Python scipy.sparse.sputils.isdense() Examples

The following are 11 code examples of scipy.sparse.sputils.isdense(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.sparse.sputils , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Quadflor with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def f1_per_sample(y_true, y_pred):
    if isdense(y_true) or isdense(y_pred):
        y_true = sp.csr_matrix(y_true)
        y_pred = sp.csr_matrix(y_pred)
    sum_axis = 1
    true_and_pred = y_true.multiply(y_pred)
    tp_sum = count_nonzero(true_and_pred, axis=sum_axis)
    pred_sum = count_nonzero(y_pred, axis=sum_axis)
    true_sum = count_nonzero(y_true, axis=sum_axis)

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        precision = _prf_divide(tp_sum, pred_sum)
        recall = _prf_divide(tp_sum, true_sum)
        f_score = (2 * precision * recall / (1 * precision + recall))
        f_score[tp_sum == 0] = 0.0

    return f_score 
Example #2
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_inv_matvec(M, symmetric=False, tol=0):
    if isdense(M):
        return LuInv(M).matvec
    elif isspmatrix(M):
        if isspmatrix_csr(M) and symmetric:
            M = M.T
        return SpLuInv(M).matvec
        return IterInv(M, tol=tol).matvec 
Example #3
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_OPinv_matvec(A, M, sigma, symmetric=False, tol=0):
    if sigma == 0:
        return get_inv_matvec(A, symmetric=symmetric, tol=tol)

    if M is None:
        #M is the identity matrix
        if isdense(A):
            if (np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.complexfloating)
                    or np.imag(sigma) == 0):
                A = np.copy(A)
                A = A + 0j
            A.flat[::A.shape[1] + 1] -= sigma
            return LuInv(A).matvec
        elif isspmatrix(A):
            A = A - sigma * eye(A.shape[0])
            if symmetric and isspmatrix_csr(A):
                A = A.T
            return SpLuInv(A.tocsc()).matvec
            return IterOpInv(_aslinearoperator_with_dtype(A),
                              M, sigma, tol=tol).matvec
        if ((not isdense(A) and not isspmatrix(A)) or
                (not isdense(M) and not isspmatrix(M))):
            return IterOpInv(_aslinearoperator_with_dtype(A),
                              sigma, tol=tol).matvec
        elif isdense(A) or isdense(M):
            return LuInv(A - sigma * M).matvec
            OP = A - sigma * M
            if symmetric and isspmatrix_csr(OP):
                OP = OP.T
            return SpLuInv(OP.tocsc()).matvec

# ARPACK is not threadsafe or reentrant (SAVE variables), so we need a
# lock and a re-entering check. 
Example #4
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_isdense(self):
Example #5
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_inv_matvec(M, symmetric=False, tol=0):
    if isdense(M):
        return LuInv(M).matvec
    elif isspmatrix(M):
        if isspmatrix_csr(M) and symmetric:
            M = M.T
        return SpLuInv(M).matvec
        return IterInv(M, tol=tol).matvec 
Example #6
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_OPinv_matvec(A, M, sigma, symmetric=False, tol=0):
    if sigma == 0:
        return get_inv_matvec(A, symmetric=symmetric, tol=tol)

