Python unittest.mock.DEFAULT Examples
The following are 30
code examples of unittest.mock.DEFAULT().
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Example #1
Source File: From clearly with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_listener_process_event_worker(listener): with mock.patch.multiple(listener, _set_task_event=DEFAULT, _set_worker_event=DEFAULT, _set_custom_event=DEFAULT) as mtw, \ mock.patch('clearly.server.event_listener.obj_to_message') as otm: mtw['_set_worker_event'].return_value = (x for x in ('obj', 'ok')) # noinspection PyProtectedMember listener._process_event(dict(type='worker-anything')) mtw['_set_worker_event'].assert_called_once_with(dict(type='worker-anything')) for k in '_set_task_event', '_set_custom_event': mtw[k].assert_not_called() assert listener.queue_workers.qsize() == 1 assert listener.queue_tasks.qsize() == 0 assert otm.call_args_list == [ call('obj', WorkerMessage, state='ok'), ]
Example #2
Source File: From pypyr-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_env_only_calls_get(): """Call only get.""" context = Context({ 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2', 'key3': 'value3', 'env': {'get': { 'key2': 'ARB_GET_ME1', 'key4': 'ARB_GET_ME2' }} }) with patch.multiple('pypyr.steps.env', env_get=DEFAULT, env_set=DEFAULT, env_unset=DEFAULT ) as mock_env: pypyr.steps.env.run_step(context) mock_env['env_get'].assert_called_once() mock_env['env_set'].assert_called_once() mock_env['env_unset'].assert_called_once()
Example #3
Source File: From pypyr-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_env_only_calls_set(): """Call only set.""" context = Context({ 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2', 'key3': 'value3', 'env': {'set': { 'ARB_SET_ME1': 'key2', 'ARB_SET_ME2': 'key1' }} }) with patch.multiple('pypyr.steps.env', env_get=DEFAULT, env_set=DEFAULT, env_unset=DEFAULT ) as mock_env: pypyr.steps.env.run_step(context) mock_env['env_get'].assert_called_once() mock_env['env_set'].assert_called_once() mock_env['env_unset'].assert_called_once()
Example #4
Source File: From pypyr-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_tar_only_calls_extract(): """Only calls extract if only extract specified.""" context = Context({ 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2', 'key3': 'value3', 'tar': {'extract': [ {'in': 'key2', 'out': 'ARB_GET_ME1'}, {'in': 'key4', 'out': 'ARB_GET_ME2'} ]} }) with patch.multiple('pypyr.steps.tar', tar_archive=DEFAULT, tar_extract=DEFAULT ) as mock_tar: pypyr.steps.tar.run_step(context) mock_tar['tar_extract'].assert_called_once() mock_tar['tar_archive'].assert_not_called()
Example #5
Source File: From pypyr-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_tar_only_calls_archive(): """Only calls archive if only archive specified.""" context = Context({ 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2', 'key3': 'value3', 'tar': {'archive': [ {'in': 'key2', 'out': 'ARB_GET_ME1'}, {'in': 'key4', 'out': 'ARB_GET_ME2'} ]} }) with patch.multiple('pypyr.steps.tar', tar_archive=DEFAULT, tar_extract=DEFAULT ) as mock_tar: pypyr.steps.tar.run_step(context) mock_tar['tar_extract'].assert_not_called() mock_tar['tar_archive'].assert_called_once()
Example #6
Source File: From os-brick with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_attach_volume_fail(self, mock_execute): fake_key = 'ea6c2e1b8f7f4f84ae3560116d659ba2' self.encryptor._get_key = mock.MagicMock() self.encryptor._get_key.return_value = ( test_cryptsetup.fake__get_key(None, fake_key)) mock_execute.side_effect = [ putils.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=1), # luksOpen mock.DEFAULT, # isLuks ] self.assertRaises(putils.ProcessExecutionError, self.encryptor.attach_volume, None) mock_execute.assert_has_calls(['cryptsetup', 'luksOpen', '--key-file=-', self.dev_path, self.dev_name, process_input=fake_key, root_helper=self.root_helper, run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=True),'cryptsetup', 'isLuks', '--verbose', self.dev_path, root_helper=self.root_helper, run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=True), ], any_order=False)
