Python django.http.Http404() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of django.http.Http404(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module django.http , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From mendelmd with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def render(self, context):
        key = self.queryset_var.var
        value = self.queryset_var.resolve(context)
        if isinstance(self.paginate_by, int):
            paginate_by = self.paginate_by
            paginate_by = self.paginate_by.resolve(context)
        paginator = Paginator(value, paginate_by, self.orphans)
            page_obj =['request'].page)
        except InvalidPage:
            if INVALID_PAGE_RAISES_404:
                raise Http404('Invalid page requested.  If DEBUG were set to ' +
                    'False, an HTTP 404 page would have been shown instead.')
            context[key] = []
            context['invalid_page'] = True
            return ''
        if self.context_var is not None:
            context[self.context_var] = page_obj.object_list
            context[key] = page_obj.object_list
        context['paginator'] = paginator
        context['page_obj'] = page_obj
        return '' 
Example #2
Source File:    From django-rest-registration with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def process_verify_registration_data(input_data, serializer_context=None):
    if serializer_context is None:
        serializer_context = {}
    if not registration_settings.REGISTER_VERIFICATION_ENABLED:
        raise Http404()
    serializer = VerifyRegistrationSerializer(

    data = serializer.validated_data
    signer = RegisterSigner(data)

    verification_flag_field = get_user_setting('VERIFICATION_FLAG_FIELD')
    user = get_user_by_verification_id(data['user_id'], require_verified=False)
    setattr(user, verification_flag_field, True)

    return user 
Example #3
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def feed(request, url, feed_dict=None):
    """Provided for backwards compatibility."""
    if not feed_dict:
        raise Http404(_("No feeds are registered."))

    slug = url.partition('/')[0]
        f = feed_dict[slug]
    except KeyError:
        raise Http404(_("Slug %r isn't registered.") % slug)

    instance = f()
    instance.feed_url = getattr(f, 'feed_url', None) or request.path
    instance.title_template = f.title_template or ('feeds/%s_title.html' % slug)
    instance.description_template = f.description_template or ('feeds/%s_description.html' % slug)
    return instance(request) 
Example #4
Source File:    From django-rest-framework-docs with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        settings = DRFSettings().settings
        if settings["HIDE_DOCS"]:
            raise Http404("Django Rest Framework Docs are hidden. Check your settings.")

        context = super(DRFDocsView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        docs = ApiDocumentation(drf_router=self.drf_router)
        endpoints = docs.get_endpoints()

        query = self.request.GET.get("search", "")
        if query and endpoints:
            endpoints = [endpoint for endpoint in endpoints if query in endpoint.path]

        context['query'] = query
        context['endpoints'] = endpoints
        return context 
Example #5
Source File:    From botbuilder-python with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def process_exception(self, request, exception):
        if not self._settings.log_exceptions:
            return None

        if isinstance(exception, Http404):
            return None

        _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        if tb is None or exception is None:
            # No actual traceback or exception info, don't bother logging.
            return None

        client = common.get_telemetry_client_with_processor(
        if hasattr(request, "appinsights"):
            client.context.operation.parent_id =

        client.track_exception(type(exception), exception, tb)

        return None 
Example #6
Source File:    From polls-api with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_relations(self):
        paginator = self.get_paginator()

            page ='page', 1)))
        except EmptyPage:
            raise Http404()

        objects = page.object_list
        relations = {
            self.relation: self.get_resources(page)

        relations['first'] = self.__class__()

        if page.has_next():
            relations['next'] = self.__class__(page.next_page_number())

        if page.has_previous():
            relations['prev'] = self.__class__(page.previous_page_number())

        if page.has_other_pages():
            relations['last'] = self.__class__(paginator.num_pages)

        return relations 
Example #7
Source File:    From django-hashid-field with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_get_object_or_404(self):
        a = Artist.objects.create(name="Artist A")

        from django.http import Http404

        # Regular lookups should succeed
        self.assertEqual(get_object_or_404(Artist,, a)
        self.assertEqual(get_object_or_404(Artist, pk=str(, a)

        # Lookups for non-existant IDs should fail
        with self.assertRaises(Http404):
            get_object_or_404(Artist, pk=-1)
        with self.assertRaises(Http404):
            get_object_or_404(Artist, pk="asdf")

