Python volatility.win32.tasks.find_space() Examples

The following are 14 code examples of volatility.win32.tasks.find_space(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module volatility.win32.tasks , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From aumfor with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def render_text(self, outfd, data):
        if self._config.DUMP_DIR == None:
            debug.error("Please specify a dump directory (--dump-dir)")
        if not os.path.isdir(self._config.DUMP_DIR):
            debug.error(self._config.DUMP_DIR + " is not a directory")

        self.table_header(outfd, [("Module Base", "[addrpad]"),
                           ("Module Name", "20"),
                           ("Result", "")])

        for addr_space, procs, mod_base, mod_name in data:
            space = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, mod_base)
            if space == None:
                result = "Error: Cannot acquire AS"
                dump_file = "driver.{0:x}.sys".format(mod_base)
                result = self.dump_pe(space, mod_base, dump_file)
            self.table_row(outfd, mod_base, mod_name, result) 
Example #2
Source File:    From volatility with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def render_text(self, outfd, data):
        if self._config.DUMP_DIR == None:
            debug.error("Please specify a dump directory (--dump-dir)")
        if not os.path.isdir(self._config.DUMP_DIR):
            debug.error(self._config.DUMP_DIR + " is not a directory")

        self.table_header(outfd, [("Module Base", "[addrpad]"),
                           ("Module Name", "20"),
                           ("Result", "")])

        for addr_space, procs, mod_base, mod_name in data:
            space = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, mod_base)
            if space == None:
                result = "Error: Cannot acquire AS"
                dump_file = "driver.{0:x}.sys".format(mod_base)
                result = self.dump_pe(space, mod_base, dump_file)
            self.table_row(outfd, mod_base, mod_name, result) 
Example #3
Source File:    From DAMM with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def render_text(self, outfd, data):
        if self._config.DUMP_DIR == None:
            debug.error("Please specify a dump directory (--dump-dir)")
        if not os.path.isdir(self._config.DUMP_DIR):
            debug.error(self._config.DUMP_DIR + " is not a directory")

        self.table_header(outfd, [("Module Base", "[addrpad]"),
                           ("Module Name", "20"),
                           ("Result", "")])

        for addr_space, procs, mod_base, mod_name in data:
            space = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, mod_base)
            if space == None:
                result = "Error: Cannot acquire AS"
                dump_file = "driver.{0:x}.sys".format(mod_base)
                result = self.dump_pe(space, mod_base, dump_file)
            self.table_row(outfd, mod_base, mod_name, result) 
Example #4
Source File:    From volatility with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def render_text(self, outfd, data):
        if self._config.DUMP_DIR == None:
            debug.error("Please specify a dump directory (--dump-dir)")
        if not os.path.isdir(self._config.DUMP_DIR):
            debug.error(self._config.DUMP_DIR + " is not a directory")

        self.table_header(outfd, [("Module Base", "[addrpad]"),
                           ("Module Name", "20"),
                           ("Result", "")])

        for addr_space, procs, mod_base, mod_name in data:
            space = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, mod_base)
            if space == None:
                result = "Error: Cannot acquire AS"
                dump_file = "driver.{0:x}.sys".format(mod_base)
                result = self.dump_pe(space, mod_base, dump_file)
            self.table_row(outfd, mod_base, mod_name, result) 
Example #5
Source File:    From aumfor with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def generator(self, data):
        for addr_space, procs, mod_base, mod_name in data:
            space = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, mod_base)
            if space == None:
                result = "Error: Cannot acquire AS"
                dump_file = "driver.{0:x}.sys".format(mod_base)
                result = self.dump_pe(space, mod_base, dump_file)
            yield (0, [Address(mod_base),
Example #6
Source File:    From volatility with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def generator(self, data):
        for addr_space, procs, mod_base, mod_name in data:
            space = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, mod_base)
            if space == None:
                result = "Error: Cannot acquire AS"
                dump_file = "driver.{0:x}.sys".format(mod_base)
                result = self.dump_pe(space, mod_base, dump_file)
            yield (0, [Address(mod_base),
Example #7
Source File:    From vortessence with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def generator(self, data):
        for addr_space, procs, mod_base, mod_name in data:
            space = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, mod_base)
            if space == None:
                result = "Error: Cannot acquire AS"
                dump_file = "driver.{0:x}.sys".format(mod_base)
                result = self.dump_pe(space, mod_base, dump_file)
            yield (0, [Address(mod_base),
Example #8
Source File:    From openioc_scan with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_data(self):
        base_address = self.kmod.DllBase
        size_to_read = self.kmod.SizeOfImage
        data = ""
        mod_filepath = os.path.join(g_cache_path, 'kmod_0x{0:x}'.format(self.kmod.DllBase)) + '.sys'

