Python scipy.special.gamma() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of scipy.special.gamma(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.special , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From burnman with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _upper_incomplete_gamma(z, a):
    An implementation of the non-regularised upper incomplete gamma
    function. Computed using the relationship with the regularised 
    lower incomplete gamma function (scipy.special.gammainc). 
    Uses the recurrence relation wherever z<0.
    n = int(-np.floor(z))
    if n > 0:
        z = z + n
        u_gamma = (1. - gammainc(z, a))*gamma(z)
        for i in range(n):
            z = z - 1.
            u_gamma = (u_gamma - np.power(a, z)*np.exp(-a))/z
        return u_gamma
        return (1. - gammainc(z, a))*gamma(z) 
Example #2
Source File:    From wtte-rnn with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def mean(t, a, b):
        # TODO this is not tested yet.
        # tests:
        #    cemean(0., a, b)==mean(a, b, p)
        #    mean(t, a, 1., p)==mean(0., a, 1., p) == a
        # conditional excess mean
        # E[Y|y>t]
        # (conditional mean age at failure)
        from scipy.special import gamma
        from scipy.special import gammainc
        # Regularized lower gamma
        print('not tested')

        v = 1. + 1. / b
        gv = gamma(v)
        L = np.power((t + .0) / a, b)
        cemean = a * gv * np.exp(L) * (1 - gammainc(v, t / a) / gv)

        return cemean 
Example #3
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _pdf_skip(self, x, dfn, dfd, nc):
        # ncf.pdf(x, df1, df2, nc) = exp(nc/2 + nc*df1*x/(2*(df1*x+df2))) *
        #             df1**(df1/2) * df2**(df2/2) * x**(df1/2-1) *
        #             (df2+df1*x)**(-(df1+df2)/2) *
        #             gamma(df1/2)*gamma(1+df2/2) *
        #             L^{v1/2-1}^{v2/2}(-nc*v1*x/(2*(v1*x+v2))) /
        #             (B(v1/2, v2/2) * gamma((v1+v2)/2))
        n1, n2 = dfn, dfd
        term = -nc/2+nc*n1*x/(2*(n2+n1*x)) + sc.gammaln(n1/2.)+sc.gammaln(1+n2/2.)
        term -= sc.gammaln((n1+n2)/2.0)
        Px = np.exp(term)
        Px *= n1**(n1/2) * n2**(n2/2) * x**(n1/2-1)
        Px *= (n2+n1*x)**(-(n1+n2)/2)
        Px *= sc.assoc_laguerre(-nc*n1*x/(2.0*(n2+n1*x)), n2/2, n1/2-1)
        Px /= sc.beta(n1/2, n2/2)
        # This function does not have a return.  Drop it for now, the generic
        # function seems to work OK. 
Example #4
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _pdf(self, x, df, nc):
        # nct.pdf(x, df, nc) =
        #                               df**(df/2) * gamma(df+1)
        #                ----------------------------------------------------
        #                2**df*exp(nc**2/2) * (df+x**2)**(df/2) * gamma(df/2)
        n = df*1.0
        nc = nc*1.0
        x2 = x*x
        ncx2 = nc*nc*x2
        fac1 = n + x2
        trm1 = n/2.*np.log(n) + sc.gammaln(n+1)
        trm1 -= n*np.log(2)+nc*nc/2.+(n/2.)*np.log(fac1)+sc.gammaln(n/2.)
        Px = np.exp(trm1)
        valF = ncx2 / (2*fac1)
        trm1 = np.sqrt(2)*nc*x*sc.hyp1f1(n/2+1, 1.5, valF)
        trm1 /= np.asarray(fac1*sc.gamma((n+1)/2))
        trm2 = sc.hyp1f1((n+1)/2, 0.5, valF)
        trm2 /= np.asarray(np.sqrt(fac1)*sc.gamma(n/2+1))
        Px *= trm1+trm2
        return Px 
Example #5
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _munp(self, n, beta, m):
        Returns the n-th non-central moment of the crystalball function.
        N = 1.0 / (m/beta / (m-1) * np.exp(-beta**2 / 2.0) + _norm_pdf_C * _norm_cdf(beta))

        def n_th_moment(n, beta, m):
            Returns n-th moment. Defined only if n+1 < m
            Function cannot broadcast due to the loop over n
            A = (m/beta)**m * np.exp(-beta**2 / 2.0)
            B = m/beta - beta
            rhs = 2**((n-1)/2.0) * sc.gamma((n+1)/2) * (1.0 + (-1)**n * sc.gammainc((n+1)/2, beta**2 / 2))
            lhs = np.zeros(rhs.shape)
            for k in range(n + 1):
                lhs += sc.binom(n, k) * B**(n-k) * (-1)**k / (m - k - 1) * (m/beta)**(-m + k + 1)
            return A * lhs + rhs

        return N * _lazywhere(np.atleast_1d(n + 1 < m),
                              (n, beta, m),
                              np.vectorize(n_th_moment, otypes=[np.float]),
Example #6
Source File:    From PySpice with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_finite_difference_coefficients(derivative_order, grid_size):