Example #7
Source File: From octavia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_set_port_admin_state_up(self): PORT_ID = uuidutils.generate_uuid() TEST_STATE = 'test state' self.driver.neutron_client.update_port.side_effect = [ mock.DEFAULT, neutron_exceptions.NotFound, Exception('boom')] # Test successful state set self.driver.set_port_admin_state_up(PORT_ID, TEST_STATE) self.driver.neutron_client.update_port.assert_called_once_with( PORT_ID, {'port': {'admin_state_up': TEST_STATE}}) # Test port NotFound self.assertRaises(network_base.PortNotFound, self.driver.set_port_admin_state_up, PORT_ID, {'port': {'admin_state_up': TEST_STATE}}) # Test unknown exception self.assertRaises(exceptions.NetworkServiceError, self.driver.set_port_admin_state_up, PORT_ID, {'port': {'admin_state_up': TEST_STATE}})
Example #8
Source File: From octavia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_delete_port(self): PORT_ID = uuidutils.generate_uuid() self.driver.neutron_client.delete_port.side_effect = [ mock.DEFAULT, neutron_exceptions.NotFound, Exception('boom')] # Test successful delete self.driver.delete_port(PORT_ID) self.driver.neutron_client.delete_port.assert_called_once_with(PORT_ID) # Test port NotFound (does not raise) self.driver.delete_port(PORT_ID) # Test unknown exception self.assertRaises(exceptions.NetworkServiceError, self.driver.delete_port, PORT_ID)
Example #9
Source File: From os-win with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _setup_lib_mocks(self): self._vdisk_struct = mock.Mock() self._ctypes = mock.Mock() # This is used in order to easily make assertions on the variables # passed by reference. self._ctypes.byref = lambda x: (x, "byref") self._ctypes.c_wchar_p = lambda x: (x, "c_wchar_p") self._ctypes.c_ulong = lambda x: (x, "c_ulong") self._ctypes_patcher = mock.patch.object( vhdutils, 'ctypes', self._ctypes) self._ctypes_patcher.start() mock.patch.multiple(vhdutils, kernel32=mock.DEFAULT, wintypes=mock.DEFAULT, virtdisk=mock.DEFAULT, vdisk_struct=self._vdisk_struct, create=True).start()
Example #10
Source File: From asynq with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _patch_object( target, attribute, new=mock.DEFAULT, spec=None, create=False, mocksignature=False, spec_set=None, autospec=False, new_callable=None, **kwargs ): getter = lambda: target return _make_patch_async( getter, attribute, new, spec, create, mocksignature, spec_set, autospec, new_callable, kwargs, )
Example #11
Source File: From os-win with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _setup_lib_mocks(self): self._ctypes = mock.Mock() self._wintypes = mock.Mock() self._wintypes.BOOL = lambda x: (x, 'BOOL') self._ctypes.c_wchar_p = lambda x: (x, "c_wchar_p") self._ctypes.pointer = lambda x: (x, 'pointer') self._ctypes_patcher = mock.patch.object( pathutils, 'ctypes', new=self._ctypes) self._ctypes_patcher.start() mock.patch.multiple(pathutils, wintypes=self._wintypes, kernel32=mock.DEFAULT, create=True).start()
Example #12
Source File: From pypyr-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_env_only_calls_unset(): """Call only unset.""" context = Context({ 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2', 'key3': 'value3', 'env': {'unset': [ 'ARB_DELETE_ME1', 'ARB_DELETE_ME2' ]} }) with patch.multiple('pypyr.steps.env', env_get=DEFAULT, env_set=DEFAULT, env_unset=DEFAULT ) as mock_env: pypyr.steps.env.run_step(context) mock_env['env_get'].assert_called_once() mock_env['env_set'].assert_called_once() mock_env['env_unset'].assert_called_once()
Example #13
Source File: From awslimitchecker with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_version_not_old(self): with patch.multiple( 'awslimitchecker.checker', logger=DEFAULT, _get_version_info=DEFAULT, TrustedAdvisor=DEFAULT, _get_latest_version=DEFAULT, autospec=True, ) as mocks: mocks['_get_version_info'].return_value = self.mock_ver_info mocks['_get_latest_version'].return_value = None AwsLimitChecker() assert mocks['_get_latest_version'].mock_calls == [call()] assert mocks['logger'].mock_calls == [ call.debug('Connecting to region %s', None) ]
