Python datetime.time.microsecond() Examples

The following are 14 code examples of datetime.time.microsecond(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module datetime.time , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _partial_date_slice(self, reso, parsed, use_lhs=True, use_rhs=True):
        is_monotonic = self.is_monotonic
        if (is_monotonic and reso in ['day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'] and
                self._resolution >= Resolution.get_reso(reso)):
            # These resolution/monotonicity validations came from GH3931,
            # GH3452 and GH2369.

            # See also GH14826
            raise KeyError

        if reso == 'microsecond':
            # _partial_date_slice doesn't allow microsecond resolution, but
            # _parsed_string_to_bounds allows it.
            raise KeyError

        t1, t2 = self._parsed_string_to_bounds(reso, parsed)
        stamps = self.asi8

        if is_monotonic:

            # we are out of range
            if (len(stamps) and ((use_lhs and t1.value < stamps[0] and
                                  t2.value < stamps[0]) or
                                 ((use_rhs and t1.value > stamps[-1] and
                                   t2.value > stamps[-1])))):
                raise KeyError

            # a monotonic (sorted) series can be sliced
            left = stamps.searchsorted(
                t1.value, side='left') if use_lhs else None
            right = stamps.searchsorted(
                t2.value, side='right') if use_rhs else None

            return slice(left, right)

        lhs_mask = (stamps >= t1.value) if use_lhs else True
        rhs_mask = (stamps <= t2.value) if use_rhs else True

        # try to find a the dates
        return (lhs_mask & rhs_mask).nonzero()[0] 
Example #2
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _partial_date_slice(self, reso, parsed, use_lhs=True, use_rhs=True):
        is_monotonic = self.is_monotonic
        if (is_monotonic and reso in ['day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'] and
                self._resolution >= Resolution.get_reso(reso)):
            # These resolution/monotonicity validations came from GH3931,
            # GH3452 and GH2369.

            # See also GH14826
            raise KeyError

        if reso == 'microsecond':
            # _partial_date_slice doesn't allow microsecond resolution, but
            # _parsed_string_to_bounds allows it.
            raise KeyError

        t1, t2 = self._parsed_string_to_bounds(reso, parsed)
        stamps = self.asi8

        if is_monotonic:

            # we are out of range
            if (len(stamps) and ((use_lhs and t1.value < stamps[0] and
                                  t2.value < stamps[0]) or
                                 ((use_rhs and t1.value > stamps[-1] and
                                   t2.value > stamps[-1])))):
                raise KeyError

            # a monotonic (sorted) series can be sliced
            left = stamps.searchsorted(
                t1.value, side='left') if use_lhs else None
            right = stamps.searchsorted(
                t2.value, side='right') if use_rhs else None

            return slice(left, right)

        lhs_mask = (stamps >= t1.value) if use_lhs else True
        rhs_mask = (stamps <= t2.value) if use_rhs else True

        # try to find a the dates
        return (lhs_mask & rhs_mask).nonzero()[0] 
Example #3
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def to_julian_date(self):
        Convert DatetimeIndex to Float64Index of Julian Dates.
        0 Julian date is noon January 1, 4713 BC.

        year = np.asarray(self.year)
        month = np.asarray(self.month)
        day = np.asarray(
        testarr = month < 3
        year[testarr] -= 1
        month[testarr] += 12
        return Float64Index(day +
                            np.fix((153 * month - 457) / 5) +
                            365 * year +
                            np.floor(year / 4) -
                            np.floor(year / 100) +
                            np.floor(year / 400) +
                            1721118.5 +
                            (self.hour +
                             self.minute / 60.0 +
                             self.second / 3600.0 +
                             self.microsecond / 3600.0 / 1e+6 +
                             self.nanosecond / 3600.0 / 1e+9
                             ) / 24.0) 
Example #4
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def resolution(self):
        Returns day, hour, minute, second, or microsecond
        reso = self._resolution
        return get_reso_string(reso) 
Example #5
Source File:    From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _partial_date_slice(self, reso, parsed, use_lhs=True, use_rhs=True):
        is_monotonic = self.is_monotonic
        if (is_monotonic and reso in ['day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'] and
                self._resolution >= Resolution.get_reso(reso)):
            # These resolution/monotonicity validations came from GH3931,
            # GH3452 and GH2369.

