Python flask.request.args() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of flask.request.args().
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Example #1
Source File: From app with MIT License | 12 votes |
def google_login(): # to avoid flask-login displaying the login error message session.pop("_flashes", None) next_url = request.args.get("next") # Google does not allow to append param to redirect_url # we need to pass the next url by session if next_url: session["google_next_url"] = next_url google = OAuth2Session(GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, scope=_scope, redirect_uri=_redirect_uri) authorization_url, state = google.authorization_url(_authorization_base_url) # State is used to prevent CSRF, keep this for later. session["oauth_state"] = state return redirect(authorization_url)
Example #2
Source File: From grlc with MIT License | 8 votes |
def query(user, repo, query_name, subdir=None, spec_url=None, sha=None, content=None): """Execute SPARQL query for a specific grlc-generated API endpoint""""-----> Executing call name at /{}/{}/{}/{} on commit {}".format(user, repo, subdir, query_name, sha)) glogger.debug("Request accept header: " + request.headers["Accept"]) requestArgs = request.args acceptHeader = request.headers['Accept'] requestUrl = request.url formData = request.form query_response, status, headers = utils.dispatch_query(user, repo, query_name, subdir, spec_url, sha=sha, content=content, requestArgs=requestArgs, acceptHeader=acceptHeader, requestUrl=requestUrl, formData=formData) if isinstance(query_response, list): query_response = jsonify(query_response) return make_response(query_response, status, headers) ### Server routes ###
Example #3
Source File: From app with MIT License | 7 votes |
def facebook_login(): # to avoid flask-login displaying the login error message session.pop("_flashes", None) next_url = request.args.get("next") # Facebook does not allow to append param to redirect_uri # we need to pass the next url by session if next_url: session["facebook_next_url"] = next_url facebook = OAuth2Session( FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID, scope=_scope, redirect_uri=_redirect_uri ) facebook = facebook_compliance_fix(facebook) authorization_url, state = facebook.authorization_url(_authorization_base_url) # State is used to prevent CSRF, keep this for later. session["oauth_state"] = state return redirect(authorization_url)
Example #4
Source File: From watchdog with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def listRemove(self): cpe = request.args.get('cpe', type=str) cpe = urllib.parse.quote_plus(cpe).lower() cpe = cpe.replace("%3a", ":") cpe = cpe.replace("%2f", "/") lst = request.args.get('list', type=str) if cpe and lst: result=wl.removeWhitelist(cpe) if lst.lower()=="whitelist" else bl.removeBlacklist(cpe) status = "removed_from_list" if (result > 0) else "already_removed_from_list" else: status = "invalid_cpe" returnList = db.getWhitelist() if lst=="whitelist" else db.getBlacklist() return jsonify({"status":status, "rules":returnList, "listType":lst.title()}) # /admin/editInList
Example #5
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 7 votes |
def github_authorize_callback(): developer = get_developer() if developer is None: return redirect(url_for('main.login')) resp = github.authorized_response() if resp is None: return 'Access denied: reason=%s error=%s' % ( request.args['error_reason'], request.args['error_description'] ) session['github_token'] = (resp['access_token'], '') me = github.get('user') user =['login'] session['user'] = user authorization = Authorization(developer=developer, oauth_token=session['github_token'][0], type='github') try: db.session.add(authorization) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('auth.github_integration')) except: db.session.rollback() abort(500)
Example #6
Source File: From gransk with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def setup(args, pipeline, runmod, injector): """Load configuration""" logging.basicConfig( format='[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(name)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') _globals['gransk'] = gransk.api.API(injector) _globals['config'] = _globals['gransk'].config if pipeline: _globals['gransk'].pipeline = pipeline if _globals['gransk'].pipeline.get_service('related_entities'): _globals['gransk'].pipeline.get_service('related_entities').load_all(_globals['config']) if _globals['gransk'].pipeline.get_service('related_documents'): _globals['gransk'].pipeline.get_service('related_documents').load_all(_globals['config'])
