Python peewee.DateField() Examples

The following are 1 code examples of peewee.DateField(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module peewee , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From slim with zlib License 5 votes vote down vote up
def field_class_to_schematics_field(field: peewee.Field) -> BaseType:
    if isinstance(field, peewee.ForeignKeyField):
        field = field.rel_field

    kwargs = {}

    # 检查是否 require
    if not ((field.default is not None) or field.null or field.sequence or isinstance(field, peewee.AutoField)):
        kwargs['required'] = True

    if field.help_text:
        kwargs['metadata'] = {'description': field.help_text}

    if isinstance(field, peewee.IntegerField):
        return IntType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee.FloatField):
        return FloatType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, (PG_JSONField, PG_BinaryJSONField, SQLITE_JSONField)):
        # 注意 SQLITE_JSONField 是一个 _StringField 所以要提前
        return JSONType(**kwargs)
        # HStore 貌似才应该对应 dict,json可以对应任意类型
        # return JSONDictType(StringType, **kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee.DateTimeField):
        return DateTimeType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee.DateField):
        return DateType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee._StringField):
        return StringType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee.BooleanField):
        return BooleanType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, peewee.BlobField):
        return BlobType(**kwargs)
    elif isinstance(field, PG_ArrayField):
        field: PG_ArrayField
        return JSONListType(field_class_to_schematics_field(field._ArrayField__field), **kwargs)

# noinspection PyProtectedMember