Python skimage.feature.register_translation() Examples

The following are 6 code examples of skimage.feature.register_translation(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module skimage.feature , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _conventional_xc(exp_disc, sim_disc, upsample_factor):
    """Takes two images of disc and finds the shift between them using
    conventional (phase) cross correlation.

    exp_disc : np.array()
        A numpy array of the "experimental" disc
    sim_disc : np.array()
        A numpy array of the disc used as a template
    upsample_factor: int (must be even)
        Factor to upsample by, reciprocal of the subpixel resolution
        (eg 10 ==> 1/10th of a pixel)

        Pixel shifts required to register the two images


    shifts, error, _ = register_translation(exp_disc, sim_disc, upsample_factor)
    shifts = np.flip(shifts)  # to comply with hyperspy conventions - see issue#490
    return shifts 
Example #2
Source File:    From scikit-ued with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def itrack_peak(images, row_slice=None, col_slice=None, precision=1 / 10):
    Generator function that tracks a diffraction peak in a stream of images.
    images : iterable of array-like
        Iterable of diffraction images. This function also supports generators.
    row_slice : slice or None, optional
        Slice object for which image rows to use. If None (default), all rows are used. 
    col_slice : slice or None, optional
        Slice object for which image columns to use. If None (default), all columns are used.
    precision : float, optional
        Precision of the tracking in pixels. A precision of 1/10 (default) means that
        the tracking will be precise up to 1/10 of a pixel.
    shift : `~numpy.ndarray`, shape (2,)
        [row, col] shifts of the peak with respect to the position of this peak
        in the first image.
    if row_slice is None:
        row_slice = np.s_[:]

    if col_slice is None:
        col_slice = np.s_[:]

    first = next(images)

    # The shift between the first image and itself needs not
    # be computed!
    yield np.array((0.0, 0.0))

    ref = np.array(first[row_slice, col_slice], copy=True)
    sub = np.empty_like(ref)

    for image in images:
        sub[:] = image[row_slice, col_slice]
        shift, *_ = register_translation(ref, sub, upsample_factor=int(1 / precision))
        yield np.asarray(shift) 
Example #3
Source File:    From kaggle-heart with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def align_images(data):

    imageshifts = np.zeros((numslices,2))

    # calculate image shifts
    for idx in range(numslices):
        if idx == 0:
            image = np.mean(data[idx-1]['data'],0)
            offset_image = np.mean(data[idx]['data'],0)

            ## shifts in pixel precision for speed
            shift, error, diffphase = register_translation(image, offset_image)
            imageshifts[idx,:] = imageshifts[idx-1,:] + shift

    # apply image shifts
    for idx in range(numslices):
        non = lambda s: s if s<0 else None
        mom = lambda s: max(0,s)
        padded = np.zeros_like(data[idx]['data'])
        oy, ox = imageshifts[idx,:]
        padded[:,mom(oy):non(oy), mom(ox):non(ox)] = data[idx]['data'][:,mom(-oy):non(-oy), mom(-ox):non(-ox)]
        #tform=SimilarityTransform(translation = imageshifts[idx,:])
        #for idx2 in range(data[idx]['data'].shape[0]):
        #    tformed = warp(data[idx]['data'][idx2,:,:], inverse_map = tform)
        #    data[idx]['data'][idx2,:,:]= tformed

    return data 
Example #4
Source File:    From VIP with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _shift_dft(array_rec, array, frnum, upsample_factor, interpolation, imlib):
    function used in recenter_dft_unsampling
    shift_yx, _, _ = register_translation(array_rec[0], array[frnum],
    y_i, x_i = shift_yx
    array_rec_i = frame_shift(array[frnum], shift_y=y_i, shift_x=x_i,
                              imlib=imlib, interpolation=interpolation)
    return y_i, x_i, array_rec_i 
Example #5
Source File:    From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def find_beam_offset_cross_correlation(z, radius_start, radius_finish):
    """Find the offset of the direct beam from the image center by a cross-correlation algorithm.
    The shift is calculated relative to an circle perimeter. The circle can be
    refined across a range of radii during the centring procedure to improve
    performance in regions where the direct beam size changes,
    e.g. during sample thickness variation.

    radius_start : int
        The lower bound for the radius of the central disc to be used in the
    radius_finish : int
        The upper bounds for the radius of the central disc to be used in the

    shift: np.array
        np.array containing offset (from center) of the direct beam positon.
    radiusList = np.arange(radius_start, radius_finish)
    errRecord = np.zeros_like(radiusList, dtype="single")
    origin = np.array(
        [[round(np.size(z, axis=-2) / 2), round(np.size(z, axis=-1) / 2)]]

    for ind in np.arange(0, np.size(radiusList)):
        radius = radiusList[ind]
        ref = reference_circle(origin, np.size(z, axis=-2), np.size(z, axis=-1), radius)
        h0 = np.hanning(np.size(ref, 0))
        h1 = np.hanning(np.size(ref, 1))
        hann2d = np.sqrt(np.outer(h0, h1))
        ref = hann2d * ref
        im = hann2d * z
        shift, error, diffphase = register_translation(ref, im, 10)
        errRecord[ind] = error
        index_min = np.argmin(errRecord)

    ref = reference_circle(
        origin, np.size(z, axis=-2), np.size(z, axis=-1), radiusList[index_min]
    h0 = np.hanning(np.size(ref, 0))
    h1 = np.hanning(np.size(ref, 1))
    hann2d = np.sqrt(np.outer(h0, h1))
    ref = hann2d * ref
    im = hann2d * z
    shift, error, diffphase = register_translation(ref, im, 100)

    return shift - 0.5 
Example #6
Source File:    From starfish with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def run(self, stack: ImageStack, verbose: bool=False, *args) -> TransformsList:
        Iterate over the given axes of an ImageStack and learn the translation transform
        based off the reference_stack passed into :py:class:`Translation`'s constructor.
        Only supports 2d data.

        stack : ImageStack
            Stack to calculate the transforms on.
        verbose : bool
            if True, report on transformation progress (default = False)

        List[Tuple[Mapping[Axes, int], SimilarityTransform]] :
            A list of tuples containing axes of the Imagestack and associated
            transform to apply.

        transforms = TransformsList()
        reference_image = np.squeeze(self.reference_stack.xarray)
        for a in stack.axis_labels(self.axes):
            target_image = np.squeeze(stack.sel({self.axes: a}).xarray)
            if len(target_image.shape) != 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Only axes: {self.axes.value} can have a length > 1, "
                    f"please use the MaxProj filter."

            shift, error, phasediff = register_translation(src_image=target_image,
            if verbose:
                print(f"For {self.axes}: {a}, Shift: {shift}, Error: {error}")
            selectors = {self.axes: a}
            # reverse shift because SimilarityTransform stores in y,x format
            shift = shift[::-1]

        return transforms