Python Examples

The following are 30 code examples of You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module datetime.datetime , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _convert_1d(values, units, axis):
        if not hasattr(axis, 'freq'):
            raise TypeError('Axis must have `freq` set to convert to Periods')
        valid_types = (compat.string_types, datetime,
                       Period,, pydt.time, np.datetime64)
        if (isinstance(values, valid_types) or is_integer(values) or
            return get_datevalue(values, axis.freq)
        elif isinstance(values, PeriodIndex):
            return values.asfreq(axis.freq)._ndarray_values
        elif isinstance(values, Index):
            return x: get_datevalue(x, axis.freq))
        elif lib.infer_dtype(values, skipna=False) == 'period':
            # convert ndarray[period] -> PeriodIndex
            return PeriodIndex(values, freq=axis.freq)._ndarray_values
        elif isinstance(values, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Index)):
            return [get_datevalue(x, axis.freq) for x in values]
        return values 
Example #2
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, other):
        # Timestamp can handle tz and nano sec, thus no need to use apply_wraps
        if isinstance(other, Timestamp):

            # GH 15126
            # in order to avoid a recursive
            # call of __add__ and __radd__ if there is
            # an exception, when we call using the + operator,
            # we directly call the known method
            result = other.__add__(self)
            if result == NotImplemented:
                raise OverflowError
            return result
        elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64, date)):
            return as_timestamp(other) + self

        if isinstance(other, timedelta):
            return other +
        elif isinstance(other, type(self)):
            return type(self)(self.n + other.n)

        raise ApplyTypeError('Unhandled type: {type_str}'
Example #3
Source File:    From dataflows with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_load_dates_timezones():
    from dataflows import Flow, checkpoint
    from datetime import datetime, timezone
    import shutil

    dates = [,

    shutil.rmtree('.checkpoints/test_load_dates_timezones', ignore_errors=True)

        [{'date':, 'datetime': d} for d in dates],

    results = Flow(

    assert list(map(lambda x: x['date'], results[0][0])) == \
        list(map(lambda x:, dates))
    assert list(map(lambda x: x['datetime'], results[0][0])) == \
        list(map(lambda x: x, dates)) 
Example #4
Source File:    From dataflows with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_sort_rows_datetime():
    import datetime
    from dataflows import sort_rows

    f = Flow(
            {'a':, 1, 3)},
            {'a':, 1, 2)},
            {'a':, 1, 1)},
    results, _, _ = f.results()
    assert list(results[0]) == [
        {'a':, 1, 3)},
        {'a':, 1, 2)},
        {'a':, 1, 1)},
Example #5
Source File:    From docusign-python-client with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __deserialize_date(self, string):
        Deserializes string to date.

        :param string: str.
        :return: date.
            from dateutil.parser import parse
            return parse(string).date()
        except ImportError:
            return string
        except ValueError:
            raise ApiException(
                reason="Failed to parse `{0}` into a date object".format(string)
Example #6
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, other):
        current_easter = easter(other.year)
        current_easter = datetime(current_easter.year,
        current_easter = conversion.localize_pydatetime(current_easter,

        n = self.n
        if n >= 0 and other < current_easter:
            n -= 1
        elif n < 0 and other > current_easter:
            n += 1
        # TODO: Why does this handle the 0 case the opposite of others?

        # NOTE: easter returns a so we have to convert to type of
        # other
        new = easter(other.year + n)
        new = datetime(new.year, new.month,, other.hour,
                       other.minute, other.second, other.microsecond)
        return new 
Example #7
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _convert_1d(values, units, axis):
        if not hasattr(axis, 'freq'):
            raise TypeError('Axis must have `freq` set to convert to Periods')
        valid_types = (compat.string_types, datetime,
                       Period,, pydt.time, np.datetime64)
        if (isinstance(values, valid_types) or is_integer(values) or
            return get_datevalue(values, axis.freq)
        if isinstance(values, PeriodIndex):
            return values.asfreq(axis.freq)._ndarray_values
        if isinstance(values, Index):
            return x: get_datevalue(x, axis.freq))
        if is_period_arraylike(values):
            return PeriodIndex(values, freq=axis.freq)._ndarray_values
        if isinstance(values, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Index)):
            return [get_datevalue(x, axis.freq) for x in values]
        return values 
Example #8
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def axisinfo(unit, axis):
        Return the :class:`~matplotlib.units.AxisInfo` for *unit*.

