Python django.db.models.expressions.Ref() Examples

The following are 12 code examples of django.db.models.expressions.Ref(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module django.db.models.expressions , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_ref(self, name, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False):
        if not allow_joins and LOOKUP_SEP in name:
            raise FieldError("Joined field references are not permitted in this query")
        if name in self.annotations:
            if summarize:
                # Summarize currently means we are doing an aggregate() query
                # which is executed as a wrapped subquery if any of the
                # aggregate() elements reference an existing annotation. In
                # that case we need to return a Ref to the subquery's annotation.
                return Ref(name, self.annotation_select[name])
                return self.annotation_select[name]
            field_list = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
            field, sources, opts, join_list, path = self.setup_joins(
                field_list, self.get_meta(),
                self.get_initial_alias(), reuse)
            targets, _, join_list = self.trim_joins(sources, join_list, path)
            if len(targets) > 1:
                raise FieldError("Referencing multicolumn fields with F() objects "
                                 "isn't supported")
            if reuse is not None:
            col = targets[0].get_col(join_list[-1], sources[0])
            return col 
Example #2
Source File:    From bioforum with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_ref(self, name, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False):
        if not allow_joins and LOOKUP_SEP in name:
            raise FieldError("Joined field references are not permitted in this query")
        if name in self.annotations:
            if summarize:
                # Summarize currently means we are doing an aggregate() query
                # which is executed as a wrapped subquery if any of the
                # aggregate() elements reference an existing annotation. In
                # that case we need to return a Ref to the subquery's annotation.
                return Ref(name, self.annotation_select[name])
                return self.annotation_select[name]
            field_list = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
            join_info = self.setup_joins(field_list, self.get_meta(), self.get_initial_alias(), can_reuse=reuse)
            targets, _, join_list = self.trim_joins(join_info.targets, join_info.joins, join_info.path)
            if len(targets) > 1:
                raise FieldError("Referencing multicolumn fields with F() objects "
                                 "isn't supported")
            if reuse is not None:
            col = targets[0].get_col(join_list[-1], join_info.targets[0])
            return col 
Example #3
Source File:    From python with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_ref(self, name, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False):
        if not allow_joins and LOOKUP_SEP in name:
            raise FieldError("Joined field references are not permitted in this query")
        if name in self.annotations:
            if summarize:
                # Summarize currently means we are doing an aggregate() query
                # which is executed as a wrapped subquery if any of the
                # aggregate() elements reference an existing annotation. In
                # that case we need to return a Ref to the subquery's annotation.
                return Ref(name, self.annotation_select[name])
                return self.annotation_select[name]
            field_list = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
            field, sources, opts, join_list, path = self.setup_joins(
                field_list, self.get_meta(),
                self.get_initial_alias(), reuse)
            targets, _, join_list = self.trim_joins(sources, join_list, path)
            if len(targets) > 1:
                raise FieldError("Referencing multicolumn fields with F() objects "
                                 "isn't supported")
            if reuse is not None:
            col = targets[0].get_col(join_list[-1], sources[0])
            return col 
Example #4
Source File:    From openhgsenti with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_ref(self, name, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False):
        if not allow_joins and LOOKUP_SEP in name:
            raise FieldError("Joined field references are not permitted in this query")
        if name in self.annotations:
            if summarize:
                # Summarize currently means we are doing an aggregate() query
                # which is executed as a wrapped subquery if any of the
                # aggregate() elements reference an existing annotation. In
                # that case we need to return a Ref to the subquery's annotation.
                return Ref(name, self.annotation_select[name])
                return self.annotation_select[name]
            field_list = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
            field, sources, opts, join_list, path = self.setup_joins(
                field_list, self.get_meta(),
                self.get_initial_alias(), reuse)
            targets, _, join_list = self.trim_joins(sources, join_list, path)
            if len(targets) > 1:
                raise FieldError("Referencing multicolumn fields with F() objects "
                                 "isn't supported")
            if reuse is not None:
            col = targets[0].get_col(join_list[-1], sources[0])
            return col 
Example #5
Source File:    From python2017 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_ref(self, name, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False):
        if not allow_joins and LOOKUP_SEP in name:
            raise FieldError("Joined field references are not permitted in this query")
        if name in self.annotations:
            if summarize:
                # Summarize currently means we are doing an aggregate() query
                # which is executed as a wrapped subquery if any of the
                # aggregate() elements reference an existing annotation. In
                # that case we need to return a Ref to the subquery's annotation.
                return Ref(name, self.annotation_select[name])
                return self.annotation_select[name]
            field_list = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
            field, sources, opts, join_list, path = self.setup_joins(
                field_list, self.get_meta(),
                self.get_initial_alias(), reuse)
            targets, _, join_list = self.trim_joins(sources, join_list, path)
            if len(targets) > 1:
                raise FieldError("Referencing multicolumn fields with F() objects "
                                 "isn't supported")
            if reuse is not None:
            col = targets[0].get_col(join_list[-1], sources[0])
            return col 
Example #6
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def rewrite_cols(self, annotation, col_cnt):
        # We must make sure the inner query has the referred columns in it.
        # If we are aggregating over an annotation, then Django uses Ref()
        # instances to note this. However, if we are annotating over a column
        # of a related model, then it might be that column isn't part of the
        # SELECT clause of the inner query, and we must manually make sure
        # the column is selected. An example case is:
        #    .aggregate(Sum('author__awards'))
        # Resolving this expression results in a join to author, but there
        # is no guarantee the awards column of author is in the select clause
        # of the query. Thus we must manually add the column to the inner
        # query.
        orig_exprs = annotation.get_source_expressions()
        new_exprs = []
        for expr in orig_exprs:
            if isinstance(expr, Ref):
                # Its already a Ref to subquery (see resolve_ref() for
                # details)
            elif isinstance(expr, Col):
                # Reference to column. Make sure the referenced column
                # is selected.
                col_cnt += 1
                col_alias = '__col%d' % col_cnt
                self.annotations[col_alias] = expr
                new_exprs.append(Ref(col_alias, expr))
                # Some other expression not referencing database values
                # directly. Its subexpression might contain Cols.
                new_expr, col_cnt = self.rewrite_cols(expr, col_cnt)
        return annotation, col_cnt 
Example #7
Source File:    From Hands-On-Application-Development-with-PyCharm with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_ref(self, name, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False):
        if not allow_joins and LOOKUP_SEP in name:
            raise FieldError("Joined field references are not permitted in this query")
        if name in self.annotations:
            if summarize:
                # Summarize currently means we are doing an aggregate() query
                # which is executed as a wrapped subquery if any of the
                # aggregate() elements reference an existing annotation. In
                # that case we need to return a Ref to the subquery's annotation.
                return Ref(name, self.annotation_select[name])
                return self.annotations[name]
            field_list = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
            join_info = self.setup_joins(field_list, self.get_meta(), self.get_initial_alias(), can_reuse=reuse)
            targets, final_alias, join_list = self.trim_joins(join_info.targets, join_info.joins, join_info.path)
            if len(targets) > 1:
                raise FieldError("Referencing multicolumn fields with F() objects "
                                 "isn't supported")
            # Verify that the last lookup in name is a field or a transform:
            # transform_function() raises FieldError if not.
            join_info.transform_function(targets[0], final_alias)
            if reuse is not None:
            col = targets[0].get_col(join_list[-1], join_info.targets[0])
            return col 
Example #8
Source File:    From openhgsenti with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def rewrite_cols(self, annotation, col_cnt):