Example #14
Source File: From barbican with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_call_pkcs11_with_token_error(self): self.plugin._encrypt = mock.Mock() self.plugin._encrypt.side_effect = [ex.P11CryptoTokenException( 'Testing error handling' ), 'test payload'] self.plugin._reinitialize_pkcs11 = mock.Mock() self.plugin._reinitialize_pkcs11.return_value = mock.DEFAULT self.plugin.encrypt(mock.MagicMock(), mock.MagicMock(), mock.MagicMock()) self.assertEqual(2, self.pkcs11.get_key_handle.call_count) self.assertEqual(1, self.pkcs11.get_session.call_count) self.assertEqual(0, self.pkcs11.return_session.call_count) self.assertEqual(2, self.plugin._encrypt.call_count)
Example #15
Source File: From awslimitchecker with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_update_limits_from_api(self): """test _update_limits_from_api method calls other methods""" mock_conn = Mock() with patch('%s.connect' % pb) as mock_connect: with patch.multiple( pb, _find_limit_hosted_zone=DEFAULT, ) as mocks: cls = _Route53Service(21, 43, {}, None) cls.conn = mock_conn cls._update_limits_from_api() assert mock_connect.mock_calls == [call()] assert mock_conn.mock_calls == [] for x in [ '_find_limit_hosted_zone', ]: assert mocks[x].mock_calls == [call()]
Example #16
Source File: From awslimitchecker with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_find_usage(self): mock_conn = Mock() with patch('%s.connect' % self.pb) as mock_connect: with patch.multiple( self.pb, _find_usage_instances=DEFAULT, _find_usage_subnet_groups=DEFAULT, _find_usage_security_groups=DEFAULT, _update_limits_from_api=DEFAULT, ) as mocks: cls = _RDSService(21, 43, {}, None) cls.conn = mock_conn assert cls._have_usage is False cls.find_usage() assert mock_connect.mock_calls == [call()] assert cls._have_usage is True for x in [ '_find_usage_instances', '_find_usage_subnet_groups', '_find_usage_security_groups', '_update_limits_from_api', ]: assert mocks[x].mock_calls == [call()]
Example #17
Source File: From sarracenia with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_connect__multiple_amqp_init_errors(self, sleep, chan, conn): # Prepare test conn.side_effect = [ RecoverableConnectionError('connection already closed'), ValueError("Must supply authentication or userid/password"), ValueError("Invalid login method", 'login_method'), DEFAULT ] # Execute test ok = self.hc.connect() # Evaluate results expected = [call(, userid=self.hc.user, password=self.hc.password, virtual_host=self.hc.vhost, ssl=self.hc.ssl)]*4 + [call().connect(), call().channel()] self.assertEqual(expected, conn.mock_calls, self.amqp_connection_assert_msg) expected = [call(2), call(4), call(8)] self.assertEqual(expected, sleep.mock_calls) self.assertTrue(ok) self.assertIsNotNone(self.hc.connection) self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertEqual(1, len(self.hc.toclose)) self.assertErrorInLog()
Example #18
Source File: From awslimitchecker with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_find_usage(self): mock_conn = Mock() with patch('%s.connect' % pb) as mock_connect: with patch.multiple( pb, autospec=True, _find_usage_apis=DEFAULT, _find_usage_api_keys=DEFAULT, _find_usage_certs=DEFAULT, _find_usage_plans=DEFAULT, _find_usage_vpc_links=DEFAULT ) as mocks: cls = _ApigatewayService(21, 43, {}, None) cls.conn = mock_conn assert cls._have_usage is False cls.find_usage() assert mock_connect.mock_calls == [call()] assert cls._have_usage is True assert mock_conn.mock_calls == [] assert mocks['_find_usage_apis'].mock_calls == [call(cls)] assert mocks['_find_usage_api_keys'].mock_calls == [call(cls)] assert mocks['_find_usage_certs'].mock_calls == [call(cls)] assert mocks['_find_usage_plans'].mock_calls == [call(cls)] assert mocks['_find_usage_vpc_links'].mock_calls == [call(cls)]
Example #19