        *unit* is a tzinfo instance or None.
        The *axis* argument is required but not used.
        tz = unit

        majloc = PandasAutoDateLocator(tz=tz)
        majfmt = PandasAutoDateFormatter(majloc, tz=tz)
        datemin =, 1, 1)
        datemax =, 1, 1)

        return units.AxisInfo(majloc=majloc, majfmt=majfmt, label='',
                              default_limits=(datemin, datemax)) 
Example #9
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def axisinfo(unit, axis):
        Return the :class:`~matplotlib.units.AxisInfo` for *unit*.

        *unit* is a tzinfo instance or None.
        The *axis* argument is required but not used.
        tz = unit

        majloc = PandasAutoDateLocator(tz=tz)
        majfmt = PandasAutoDateFormatter(majloc, tz=tz)
        datemin =, 1, 1)
        datemax =, 1, 1)

        return units.AxisInfo(majloc=majloc, majfmt=majfmt, label='',
                              default_limits=(datemin, datemax)) 
Example #10
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_dt64ser_cmp_date_invalid(self, box_with_array):
        # GH#19800 comparison raises to
        # match DatetimeIndex/Timestamp.  This also matches the behavior
        # of stdlib datetime.datetime

        ser = pd.date_range('20010101', periods=10)
        date = ser.iloc[0].to_pydatetime().date()

        ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array)
        assert not (ser == date).any()
        assert (ser != date).all()
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            ser > date
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            ser < date
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            ser >= date
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            ser <= date 
Example #11
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def dt64arr_cmp_non_datetime(self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array):
        # GH#19301 by convention is not considered comparable
        # to Timestamp or DatetimeIndex.  This may change in the future.
        tz = tz_naive_fixture
        dti = pd.date_range('2016-01-01', periods=2, tz=tz)
        dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array)

        other = datetime(2016, 1, 1).date()
        assert not (dtarr == other).any()
        assert (dtarr != other).all()
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            dtarr < other
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            dtarr <= other
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            dtarr > other
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            dtarr >= other 
Example #12
Source File:    From pygrametl with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def datereader(dateattribute, parsingfunction=ymdparser):
    """Return a function that converts a certain dict member to a

       When setting, fromfinder for a tables.SlowlyChangingDimension, this
       method can be used for generating a function that picks the relevant
       dictionary member from each row and converts it.

       - dateattribute: the attribute the generated function should read
       - parsingfunction: the parsing function that converts the string
         to a
    def readerfunction(targetconnection, row, namemapping={}):
        atttouse = (namemapping.get(dateattribute) or dateattribute)
        return parsingfunction(row[atttouse])  # a

    return readerfunction 
Example #13
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply_index(self, i):
        # determine how many days away from the 1st of the month we are
        days_from_start = i.to_perioddelta('M').asi8
        delta = Timedelta(days=self.day_of_month - 1).value

        # get boolean array for each element before the day_of_month
        before_day_of_month = days_from_start < delta

        # get boolean array for each element after the day_of_month
        after_day_of_month = days_from_start > delta

        # determine the correct n for each date in i
        roll = self._get_roll(i, before_day_of_month, after_day_of_month)

        # isolate the time since it will be striped away one the next line
        time = i.to_perioddelta('D')

        # apply the correct number of months
        i = (i.to_period('M') + (roll // 2)).to_timestamp()

        # apply the correct day
        i = self._apply_index_days(i, roll)

        return i + time 
Example #14
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _calculate_weekdate(self, year, week, day):
        Calculate the day of corresponding to the ISO year-week-day calendar.

        This function is effectively the inverse of

        :param year:
            The year in the ISO calendar

        :param week:
            The week in the ISO calendar - range is [1, 53]

        :param day:
            The day in the ISO calendar - range is [1 (MON), 7 (SUN)]

            Returns a :class:``
        if not 0 < week < 54:
            raise ValueError('Invalid week: {}'.format(week))

        if not 0 < day < 8:     # Range is 1-7
            raise ValueError('Invalid weekday: {}'.format(day))

        # Get week 1 for the specific year:
        jan_4 = date(year, 1, 4)   # Week 1 always has January 4th in it
        week_1 = jan_4 - timedelta(days=jan_4.isocalendar()[2] - 1)