        # We must make sure the inner query has the referred columns in it.
        # If we are aggregating over an annotation, then Django uses Ref()
        # instances to note this. However, if we are annotating over a column
        # of a related model, then it might be that column isn't part of the
        # SELECT clause of the inner query, and we must manually make sure
        # the column is selected. An example case is:
        #    .aggregate(Sum('author__awards'))
        # Resolving this expression results in a join to author, but there
        # is no guarantee the awards column of author is in the select clause
        # of the query. Thus we must manually add the column to the inner
        # query.
        orig_exprs = annotation.get_source_expressions()
        new_exprs = []
        for expr in orig_exprs:
            if isinstance(expr, Ref):
                # Its already a Ref to subquery (see resolve_ref() for
                # details)
            elif isinstance(expr, Col):
                # Reference to column. Make sure the referenced column
                # is selected.
                col_cnt += 1
                col_alias = '__col%d' % col_cnt
                self.annotations[col_alias] = expr
                new_exprs.append(Ref(col_alias, expr))
                # Some other expression not referencing database values
                # directly. Its subexpression might contain Cols.
                new_expr, col_cnt = self.rewrite_cols(expr, col_cnt)
        return annotation, col_cnt 
Example #9
Source File:    From bioforum with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def rewrite_cols(self, annotation, col_cnt):
        # We must make sure the inner query has the referred columns in it.
        # If we are aggregating over an annotation, then Django uses Ref()
        # instances to note this. However, if we are annotating over a column
        # of a related model, then it might be that column isn't part of the
        # SELECT clause of the inner query, and we must manually make sure
        # the column is selected. An example case is:
        #    .aggregate(Sum('author__awards'))
        # Resolving this expression results in a join to author, but there
        # is no guarantee the awards column of author is in the select clause
        # of the query. Thus we must manually add the column to the inner
        # query.
        orig_exprs = annotation.get_source_expressions()
        new_exprs = []
        for expr in orig_exprs:
            # FIXME: These conditions are fairly arbitrary. Identify a better
            # method of having expressions decide which code path they should
            # take.
            if isinstance(expr, Ref):
                # Its already a Ref to subquery (see resolve_ref() for
                # details)
            elif isinstance(expr, (WhereNode, Lookup)):
                # Decompose the subexpressions further. The code here is
                # copied from the else clause, but this condition must appear
                # before the contains_aggregate/is_summary condition below.
                new_expr, col_cnt = self.rewrite_cols(expr, col_cnt)
            elif isinstance(expr, Col) or (expr.contains_aggregate and not expr.is_summary):
                # Reference to column. Make sure the referenced column
                # is selected.
                col_cnt += 1
                col_alias = '__col%d' % col_cnt
                self.annotations[col_alias] = expr
                new_exprs.append(Ref(col_alias, expr))
                # Some other expression not referencing database values
                # directly. Its subexpression might contain Cols.
                new_expr, col_cnt = self.rewrite_cols(expr, col_cnt)
        return annotation, col_cnt 
Example #10
Source File:    From Hands-On-Application-Development-with-PyCharm with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def rewrite_cols(self, annotation, col_cnt):
        # We must make sure the inner query has the referred columns in it.
        # If we are aggregating over an annotation, then Django uses Ref()
        # instances to note this. However, if we are annotating over a column
        # of a related model, then it might be that column isn't part of the
        # SELECT clause of the inner query, and we must manually make sure
        # the column is selected. An example case is:
        #    .aggregate(Sum('author__awards'))
        # Resolving this expression results in a join to author, but there
        # is no guarantee the awards column of author is in the select clause
        # of the query. Thus we must manually add the column to the inner
        # query.
        orig_exprs = annotation.get_source_expressions()
        new_exprs = []
        for expr in orig_exprs:
            # FIXME: These conditions are fairly arbitrary. Identify a better
            # method of having expressions decide which code path they should
            # take.
            if isinstance(expr, Ref):
                # Its already a Ref to subquery (see resolve_ref() for
                # details)
            elif isinstance(expr, (WhereNode, Lookup)):
                # Decompose the subexpressions further. The code here is
                # copied from the else clause, but this condition must appear
                # before the contains_aggregate/is_summary condition below.
                new_expr, col_cnt = self.rewrite_cols(expr, col_cnt)
            elif isinstance(expr, Col) or (expr.contains_aggregate and not expr.is_summary):
                # Reference to column. Make sure the referenced column
                # is selected.
                col_cnt += 1
                col_alias = '__col%d' % col_cnt
                self.annotations[col_alias] = expr
                new_exprs.append(Ref(col_alias, expr))
                # Some other expression not referencing database values
                # directly. Its subexpression might contain Cols.
                new_expr, col_cnt = self.rewrite_cols(expr, col_cnt)
        return annotation, col_cnt 
Example #11
Source File:    From python with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def rewrite_cols(self, annotation, col_cnt):