        if os.path.exists(mod_filepath):
            with open(mod_filepath, 'rb') as f:
                data =
            if not size_to_read:
                pefile = obj.Object("_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER",
                                    offset = base_address,
                                    vm = self.kernel_space)
                    nt_header = pefile.get_nt_header()
                    size_to_read = nt_header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage
                except ValueError:
                if not size_to_read:
                    debug.warning('cannot get size info (kernel module name={0} base=0x{1:x})'.format(str(self.kmod.BaseDllName  or ''), self.kmod.DllBase))

            procs = list(tasks.pslist(self.kernel_space))
            kernel_space = tasks.find_space(self.kernel_space, procs, base_address) # for some GUI drivers (e.g., win32k.sys)
            if not kernel_space:
                debug.warning('Cannot read supplied address (kernel module name={0} base=0x{1:x})'.format(str(self.kmod.BaseDllName  or ''), self.kmod.DllBase))
                data = kernel_space.zread(base_address, size_to_read)
            with open(mod_filepath, 'wb') as f:

        return base_address, size_to_read, data

    # based on impscan 
Example #9
Source File:    From aumfor with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def calculate(self):
        addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config)

        ## Get a sorted list of module addresses
        mods = dict((addr_space.address_mask(mod.DllBase), mod) for mod in modules.lsmod(addr_space))
        mod_addrs = sorted(mods.keys())

        ssdts = set()

        if addr_space.profile.metadata.get('memory_model', '32bit') == '32bit':
            # Gather up all SSDTs referenced by threads
            print "[x86] Gathering all referenced SSDTs from KTHREADs..."
            for proc in tasks.pslist(addr_space):
                for thread in proc.ThreadListHead.list_of_type("_ETHREAD", "ThreadListEntry"):
                    ssdt_obj = thread.Tcb.ServiceTable.dereference_as('_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE')
            print "[x64] Gathering all referenced SSDTs from KeAddSystemServiceTable..."
            # The NT module always loads first 
            ntos = list(modules.lsmod(addr_space))[0]
            func_rva = ntos.getprocaddress("KeAddSystemServiceTable")
            if func_rva == None:
                raise StopIteration("Cannot locate KeAddSystemServiceTable")
            KeAddSystemServiceTable = ntos.DllBase + func_rva
            for table_rva in find_tables(KeAddSystemServiceTable, addr_space):
                ssdt_obj = obj.Object("_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE", ntos.DllBase + table_rva, addr_space)

        # Get a list of *unique* SSDT entries. Typically we see only two.
        tables = set()

        for ssdt_obj in ssdts:
            for i, desc in enumerate(ssdt_obj.Descriptors):
                # Apply some extra checks - KiServiceTable should reside in kernel memory and ServiceLimit 
                # should be greater than 0 but not unbelievably high
                if not desc.is_valid() or desc.ServiceLimit <= 0 or desc.ServiceLimit >= 0xFFFF or desc.KiServiceTable <= 0x80000000:
                    tables.add((i, desc.KiServiceTable.v(), desc.ServiceLimit.v()))

        print "Finding appropriate address space for tables..."
        tables_with_vm = []
        procs = list(tasks.pslist(addr_space))
        for idx, table, n in tables:
            vm = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, table)
            if vm:
                tables_with_vm.append((idx, table, n, vm))
                debug.debug("[SSDT not resident at 0x{0:08X}]\n".format(table))

        for idx, table, n, vm in sorted(tables_with_vm, key = itemgetter(0)):
            yield idx, table, n, vm, mods, mod_addrs 
Example #10
Source File:    From volatility with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def calculate(self):
        addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config)