    # from

    n = 2*grid_size -1
    A = np.tile(np.arange(grid_size), (n,1)).T
    B = np.tile(np.arange(1-grid_size,grid_size), (grid_size,1))
    M = (B**A)/gamma(A+1)

    r = np.zeros(grid_size)
    r[derivative_order] = 1

    D = np.zeros((grid_size, grid_size))
    for k in range(grid_size):
        indexes = k + np.arange(grid_size)
        D[:,k] = solve(M[:,indexes], r)

    return D

Example #7
Source File:    From fftoptionlib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def cgmy_chf(u, t, c, g, m, y):
    return np.exp(c * t * gamma(-y) * ((m - 1j * u) ** y - m ** y + (g + 1j * u) ** y - g ** y)) 
Example #8
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def factorial(n):
    return gamma(n + 1) 
Example #9
Source File:    From mdentropy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def volume_unit_ball(n_dims):
    return (pi ** (.5 * n_dims)) / gamma(.5 * n_dims + 1) 
Example #10
Source File:    From grizli with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def sigma_e(re, n, q, Ftot=1., c0=0.):
    Surface brightess at the effective radius, re, given total flux
    from scipy.special import gamma
    kap = get_kappa(n)
    return Ftot/(2*np.pi*re**2*np.exp(kap)*n*kap**(-2*n)*gamma(2*n)*q/Rc(c0)), kap 
Example #11
Source File:    From hcipy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def phase_covariance_von_karman(r0, L0):
	'''Return a Field generator for the phase covariance function for Von Karman turbulence.

	r0 : scalar
		The Fried parameter.
	L0 : scalar
		The outer scale.

	Field generator
		The phase covariance Field generator.
	def func(grid):
		r = grid.as_('polar').r + 1e-10

		a = (L0 / r0)**(5 / 3)
		b = gamma(11 / 6) / (2**(5 / 6) * np.pi**(8 / 3))
		c = (24 / 5 * gamma(6 / 5))**(5 / 6)
		d = (2 * np.pi * r / L0)**(5 / 6)
		e = kv(5 / 6, 2 * np.pi * r / L0)

		return Field(a * b * c * d * e, grid)
	return func 
Example #12
Source File:    From PyDDM with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, solution):
        corr = solution.corr
        err = solution.err
        m = solution.model
        cond = solution.conditions
        undec = solution.undec
        evolution = solution.evolution
        # Make gamma distribution
        gamma_mean = self.pausestop - self.pausestart
        gamma_var = pow(self.pauseblurwidth, 2)
        shape = gamma_mean**2/gamma_var
        scale = gamma_var/gamma_mean
        gamma_pdf = lambda t : 1/(sp_gamma(shape)*(scale**shape)) * t**(shape-1) * np.exp(-t/scale)
        gamma_vals = np.asarray([gamma_pdf(t) for t in m.t_domain() - self.pausestart if t >= 0])
        sumgamma = np.sum(gamma_vals)
        gamma_start = next(i for i,t in enumerate(m.t_domain() - self.pausestart) if t >= 0)

        # Generate first part of pdf (before the pause)
        newcorr = np.zeros(m.t_domain().shape, dtype=corr.dtype)
        newerr = np.zeros(m.t_domain().shape, dtype=err.dtype)
        # Generate pdf after the pause
        for i,t in enumerate(m.t_domain()):
            if 0 <= t < self.pausestart:
                newcorr[i] = corr[i]
                newerr[i] = err[i]
            elif self.pausestart <= t:
                newcorr[i:] += corr[gamma_start:len(corr)-(i-gamma_start)]*gamma_vals[int(i-gamma_start)]/sumgamma
                newerr[i:] += err[gamma_start:len(corr)-(i-gamma_start)]*gamma_vals[int(i-gamma_start)]/sumgamma
                raise ValueError("Invalid domain")
        return Solution(newcorr, newerr, m, cond, undec, evolution) 
Example #13
Source File:    From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __repr__(self):
        return "{0}(gamma={1}, metric={2})".format(
            self.__class__.__name__, self.gamma, self.metric) 
Example #14
Source File:    From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def hyperparameter_gamma(self):
        return Hyperparameter("gamma", "numeric", self.gamma_bounds) 
Example #15
Source File:    From hcipy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def phase_structure_function_von_karman(r0, L0):
	'''Return a Field generator for the phase structure function for Von Karman turbulence.

	r0 : scalar
		The Fried parameter.
	L0 : scalar
		The outer scale.

