Python Examples

The following are 7 code examples of You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module dask.array , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From satpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_writer_results(results):
    """Compute all the given dask graphs `results` so that the files are saved.

        results (iterable): Iterable of dask graphs resulting from calls to
                            `scn.save_datasets(..., compute=False)`
    if not results:

    sources, targets, delayeds = split_results(results)

    # one or more writers have targets that we need to close in the future
    if targets:
        delayeds.append(, targets, compute=False))

    if delayeds:

    if targets:
        for target in targets:
            if hasattr(target, 'close'):
Example #2
Source File:    From satpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def save_dataset(self, dataset, filename=None, fill_value=None,
                     compute=True, **kwargs):
        """Save the ``dataset`` to a given ``filename``.

        This method must be overloaded by the subclass.

            dataset (xarray.DataArray): Dataset to save using this writer.
            filename (str): Optionally specify the filename to save this
                            dataset to. If not provided then `filename`
                            which can be provided to the init method will be
                            used and formatted by dataset attributes.
            fill_value (int or float): Replace invalid values in the dataset
                                       with this fill value if applicable to
                                       this writer.
            compute (bool): If `True` (default), compute and save the dataset.
                            If `False` return either a :doc:`dask:delayed`
                            object or tuple of (source, target). See the
                            return values below for more information.
            **kwargs: Other keyword arguments for this particular writer.

            Value returned depends on `compute`. If `compute` is `True` then
            the return value is the result of computing a
            :doc:`dask:delayed` object or running :func:``.
            If `compute` is `False` then the returned value is either a
            :doc:`dask:delayed` object that can be computed using
            `delayed.compute()` or a tuple of (source, target) that should be
            passed to :func:``. If target is provided the the
            caller is responsible for calling `target.close()` if the target
            has this method.

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Writer '%s' has not implemented dataset saving" % (, )) 
Example #3
Source File:    From satpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def save_image(self, img, filename=None, compute=True, **kwargs):
        """Save Image object to a given ``filename``.

            img (trollimage.xrimage.XRImage): Image object to save to disk.
            filename (str): Optionally specify the filename to save this
                            dataset to. It may include string formatting
                            patterns that will be filled in by dataset
            compute (bool): If `True` (default), compute and save the dataset.
                            If `False` return either a :doc:`dask:delayed`
                            object or tuple of (source, target). See the
                            return values below for more information.
            **kwargs: Other keyword arguments to pass to this writer.

            Value returned depends on `compute`. If `compute` is `True` then
            the return value is the result of computing a
            :doc:`dask:delayed` object or running :func:``.
            If `compute` is `False` then the returned value is either a
            :doc:`dask:delayed` object that can be computed using
            `delayed.compute()` or a tuple of (source, target) that should be
            passed to :func:``. If target is provided the the
            caller is responsible for calling `target.close()` if the target
            has this method.

        raise NotImplementedError("Writer '%s' has not implemented image saving" % (,)) 
Example #4
Source File:    From satpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _generate_tile_info(self):
        """Get numbered tile metadata."""
        x = self.x
        y = self.y
        ts = self.tile_shape
        tc = self.tile_count

        if self._tile_cache:
            for tile_info in self._tile_cache:
                yield tile_info

        for ty in range(tc[0]):
            for tx in range(tc[1]):
                tile_id = self._tile_identifier(ty, tx)
                tile_row_offset = ty * ts[0]
                tile_column_offset = tx * ts[1]

                # store tile data to an intermediate array
                # the tile may be larger than the remaining data, handle that:
                max_row_idx = min((ty + 1) * ts[0], self._rows) - (ty * ts[0])
                max_col_idx = min((tx + 1) * ts[1], self._cols) - (tx * ts[1])
                tile_slices = (slice(0, max_row_idx), slice(0, max_col_idx))
                data_slices = (slice(ty * ts[0], (ty + 1) * ts[0]),
                               slice(tx * ts[1], (tx + 1) * ts[1]))

                tmp_x = x[data_slices[1]]
                tmp_y = y[data_slices[0]]

                tile_info = TileInfo(
                    tc, self.image_shape, ts,
                    tile_row_offset, tile_column_offset, tile_id,
                    tmp_x, tmp_y, tile_slices, data_slices)
                yield tile_info 
Example #5
Source File:    From dask-rasterio with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def write_raster(path, array, **kwargs):
    """Write a dask array to a raster file