        ## Get a sorted list of module addresses
        mods = dict((addr_space.address_mask(mod.DllBase), mod) for mod in modules.lsmod(addr_space))
        mod_addrs = sorted(mods.keys())

        ssdts = set()

        if addr_space.profile.metadata.get('memory_model', '32bit') == '32bit':
            # Gather up all SSDTs referenced by threads
            print "[x86] Gathering all referenced SSDTs from KTHREADs..."
            for proc in tasks.pslist(addr_space):
                for thread in proc.ThreadListHead.list_of_type("_ETHREAD", "ThreadListEntry"):
                    ssdt_obj = thread.Tcb.ServiceTable.dereference_as('_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE')
            print "[x64] Gathering all referenced SSDTs from KeAddSystemServiceTable..."
            # The NT module always loads first 
            ntos = list(modules.lsmod(addr_space))[0]
            func_rva = ntos.getprocaddress("KeAddSystemServiceTable")
            if func_rva == None:
                raise StopIteration("Cannot locate KeAddSystemServiceTable")
            KeAddSystemServiceTable = ntos.DllBase + func_rva
            for table_addr in find_tables(ntos.DllBase, KeAddSystemServiceTable, addr_space):
                ssdt_obj = obj.Object("_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE", table_addr, addr_space)

        # Get a list of *unique* SSDT entries. Typically we see only two.
        tables = set()

        for ssdt_obj in ssdts:
            for i, desc in enumerate(ssdt_obj.Descriptors):
                # Apply some extra checks - KiServiceTable should reside in kernel memory and ServiceLimit 
                # should be greater than 0 but not unbelievably high
                if not desc.is_valid() or desc.ServiceLimit <= 0 or desc.ServiceLimit >= 2048 or desc.KiServiceTable <= 0x80000000:
                    tables.add((i, desc.KiServiceTable.v(), desc.ServiceLimit.v()))

        print "Finding appropriate address space for tables..."
        tables_with_vm = []
        procs = list(tasks.pslist(addr_space))
        for idx, table, n in tables:
            vm = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, table)
            if vm:
                tables_with_vm.append((idx, table, n, vm))
                debug.debug("[SSDT not resident at 0x{0:08X}]\n".format(table))

        for idx, table, n, vm in sorted(tables_with_vm, key = itemgetter(0)):
            yield idx, table, n, vm, mods, mod_addrs 
Example #11
Source File:    From vortessence with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def calculate(self):
        addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config)

        ## Get a sorted list of module addresses
        mods = dict((addr_space.address_mask(mod.DllBase), mod) for mod in modules.lsmod(addr_space))
        mod_addrs = sorted(mods.keys())

        ssdts = set()

        if addr_space.profile.metadata.get('memory_model', '32bit') == '32bit':
            # Gather up all SSDTs referenced by threads
            print "[x86] Gathering all referenced SSDTs from KTHREADs..."
            for proc in tasks.pslist(addr_space):
                for thread in proc.ThreadListHead.list_of_type("_ETHREAD", "ThreadListEntry"):
                    ssdt_obj = thread.Tcb.ServiceTable.dereference_as('_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE')
            print "[x64] Gathering all referenced SSDTs from KeAddSystemServiceTable..."
            # The NT module always loads first 
            ntos = list(modules.lsmod(addr_space))[0]
            func_rva = ntos.getprocaddress("KeAddSystemServiceTable")
            if func_rva == None:
                raise StopIteration("Cannot locate KeAddSystemServiceTable")
            KeAddSystemServiceTable = ntos.DllBase + func_rva
            for table_rva in find_tables(KeAddSystemServiceTable, addr_space):
                ssdt_obj = obj.Object("_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE", ntos.DllBase + table_rva, addr_space)