        # We must make sure the inner query has the referred columns in it.
        # If we are aggregating over an annotation, then Django uses Ref()
        # instances to note this. However, if we are annotating over a column
        # of a related model, then it might be that column isn't part of the
        # SELECT clause of the inner query, and we must manually make sure
        # the column is selected. An example case is:
        #    .aggregate(Sum('author__awards'))
        # Resolving this expression results in a join to author, but there
        # is no guarantee the awards column of author is in the select clause
        # of the query. Thus we must manually add the column to the inner
        # query.
        orig_exprs = annotation.get_source_expressions()
        new_exprs = []
        for expr in orig_exprs:
            # FIXME: These conditions are fairly arbitrary. Identify a better
            # method of having expressions decide which code path they should
            # take.
            if isinstance(expr, Ref):
                # Its already a Ref to subquery (see resolve_ref() for
                # details)
            elif isinstance(expr, (WhereNode, Lookup)):
                # Decompose the subexpressions further. The code here is
                # copied from the else clause, but this condition must appear
                # before the contains_aggregate/is_summary condition below.
                new_expr, col_cnt = self.rewrite_cols(expr, col_cnt)
            elif isinstance(expr, Col) or (expr.contains_aggregate and not expr.is_summary):
                # Reference to column. Make sure the referenced column
                # is selected.
                col_cnt += 1
                col_alias = '__col%d' % col_cnt
                self.annotations[col_alias] = expr
                new_exprs.append(Ref(col_alias, expr))
                # Some other expression not referencing database values
                # directly. Its subexpression might contain Cols.
                new_expr, col_cnt = self.rewrite_cols(expr, col_cnt)
        return annotation, col_cnt 
Example #12
Source File:    From python2017 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def rewrite_cols(self, annotation, col_cnt):
        # We must make sure the inner query has the referred columns in it.
        # If we are aggregating over an annotation, then Django uses Ref()
        # instances to note this. However, if we are annotating over a column
        # of a related model, then it might be that column isn't part of the
        # SELECT clause of the inner query, and we must manually make sure
        # the column is selected. An example case is:
        #    .aggregate(Sum('author__awards'))
        # Resolving this expression results in a join to author, but there
        # is no guarantee the awards column of author is in the select clause
        # of the query. Thus we must manually add the column to the inner
        # query.
        orig_exprs = annotation.get_source_expressions()
        new_exprs = []
        for expr in orig_exprs:
            # FIXME: These conditions are fairly arbitrary. Identify a better
            # method of having expressions decide which code path they should
            # take.
            if isinstance(expr, Ref):
                # Its already a Ref to subquery (see resolve_ref() for
                # details)
            elif isinstance(expr, (WhereNode, Lookup)):
                # Decompose the subexpressions further. The code here is
                # copied from the else clause, but this condition must appear
                # before the contains_aggregate/is_summary condition below.
                new_expr, col_cnt = self.rewrite_cols(expr, col_cnt)
            elif isinstance(expr, Col) or (expr.contains_aggregate and not expr.is_summary):
                # Reference to column. Make sure the referenced column
                # is selected.
                col_cnt += 1
                col_alias = '__col%d' % col_cnt
                self.annotations[col_alias] = expr
                new_exprs.append(Ref(col_alias, expr))
                # Some other expression not referencing database values
                # directly. Its subexpression might contain Cols.
                new_expr, col_cnt = self.rewrite_cols(expr, col_cnt)
        return annotation, col_cnt