            # See also GH14826
            raise KeyError

        if reso == 'microsecond':
            # _partial_date_slice doesn't allow microsecond resolution, but
            # _parsed_string_to_bounds allows it.
            raise KeyError

        t1, t2 = self._parsed_string_to_bounds(reso, parsed)
        stamps = self.asi8

        if is_monotonic:

            # we are out of range
            if (len(stamps) and ((use_lhs and t1.value < stamps[0] and
                                  t2.value < stamps[0]) or
                                 ((use_rhs and t1.value > stamps[-1] and
                                   t2.value > stamps[-1])))):
                raise KeyError

            # a monotonic (sorted) series can be sliced
            left = stamps.searchsorted(
                t1.value, side='left') if use_lhs else None
            right = stamps.searchsorted(
                t2.value, side='right') if use_rhs else None

            return slice(left, right)

        lhs_mask = (stamps >= t1.value) if use_lhs else True
        rhs_mask = (stamps <= t2.value) if use_rhs else True

        # try to find a the dates
        return (lhs_mask & rhs_mask).nonzero()[0] 
Example #6
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _partial_date_slice(self, reso, parsed, use_lhs=True, use_rhs=True):
        is_monotonic = self.is_monotonic
        if (is_monotonic and reso in ['day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'] and
                self._resolution >= Resolution.get_reso(reso)):
            # These resolution/monotonicity validations came from GH3931,
            # GH3452 and GH2369.

            # See also GH14826
            raise KeyError

        if reso == 'microsecond':
            # _partial_date_slice doesn't allow microsecond resolution, but
            # _parsed_string_to_bounds allows it.
            raise KeyError

        t1, t2 = self._parsed_string_to_bounds(reso, parsed)
        stamps = self.asi8

        if is_monotonic:

            # we are out of range
            if (len(stamps) and ((use_lhs and t1.value < stamps[0] and
                                  t2.value < stamps[0]) or
                                 ((use_rhs and t1.value > stamps[-1] and
                                   t2.value > stamps[-1])))):
                raise KeyError

            # a monotonic (sorted) series can be sliced
            left = stamps.searchsorted(
                t1.value, side='left') if use_lhs else None
            right = stamps.searchsorted(
                t2.value, side='right') if use_rhs else None

            return slice(left, right)

        lhs_mask = (stamps >= t1.value) if use_lhs else True
        rhs_mask = (stamps <= t2.value) if use_rhs else True

        # try to find a the dates
        return (lhs_mask & rhs_mask).nonzero()[0] 
Example #7
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def to_julian_date(self):
        Convert DatetimeIndex to Float64Index of Julian Dates.
        0 Julian date is noon January 1, 4713 BC.

        year = np.asarray(self.year)
        month = np.asarray(self.month)
        day = np.asarray(
        testarr = month < 3
        year[testarr] -= 1
        month[testarr] += 12
        return Float64Index(day +
                            np.fix((153 * month - 457) / 5) +
                            365 * year +
                            np.floor(year / 4) -
                            np.floor(year / 100) +
                            np.floor(year / 400) +
                            1721118.5 +
                            (self.hour +
                             self.minute / 60.0 +
                             self.second / 3600.0 +
                             self.microsecond / 3600.0 / 1e+6 +
                             self.nanosecond / 3600.0 / 1e+9
                             ) / 24.0) 
Example #8
Source File:    From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _partial_date_slice(self, reso, parsed, use_lhs=True, use_rhs=True):
        is_monotonic = self.is_monotonic
        if (is_monotonic and reso in ['day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'] and
                self._resolution >= Resolution.get_reso(reso)):
            # These resolution/monotonicity validations came from GH3931,
            # GH3452 and GH2369.

            # See also GH14826
            raise KeyError

        if reso == 'microsecond':
            # _partial_date_slice doesn't allow microsecond resolution, but
            # _parsed_string_to_bounds allows it.
            raise KeyError

        t1, t2 = self._parsed_string_to_bounds(reso, parsed)
        stamps = self.asi8

        if is_monotonic:

            # we are out of range
            if (len(stamps) and ((use_lhs and t1.value < stamps[0] and
                                  t2.value < stamps[0]) or
                                 ((use_rhs and t1.value > stamps[-1] and
                                   t2.value > stamps[-1])))):
                raise KeyError

            # a monotonic (sorted) series can be sliced
            left = stamps.searchsorted(
                t1.value, side='left') if use_lhs else None
            right = stamps.searchsorted(
                t2.value, side='right') if use_rhs else None

            return slice(left, right)

        lhs_mask = (stamps >= t1.value) if use_lhs else True
        rhs_mask = (stamps <= t2.value) if use_rhs else True