        # Get a list of *unique* SSDT entries. Typically we see only two.
        tables = set()

        for ssdt_obj in ssdts:
            for i, desc in enumerate(ssdt_obj.Descriptors):
                # Apply some extra checks - KiServiceTable should reside in kernel memory and ServiceLimit 
                # should be greater than 0 but not unbelievably high
                if desc.is_valid() and desc.ServiceLimit > 0 and desc.ServiceLimit < 0xFFFF and desc.KiServiceTable > 0x80000000:
                    tables.add((i, desc.KiServiceTable.v(), desc.ServiceLimit.v()))

        print "Finding appropriate address space for tables..."
        tables_with_vm = []
        procs = list(tasks.pslist(addr_space))
        for idx, table, n in tables:
            vm = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, table)
            if vm:
                tables_with_vm.append((idx, table, n, vm))
                debug.debug("[SSDT not resident at 0x{0:08X}]\n".format(table))

        for idx, table, n, vm in sorted(tables_with_vm, key = itemgetter(0)):
            yield idx, table, n, vm, mods, mod_addrs 
Example #12
Source File:    From DAMM with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def calculate(self):
        addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config)

        ## Get a sorted list of module addresses
        mods = dict((addr_space.address_mask(mod.DllBase), mod) for mod in modules.lsmod(addr_space))
        mod_addrs = sorted(mods.keys())

        ssdts = set()

        if addr_space.profile.metadata.get('memory_model', '32bit') == '32bit':
            # Gather up all SSDTs referenced by threads
            print "[x86] Gathering all referenced SSDTs from KTHREADs..."
            for proc in tasks.pslist(addr_space):
                for thread in proc.ThreadListHead.list_of_type("_ETHREAD", "ThreadListEntry"):
                    ssdt_obj = thread.Tcb.ServiceTable.dereference_as('_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE')
            print "[x64] Gathering all referenced SSDTs from KeAddSystemServiceTable..."
            # The NT module always loads first 
            ntos = list(modules.lsmod(addr_space))[0]
            func_rva = ntos.getprocaddress("KeAddSystemServiceTable")
            if func_rva == None:
                raise StopIteration("Cannot locate KeAddSystemServiceTable")
            KeAddSystemServiceTable = ntos.DllBase + func_rva
            for table_rva in find_tables(KeAddSystemServiceTable, addr_space):
                ssdt_obj = obj.Object("_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE", ntos.DllBase + table_rva, addr_space)

        # Get a list of *unique* SSDT entries. Typically we see only two.
        tables = set()

        for ssdt_obj in ssdts:
            for i, desc in enumerate(ssdt_obj.Descriptors):
                # Apply some extra checks - KiServiceTable should reside in kernel memory and ServiceLimit 
                # should be greater than 0 but not unbelievably high
                if desc.is_valid() and desc.ServiceLimit > 0 and desc.ServiceLimit < 0xFFFF and desc.KiServiceTable > 0x80000000:
                    tables.add((i, desc.KiServiceTable.v(), desc.ServiceLimit.v()))

        print "Finding appropriate address space for tables..."
        tables_with_vm = []
        procs = list(tasks.pslist(addr_space))
        for idx, table, n in tables:
            vm = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, table)
            if vm:
                tables_with_vm.append((idx, table, n, vm))
                debug.debug("[SSDT not resident at 0x{0:08X}]\n".format(table))

        for idx, table, n, vm in sorted(tables_with_vm, key = itemgetter(0)):
            yield idx, table, n, vm, mods, mod_addrs 
Example #13
Source File:    From openioc_scan with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def PEInfo_ImportedModules_Module_ImportedFunctions_string(self, content, condition, preserve_case):
        if not self.util.is_condition_string(condition):
            debug.error('{0} condition is not supported in DriverItem/PEInfo/ImportedModules/Module/ImportedFunctions/string'.format(condition))
            return False

        imp_funcs = []
        count = self.fetchone_from_db_by_base("kernel_mods_impfunc", "count(*)")
        if count > 0:
            imp_funcs = self.fetchall_from_db_by_base("kernel_mods_impfunc", "func_name")
  "[time-consuming task] extracting import functions... (kernel module name={0} base=0x{1:x})".format(str(self.kmod.BaseDllName  or ''), self.kmod.DllBase))
            records = []

