]):
      state_size = self.state_size
      return _zero_state_tensors(state_size, batch_size, dtype) 
Example #27
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def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
    """Run this RNN cell on inputs, starting from the given state.

      inputs: `2-D` tensor with shape `[batch_size x input_size]`.
      state: if `self.state_size` is an integer, this should be a `2-D Tensor`
        with shape `[batch_size x self.state_size]`.  Otherwise, if
        `self.state_size` is a tuple of integers, this should be a tuple
        with shapes `[batch_size x s] for s in self.state_size`.
      scope: VariableScope for the created subgraph; defaults to class name.

      A pair containing:

      - Output: A `2-D` tensor with shape `[batch_size x self.output_size]`.
      - New state: Either a single `2-D` tensor, or a tuple of tensors matching
        the arity and shapes of `state`.
    if scope is not None:
      with vs.variable_scope(scope,
                             custom_getter=self._rnn_get_variable) as scope:
        return super(RNNCell, self).__call__(inputs, state, scope=scope)
      with vs.variable_scope(vs.get_variable_scope(),
        return super(RNNCell, self).__call__(inputs, state) 
Example #28
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def as_signature_def(self, receiver_tensors):
    if len(receiver_tensors) != 1:
      raise ValueError('Regression input must be a single string Tensor; '
                       'got {}'.format(receiver_tensors))
    (_, examples), = receiver_tensors.items()
    if dtypes.as_dtype(examples.dtype) != dtypes.string:
      raise ValueError('Regression input must be a single string Tensor; '
                       'got {}'.format(receiver_tensors))
    return signature_def_utils.regression_signature_def(examples, self.value) 
Example #29
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, value):
    """Constructor for `RegressionOutput`.

      value: a float `Tensor` giving the predicted values.  Required.

      ValueError: if the value is not a `Tensor` with dtype tf.float32.
    if not (isinstance(value, ops.Tensor) and value.dtype.is_floating):
      raise ValueError('Regression output value must be a float32 Tensor; '
                       'got {}'.format(value))
    self._value = value 
Example #30
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def as_signature_def(self, receiver_tensors):
    if len(receiver_tensors) != 1:
      raise ValueError('Classification input must be a single string Tensor; '
                       'got {}'.format(receiver_tensors))
    (_, examples), = receiver_tensors.items()
    if dtypes.as_dtype(examples.dtype) != dtypes.string:
      raise ValueError('Classification input must be a single string Tensor; '
                       'got {}'.format(receiver_tensors))
    return signature_def_utils.classification_signature_def(
        examples, self.classes, self.scores)