        # int lookups should fail
        with self.assertRaises(Http404):
            self.assertEqual(get_object_or_404(Artist, pk=int(, a) 
Example #8
Source File:    From django-rest-registration with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def process_reset_password_data(input_data, serializer_context=None):
    if serializer_context is None:
        serializer_context = {}
    if not registration_settings.RESET_PASSWORD_VERIFICATION_ENABLED:
        raise Http404()
    serializer = ResetPasswordSerializer(

    data = serializer.validated_data.copy()
    password = data.pop('password')
    data.pop('password_confirm', None)
    signer = ResetPasswordSigner(data)

    user = get_user_by_verification_id(data['user_id'], require_verified=False)
Example #9
Source File:    From django-rest-registration with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_user_by_lookup_dict(
        lookup_dict, default=_RAISE_EXCEPTION, require_verified=True):
    verification_enabled = registration_settings.REGISTER_VERIFICATION_ENABLED
    verification_flag_field = get_user_setting('VERIFICATION_FLAG_FIELD')
    user_class = get_user_model()
    kwargs = {}
    if require_verified and verification_enabled and verification_flag_field:
        kwargs[verification_flag_field] = True
        user = get_object_or_404(user_class.objects.all(), **kwargs)
    except Http404:
        if default is _RAISE_EXCEPTION:
            raise UserNotFound()
        return default
        return user 
Example #10
Source File:    From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def index(request: HttpRequest, course_slug: str, activity_slug: str) -> HttpResponse:
    role = request.member.role
    offering = get_object_or_404(CourseOffering, slug=course_slug)
    activity = get_object_or_404(Activity, slug=activity_slug, offering=offering, group=False)

    if role in ['INST', 'TA']:
        quiz = Quiz.objects.filter(activity=activity).first()  # will be None if no quiz created for this activity
        if not quiz:
            # no quiz created? Only option is to create.
            return redirect('offering:quiz:edit', course_slug=course_slug, activity_slug=activity_slug)
        return _index_instructor(request, offering, activity, quiz)

    elif role == 'STUD':
        quiz = get_object_or_404(Quiz, activity=activity)  # will 404 if no quiz created for this activity
        return _index_student(request, offering, activity, quiz)

        raise Http404() 
Example #11
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def serve(request, path, insecure=False, **kwargs):
    Serve static files below a given point in the directory structure or
    from locations inferred from the staticfiles finders.

    To use, put a URL pattern such as::

        from django.contrib.staticfiles import views

        url(r'^(?P<path>.*)$', views.serve)

    in your URLconf.

    It uses the django.views.static.serve() view to serve the found files.
    if not settings.DEBUG and not insecure:
        raise Http404
    normalized_path = posixpath.normpath(unquote(path)).lstrip('/')
    absolute_path = finders.find(normalized_path)
    if not absolute_path:
        if path.endswith('/') or path == '':
            raise Http404("Directory indexes are not allowed here.")
        raise Http404("'%s' could not be found" % path)
    document_root, path = os.path.split(absolute_path)
    return static.serve(request, path, document_root=document_root, **kwargs) 
Example #12
Source File:    From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def submitted_file(request: HttpRequest, course_slug: str, activity_slug: str, userid: str, answer_id: str, secret: str) -> StreamingHttpResponse:
    offering = get_object_or_404(CourseOffering, slug=course_slug)
    activity = get_object_or_404(Activity, slug=activity_slug, offering=offering, group=False)
    member = get_object_or_404(Member, ~Q(role='DROP'), find_member(userid), offering__slug=course_slug)
    answer = get_object_or_404(QuestionAnswer, question__quiz__activity=activity, student=member, id=answer_id)

    real_secret = answer.answer['data'].get('secret', '?')
    if real_secret != '?' and secret == real_secret:
        return _return_submitted_file(answer.answer['data'],'rb'))