            all_mods = list(win32.modules.lsmod(self.kernel_space))
            base_address, size_to_read, data = self.get_data()

            if data != '':
                apis = self.enum_apis(all_mods)
                procs = list(tasks.pslist(self.kernel_space))
                addr_space = tasks.find_space(self.kernel_space, procs, base_address) # for some GUI drivers (e.g., win32k.sys)

                calls_imported = dict(
                        (iat, call)
                        for (_, iat, call) in self.call_scan(addr_space, base_address, data)
                        if call in apis
                        calls_imported, apis, base_address, len(data),
                        forward = True)
                        calls_imported, apis, base_address, len(data),
                        forward = False)

                for iat, call in sorted(calls_imported.items()):
                    mod_name, func_name = self._original_import(str(apis[call][0].BaseDllName or ''), apis[call][1])
                    #records.append((self.kmod.DllBase.v(), iat, call, mod_name, func_name))
                    records.append((str(self.kmod.DllBase.v()), str(iat), str(call), mod_name, func_name))

            if len(records) == 0:
      'inserting marker "done"... (kernel module name={0} base=0x{1:x})'.format(str(self.kmod.BaseDllName  or ''), self.kmod.DllBase))
                records.append((str(self.kmod.DllBase.v()), 0, 0, 'marker_done', 'marker_done'))
            self.cur.executemany("insert or ignore into kernel_mods_impfunc values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", records)

        return self.util.check_strings(imp_funcs, content, condition, preserve_case) 
Example #14
Source File:    From volatility with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def calculate(self):
        addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config)

        ## Get a sorted list of module addresses
        mods = dict((addr_space.address_mask(mod.DllBase), mod) for mod in modules.lsmod(addr_space))
        mod_addrs = sorted(mods.keys())

        ssdts = set()

        if addr_space.profile.metadata.get('memory_model', '32bit') == '32bit':
            # Gather up all SSDTs referenced by threads
            print "[x86] Gathering all referenced SSDTs from KTHREADs..."
            for proc in tasks.pslist(addr_space):
                for thread in proc.ThreadListHead.list_of_type("_ETHREAD", "ThreadListEntry"):
                    ssdt_obj = thread.Tcb.ServiceTable.dereference_as('_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE')
            print "[x64] Gathering all referenced SSDTs from KeAddSystemServiceTable..."
            # The NT module always loads first 
            ntos = list(modules.lsmod(addr_space))[0]
            func_rva = ntos.getprocaddress("KeAddSystemServiceTable")
            if func_rva == None:
                raise StopIteration("Cannot locate KeAddSystemServiceTable")
            KeAddSystemServiceTable = ntos.DllBase + func_rva
            for table_rva in find_tables(KeAddSystemServiceTable, addr_space):
                ssdt_obj = obj.Object("_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE", ntos.DllBase + table_rva, addr_space)

        # Get a list of *unique* SSDT entries. Typically we see only two.
        tables = set()

        for ssdt_obj in ssdts:
            for i, desc in enumerate(ssdt_obj.Descriptors):
                # Apply some extra checks - KiServiceTable should reside in kernel memory and ServiceLimit 
                # should be greater than 0 but not unbelievably high
                if desc.is_valid() and desc.ServiceLimit > 0 and desc.ServiceLimit < 0xFFFF and desc.KiServiceTable > 0x80000000:
                    tables.add((i, desc.KiServiceTable.v(), desc.ServiceLimit.v()))

        print "Finding appropriate address space for tables..."
        tables_with_vm = []
        procs = list(tasks.pslist(addr_space))
        for idx, table, n in tables:
            vm = tasks.find_space(addr_space, procs, table)
            if vm:
                tables_with_vm.append((idx, table, n, vm))
                debug.debug("[SSDT not resident at 0x{0:08X}]\n".format(table))

        for idx, table, n, vm in sorted(tables_with_vm, key = itemgetter(0)):
            yield idx, table, n, vm, mods, mod_addrs