Python cvxpy.vstack() Examples

The following are 5 code examples of cvxpy.vstack(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module cvxpy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From SCvx with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_constraints(self, X_v, U_v, X_last_p, U_last_p):
        Get model specific constraints.

        :param X_v: cvx variable for current states
        :param U_v: cvx variable for current inputs
        :param X_last_p: cvx parameter for last states
        :param U_last_p: cvx parameter for last inputs
        :return: A list of cvx constraints
        # Boundary conditions:
        constraints = [
            X_v[:, 0] == self.x_init,
            X_v[:, -1] == self.x_final,

            U_v[:, 0] == 0,
            U_v[:, -1] == 0

        # Input conditions:
        constraints += [
            0 <= U_v[0, :],
            U_v[0, :] <= self.v_max,
            cvx.abs(U_v[1, :]) <= self.w_max,

        # State conditions:
        constraints += [
            X_v[0:2, :] <= self.upper_bound - self.robot_radius,
            X_v[0:2, :] >= self.lower_bound + self.robot_radius,

        # linearized obstacles
        for j, obst in enumerate(self.obstacles):
            p = obst[0]
            r = obst[1] + self.robot_radius

            lhs = [(X_last_p[0:2, k] - p) / (cvx.norm((X_last_p[0:2, k] - p)) + 1e-6) * (X_v[0:2, k] - p)
                   for k in range(K)]
            constraints += [r - cvx.vstack(lhs) <= self.s_prime[j]]
        return constraints 
Example #2
Source File:    From controlpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def synth_h2_state_feedback_LMI(A, Binput, Bdist, C1, D12):
    #Dullerud p 217 (?)
    n = A.shape[0]  #num states
    m = Binput.shape[1]  #num control inputs
    q = C1.shape[0]  #num outputs to "be kept small"

    X = cvxpy.Variable(n,n)
    Y = cvxpy.Variable(m,n)
    Z = cvxpy.Variable(q,q)
    tmp1 = cvxpy.hstack(X, (C1*X+D12*Y).T)
    tmp2 = cvxpy.hstack((C1*X+D12*Y), Z)
    tmp  = cvxpy.vstack(tmp1, tmp2)

    constraints = [A*X + Binput*Y + X*A.T + Y.T*Binput.T + Bdist*Bdist.T == -cvxpy.Semidef(n),
                   tmp == cvxpy.Semidef(n+q),

    obj = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.trace(Z))

    prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
    prob.solve(solver='CVXOPT', kktsolver='robust')
    K = -Y.value*np.linalg.inv(X.value)
    return K 
Example #3
Source File:    From cvxpower with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def cost(self):
        T, S = self.terminals[0].power_var.shape
        if self.final_energy_price is not None:
            if is None:
       = cvx.Variable(self.terminals[0].power_var.shape)
            cost = np.zeros((T - 1, S))
            final_cost = cvx.reshape(
      [-1, :] * self.final_energy_price[0, 0], (1, S))
            cost = cvx.vstack([cost, final_cost])
            cost = np.zeros(T, S)
        return cost 
Example #4
Source File:    From SCvx with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_constraints(self, X_v, U_v, X_last_p, U_last_p):
        Get model specific constraints.

        :param X_v: cvx variable for current states
        :param U_v: cvx variable for current inputs
        :param X_last_p: cvx parameter for last states
        :param U_last_p: cvx parameter for last inputs
        :return: A list of cvx constraints
        # Boundary conditions:
        constraints = [
            X_v[0, 0] == self.x_init[0],
            X_v[1:4, 0] == self.x_init[1:4],
            X_v[4:7, 0] == self.x_init[4:7],
            X_v[7:11, 0] == self.x_init[7:11],
            X_v[11:14, 0] == self.x_init[11:14],

            # X_[0, -1] == self.x_final[0], # final mass is free
            X_v[1:, -1] == self.x_final[1:],
            # U_v[1:3, -1] == 0,

        constraints += [
            # State constraints:
            X_v[0, :] >= self.m_dry,  # minimum mass
            cvx.norm(X_v[1: 3, :], axis=0) <= X_v[3, :] / self.tan_gamma_gs,  # glideslope
            cvx.norm(X_v[8:10, :], axis=0) <= np.sqrt((1 - self.cos_theta_max) / 2),  # maximum angle
            cvx.norm(X_v[11: 14, :], axis=0) <= self.w_B_max,  # maximum angular velocity

            # Control constraints:
            cvx.norm(U_v[0:2, :], axis=0) <= self.tan_delta_max * U_v[2, :],  # gimbal angle constraint
            # self.cos_delta_max * self.gamma <= U_v[2, :],

            cvx.norm(U_v, axis=0) <= self.T_max,  # upper thrust constraint
            # U_v[2, :] >= self.T_min  # simple lower thrust constraint

            # # Lossless convexification:
            # self.gamma <= self.T_max,
            # self.T_min <= self.gamma,
            # cvx.norm(U_v, axis=0) <= self.gamma

        # linearized lower thrust constraint
        lhs = [U_last_p[:, k] / (cvx.norm(U_last_p[:, k])) * U_v[:, k] for k in range(K)]
        constraints += [
            self.T_min - cvx.vstack(lhs) <= self.s_prime

        return constraints 
Example #5
Source File:    From SuccessiveConvexificationFreeFinalTime with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_constraints(self, X_v, U_v, X_last_p, U_last_p):
        Get model specific constraints.

        :param X_v: cvx variable for current states
        :param U_v: cvx variable for current inputs
        :param X_last_p: cvx parameter for last states
        :param U_last_p: cvx parameter for last inputs
        :return: A list of cvx constraints
        # Boundary conditions:
        constraints = [
            X_v[0, 0] == self.x_init[0],
            X_v[1:4, 0] == self.x_init[1:4],
            X_v[4:7, 0] == self.x_init[4:7],
            # X_v[7:11, 0] == self.x_init[7:11],  # initial orientation is free
            X_v[11:14, 0] == self.x_init[11:14],

            # X_[0, -1] == self.x_final[0], # final mass is free
            X_v[1:, -1] == self.x_final[1:],
            U_v[1:3, -1] == 0,

        constraints += [
            # State constraints:
            X_v[0, :] >= self.m_dry,  # minimum mass
            cvx.norm(X_v[2: 4, :], axis=0) <= X_v[1, :] / self.tan_gamma_gs,  # glideslope
            cvx.norm(X_v[9:11, :], axis=0) <= np.sqrt((1 - self.cos_theta_max) / 2),  # maximum angle
            cvx.norm(X_v[11: 14, :], axis=0) <= self.w_B_max,  # maximum angular velocity

            # Control constraints:
            cvx.norm(U_v[1:3, :], axis=0) <= self.tan_delta_max * U_v[0, :],  # gimbal angle constraint
            cvx.norm(U_v, axis=0) <= self.T_max,  # upper thrust constraint
            # U_v[0, :] >= self.T_min  # simple lower thrust constraint

        # linearized lower thrust constraint
        rhs = [U_last_p[:, k] / cvx.norm(U_last_p[:, k]) * U_v[:, k] for k in range(X_v.shape[1])]
        constraints += [
            self.T_min <= cvx.vstack(rhs)

        return constraints