Source File: From awslimitchecker with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_find_usage(self): """test find usage method calls other methods""" mock_conn = Mock() with patch('%s.connect' % pb) as mock_connect: with patch.multiple( pb, _find_usage_applications=DEFAULT, _find_usage_application_versions=DEFAULT, _find_usage_environments=DEFAULT, ) as mocks: cls = _ElasticBeanstalkService(21, 43, {}, None) cls.conn = mock_conn assert cls._have_usage is False cls.find_usage() assert mock_connect.mock_calls == [call()] assert cls._have_usage is True assert mock_conn.mock_calls == [] for x in [ '_find_usage_applications', '_find_usage_application_versions', '_find_usage_environments', ]: assert mocks[x].mock_calls == [call()]
Example #20
Source File: From sarracenia with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_connect__multiple_amqp_connect_errors(self, sleep, chan, conn): # Prepare test conn.return_value = conn conn.connect.side_effect = [ AMQPError(self.AMQPError_msg), SSLError('SSLError stub'), IOError('IOError stub'), OSError('OSError stub'), Exception(self.Exception_msg), DEFAULT ] # Execute test ok = self.hc.connect() # Evaluate results expected = [call(, userid=self.hc.user, password=self.hc.password, virtual_host=self.hc.vhost, ssl=self.hc.ssl), call.connect()]*6 + [] self.assertEqual(expected, conn.mock_calls, self.amqp_connection_assert_msg) expected = [call(2), call(4), call(8), call(16), call(32)] self.assertEqual(expected, sleep.mock_calls, self.sleep_assert_msg) self.assertTrue(ok) self.assertIsNotNone(self.hc.connection) self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertEqual(1, len(self.hc.toclose)) self.assertErrorInLog()
Example #21
Source File: From awslimitchecker with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_find_usage(self): """test find usage method calls other methods""" mock_conn = Mock() with patch('%s.connect' % pb) as mock_connect: with patch.multiple( pb, _find_cluster_manual_snapshots=DEFAULT, _find_cluster_subnet_groups=DEFAULT, ) as mocks: cls = _RedshiftService(21, 43, {}, None) cls.conn = mock_conn assert cls._have_usage is False cls.find_usage() assert mock_connect.mock_calls == [call()] assert cls._have_usage is True assert mock_conn.mock_calls == [] for x in [ '_find_cluster_manual_snapshots', '_find_cluster_subnet_groups', ]: assert mocks[x].mock_calls == [call()]
Example #22
Source File: From sarracenia with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_build__bind_Exception(self, hc, chan): # Prepare test xname = self.xname_fmt.format(self.test_build.__name__) xkey = self.xkey_fmt.format(self.test_build.__name__) self.q.bindings.append((xname, xkey)) chan.queue_bind.side_effect = [Exception(self.Exception_msg), DEFAULT] hc.new_channel.return_value = chan hc.user = '{}_user'.format(self.test_build.__name__) = '{}_host'.format(self.test_build.__name__) self.q.hc = hc self.q.declare = Mock(return_value=self.msg_count) # Execute test # Evaluate results expected = [call.new_channel()] self.assertEqual(expected, hc.mock_calls, self.hc_assert_msg) expected = [call.queue_bind(, xname, xkey), call.queue_bind(, xname, xkey) # ,call.queue_bind(, xname, self.pulse_key) ] self.assertEqual(expected, chan.mock_calls, self.amqp_channel_assert_msg) self.assertErrorInLog()
Example #23
Source File: From clearly with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_listener_process_event_task(listener): with mock.patch.multiple(listener, _set_task_event=DEFAULT, _set_worker_event=DEFAULT, _set_custom_event=DEFAULT) as mtw, \ mock.patch('clearly.server.event_listener.obj_to_message') as otm: mtw['_set_task_event'].return_value = (x for x in chain(('obj',), 'abc')) # noinspection PyProtectedMember listener._process_event(dict(type='task-anything')) mtw['_set_task_event'].assert_called_once_with(dict(type='task-anything')) for k in '_set_worker_event', '_set_custom_event': mtw[k].assert_not_called() assert listener.queue_tasks.qsize() == 3 assert listener.queue_workers.qsize() == 0 assert otm.call_args_list == [ call('obj', TaskMessage, state='a'), call('obj', TaskMessage, state='b'), call('obj', TaskMessage, state='c'), ]
