Python matplotlib.backends.qt_compat.QtWidgets.QApplication() Examples

The following are 8 code examples of matplotlib.backends.qt_compat.QtWidgets.QApplication(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module matplotlib.backends.qt_compat.QtWidgets , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fedit(data, title="", comment="", icon=None, parent=None, apply=None):
    Create form dialog and return result
    (if Cancel button is pressed, return None)

    data: datalist, datagroup
    title: string
    comment: string
    icon: QIcon instance
    parent: parent QWidget
    apply: apply callback (function)

    datalist: list/tuple of (field_name, field_value)
    datagroup: list/tuple of (datalist *or* datagroup, title, comment)

    -> one field for each member of a datalist
    -> one tab for each member of a top-level datagroup
    -> one page (of a multipage widget, each page can be selected with a combo
       box) for each member of a datagroup inside a datagroup

    Supported types for field_value:
      - int, float, str, unicode, bool
      - colors: in Qt-compatible text form, i.e. in hex format or name (red,...)
                (automatically detected from a string)
      - list/tuple:
          * the first element will be the selected index (or value)
          * the other elements can be couples (key, value) or only values

    # Create a QApplication instance if no instance currently exists
    # (e.g., if the module is used directly from the interpreter)
    if QtWidgets.QApplication.startingUp():
        _app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
    dialog = FormDialog(data, title, comment, icon, parent, apply)
    if dialog.exec_():
        return dialog.get() 
Example #2
Source File:    From neural-network-animation with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fedit(data, title="", comment="", icon=None, parent=None, apply=None):
    Create form dialog and return result
    (if Cancel button is pressed, return None)

    data: datalist, datagroup
    title: string
    comment: string
    icon: QIcon instance
    parent: parent QWidget
    apply: apply callback (function)

    datalist: list/tuple of (field_name, field_value)
    datagroup: list/tuple of (datalist *or* datagroup, title, comment)

    -> one field for each member of a datalist
    -> one tab for each member of a top-level datagroup
    -> one page (of a multipage widget, each page can be selected with a combo
       box) for each member of a datagroup inside a datagroup

    Supported types for field_value:
      - int, float, str, unicode, bool
      - colors: in Qt-compatible text form, i.e. in hex format or name (red,...)
                (automatically detected from a string)
      - list/tuple:
          * the first element will be the selected index (or value)
          * the other elements can be couples (key, value) or only values

    # Create a QApplication instance if no instance currently exists
    # (e.g., if the module is used directly from the interpreter)
    if QtWidgets.QApplication.startingUp():
        _app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
    dialog = FormDialog(data, title, comment, icon, parent, apply)
    if dialog.exec_():
        return dialog.get() 
Example #3
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fedit(data, title="", comment="", icon=None, parent=None, apply=None):
    Create form dialog and return result
    (if Cancel button is pressed, return None)

    data: datalist, datagroup
    title: string
    comment: string
    icon: QIcon instance
    parent: parent QWidget
    apply: apply callback (function)

    datalist: list/tuple of (field_name, field_value)
    datagroup: list/tuple of (datalist *or* datagroup, title, comment)

    -> one field for each member of a datalist
    -> one tab for each member of a top-level datagroup
    -> one page (of a multipage widget, each page can be selected with a combo
       box) for each member of a datagroup inside a datagroup

    Supported types for field_value:
      - int, float, str, unicode, bool
      - colors: in Qt-compatible text form, i.e. in hex format or name (red,...)
                (automatically detected from a string)
      - list/tuple:
          * the first element will be the selected index (or value)
          * the other elements can be couples (key, value) or only values

    # Create a QApplication instance if no instance currently exists
    # (e.g., if the module is used directly from the interpreter)
    if QtWidgets.QApplication.startingUp():
        _app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
    dialog = FormDialog(data, title, comment, icon, parent, apply)
    if dialog.exec_():
        return dialog.get() 
Example #4
Source File:    From python3_ios with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fedit(data, title="", comment="", icon=None, parent=None, apply=None):
    Create form dialog and return result
    (if Cancel button is pressed, return None)

    data: datalist, datagroup
    title: string
    comment: string
    icon: QIcon instance
    parent: parent QWidget
    apply: apply callback (function)

    datalist: list/tuple of (field_name, field_value)
    datagroup: list/tuple of (datalist *or* datagroup, title, comment)

    -> one field for each member of a datalist
    -> one tab for each member of a top-level datagroup
    -> one page (of a multipage widget, each page can be selected with a combo
       box) for each member of a datagroup inside a datagroup

    Supported types for field_value:
      - int, float, str, unicode, bool
      - colors: in Qt-compatible text form, i.e. in hex format or name (red,...)
                (automatically detected from a string)
      - list/tuple:
          * the first element will be the selected index (or value)
          * the other elements can be couples (key, value) or only values