        # Now add the specific number of weeks and days to get what we want
        week_offset = (week - 1) * 7 + (day - 1)
        return week_1 + timedelta(days=week_offset) 
Example #15
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_datevalue(date, freq):
    if isinstance(date, Period):
        return date.asfreq(freq).ordinal
    elif isinstance(date, (compat.string_types, datetime,
                 , pydt.time, np.datetime64)):
        return Period(date, freq).ordinal
    elif (is_integer(date) or is_float(date) or
          (isinstance(date, (np.ndarray, Index)) and (date.size == 1))):
        return date
    elif date is None:
        return None
    raise ValueError("Unrecognizable date '{date}'".format(date=date)) 
Example #16
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def onOffset(self, dt):
        if self.normalize and not _is_normalized(dt):
            return False
        # XXX, see #1395
        if type(self) == DateOffset or isinstance(self, Tick):
            return True

        # Default (slow) method for determining if some date is a member of the
        # date range generated by this offset. Subclasses may have this
        # re-implemented in a nicer way.
        a = dt
        b = ((dt + self) - self)
        return a == b

    # way to get around weirdness with rule_code 
Example #17
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _dt_to_float_ordinal(dt):
    Convert :mod:`datetime` to the Gregorian date as UTC float days,
    preserving hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds.  Return value
    is a :func:`float`.
    if (isinstance(dt, (np.ndarray, Index, ABCSeries)
                   ) and is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dt)):
        base = dates.epoch2num(dt.asi8 / 1.0E9)
        base = dates.date2num(dt)
    return base

# Datetime Conversion 
Example #18
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def rollback(self, dt):
        """Roll provided date backward to next offset only if not on offset"""
        dt = as_timestamp(dt)
        if not self.onOffset(dt):
            dt = dt - self.__class__(1, normalize=self.normalize, **self.kwds)
        return dt 
Example #19
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def rollforward(self, dt):
        """Roll provided date forward to next offset only if not on offset"""
        dt = as_timestamp(dt)
        if not self.onOffset(dt):
            dt = dt + self.__class__(1, normalize=self.normalize, **self.kwds)
        return dt 
Example #20
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def populate_line_item_daily_summary_table(self, start_date, end_date, bill_ids):
        """Populate the daily aggregated summary of line items table.

            start_date ( The date to start populating the table.
            end_date ( The date to end on.



        _start_date = if isinstance(start_date, datetime) else start_date
        _end_date = if isinstance(end_date, datetime) else end_date

        table_name = AZURE_REPORT_TABLE_MAP["line_item_daily_summary"]
        summary_sql = pkgutil.get_data("masu.database", "sql/reporting_azurecostentrylineitem_daily_summary.sql")
        summary_sql = summary_sql.decode("utf-8")
        summary_sql_params = {
            "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "_"),
            "start_date": _start_date,
            "end_date": _end_date,
            "bill_ids": bill_ids,
            "schema": self.schema,
        summary_sql, summary_sql_params = self.jinja_sql.prepare_query(summary_sql, summary_sql_params)
            table_name, summary_sql, start_date, end_date, bind_params=list(summary_sql_params)
Example #21
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, other):
        if self.n <= 0:
            roll = 'forward'
            roll = 'backward'

        if isinstance(other, datetime):
            date_in = other
            np_dt = np.datetime64(

            np_incr_dt = np.busday_offset(np_dt, self.n, roll=roll,

            dt_date = np_incr_dt.astype(datetime)
            result = datetime.combine(dt_date, date_in.time())

            if self.offset:
                result = result + self.offset
            return result

        elif isinstance(other, (timedelta, Tick)):
            return BDay(self.n, offset=self.offset + other,
            raise ApplyTypeError('Only know how to combine trading day with '
                                 'datetime, datetime64 or timedelta.') 
Example #22
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def bills_for_provider_uuid(self, provider_uuid, start_date=None):
        """Return all cost entry bills for provider_uuid on date."""
        bills = self.get_cost_entry_bills_query_by_provider(provider_uuid)
        if start_date:
            if isinstance(start_date, str):
                start_date = parse(start_date)
            bill_date = start_date.replace(day=1)
            bills = bills.filter(billing_period_start=bill_date)
        return bills 
Example #23
Source File:    From dataflows with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_load_dates():
    # from import tzutc
    from dataflows import Flow, dump_to_path, load, set_type, ValidationError, exceptions
    import datetime

    _today =
    _now =

    def run_flow(datetime_format=None):
            [{'today': str(_today), 'now': str(_now)}],
            set_type('today', type='date'),
            set_type('now', type='datetime', format=datetime_format),

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.ProcessorError) as excinfo:
    assert isinstance(excinfo.value.cause, ValidationError)

