Python struct.Struct() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of struct.Struct(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module struct , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From poc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 7 votes vote down vote up
def send_dbman_msg(self, opcode, msg):
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        sock.connect((self.target_ip, self.dbman_port))

        encodedMsg = encoder.encode(msg, defMode=True)
        msgLen = len(encodedMsg)
        values = (opcode, msgLen, encodedMsg)
        s = struct.Struct(">ii%ds" % msgLen)
        packed_data = s.pack(*values)


        res = sock.recv(1024)
        if res is not None:
            print "Received 10002 response..."
Example #2
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        A state machine that handles the functionality needed to create and transmit a message
        self.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 20  #TBD
        self.MAX_MSG_DATA_LENGTH = 18  #TDB
        self.STATE_IDLE = 0
        self.STATE_INIT = 1
        self.STATE_FRAGMENT = 2
        self.STATE_TX = 3
        #Frame Types
        self.MSG_START = 255
        self.MSG_DATA = 254
        self.MSG_END = 253
        self.list_packets = []
        #Frame Definitions
        self.pkt_datagram_frame = struct.Struct('1B 19s')
        self.pkt_start = struct.Struct('9s 3B')
        self.pkt_data = struct.Struct('2B 18s')
        self.pkt_end = struct.Struct('1B') 
Example #3
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        The message application object contains all the functions, definitions, and state machines needed to implement
        a bare-bones text message application using the Faraday command application "experimental RF Packet Forward"
        # Identification Variables
        self.local_device_callsign = 'kb1lqc'
        self.local_device_node_id = 1
        # Initialize objects
        self.faraday_Rx = faradaybasicproxyio.proxyio()
        self.faraday_Rx_SM = MsgStateMachineRx()
        # Initialize variables
        # Frame Definitions (Should be combined later with TX?)
        self.pkt_datagram_frame = struct.Struct('1B 41s')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_start = struct.Struct('9s 3B')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_data = struct.Struct('2B 39s')  # Variable  Data Length
        self.pkt_end = struct.Struct('1B')  # Fixed 
Example #4
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        A state machine that handles the functionality needed to create and transmit a message
        # Constants
        self.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 40  # TBD
        self.MAX_MSG_DATA_LENGTH = 38  # TDB
        # States
        self.STATE_IDLE = 0
        self.STATE_INIT = 1
        self.STATE_FRAGMENT = 2
        self.STATE_TX = 3
        # Frame Types
        self.MSG_START = 255
        self.MSG_DATA = 254
        self.MSG_END = 253
        # Variables
        self.list_packets = []
        # Frame Definitions
        self.pkt_datagram_frame = struct.Struct('1B 40s')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_start = struct.Struct('9s 3B')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_data = struct.Struct('2B 38s')  # Variable  Data Length
        self.pkt_end = struct.Struct('1B')  # Fixed 
Example #5
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        The message application object contains all the functions, definitions, and state machines needed to implement
        a bare-bones text message application using the Faraday command application "experimental RF Packet Forward"
        # Identification Variables
        self.local_device_callsign = 'kb1lqc'
        self.local_device_node_id = 1
        # Initialize objects
        self.faraday_Rx = faradaybasicproxyio.proxyio()
        self.faraday_Rx_SM = MsgStateMachineRx()
        # Initialize variables
        # Frame Definitions (Should be combined later with TX?)
        self.pkt_datagram_frame = struct.Struct('1B 41s')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_start = struct.Struct('9s 3B')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_data = struct.Struct('2B 39s')  # Variable  Data Length
        self.pkt_end = struct.Struct('1B')  # Fixed 
Example #6
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        A state machine that handles the functionality needed to create and transmit a message
        # Constants
        self.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 40  # TBD
        self.MAX_MSG_DATA_LENGTH = 38  # TDB
        # States
        self.STATE_IDLE = 0
        self.STATE_INIT = 1
        self.STATE_FRAGMENT = 2
        self.STATE_TX = 3
        # Frame Types
        self.MSG_START = 255
        self.MSG_DATA = 254
        self.MSG_END = 253
        # Variables
        self.list_packets = []
        # Frame Definitions
        self.pkt_datagram_frame = struct.Struct('1B 40s')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_start = struct.Struct('9s 3B')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_data = struct.Struct('2B 38s')  # Variable  Data Length
        self.pkt_end = struct.Struct('1B')  # Fixed 
Example #7
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        A state machine that handles the functionality needed to create and transmit a message
        # Constants
        self.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 40  # TBD
        self.MAX_MSG_DATA_LENGTH = 38  # TDB
        # States
        self.STATE_IDLE = 0
        self.STATE_INIT = 1
        self.STATE_FRAGMENT = 2
        self.STATE_TX = 3
        # Frame Types
        self.MSG_START = 255
        self.MSG_DATA = 254
        self.MSG_END = 253
        # Variables
        self.list_packets = []
        # Frame Definitions
        self.pkt_datagram_frame = struct.Struct('1B 40s')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_start = struct.Struct('9s 3B')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_data = struct.Struct('2B 38s')  # Variable  Data Length
        self.pkt_end = struct.Struct('1B')  # Fixed 
Example #8
Source File:    From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def go(fhs):
  fmt = None
  with open(opt_vocab, 'w') as vocab_out:
    with open(opt_output, 'w') as vecs_out:
      for lines in izip(*fhs):
        parts = [line.split() for line in lines]
        token = parts[0][0]
        if any(part[0] != token for part in parts[1:]):
          raise IOError('vector files must be aligned')