	Field generator
		The phase structure Field generator.
	def func(grid):
		r = grid.as_('polar').r + 1e-10

		a = (L0 / r0)**(5 / 3)
		b = 2**(1 / 6) * gamma(11 / 6) / np.pi**(8 / 3)
		c = (24 / 5 * gamma(6 / 5))**(5 / 6)
		d = gamma(5 / 6) / 2**(1 / 6)
		e = (2 * np.pi * r / L0)**(5 / 6)
		f = kv(5 / 6, 2 * np.pi * r / L0)

		return Field(a * b * c * (d - e * f), grid)
	return func 
Example #16
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_gammaln(self):
        gamln = special.gammaln(3)
        lngam = log(special.gamma(3))
Example #17
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_beta(self):
        bet = special.beta(2,4)
        betg = (special.gamma(2)*special.gamma(4))/special.gamma(6)
Example #18
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_gamma(self):
Example #19
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fromspline(cls, xk, cvals, order, fill=0.0):
        N = len(xk)-1
        sivals = np.empty((order+1, N), dtype=float)
        for m in xrange(order, -1, -1):
            fact = spec.gamma(m+1)
            res = _fitpack._bspleval(xk[:-1], xk, cvals, order, m)
            res /= fact
            sivals[order-m, :] = res
        return cls(sivals, xk, fill=fill) 
Example #20
Source File:    From PynPoint with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dogft(s: np.ndarray,
          w: np.ndarray,
          order: int,
          dt: int) -> np.ndarray:
    Fourier transformed DOG function.

    s : numpy.ndarray
    w : numpy.ndarray
        Angular frequencies.
    order : int
        Wavelet order.
    dt : int
        Time step.

        Normalized Fourier transformed DOG function.

    p = - (0.0 + 1.0j) ** order / np.sqrt(gamma(order + 0.5))
    wavelet = np.zeros((s.shape[0], w.shape[0]), dtype=np.complex128)

    for i in range(s.shape[0]):
        n = normalization(s[i], dt)
        h = s[i] * w
        wavelet[i] = n * p * h ** order * np.exp(-h ** 2 / 2.0)

    return wavelet 
Example #21
Source File:    From fftoptionlib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def cgmy_mgf(u, t, c, g, m, y):
    return np.exp(c * t * gamma(-y) * ((m - u) ** y - m ** y + (g + u) ** y - g ** y)) 
Example #22
Source File:    From video-quality with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute_features(img_norm):
    features = []
    alpha, beta_left, beta_right = estimate_aggd_params(img_norm)

    features.extend([ alpha, (beta_left+beta_right)/2 ])

    for x_shift, y_shift in ((0,1), (1,0), (1,1), (1,-1)):
        img_pair_products  = img_norm * numpy.roll(numpy.roll(img_norm, y_shift, axis=0), x_shift, axis=1)
        alpha, beta_left, beta_right = estimate_aggd_params(img_pair_products)
        eta = (beta_right - beta_left) * (gamma(2.0/alpha) / gamma(1.0/alpha))
        features.extend([ alpha, eta, beta_left, beta_right ])

    return features 
Example #23
Source File:    From wtte-rnn with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def mean(a, b):
    """Continuous mean. Theoretically at most 1 step below discretized mean

    `E[T ] <= E[Td] + 1` true for positive distributions.

    :param a: Alpha
    :param b: Beta
    :return: `a * gamma(1.0 + 1.0 / b)`
    from scipy.special import gamma
    return a * gamma(1.0 + 1.0 / b) 
Example #24
Source File:    From wtte-rnn with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def mean(a, b):
    """ Continuous mean. at most 1 step below discretized mean 

    `E[T ] <= E[Td] + 1` true for positive distributions.
    from scipy.special import gamma
    return a * gamma(1.0 + 1.0 / b) 
Example #25
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _hs(k, cs, rho, omega):
    c0 = (cs * cs * (1 + rho * rho) / (1 - rho * rho) /
          (1 - 2 * rho * rho * cos(2 * omega) + rho ** 4))
    gamma = (1 - rho * rho) / (1 + rho * rho) / tan(omega)
    ak = abs(k)
    return c0 * rho ** ak * (cos(omega * ak) + gamma * sin(omega * ak)) 
Example #26
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _chi2_moment(n, df):
    # (raw) moments of \chi^2(df)
    return (2**n) * gamma(n + df/2.) / gamma(df/2.) 
Example #27
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def bghfactor(df):
    return np.power(2.0, 1-df*0.5) / sps_gamma(df*0.5) 
Example #28
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def chi_pdf(x, df):
    tmp = (df-1.)*np_log(x) + (-x*x*0.5) - (df*0.5-1)*np_log(2.0) \
          - sps_gammaln(df*0.5)
    return np_exp(tmp)
    #return x**(df-1.)*np_exp(-x*x*0.5)/(2.0)**(df*0.5-1)/sps_gamma(df*0.5) 
Example #29
Source File:    From ocelot with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def complete_gamma(a, z):
    return 'complete' gamma function
    return exp1(z) if a == 0 else gamma(a)*gammaincc(a, z) 
Example #30
Source File:    From PynPoint with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _dog_function(order: int,
                      x_in: float) -> float:
            DOG function.

        p_hpoly = hermite(order)[int(x_in / np.power(2, 0.5))]
        herm = p_hpoly / (np.power(2, float(order) / 2))

        return ((-1)**(order+1)) / np.sqrt(gamma(order + 0.5)) * herm