Example #7
Source File: From uplink with MIT License | 6 votes |
def repos_for_keyword(): """ /repos?keyword=<keyword> Finds all repos which contain the given keyword in the name, readme, or description """ if "keyword" not in request.args: return "", 400 keyword = request.args["keyword"] future = _repos_for_keyword(keyword) repos = loop.run_until_complete(future) return jsonify(repos)
Example #8
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def matchups() -> str: hero, enemy = {}, {} for k, v in request.args.items(): if k.startswith('hero_'): k = k.replace('hero_', '') hero[k] = v else: k = k.replace('enemy_', '') enemy[k] = v season_id = request.args.get('season_id') results = mus.matchup(hero, enemy, season_id=season_id) if 'hero_person_id' in request.args else {} matchup_archetypes = archs.load_archetypes_deckless() matchup_archetypes.sort(key=lambda a: matchup_people = list(ps.load_people(where='p.mtgo_username IS NOT NULL')) matchup_people.sort(key=lambda p: matchup_cards = cs.load_cards() matchup_cards.sort(key=lambda c: view = Matchups(hero, enemy, season_id, matchup_archetypes, matchup_people, matchup_cards, results) return
Example #9
Source File: From watchdog with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def listEdit(self): old = request.args.get('oldCPE') new = request.args.get('cpe') lst = request.args.get('list') CPEType = request.args.get('type') if old and new: result = wl.updateWhitelist(old, new, CPEType) if lst=="whitelist" else bl.updateBlacklist(old, new, CPEType) status = "cpelist_updated" if (result) else "cpelist_update_failed" else: status = "invalid_cpe" returnList = list(db.getWhitelist()) if lst=="whitelist" else list(db.getBlacklist()) return jsonify({"rules":returnList, "status":status, "listType":lst}) # /admin/listmanagement/<vendor>/<product> # /admin/listmanagement/<vendor> # /admin/listmanagement
Example #10
Source File: From airflow-rest-api-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def refresh_dag(self, base_response):"Executing custom 'refresh_dag' function") dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id')"dag_id to refresh: '" + str(dag_id) + "'") if self.is_arg_not_provided(dag_id): return REST_API_Response_Util.get_400_error_response(base_response, "dag_id should be provided") elif " " in dag_id: return REST_API_Response_Util.get_400_error_response(base_response, "dag_id contains spaces and is therefore an illegal argument") try: from airflow.www.views import Airflow # NOTE: The request argument 'dag_id' is required for the refresh() function to get the dag_id refresh_result = Airflow().refresh()"Refresh Result: " + str(refresh_result)) except Exception as e: error_message = "An error occurred while trying to Refresh the DAG '" + str(dag_id) + "': " + str(e) logging.error(error_message) return REST_API_Response_Util.get_500_error_response(base_response, error_message) return REST_API_Response_Util.get_200_response(base_response=base_response, output="DAG [{}] is now fresh as a daisy".format(dag_id)) # Custom Function for the refresh_all_dags API # This will call the direct function corresponding to the web endpoint '/admin/airflow/refresh_all' that already exists in Airflow
Example #11
Source File: From eve-auth-jwt with MIT License | 6 votes |
def authorized(self, allowed_roles, resource, method): authorized = False if request.authorization: auth = request.authorization authorized = self.check_auth(auth.username, auth.password, allowed_roles, resource, method) else: try: access_token = request.args['access_token'] except KeyError: access_token = request.headers.get('Authorization', '').partition(' ')[2] authorized = self.check_token(access_token, allowed_roles, resource, method) return authorized
Example #12
Source File: From gransk with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def related(): """Get related documents or entities.""" if request.args['type'] == 'document': service = 'related_documents' elif request.args['type'] == 'entity': service = 'related_entities' else: return Response('Invalid type %s' % request.args['type']) if not _globals['gransk'].pipeline.get_service(service): return Response('{"error": "service not found"}', status=200, mimetype='application/json') result = _globals['gransk'].pipeline.get_service(service).get_related_to( request.args['id']) return Response(json.dumps(result), status=200, mimetype='application/json')
Example #13
Source File: From eve-auth-jwt with MIT License | 6 votes |