        print >> vocab_out, token

        vec = [sum(float(x) for x in xs) for xs in zip(*parts)[1:]]
        if not fmt:
          fmt = struct.Struct('%df' % len(vec))

Example #9
Source File:    From aiozk with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def parse(cls, buff, offset):
        Given a buffer and offset, returns the parsed value and new offset.

        Parses the ``size_primitive`` first to determine how many more bytes to
        consume to extract the value.
        size, offset = cls.size_primitive.parse(buff, offset)
        if size == -1:
            return None, offset

        var_struct = struct.Struct("!%ds" % size)

        value = var_struct.unpack_from(buff, offset)[0]
        value = cls.parse_value(value)
        offset += var_struct.size

        return value, offset 
Example #10
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def create_update_rf_frequency_packet(frequency_mhz):
    This function generates the command packet that updates the Faraday CC430 radio frequency.

    :param frequency_mhz: The frequency in MHz as an Integer or Float.

    :Return: A completed packet (string of bytes)

    freq_list = create_freq_list(float(frequency_mhz))
    packet_struct = struct.Struct('3B')
    packet = packet_struct.pack(freq_list[0], freq_list[1], freq_list[2])
    return packet

## Command = Change CC430 PATable Settings
## ucharPATable_Setting = Byte that is places into the PA Table
Example #11
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def create_local_telem_update_packet():
    A predefined command packet generator that provides a payload for the local telemetry update command.

    :Return: A completed packet

    .. todo:: This should be deprecated into a single "dummy" payload function
    packet_struct = struct.Struct('>B')
    packet = packet_struct.pack(255)
    return packet

## Command = Send RF Data Now
Example #12
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def create_rf_telem_update_packet():
    A predefined command packet generator that provides a payload for the RF telemetry update command.

    :Return: A completed packet

    .. todo:: This should be deprecated into a single "dummy" payload function
    packet_struct = struct.Struct('>B')
    packet = packet_struct.pack(255)
    return packet

## Command = Update RF frequency
Example #13
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def CreatePacketMsgExperimental(msg_cmd, dest_callsign, dest_device_id, data_len, data):
    This function creates the command packet expected by the command application routine that forwards a supplied payload over RF to a remote Faraday device. This is a very useful yet simple and un-optimized method of sending abritray data from one unit to another.