    if M is None:
        #M is the identity matrix
        if isdense(A):
            if (np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.complexfloating)
                or np.imag(sigma) == 0):
                A = np.copy(A)
                A = A + 0j
            A.flat[::A.shape[1] + 1] -= sigma
            return LuInv(A).matvec
        elif isspmatrix(A):
            A = A - sigma * eye(A.shape[0])
            if symmetric and isspmatrix_csr(A):
                A = A.T
            return SpLuInv(A.tocsc()).matvec
            return IterOpInv(_aslinearoperator_with_dtype(A),
                              M, sigma, tol=tol).matvec
        if ((not isdense(A) and not isspmatrix(A)) or
            (not isdense(M) and not isspmatrix(M))):
            return IterOpInv(_aslinearoperator_with_dtype(A),
                              sigma, tol=tol).matvec
        elif isdense(A) or isdense(M):
            return LuInv(A - sigma * M).matvec
            OP = A - sigma * M
            if symmetric and isspmatrix_csr(OP):
                OP = OP.T
            return SpLuInv(OP.tocsc()).matvec 
Example #7
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_isdense(self):
        assert_equal(sputils.isdense(np.array([1])), True)
        assert_equal(sputils.isdense(np.matrix([1])), True) 
Example #8
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_inv_matvec(M, symmetric=False, tol=0):
    if isdense(M):
        return LuInv(M).matvec
    elif isspmatrix(M):
        if isspmatrix_csr(M) and symmetric:
            M = M.T
        return SpLuInv(M).matvec
        return IterInv(M, tol=tol).matvec 
Example #9
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_OPinv_matvec(A, M, sigma, symmetric=False, tol=0):
    if sigma == 0:
        return get_inv_matvec(A, symmetric=symmetric, tol=tol)

    if M is None:
        #M is the identity matrix
        if isdense(A):
            if (np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.complexfloating)
                    or np.imag(sigma) == 0):
                A = np.copy(A)
                A = A + 0j
            A.flat[::A.shape[1] + 1] -= sigma
            return LuInv(A).matvec
        elif isspmatrix(A):
            A = A - sigma * eye(A.shape[0])
            if symmetric and isspmatrix_csr(A):
                A = A.T
            return SpLuInv(A.tocsc()).matvec
            return IterOpInv(_aslinearoperator_with_dtype(A),
                              M, sigma, tol=tol).matvec
        if ((not isdense(A) and not isspmatrix(A)) or
                (not isdense(M) and not isspmatrix(M))):
            return IterOpInv(_aslinearoperator_with_dtype(A),
                              sigma, tol=tol).matvec
        elif isdense(A) or isdense(M):
            return LuInv(A - sigma * M).matvec
            OP = A - sigma * M
            if symmetric and isspmatrix_csr(OP):
                OP = OP.T
            return SpLuInv(OP.tocsc()).matvec

# ARPACK is not threadsafe or reentrant (SAVE variables), so we need a
# lock and a re-entering check. 
Example #10
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_inv_matvec(M, symmetric=False, tol=0):
    if isdense(M):
        return LuInv(M).matvec
    elif isspmatrix(M):
        if isspmatrix_csr(M) and symmetric:
            M = M.T
        return SpLuInv(M).matvec
        return IterInv(M, tol=tol).matvec 
Example #11
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_OPinv_matvec(A, M, sigma, symmetric=False, tol=0):
    if sigma == 0:
        return get_inv_matvec(A, symmetric=symmetric, tol=tol)

    if M is None:
        #M is the identity matrix
        if isdense(A):
            if (np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.complexfloating)
                    or np.imag(sigma) == 0):
                A = np.copy(A)
                A = A + 0j
            A.flat[::A.shape[1] + 1] -= sigma
            return LuInv(A).matvec
        elif isspmatrix(A):
            A = A - sigma * eye(A.shape[0])
            if symmetric and isspmatrix_csr(A):
                A = A.T
            return SpLuInv(A.tocsc()).matvec
            return IterOpInv(_aslinearoperator_with_dtype(A),
                              M, sigma, tol=tol).matvec
        if ((not isdense(A) and not isspmatrix(A)) or
                (not isdense(M) and not isspmatrix(M))):
            return IterOpInv(_aslinearoperator_with_dtype(A),
                              sigma, tol=tol).matvec
        elif isdense(A) or isdense(M):
            return LuInv(A - sigma * M).matvec
            OP = A - sigma * M
            if symmetric and isspmatrix_csr(OP):
                OP = OP.T
            return SpLuInv(OP.tocsc()).matvec

# ARPACK is not threadsafe or reentrant (SAVE variables), so we need a
# lock and a re-entering check.