Example #24
Source File: From awslimitchecker with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_version_old(self): with patch.multiple( 'awslimitchecker.checker', logger=DEFAULT, _get_version_info=DEFAULT, TrustedAdvisor=DEFAULT, _get_latest_version=DEFAULT, autospec=True, ) as mocks: mocks['_get_version_info'].return_value = self.mock_ver_info mocks['_get_latest_version'].return_value = '3.4.5' AwsLimitChecker() assert mocks['_get_latest_version'].mock_calls == [call()] assert mocks['logger'].mock_calls == [ call.warning( 'You are running awslimitchecker %s, but the latest version' ' is %s; please consider upgrading.', '1.2.3', '3.4.5' ), call.debug('Connecting to region %s', None) ]
Example #25
Source File: From magnum with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_cert_with_fail(self, cert_id, failed='crt'): def fake_open(path, mode): if path == os.path.join('/tmp/{0}.{1}'.format(cert_id, failed)): raise IOError() return mock.DEFAULT file_mock = mock.mock_open() file_mock.side_effect = fake_open # Attempt to retrieve the cert with mock.patch('', file_mock, create=True): self.assertRaises( exception.CertificateStorageException, local_cert_manager.CertManager.get_cert, cert_id )
Example #26
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testDEFAULT(self): self.assertIs(DEFAULT, sentinel.DEFAULT)
Example #27
Source File: From imagemounter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_luks_key_communication(self, check_call, check_output): def modified_check_call(cmd, *args, **kwargs): if cmd[0:2] == ['cryptsetup', 'isLuks']: return True if cmd[0:1] == ['losetup']: return "/dev/loop0" return mock.DEFAULT check_call.side_effect = modified_check_call def modified_check_output(cmd, *args, **kwargs): if cmd[0:1] == ['losetup']: return "/dev/loop0" return mock.DEFAULT check_output.side_effect = modified_check_output original_popen = subprocess.Popen def modified_popen(cmd, *args, **kwargs): if cmd[0:3] == ['cryptsetup', '-r', 'luksOpen']: # A command that requests user input x = original_popen([sys.executable, "-c", "print(input(''))"], *args, **kwargs) return x return mock.DEFAULT with mock.patch("subprocess.Popen", side_effect=modified_popen) as popen: disk = Disk(ImageParser(keys={'1': 'p:passphrase'}), "...") disk.is_mounted = True volume = Volume(disk=disk, fstype='luks', index='1', parent=disk) volume.mount() self.assertTrue(volume.is_mounted) self.assertEqual(len(volume.volumes), 1) self.assertEqual(volume.volumes[0].info['fsdescription'], "LUKS Volume")
Example #28
Source File: From Imogen with MIT License | 5 votes |
def testDEFAULT(self): self.assertIs(DEFAULT, sentinel.DEFAULT)
Example #29
Source File: From heaviside with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_run(self, mCreateSession, mSample): mSample.return_value = 'XXX' iSession = MockSession() mCreateSession.return_value = (iSession, '123456') client = iSession.client('stepfunctions') client.list_activities.return_value = { 'activities':[{ 'name': 'name', 'activityArn': 'XXX' }] } client.get_activity_task.return_value = { 'taskToken': 'YYY', 'input': '{}' } target = mock.MagicMock() activity = ActivityMixin(handle_task = target) def stop_loop(*args, **kwargs): activity.polling = False return mock.DEFAULT target.side_effect = stop_loop'name') calls = [, = 'XXX', workerName = 'name-XXX') ] self.assertEqual(client.mock_calls, calls) calls = ['YYY', {}), ] self.assertEqual(target.mock_calls, calls)
Example #30
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_test_project(project_dir, command, args): # Run the CLI commands with patching test_dir = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, project_dir) with _chdir_and_back(test_dir): runner = CliRunner() with patch.multiple( "ray.projects.scripts", create_or_update_cluster=DEFAULT, rsync=DEFAULT, exec_cluster=DEFAULT, ) as mock_calls: result = runner.invoke(command, args) return result, mock_calls, test_dir