    If array is 2d, write array on band 1.
    If array is 3d, write data on each band

        path {string} -- path of raster to write
        array {dask.array.Array} -- band array
        kwargs {dict} -- keyword arguments to delegate to

        # Write a single band raster
        >> red_band = read_raster_band("test.tif", band=1)
        >> write_raster("new.tif", red_band)

        # Write a multiband raster
        >> img = read_raster("test.tif")
        >> new_img = process(img)
        >> write_raster("new.tif", new_img)

    if len(array.shape) != 2 and len(array.shape) != 3:
        raise TypeError('invalid shape (must be either 2d or 3d)')

    if is_dask_collection(array):
        with RasterioDataset(path, 'w', **kwargs) as dst:
  , dst, lock=True)
        with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst:
            if len(array.shape) == 2:
                dst.write(array, 1)
Example #6
Source File:    From gbdxtools with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def to_geotiff(arr, path='./output.tif', proj=None, spec=None, bands=None, **kwargs):
    ''' Write out a geotiff file of the image

        path (str): path to write the geotiff file to, default is ./output.tif
        proj (str): EPSG string of projection to reproject to
        spec (str): if set to 'rgb', write out color-balanced 8-bit RGB tif
        bands (list): list of bands to export. If spec='rgb' will default to RGB bands
        str: path the geotiff was written to'''
    assert has_rasterio, "To create geotiff images please install rasterio" 

        img_md = arr.rda.metadata["image"]
        x_size = img_md["tileXSize"]
        y_size = img_md["tileYSize"]
    except (AttributeError, KeyError):
        x_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", 256)
        y_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", 256)

        tfm = kwargs['transform'] if 'transform' in kwargs else arr.affine
        tfm = None

    dtype = if != 'int8' else 'uint8' 

    if spec is not None and spec.lower() == 'rgb':
        assert arr.options.get('dra'), 'To write RGB geotiffs, create your image option with `dra=True`'
        if bands is None:
            bands = arr._rgb_bands
        arr = arr[bands,...].astype(np.uint8)
        dtype = 'uint8'
        if bands is not None:
            arr = arr[bands,...]
    meta = {
        'width': arr.shape[2],
        'height': arr.shape[1],
        'count': arr.shape[0],
        'dtype': dtype,
        'driver': 'GTiff',
        'transform': tfm
    if proj is not None:
        meta["crs"] = {'init': proj}

    if "tiled" in kwargs and kwargs["tiled"]:
        meta.update(blockxsize=x_size, blockysize=y_size, tiled="yes")

    with, "w", **meta) as dst:
        writer = rio_writer(dst)
        result = store(arr, writer, compute=False)
    return path 
Example #7
Source File:    From satpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def save_datasets(self, datasets, compute=True, **kwargs):
        """Save all datasets to one or more files.

        Subclasses can use this method to save all datasets to one single
        file or optimize the writing of individual datasets. By default
        this simply calls `save_dataset` for each dataset provided.

            datasets (iterable): Iterable of `xarray.DataArray` objects to
                                 save using this writer.
            compute (bool): If `True` (default), compute all of the saves to
                            disk. If `False` then the return value is either
                            a :doc:`dask:delayed` object or two lists to
                            be passed to a :func:`` call.
                            See return values below for more details.
            **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to `save_dataset`. See that
                      documentation for more details.

            Value returned depends on `compute` keyword argument. If
            `compute` is `True` the value is the result of a either a
            :func:`` operation or a :doc:`dask:delayed`
            compute, typically this is `None`. If `compute` is `False` then
            the result is either a :doc:`dask:delayed` object that can be
            computed with `delayed.compute()` or a two element tuple of
            sources and targets to be passed to :func:``. If
            `targets` is provided then it is the caller's responsibility to
            close any objects that have a "close" method.

        results = []
        for ds in datasets:
            results.append(self.save_dataset(ds, compute=False, **kwargs))

        if compute:
  "Computing and writing results...")
            return compute_writer_results([results])

        targets, sources, delayeds = split_results([results])
        if delayeds:
            # This writer had only delayed writes
            return delayeds
            return targets, sources