Python PySide2.QtCore() Examples

The following are 6 code examples of PySide2.QtCore(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module PySide2 , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From mgear_core with MIT License 8 votes vote down vote up
def qt_import(shi=False, cui=False):
    import pyside/pyQt

        multi: QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets, wrapInstance

    lookup = ["PySide2", "PySide", "PyQt4"]

    preferredBinding = os.environ.get("MGEAR_PYTHON_QT_BINDING", None)
    if preferredBinding is not None and preferredBinding in lookup:
        lookup.insert(0, preferredBinding)

    for binding in lookup:
            return _qt_import(binding, shi, cui)
        except Exception:

    raise _qt_import("ThisBindingSurelyDoesNotExist", False, False) 
Example #2
Source File:    From mgear_core with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _qt_import(binding, shi=False, cui=False):
    QtGui = None
    QtCore = None
    QtWidgets = None
    wrapInstance = None

    if binding == "PySide2":
        from PySide2 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
        import shiboken2 as shiboken
        from shiboken2 import wrapInstance
        from pyside2uic import compileUi

    elif binding == "PySide":
        from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
        import PySide.QtGui as QtWidgets
        import shiboken
        from shiboken import wrapInstance
        from pysideuic import compileUi

    elif binding == "PyQt4":
        from PyQt4 import QtGui
        from PyQt4 import QtCore
        import PyQt4.QtGui as QtWidgets
        from sip import wrapinstance as wrapInstance
        from PyQt4.uic import compileUi
        print("Warning: 'shiboken' is not supported in 'PyQt4' Qt binding")
        shiboken = None

        raise Exception("Unsupported python Qt binding '%s'" % binding)

    rv = [QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets, wrapInstance]
    if shi:
    if cui:
    return rv 
Example #3
Source File:    From mGui with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _pyside2_as_qt_object(widget):
    from PySide2.QtCore import QObject
    from PySide2.QtWidgets import QWidget
    from PySide2 import QtWidgets
    from shiboken2 import wrapInstance
    if hasattr(widget, '__qt_object__'):
        return widget.__qt_object__
    ptr = _find_widget_ptr(widget)
    qobject = wrapInstance(long(ptr), QObject)
    meta = qobject.metaObject()
    _class = meta.className()
    _super = meta.superClass().className()
    qclass = getattr(QtWidgets, _class, getattr(QtWidgets, _super, QWidget))
    return wrapInstance(long(ptr), qclass) 
Example #4
Source File:    From mGui with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _pyside_as_qt_object(widget):
    from PySide.QtCore import QObject
    from PySide.QtGui import QWidget
    from PySide import QtGui
    from shiboken import wrapInstance
    if hasattr(widget, '__qt_object__'):
        return widget.__qt_object__
    ptr = _find_widget_ptr(widget)
    qobject = wrapInstance(long(ptr), QObject)
    meta = qobject.metaObject()
    _class = meta.className()
    _super = meta.superClass().className()
    qclass = getattr(QtGui, _class, getattr(QtGui, _super, QWidget))
    return wrapInstance(long(ptr), qclass) 
Example #5
Source File:    From Librian with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def check_versions():
    print("[] CEF Python {ver}".format(ver=cef.__version__))
    print("[] Python {ver} {arch}".format(
        ver=platform.python_version(), arch=platform.architecture()[0]))
    print("[] PySide2 {v1} (qt {v2})".format(v1=PySide2.__version__,
    # CEF Python version requirement
    assert cef.__version__ >= "55.4", "CEF Python v55.4+ required to run this" 
Example #6
Source File:    From SciHubEVA with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        super(SciHubEVADialog, self).__init__()

        self._conf = Configuration((CONF_DIR / 'SciHubEVA.conf').resolve().as_posix())
        self._qt_quick_controls2_conf = Configuration(
            (CONF_DIR / 'qtquickcontrols2.conf').resolve().as_posix(), space_around_delimiters=False)

        self._engine = QQmlApplicationEngine()
        self._engine.rootContext().setContextProperty('PYTHON_VERSION', '.'.join(str(v) for v in sys.version_info[:3]))
        self._engine.rootContext().setContextProperty('QT_VERSION', PySide2.QtCore.qVersion())
        self._window = self._engine.rootObjects()[0]

        self._theme ='theme')

        self._scihub_preferences = PreferencesDialog(self, self._conf, self._qt_quick_controls2_conf)
        self._scihub_captcha = CaptchaDialog(self, log=self.log)
        self._captcha_query = None

        self._input = None
        save_to_dir = self._conf.get('common', 'save_to_dir')
        if not save_to_dir or save_to_dir.strip() == '':
            self._save_to_dir = None
            self._save_to_dir = save_to_dir

        self._query_list = None
        self._query_list_length = 0

        self._captcha_img_file_path = None

        self._logger = logging.getLogger('SciHubEVA')

        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
        log_file_name_prefix = str(get_log_directory() / 'SciHubEVA.log')
        handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(filename=log_file_name_prefix, when='D')


        self._h2t = html2text.HTML2Text()
        self._h2t.ignore_links = True