    # Default is isoformat(), str() gives a slightly different format:
    # >>> from datetime import datetime
    # >>> n =
    # >>> str(n)
    # '2018-11-22 13:25:47.945209'
    # >>> n.isoformat()
    # '2018-11-22T13:25:47.945209'
    run_flow(datetime_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')

    out_now = datetime.datetime(_now.year, _now.month,, _now.hour, _now.minute, _now.second)

    assert Flow(
    ).results()[0] == [[{'today': _today, 'now': out_now}]] 
Example #24
Source File:    From flask-calendar with The Unlicense 5 votes vote down vote up
def previous_month_and_year(year: int, month: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        previous_month_date = date(year, month, 1) - timedelta(days=2)
        return previous_month_date.month, previous_month_date.year 
Example #25
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, sep=None):
        :param sep:
            A single character that separates date and time portions. If
            ``None``, the parser will accept any single character.
            For strict ISO-8601 adherence, pass ``'T'``.
        if sep is not None:
            if (len(sep) != 1 or ord(sep) >= 128 or sep in '0123456789'):
                raise ValueError('Separator must be a single, non-numeric ' +
                                 'ASCII character')

            sep = sep.encode('ascii')

        self._sep = sep 
Example #26
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def to_julian_date(self):
        Convert Datetime Array to float64 ndarray of Julian Dates.
        0 Julian date is noon January 1, 4713 BC.

        year = np.asarray(self.year)
        month = np.asarray(self.month)
        day = np.asarray(
        testarr = month < 3
        year[testarr] -= 1
        month[testarr] += 12
        return (day +
                np.fix((153 * month - 457) / 5) +
                365 * year +
                np.floor(year / 4) -
                np.floor(year / 100) +
                np.floor(year / 400) +
                1721118.5 +
                (self.hour +
                 self.minute / 60.0 +
                 self.second / 3600.0 +
                 self.microsecond / 3600.0 / 1e+6 +
                 self.nanosecond / 3600.0 / 1e+9
                 ) / 24.0) 
Example #27
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def date(self):
        Returns numpy array of python objects (namely, the date
        part of Timestamps without timezone information).
        # If the Timestamps have a timezone that is not UTC,
        # convert them into their i8 representation while
        # keeping their timezone and not using UTC
        if is not None and not timezones.is_utc(
            timestamps = self._local_timestamps()
            timestamps = self.asi8

        return tslib.ints_to_pydatetime(timestamps, box="date") 
Example #28
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_excel_date_datetime_format(self, merge_cells, engine, ext):
        # see gh-4133
        # Excel output format strings
        df = DataFrame([[date(2014, 1, 31),
                         date(1999, 9, 24)],
                        [datetime(1998, 5, 26, 23, 33, 4),
                         datetime(2014, 2, 28, 13, 5, 13)]],
                       index=["DATE", "DATETIME"], columns=["X", "Y"])
        df_expected = DataFrame([[datetime(2014, 1, 31),
                                  datetime(1999, 9, 24)],
                                 [datetime(1998, 5, 26, 23, 33, 4),
                                  datetime(2014, 2, 28, 13, 5, 13)]],
                                index=["DATE", "DATETIME"], columns=["X", "Y"])

        with ensure_clean(ext) as filename2:
            writer1 = ExcelWriter(self.path)
            writer2 = ExcelWriter(filename2,
                                  datetime_format="DD.MM.YYYY HH-MM-SS")

            df.to_excel(writer1, "test1")
            df.to_excel(writer2, "test1")


            reader1 = ExcelFile(self.path)
            reader2 = ExcelFile(filename2)

            rs1 = read_excel(reader1, "test1", index_col=0)
            rs2 = read_excel(reader2, "test1", index_col=0)

            tm.assert_frame_equal(rs1, rs2)

            # Since the reader returns a datetime object for dates,
            # we need to use df_expected to check the result.
            tm.assert_frame_equal(rs2, df_expected) 
Example #29
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def date_format(dt):
    """Returns date in YYYYMMDD format."""
    return dt.strftime('%Y%m%d') 
Example #30
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_datetime_date(self):
        # test support for
        df = DataFrame([date(2014, 1, 1), date(2014, 1, 2)], columns=["a"])
        df.to_sql('test_date', self.conn, index=False)
        res = read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM test_date', self.conn)
        if self.flavor == 'sqlite':
            # comes back as strings
            tm.assert_frame_equal(res, df.astype(str))
        elif self.flavor == 'mysql':
            tm.assert_frame_equal(res, df)