        # It's not the current submission, but an instructor looking at history might be trying to find an old one...
        submissions = QuizSubmission.objects.filter(quiz__activity=activity, student=member)
        for qs in submissions:
            for answer_config in qs.config['answers']:
                version_id, answer_id, a = answer_config
                if not isinstance(a['data'], dict):
                real_secret = a['data'].get('secret', '?')
                if answer.question_version_id == version_id and == answer_id and real_secret != '?' and secret == real_secret:
                    # aha! Temporarily replace answer.file with the old version (without saving) so we can return it
                    answer.file = a['filepath']
                    return _return_submitted_file(a['data'],'rb'))

    raise Http404() 
Example #13
Source File:    From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def file_field_download_unauth(request, form_slug, formsubmit_slug, file_id, action, secret):
    Version of file_field_download that doesn't require authentication, but does require knowing the "secret" URL
    component. Used to provide URLs in the CSV export.
    file_sub =  get_object_or_404(FieldSubmissionFile,
    form_submission = file_sub.field_submission.sheet_submission.form_submission

    field_sub = file_sub.field_submission
    if ('secret' not in \
            or (not['secret']) \
            or (len(['secret']) != FILE_SECRET_LENGTH) \
            or (['secret'] != secret):
        raise Http404

    return _file_field_download(form_submission, file_sub, action) 
Example #14
Source File:    From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def change_grade_status(request, course_slug, activity_slug, userid):
    Grade status form.  Calls numeric/letter view as appropriate.
    course = get_object_or_404(CourseOffering, slug=course_slug)
    acts = all_activities_filter(course, slug=activity_slug)
    if len(acts) != 1:
        raise Http404('No such Activity.')
    activity = acts[0]
    if isinstance(activity, NumericActivity):
        return _change_grade_status_numeric(request, course, activity, userid)
    elif isinstance(activity, LetterActivity):
        return _change_grade_status_letter(request, course, activity, userid)
        raise Http404('Unknown activity type.') 
Example #15
Source File:    From controller with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def custom_exception_handler(exc, context):
    # give more context on the error since DRF masks it as Not Found
    if isinstance(exc, Http404):
        return Response(str(exc), status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)

    # Call REST framework's default exception handler after specific 404 handling,
    # to get the standard error response.
    response = exception_handler(exc, context)

    # No response means DRF couldn't handle it
    # Output a generic 500 in a JSON format
    if response is None:
        logging.exception('Uncaught Exception', exc_info=exc)
        return Response({'detail': 'Server Error'}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

    # log a few different types of exception instead of using APIException
    if isinstance(exc, (DeisException, ServiceUnavailable, HealthcheckException)):
        logging.exception(exc.__cause__, exc_info=exc)

    return response 
Example #16
Source File:    From mendelmd with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def render(self, context):
        key = self.queryset_var.var
        value = self.queryset_var.resolve(context)
        if isinstance(self.paginate_by, int):
            paginate_by = self.paginate_by
            paginate_by = self.paginate_by.resolve(context)
        paginator = Paginator(value, paginate_by, self.orphans)
            page_obj =['request'].page)
        except InvalidPage:
            if INVALID_PAGE_RAISES_404:
                raise Http404('Invalid page requested.  If DEBUG were set to ' +
                    'False, an HTTP 404 page would have been shown instead.')
            context[key] = []
            context['invalid_page'] = True
            return ''
        if self.context_var is not None:
            context[self.context_var] = page_obj.object_list
            context[key] = page_obj.object_list
        context['paginator'] = paginator
        context['page_obj'] = page_obj
        return '' 
Example #17
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def paginate_queryset(self, queryset, page_size):
        Paginate the queryset, if needed.
        paginator = self.get_paginator(
            queryset, page_size, orphans=self.get_paginate_orphans(),
        page_kwarg = self.page_kwarg
        page = self.kwargs.get(page_kwarg) or self.request.GET.get(page_kwarg) or 1
            page_number = int(page)
        except ValueError:
            if page == 'last':
                page_number = paginator.num_pages
                raise Http404(_("Page is not 'last', nor can it be converted to an int."))
            page =
            return (paginator, page, page.object_list, page.has_other_pages())
        except InvalidPage as e:
            raise Http404(_('Invalid page (%(page_number)s): %(message)s') % {
                'page_number': page_number,
                'message': str(e)
Example #18
Source File:    From mendelmd with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def render(self, context):
        key = self.queryset_var.var
        value = self.queryset_var.resolve(context)
        if isinstance(self.paginate_by, int):
            paginate_by = self.paginate_by
            paginate_by = self.paginate_by.resolve(context)
        paginator = Paginator(value, paginate_by, self.orphans)
            page_obj =['request'].page)
        except InvalidPage:
            if INVALID_PAGE_RAISES_404:
                raise Http404('Invalid page requested.  If DEBUG were set to ' +
                    'False, an HTTP 404 page would have been shown instead.')
            context[key] = []
            context['invalid_page'] = True
            return ''
        if self.context_var is not None:
            context[self.context_var] = page_obj.object_list
            context[key] = page_obj.object_list
        context['paginator'] = paginator
        context['page_obj'] = page_obj
        return '' 
Example #19
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.object_list = self.get_queryset()
        allow_empty = self.get_allow_empty()