def requires_token(self, audiences=None, allowed_roles=None): """ Decorator for functions that will be protected with token authentication. Token must be provvided either through access_token parameter or Authorization header. See check_token() method for further details. """ def requires_token_wrapper(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): try: token = request.args['access_token'] except KeyError: token = request.headers.get('Authorization', '').partition(' ')[2] if not self._perform_verification(token, audiences, allowed_roles): abort(401) return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated return requires_token_wrapper
Example #14
Source File: From beavy with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def extract(): return extract_info(request.args["url"])
Example #15
Source File: From platform with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_access(): public_ip = None if 'public_ip' in request.args: public_ip = request.args['public_ip'] public.set_access( request.args['upnp_enabled'] == 'true', request.args['external_access'] == 'true', public_ip, int(request.args['certificate_port']), int(request.args['access_port']) ) return jsonify(success=True), 200
Example #16
Source File: From platform with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def install(): public.install(request.args['app_id']) return 'OK', 200
Example #17
Source File: From platform with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def app_status(): return jsonify(info=convertible.to_dict(public.get_app(request.args['app_id']))), 200
Example #18
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def authorized(): resp = qq.authorized_response() if resp is None: return 'Access denied: reason=%s error=%s' % ( request.args['error_reason'], request.args['error_description'] ) session['qq_token'] = (resp['access_token'], '') # Get openid via access_token, openid and access_token are needed for API calls respMe = qq.get('/oauth2.0/me', {'access_token': session['qq_token'][0]}) openid = json_to_dict(['openid'] print(openid) resp = qq.get('/user/get_user_info', {'access_token': session['qq_token'][0], 'openid': openid, 'oauth_consumer_key': os.environ.get("QQ_APP_ID")}) resp = eval( developer = None if isinstance(resp, dict): session['qq_openid'] = resp.get('openid') developer = Developer.query.filter_by(platform_id=openid, platform='qq').first() if developer is None: dev_key = generate_dev_key() developer = Developer(dev_key=dev_key, platform='qq', platform_id=openid, description='') developer.insert_to_db() if developer is None: developer = get_developer() username = developer.username if username is None or username == '': print('login first time. redirect to setting') return redirect(url_for('auth.setting')) return redirect(url_for('auth.manage'))
Example #19
Source File: From python-slackclient with MIT License | 5 votes |
def oauth_callback(): # Retrieve the auth code and state from the request params if "code" in request.args: state = request.args["state"] if state_service.consume(state): code = request.args["code"] client = WebClient() # no prepared token needed for this app response = client.oauth_v2_access( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, code=code )"oauth.v2.access response: {response}") return "Thanks for installing this app!" else: return make_response(f"Try the installation again (the state value is already expired)", 400) error = request.args["error"] if "error" in request.args else "" return make_response(f"Something is wrong with the installation (error: {error})", 400) # --------------------- # Flask App for Slack events # ---------------------
Example #20
Source File: From platform with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def remove(): return jsonify(message=public.remove(request.args['app_id'])), 200
Example #21
Source File: From Quiver-alfred with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_next_url(default='/'): if request.args.get('next'): return request.args['next'] elif request.form.get('next'): return request.form['next'] return default
Example #22
Source File: From Quiver-alfred with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_page(self): curr_page = request.args.get(self.page_var) if curr_page and curr_page.isdigit(): return max(1, int(curr_page)) return 1
Example #23
Source File: From dataiku-contrib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def resp_from_url(url): response = requests.get(url, stream=True, params=request.args) return response.content
Example #24