    :param dest_callsign: The callsign of the target Faraday unit
    :param dest_device_id: The device ID number of the target Faraday unit
    :param data_len: The length in bytes of the data payload supplied
    :param data: The data payload to be sent to the remote Faraday device over RF

    :Return: A completed packet (string of bytes)

    .. note: The data payload length cannot be larger than the maximum transmissible unit. Also, data only needs to be a string of bytes so both strings and packed binary data are acceptable.

    :Example: Creates an experiement message packet that sends "Testing" to the remote unit.

        >>> CreatePacketMsgExperimental(0, "KB1LQD", 1, 7, "Testing")

    packet_struct = struct.Struct('1B9s2B42s')
    packet = packet_struct.pack(msg_cmd, str(dest_callsign).upper(), dest_device_id, data_len, data)
    return packet 
Example #14
Source File:    From kobo-predict with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _85encode(b, chars, chars2, pad=False, foldnuls=False, foldspaces=False):
    # Helper function for a85encode and b85encode
    if not isinstance(b, bytes_types):
        b = memoryview(b).tobytes()

    padding = (-len(b)) % 4
    if padding:
        b = b + b'\0' * padding
    words = struct.Struct('!%dI' % (len(b) // 4)).unpack(b)

    chunks = [b'z' if foldnuls and not word else
              b'y' if foldspaces and word == 0x20202020 else
              (chars2[word // 614125] +
               chars2[word // 85 % 7225] +
               chars[word % 85])
              for word in words]

    if padding and not pad:
        if chunks[-1] == b'z':
            chunks[-1] = chars[0] * 5
        chunks[-1] = chunks[-1][:-padding]

    return b''.join(chunks) 
Example #15
Source File:    From ontology-python-sdk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def push_vm_param(self, param):
        if isinstance(param, bytearray) or isinstance(param, bytes):
        elif isinstance(param, str):
        elif isinstance(param, bool):
        elif isinstance(param, int):
        elif isinstance(param, dict):
        elif isinstance(param, list):
        elif isinstance(param, Struct):
        elif isinstance(param, Address):
        elif isinstance(param, Account):
            raise SDKException(ErrorCode.other_error('parameter type is error')) 
Example #16
Source File:    From aumfor with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, base, config, layered = False, **kwargs):
        addrspace.BaseAddressSpace.__init__(self, base, config, **kwargs)
        self.as_assert(base == None or layered, 'Must be first Address Space')
        self.as_assert(config.LOCATION.startswith("file://"), 'Location is not of file scheme')

        path = urllib.url2pathname(config.LOCATION[7:])
        self.as_assert(os.path.exists(path), 'Filename must be specified and exist') = os.path.abspath(path)
        self.fname =
        self.mode = 'rb'
        if config.WRITE:
            self.mode += '+'
        self.fhandle = open(self.fname, self.mode), 2)
        self.fsize = self.fhandle.tell()
        self._long_struct = struct.Struct("=I")

    # Abstract Classes cannot register options, and since this checks config.WRITE in __init__, we define the option here 
Example #17
Source File:    From CoAPthon3 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_option_flags(option_num):
        Get Critical, UnSafe, NoCacheKey flags from the option number
        as per RFC 7252, section 5.4.6

        :param option_num: option number
        :return: option flags
        :rtype: 3-tuple (critical, unsafe, no-cache)
        opt_bytes = array.array('B', '\0\0')
        if option_num < 256:
            s = struct.Struct("!B")
            s.pack_into(opt_bytes, 0, option_num)
            s = struct.Struct("H")
            s.pack_into(opt_bytes, 0, option_num)
        critical = (opt_bytes[0] & 0x01) > 0
        unsafe = (opt_bytes[0] & 0x02) > 0
        nocache = ((opt_bytes[0] & 0x1e) == 0x1c)
        return (critical, unsafe, nocache) 
Example #18
Source File:    From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def go(fhs):
  fmt = None
  with open(opt_vocab, 'w') as vocab_out:
    with open(opt_output, 'w') as vecs_out:
      for lines in izip(*fhs):
        parts = [line.split() for line in lines]
        token = parts[0][0]
        if any(part[0] != token for part in parts[1:]):
          raise IOError('vector files must be aligned')

        print >> vocab_out, token

        vec = [sum(float(x) for x in xs) for xs in zip(*parts)[1:]]
        if not fmt:
          fmt = struct.Struct('%df' % len(vec))

Example #19
Source File:    From CoAPthon3 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def read_option_value_from_nibble(nibble, pos, values):
        Calculates the value used in the extended option fields.