        # try to find a the dates
        return (lhs_mask & rhs_mask).nonzero()[0] 
Example #9
Source File:    From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def to_julian_date(self):
        Convert DatetimeIndex to Float64Index of Julian Dates.
        0 Julian date is noon January 1, 4713 BC.

        year = np.asarray(self.year)
        month = np.asarray(self.month)
        day = np.asarray(
        testarr = month < 3
        year[testarr] -= 1
        month[testarr] += 12
        return Float64Index(day +
                            np.fix((153 * month - 457) / 5) +
                            365 * year +
                            np.floor(year / 4) -
                            np.floor(year / 100) +
                            np.floor(year / 400) +
                            1721118.5 +
                            (self.hour +
                             self.minute / 60.0 +
                             self.second / 3600.0 +
                             self.microsecond / 3600.0 / 1e+6 +
                             self.nanosecond / 3600.0 / 1e+9
                             ) / 24.0) 
Example #10
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def slice_indexer(self, start=None, end=None, step=None, kind=None):
        Return indexer for specified label slice.
        Index.slice_indexer, customized to handle time slicing.

        In addition to functionality provided by Index.slice_indexer, does the

        - if both `start` and `end` are instances of `datetime.time`, it
          invokes `indexer_between_time`
        - if `start` and `end` are both either string or None perform
          value-based selection in non-monotonic cases.

        # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex supports slices between two
        # instances of datetime.time as if it were applying a slice mask to
        # an array of (self.hour, self.minute, self.seconds, self.microsecond).
        if isinstance(start, time) and isinstance(end, time):
            if step is not None and step != 1:
                raise ValueError('Must have step size of 1 with time slices')
            return self.indexer_between_time(start, end)

        if isinstance(start, time) or isinstance(end, time):
            raise KeyError('Cannot mix time and non-time slice keys')

            return Index.slice_indexer(self, start, end, step, kind=kind)
        except KeyError:
            # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex by default supports
            # value-based partial (aka string) slices on non-monotonic arrays,
            # let's try that.
            if ((start is None or isinstance(start, compat.string_types)) and
                    (end is None or isinstance(end, compat.string_types))):
                mask = True
                if start is not None:
                    start_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        start, 'left', kind)
                    mask = start_casted <= self

                if end is not None:
                    end_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        end, 'right', kind)
                    mask = (self <= end_casted) & mask

                indexer = mask.nonzero()[0][::step]
                if len(indexer) == len(self):
                    return slice(None)
                    return indexer

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Wrapping DatetimeArray

    # Compat for frequency inference, see GH#23789 
Example #11
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def slice_indexer(self, start=None, end=None, step=None, kind=None):
        Return indexer for specified label slice.
        Index.slice_indexer, customized to handle time slicing.

        In addition to functionality provided by Index.slice_indexer, does the

        - if both `start` and `end` are instances of `datetime.time`, it
          invokes `indexer_between_time`
        - if `start` and `end` are both either string or None perform
          value-based selection in non-monotonic cases.

        # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex supports slices between two
        # instances of datetime.time as if it were applying a slice mask to
        # an array of (self.hour, self.minute, self.seconds, self.microsecond).
        if isinstance(start, time) and isinstance(end, time):
            if step is not None and step != 1:
                raise ValueError('Must have step size of 1 with time slices')
            return self.indexer_between_time(start, end)

        if isinstance(start, time) or isinstance(end, time):
            raise KeyError('Cannot mix time and non-time slice keys')

            return Index.slice_indexer(self, start, end, step, kind=kind)
        except KeyError:
            # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex by default supports
            # value-based partial (aka string) slices on non-monotonic arrays,
            # let's try that.
            if ((start is None or isinstance(start, compat.string_types)) and
                    (end is None or isinstance(end, compat.string_types))):
                mask = True
                if start is not None:
                    start_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        start, 'left', kind)
                    mask = start_casted <= self

                if end is not None:
                    end_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        end, 'right', kind)
                    mask = (self <= end_casted) & mask

                indexer = mask.nonzero()[0][::step]
                if len(indexer) == len(self):
                    return slice(None)
                    return indexer
Example #12
Source File:    From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def slice_indexer(self, start=None, end=None, step=None, kind=None):
        Return indexer for specified label slice.
        Index.slice_indexer, customized to handle time slicing.

        In addition to functionality provided by Index.slice_indexer, does the

        - if both `start` and `end` are instances of `datetime.time`, it
          invokes `indexer_between_time`
        - if `start` and `end` are both either string or None perform
          value-based selection in non-monotonic cases.

        # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex supports slices between two
        # instances of datetime.time as if it were applying a slice mask to
        # an array of (self.hour, self.minute, self.seconds, self.microsecond).
        if isinstance(start, time) and isinstance(end, time):
            if step is not None and step != 1:
                raise ValueError('Must have step size of 1 with time slices')
            return self.indexer_between_time(start, end)

        if isinstance(start, time) or isinstance(end, time):
            raise KeyError('Cannot mix time and non-time slice keys')

            return Index.slice_indexer(self, start, end, step, kind=kind)
        except KeyError:
            # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex by default supports
            # value-based partial (aka string) slices on non-monotonic arrays,
            # let's try that.
            if ((start is None or isinstance(start, compat.string_types)) and
                    (end is None or isinstance(end, compat.string_types))):
                mask = True
                if start is not None:
                    start_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        start, 'left', kind)
                    mask = start_casted <= self

                if end is not None:
                    end_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        end, 'right', kind)
                    mask = (self <= end_casted) & mask

                indexer = mask.nonzero()[0][::step]
                if len(indexer) == len(self):
                    return slice(None)
                    return indexer

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Wrapping DatetimeArray

    # Compat for frequency inference, see GH#23789 
Example #13
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def slice_indexer(self, start=None, end=None, step=None, kind=None):
        Return indexer for specified label slice.
        Index.slice_indexer, customized to handle time slicing.

        In addition to functionality provided by Index.slice_indexer, does the

        - if both `start` and `end` are instances of `datetime.time`, it
          invokes `indexer_between_time`
        - if `start` and `end` are both either string or None perform
          value-based selection in non-monotonic cases.

        # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex supports slices between two
        # instances of datetime.time as if it were applying a slice mask to
        # an array of (self.hour, self.minute, self.seconds, self.microsecond).
        if isinstance(start, time) and isinstance(end, time):
            if step is not None and step != 1:
                raise ValueError('Must have step size of 1 with time slices')
            return self.indexer_between_time(start, end)

        if isinstance(start, time) or isinstance(end, time):
            raise KeyError('Cannot mix time and non-time slice keys')

            return Index.slice_indexer(self, start, end, step, kind=kind)
        except KeyError:
            # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex by default supports
            # value-based partial (aka string) slices on non-monotonic arrays,
            # let's try that.
            if ((start is None or isinstance(start, compat.string_types)) and
                    (end is None or isinstance(end, compat.string_types))):
                mask = True
                if start is not None:
                    start_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        start, 'left', kind)
                    mask = start_casted <= self

                if end is not None:
                    end_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        end, 'right', kind)
                    mask = (self <= end_casted) & mask

                indexer = mask.nonzero()[0][::step]
                if len(indexer) == len(self):
                    return slice(None)
                    return indexer

    # alias to offset 
Example #14
Source File:    From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def slice_indexer(self, start=None, end=None, step=None, kind=None):
        Return indexer for specified label slice.
        Index.slice_indexer, customized to handle time slicing.

        In addition to functionality provided by Index.slice_indexer, does the

        - if both `start` and `end` are instances of `datetime.time`, it
          invokes `indexer_between_time`
        - if `start` and `end` are both either string or None perform
          value-based selection in non-monotonic cases.

        # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex supports slices between two
        # instances of datetime.time as if it were applying a slice mask to
        # an array of (self.hour, self.minute, self.seconds, self.microsecond).
        if isinstance(start, time) and isinstance(end, time):
            if step is not None and step != 1:
                raise ValueError('Must have step size of 1 with time slices')
            return self.indexer_between_time(start, end)

        if isinstance(start, time) or isinstance(end, time):
            raise KeyError('Cannot mix time and non-time slice keys')

            return Index.slice_indexer(self, start, end, step, kind=kind)
        except KeyError:
            # For historical reasons DatetimeIndex by default supports
            # value-based partial (aka string) slices on non-monotonic arrays,
            # let's try that.
            if ((start is None or isinstance(start, compat.string_types)) and
                    (end is None or isinstance(end, compat.string_types))):
                mask = True
                if start is not None:
                    start_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        start, 'left', kind)
                    mask = start_casted <= self

                if end is not None:
                    end_casted = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(
                        end, 'right', kind)
                    mask = (self <= end_casted) & mask

                indexer = mask.nonzero()[0][::step]
                if len(indexer) == len(self):
                    return slice(None)
                    return indexer

    # alias to offset