    # Create a QApplication instance if no instance currently exists
    # (e.g., if the module is used directly from the interpreter)
    if QtWidgets.QApplication.startingUp():
        _app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
    dialog = FormDialog(data, title, comment, icon, parent, apply)
    if dialog.exec_():
        return dialog.get() 
Example #5
Source File:    From ImageFusion with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fedit(data, title="", comment="", icon=None, parent=None, apply=None):
    Create form dialog and return result
    (if Cancel button is pressed, return None)

    data: datalist, datagroup
    title: string
    comment: string
    icon: QIcon instance
    parent: parent QWidget
    apply: apply callback (function)

    datalist: list/tuple of (field_name, field_value)
    datagroup: list/tuple of (datalist *or* datagroup, title, comment)

    -> one field for each member of a datalist
    -> one tab for each member of a top-level datagroup
    -> one page (of a multipage widget, each page can be selected with a combo
       box) for each member of a datagroup inside a datagroup

    Supported types for field_value:
      - int, float, str, unicode, bool
      - colors: in Qt-compatible text form, i.e. in hex format or name (red,...)
                (automatically detected from a string)
      - list/tuple:
          * the first element will be the selected index (or value)
          * the other elements can be couples (key, value) or only values

    # Create a QApplication instance if no instance currently exists
    # (e.g., if the module is used directly from the interpreter)
    if QtWidgets.QApplication.startingUp():
        _app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
    dialog = FormDialog(data, title, comment, icon, parent, apply)
    if dialog.exec_():
        return dialog.get() 
Example #6
Source File:    From coffeegrindsize with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fedit(data, title="", comment="", icon=None, parent=None, apply=None):
    Create form dialog and return result
    (if Cancel button is pressed, return None)

    data: datalist, datagroup
    title: string
    comment: string
    icon: QIcon instance
    parent: parent QWidget
    apply: apply callback (function)

    datalist: list/tuple of (field_name, field_value)
    datagroup: list/tuple of (datalist *or* datagroup, title, comment)

    -> one field for each member of a datalist
    -> one tab for each member of a top-level datagroup
    -> one page (of a multipage widget, each page can be selected with a combo
       box) for each member of a datagroup inside a datagroup

    Supported types for field_value:
      - int, float, str, unicode, bool
      - colors: in Qt-compatible text form, i.e. in hex format or name (red,...)
                (automatically detected from a string)
      - list/tuple:
          * the first element will be the selected index (or value)
          * the other elements can be couples (key, value) or only values

    # Create a QApplication instance if no instance currently exists
    # (e.g., if the module is used directly from the interpreter)
    if QtWidgets.QApplication.startingUp():
        _app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
    dialog = FormDialog(data, title, comment, icon, parent, apply)
    if dialog.exec_():
        return dialog.get() 
Example #7
Source File:    From CogAlg with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fedit(data, title="", comment="", icon=None, parent=None, apply=None):
    Create form dialog and return result
    (if Cancel button is pressed, return None)

    data: datalist, datagroup
    title: string
    comment: string
    icon: QIcon instance
    parent: parent QWidget
    apply: apply callback (function)

    datalist: list/tuple of (field_name, field_value)
    datagroup: list/tuple of (datalist *or* datagroup, title, comment)

    -> one field for each member of a datalist
    -> one tab for each member of a top-level datagroup
    -> one page (of a multipage widget, each page can be selected with a combo
       box) for each member of a datagroup inside a datagroup

    Supported types for field_value:
      - int, float, str, unicode, bool
      - colors: in Qt-compatible text form, i.e. in hex format or name (red,...)
                (automatically detected from a string)
      - list/tuple:
          * the first element will be the selected index (or value)
          * the other elements can be couples (key, value) or only values

    # Create a QApplication instance if no instance currently exists
    # (e.g., if the module is used directly from the interpreter)
    if QtWidgets.QApplication.startingUp():
        _app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
    dialog = FormDialog(data, title, comment, icon, parent, apply)
    if dialog.exec_():
        return dialog.get() 
Example #8
Source File:    From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fedit(data, title="", comment="", icon=None, parent=None, apply=None):
    Create form dialog and return result
    (if Cancel button is pressed, return None)

    data: datalist, datagroup
    title: string
    comment: string
    icon: QIcon instance
    parent: parent QWidget
    apply: apply callback (function)

    datalist: list/tuple of (field_name, field_value)
    datagroup: list/tuple of (datalist *or* datagroup, title, comment)

    -> one field for each member of a datalist
    -> one tab for each member of a top-level datagroup
    -> one page (of a multipage widget, each page can be selected with a combo
       box) for each member of a datagroup inside a datagroup

    Supported types for field_value:
      - int, float, str, unicode, bool
      - colors: in Qt-compatible text form, i.e. in hex format or name (red,...)
                (automatically detected from a string)
      - list/tuple:
          * the first element will be the selected index (or value)
          * the other elements can be couples (key, value) or only values

    # Create a QApplication instance if no instance currently exists
    # (e.g., if the module is used directly from the interpreter)
    if QtWidgets.QApplication.startingUp():
        _app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
    dialog = FormDialog(data, title, comment, icon, parent, apply)
    if dialog.exec_():
        return dialog.get()