        :param nibble: the 4-bit option header value.
        :return: the value calculated from the nibble and the extended option value.
        if nibble <= 12:
            return nibble, pos
        elif nibble == 13:
            tmp = struct.unpack("!B", values[pos].to_bytes(1, "big"))[0] + 13
            pos += 1
            return tmp, pos
        elif nibble == 14:
            s = struct.Struct("!H")
            tmp = s.unpack_from(values[pos:].to_bytes(2, "big"))[0] + 269
            pos += 2
            return tmp, pos
            raise AttributeError("Unsupported option nibble " + str(nibble)) 
Example #20
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        The message application object contains all the functions, definitions, and state machines needed to implement
        a bare-bones text message application using the Faraday command application "experimental RF Packet Forward"
        # Identification Variables
        self.local_device_callsign = 'kb1lqc'
        self.local_device_node_id = 1
        # Initialize objects
        self.faraday_Rx = faradaybasicproxyio.proxyio()
        self.faraday_Rx_SM = MsgStateMachineRx()
        # Initialize variables
        # Frame Definitions (Should be combined later with TX?)
        self.pkt_datagram_frame = struct.Struct('1B 41s')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_start = struct.Struct('9s 3B')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_data = struct.Struct('2B 39s')  # Variable  Data Length
        self.pkt_end = struct.Struct('1B')  # Fixed 
Example #21
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        A state machine that handles the functionality needed to create and transmit a message
        # Constants
        self.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 40  # TBD
        self.MAX_MSG_DATA_LENGTH = 38  # TDB
        # States
        self.STATE_IDLE = 0
        self.STATE_INIT = 1
        self.STATE_FRAGMENT = 2
        self.STATE_TX = 3
        # Frame Types
        self.MSG_START = 255
        self.MSG_DATA = 254
        self.MSG_END = 253
        # Variables
        self.list_packets = []
        # Frame Definitions
        self.pkt_datagram_frame = struct.Struct('1B 40s')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_start = struct.Struct('9s 3B')  # Fixed
        self.pkt_data = struct.Struct('2B 38s')  # Variable  Data Length
        self.pkt_end = struct.Struct('1B')  # Fixed 
Example #22
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, input_channel, serial_physical_obj):
        #Initialize class variables
        self.rx_packet_queue = Queue.Queue()
        self.rx_data_payload_queue = Queue.Queue()
        self.logic_startbyte_received = False
        self.logic_escapebyte_received = False
        self.logic_stopbyte_received = False
        self.receiver_class = Receiver_Datalink_Device_State_Parser_Class(input_channel, serial_physical_obj)
        self.enable_flag = True
        self.max_payload_size = 6
        self.datalink_packet_format = 'c' + str(self.max_payload_size) + 'c' + 'c'
        self.reconstruct_data = ''
        self.timer_interval = 5
        self.timer = threading.Timer(self.timer_interval, self.timer_trip)
        self.datalink_packet_struct = struct.Struct('BBB125s')

        self.start()  #Starts the run() function and thread 
Example #23
Source File:    From Faraday-Software with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def create_update_rf_patable_packet(ucharPATable_Setting):
    This function generates the command packet that updates the Faraday CC430 RF power setting.

    .. note:: A setting of 152 is the maximum output power, any number higher than 152 will be sent as a value of 152.

    :param ucharPATable_Setting: The RF power table register setting byte for the CC430.