Source File: From watchdog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def listManagementAdd(self): # retrieve the separate item parts item = request.args.get('item', type=str) listType = request.args.get('list', type=str) pattern = re.compile('^[a-z:/0-9.~_%-]+$') if pattern.match(item): item = item.split(":") added = False if len(item) == 1: # only vendor, so a check on cpe type is needed if self.redisdb.sismember("t:/o", item[0]): if self.addCPEToList("cpe:/o:" + item[0], listType): added = True if self.redisdb.sismember("t:/a", item[0]): if self.addCPEToList("cpe:/a:" + item[0], listType): added = True if self.redisdb.sismember("t:/h", item[0]): if self.addCPEToList("cpe:/h:" + item[0], listType): added = True elif 4 > len(item) > 1: # cpe type can be found with a mongo regex query result = db.getCVEs(query={'cpe_2_2': {'$regex': item[1]}}) if result.count() != 0: prefix = ((result[0])['cpe_2_2'])[:7] if len(item) == 2: if self.addCPEToList(prefix + item[0] + ":" + item[1], listType): added = True if len(item) == 3: if self.addCPEToList(prefix + item[0] + ":" + item[1] + ":" + item[2], listType): added = True status = "added_to_list" if added else "could_not_add_to_list" else: status = "invalid_cpe" j={"status":status, "listType":listType} return jsonify(j) # /login
Example #25
Source File: From watchdog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def filter_logic(self, filters, skip, limit=None): query = self.generate_full_query(filters) limit = limit if limit else self.args['pageLength'] cve = db.getCVEs(limit=limit, skip=skip, query=query) # marking relevant records if current_user.is_authenticated(): if filters['whitelistSelect'] == "on": cve = self.list_mark('white', cve) if filters['blacklistSelect'] == "mark": cve = self.list_mark('black', cve) self.plugManager.mark(cve, **self.pluginArgs) cve = list(cve) return cve
Example #26
Source File: From watchdog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_cve_actions(self): cve = request.args.get('cve', type=str) if not current_user.is_authenticated(): # Don't show actions requiring auth if not authenticated actions = [x for x in self.plugManager.getCVEActions(cve, **self.pluginArgs) if not x['auth']] else: actions = self.plugManager.getCVEActions(cve, **self.pluginArgs) return jsonify({"actions": actions}) # /plugin/<plugin>
Example #27
Source File: From watchdog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def openPlugin(self, plugin): if self.plugManager.requiresAuth(plugin) and not current_user.is_authenticated(): return render_template("requiresAuth.html") else: page, args = self.plugManager.openPage(plugin, **self.pluginArgs) if page: try: return render_template(page, **args) except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError: return render_template("error.html", status={'except': 'plugin-page-corrupt'}) except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: return render_template("error.html", status={'except': 'plugin-page-not-found', 'page': page}) else: abort(404) # /plugin/<plugin>/subpage/<page>
Example #28
Source File: From watchdog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def openPluginSubpage(self, plugin, page): if self.plugManager.requiresAuth(plugin) and not current_user.is_authenticated(): return render_template("requiresAuth.html") else: page, args = self.plugManager.openSubpage(plugin, page, **self.pluginArgs) if page: try: return render_template(page, **args) except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError: return render_template("error.html", status={'except': 'plugin-page-corrupt'}) except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: return render_template("error.html", status={'except': 'plugin-page-not-found', 'page': page}) else: abort(404) # /plugin/<plugin>/_cve_action/<action>
Example #29
Source File: From watchdog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def listAdd(self): cpe = request.args.get('cpe') cpeType = request.args.get('type') lst = request.args.get('list') if cpe and cpeType and lst: status = "added_to_list" if self.addCPEToList(cpe, lst, cpeType) else "already_exists_in_list" returnList = db.getWhitelist() if lst=="whitelist" else db.getBlacklist() return jsonify({"status":status, "rules":returnList, "listType":lst.title()}) else: return jsonify({"status": "could_not_add_to_list"}) # /admin/removeFromList
Example #30
Source File: From watchdog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def change_pass(self): current_pass = request.args.get('current_pass') new_pass = request.args.get('new_pass') if current_user.authenticate(current_pass): if new_pass: db.changePassword( , new_pass) return jsonify({"status": "password_changed"}) return jsonify({"status": "no_password"}) else: return jsonify({"status": "wrong_user_pass"}) # /admin/request_token