        if not allow_empty:
            # When pagination is enabled and object_list is a queryset,
            # it's better to do a cheap query than to load the unpaginated
            # queryset in memory.
            if (self.get_paginate_by(self.object_list) is not None
                    and hasattr(self.object_list, 'exists')):
                is_empty = not self.object_list.exists()
                is_empty = len(self.object_list) == 0
            if is_empty:
                raise Http404(_("Empty list and '%(class_name)s.allow_empty' is False.")
                        % {'class_name': self.__class__.__name__})
        context = self.get_context_data()
        return self.render_to_response(context) 
Example #20
Source File:    From StormOnline with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def init_request(self, object_id, *args, **kwargs):
        "The 'delete' admin view for this model."
        self.obj = self.get_object(unquote(object_id))

        if not self.has_delete_permission(self.obj):
            raise PermissionDenied

        if self.obj is None:
            raise Http404(_('%(name)s object with primary key %(key)r does not exist.') % {'name': force_text(self.opts.verbose_name), 'key': escape(object_id)})

        using = router.db_for_write(self.model)

        # Populate deleted_objects, a data structure of all related objects that
        # will also be deleted.
        (self.deleted_objects, model_count, self.perms_needed, self.protected) = get_deleted_objects(
            [self.obj], self.opts, self.request.user, self.admin_site, using) 
Example #21
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_dated_queryset(self, **lookup):
        Get a queryset properly filtered according to `allow_future` and any
        extra lookup kwargs.
        qs = self.get_queryset().filter(**lookup)
        date_field = self.get_date_field()
        allow_future = self.get_allow_future()
        allow_empty = self.get_allow_empty()
        paginate_by = self.get_paginate_by(qs)

        if not allow_future:
            now = if self.uses_datetime_field else timezone_today()
            qs = qs.filter(**{'%s__lte' % date_field: now})

        if not allow_empty:
            # When pagination is enabled, it's better to do a cheap query
            # than to load the unpaginated queryset in memory.
            is_empty = len(qs) == 0 if paginate_by is None else not qs.exists()
            if is_empty:
                raise Http404(_("No %(verbose_name_plural)s available") % {
                    'verbose_name_plural': force_text(qs.model._meta.verbose_name_plural)

        return qs 
Example #22
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_date_list(self, queryset, date_type=None, ordering='ASC'):
        Get a date list by calling `queryset.dates/datetimes()`, checking
        along the way for empty lists that aren't allowed.
        date_field = self.get_date_field()
        allow_empty = self.get_allow_empty()
        if date_type is None:
            date_type = self.get_date_list_period()

        if self.uses_datetime_field:
            date_list = queryset.datetimes(date_field, date_type, ordering)
            date_list = queryset.dates(date_field, date_type, ordering)
        if date_list is not None and not date_list and not allow_empty:
            name = force_text(queryset.model._meta.verbose_name_plural)
            raise Http404(_("No %(verbose_name_plural)s available") %
                          {'verbose_name_plural': name})