    :Return: A completed packet (string of bytes)

    packet_struct = struct.Struct('1B')
    packet = packet_struct.pack(ucharPATable_Setting)
    return packet

## Command = RESET device debug Flash
## Note: Not payload packet needed, returing 1 byte of 0 just for placeholder
Example #24
Source File:    From buttersink with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, *fields, **keyArgs):
        """ Initialize. """
        (names, formats, types) = unzip([self._parseDefinition(*f) for f in fields])

        self._Tuple = collections.namedtuple("StructureTuple", names)

        self._fmt = "".join(formats)
        self._packed = keyArgs.get('packed', True)
        self._struct = struct.Struct("=" + self._fmt if self._packed else self._fmt)

        self._types = collections.OrderedDict(zip(names, types)) 
Example #25
Source File:    From aiokafka with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def parse(cls, data: bytes, _schema=struct.Struct(">HH")):
        version, type_ = _schema.unpack_from(data)
        return cls(version, type_) 
Example #26
Source File:    From CoAPthon3 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def read_option_value_len_from_byte(byte, pos, values):
        Calculates the value and length used in the extended option fields.

        :param byte: 1-byte option header value.
        :return: the value and length, calculated from the header including the extended fields.
        h_nibble = (byte & 0xF0) >> 4
        l_nibble = byte & 0x0F
        value = 0
        length = 0
        if h_nibble <= 12:
            value = h_nibble
        elif h_nibble == 13:
            value = struct.unpack("!B", values[pos].to_bytes(1, "big"))[0] + 13
            pos += 1
        elif h_nibble == 14:
            s = struct.Struct("!H")
            value = s.unpack_from(values[pos:].to_bytes(2, "big"))[0] + 269
            pos += 2
            raise AttributeError("Unsupported option number nibble " + str(h_nibble))

        if l_nibble <= 12:
            length = l_nibble
        elif l_nibble == 13:
            length = struct.unpack("!B", values[pos].to_bytes(1, "big"))[0] + 13
            pos += 1
        elif l_nibble == 14:
            length = s.unpack_from(values[pos:].to_bytes(2, "big"))[0] + 269
            pos += 2
            raise AttributeError("Unsupported option length nibble " + str(l_nibble))
        return value, length, pos 
Example #27
Source File:    From satori with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def read_struct(self, fmt):
        s = struct.Struct(fmt)
        result = s.unpack_from(self._data, self._position)
        self._position += s.size
        return result 
Example #28
Source File:    From debin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, name, endianity, format):
        if endianity not in (">", "<", "="):
            raise ValueError("endianity must be be '=', '<', or '>'",
        if len(format) != 1:
            raise ValueError("must specify one and only one format char")
        self.packer = Packer(endianity + format)
        StaticField.__init__(self, name, self.packer.size) 
Example #29
Source File:    From debin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __setstate__(self, attrs):
        attrs["packer"] = Packer(attrs["packer"])
        return StaticField.__setstate__(attrs) 
Example #30
Source File:    From fuzzdb-collect with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def skip_server_handshake(sock, timeout):
    end_time = time.time() + timeout
    hs_struct = struct.Struct(b'!BBH')
    for i in range(0, 5):
        record, error = read_record(sock, timeout)
        timeout = end_time - time.time()
        if not record:
            raise Failure('Unexpected server handshake! ' + str(error))

        content_type, sslver_num, fragment = record
        if content_type != 22:
            raise Failure('Expected handshake type, got ' + str(content_type))

        sslver = '{0:02x} {1:02x}'.format(sslver_num >> 8, sslver_num & 0xFF)

        off = 0
        # Records may consist of multiple handshake messages
        while off + hs_struct.size <= len(fragment):
            hs_type, len_high, len_low = hs_struct.unpack_from(fragment, off)
            if off + len_low > len(fragment):
                raise Failure('Illegal handshake length!')
            off += hs_struct.size + len_low

            # Server handshake is complete after ServerHelloDone
            if hs_type == 14:
                # Ready to check for vulnerability
                return sslver

    raise Failure('Too many handshake messages')