        return date_list 
Example #23
Source File:    From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def export_marks(request, course_slug, activity_slug):
    Export JSON marking data
    course = get_object_or_404(CourseOffering, slug=course_slug)
    acts = all_activities_filter(course, slug=activity_slug)
    if len(acts) != 1:
        raise Http404('No such Activity.')
    activity = acts[0]
    data = _mark_export_data(activity)
    response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/json')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename="%s-%s.json"' % (course.slug, activity.slug)
    json.dump({'marks': data}, response, cls=_DecimalEncoder, indent=1)
    return response 
Example #24
Source File:    From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def mark_all_students(request, course_slug, activity_slug):
    Mark the whole class (by student).  Calls numeric/letter view as appropriate.
    course = get_object_or_404(CourseOffering, slug = course_slug)
    acts = all_activities_filter(course, slug=activity_slug)
    if len(acts) != 1:
        raise Http404('No such Activity.')
    activity = acts[0]
    if isinstance(activity, NumericActivity):
        return _mark_all_students_numeric(request, course, activity)
    elif isinstance(activity, LetterActivity):
        return _mark_all_students_letter(request, course, activity)
        raise Http404('Unknown activity type.') 
Example #25
Source File:    From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def mark_all_groups(request, course_slug, activity_slug):
    Mark the whole class (by group).  Calls numeric/letter view as appropriate.
    course = get_object_or_404(CourseOffering, slug = course_slug)
    acts = all_activities_filter(course, slug=activity_slug)
    if len(acts) != 1:
        raise Http404('No such Activity.')
    activity = acts[0]
    if isinstance(activity, NumericActivity):
        return _mark_all_groups_numeric(request, course, activity)
    elif isinstance(activity, LetterActivity):
        return _mark_all_groups_letter(request, course, activity)
        raise Http404('Unknown activity type.') 
Example #26
Source File:    From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def reopen_submission(request, form_slug, formsubmit_slug):
    # The wording here is tricky.  The _formsubmission_find_and_authz method only returns "is_advisor" if you are
    # *only* an advisor, but not in the form group that owns the form.  If you are in the form group, is_advisor is
    # false, and form_submission will be the instance we want to work on.
    form_submission, is_advisor = _formsubmission_find_and_authz(request, form_slug, formsubmit_slug)
    if not form_submission:
        raise Http404
    # Therefore, if you're not a supervisor and you had a form_submission returned, you're in the form group and
    # can re-open it.
    can_reopen = not is_advisor and form_submission.status == 'DONE'
    if can_reopen and request.method == 'POST':
        messages.success(request, "Form re-opened")
        l = LogEntry(userid=request.user.username,
                     description=("Re-opened Form Submission %s") % form_submission,
        messages.error(request, "The form could no be re-opened.  Perhaps it was already re-opened, or you do not "
                                "have permission to perform this action.")
    return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('onlineforms:view_submission', kwargs={'form_slug': form_slug,
                                                                               'formsubmit_slug': formsubmit_slug})) 
Example #27
Source File:    From kobo-predict with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
            fsform = FieldSightXF.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs.get('form_pk'))
        except FieldSightXF.DoesNotExist:
            raise Http404("No Responces matches the given query.")
        if is None:
            return queryset.filter(site_id=self.kwargs.get('site_pk'), project_fxf_id=self.kwargs.get('form_pk')).order_by('-date')
        return queryset.filter(site_id=self.kwargs.get('site_pk'), site_fxf_id=self.kwargs.get('form_pk')).order_by('-date') 
Example #28
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_year(self):
        Return the year for which this view should display data.
        year = self.year
        if year is None:
                year = self.kwargs['year']
            except KeyError:
                    year = self.request.GET['year']
                except KeyError:
                    raise Http404(_("No year specified"))
        return year 
Example #29
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_object(self, queryset=None):
        Returns the object the view is displaying.

        By default this requires `self.queryset` and a `pk` or `slug` argument
        in the URLconf, but subclasses can override this to return any object.
        # Use a custom queryset if provided; this is required for subclasses
        # like DateDetailView
        if queryset is None:
            queryset = self.get_queryset()

        # Next, try looking up by primary key.
        pk = self.kwargs.get(self.pk_url_kwarg, None)
        slug = self.kwargs.get(self.slug_url_kwarg, None)
        if pk is not None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(pk=pk)

        # Next, try looking up by slug.
        if slug is not None and (pk is None or self.query_pk_and_slug):
            slug_field = self.get_slug_field()
            queryset = queryset.filter(**{slug_field: slug})

        # If none of those are defined, it's an error.
        if pk is None and slug is None:
            raise AttributeError("Generic detail view %s must be called with "
                                 "either an object pk or a slug."
                                 % self.__class__.__name__)

            # Get the single item from the filtered queryset
            obj = queryset.get()
        except queryset.model.DoesNotExist:
            raise Http404(_("No %(verbose_name)s found matching the query") %
                          {'verbose_name': queryset.model._meta.verbose_name})
        return obj 
Example #30
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_month(self):
        Return the month for which this view should display data.
        month = self.month
        if month is None:
                month = self.kwargs['month']
            except KeyError:
                    month = self.request.GET['month']
                except KeyError:
                    raise Http404(_("No month specified"))
        return month