Python lib2to3.pgen2.token.RIGHTSHIFT Examples

The following are 10 code examples of lib2to3.pgen2.token.RIGHTSHIFT(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module lib2to3.pgen2.token , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, node, results):
        assert results

        bare_print = results.get("bare")

        if bare_print:
            # Special-case print all by itself.
            bare_print.replace(Call(Name(u"print"), [],
            # The "from __future__ import print_function"" declaration is added
            # by the fix_print_with_import fixer, so we skip it here.
            # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        assert node.children[0] == Name(u"print")
        args = node.children[1:]
        if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
            # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
            # already-parenthesised expression.

        sep = end = file = None
        if args and args[-1] == Comma():
            args = args[:-1]
            end = " "
        if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, u">>"):
            assert len(args) >= 2
            file = args[1].clone()
            args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
        # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
        l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
        if l_args:
            l_args[0].prefix = u""
        if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
            if sep is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"sep", String(repr(sep)))
            if end is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"end", String(repr(end)))
            if file is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"file", file)
        n_stmt = Call(Name(u"print"), l_args)
        n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix

        # Note that there are corner cases where adding this future-import is
        # incorrect, for example when the file also has a 'print ()' statement
        # that was intended to print "()".
        # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        return n_stmt 
Example #2
Source File:    From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, node, results):
        assert results

        bare_print = results.get("bare")

        if bare_print:
            # Special-case print all by itself.
            bare_print.replace(Call(Name(u"print"), [],
            # The "from __future__ import print_function"" declaration is added
            # by the fix_print_with_import fixer, so we skip it here.
            # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        assert node.children[0] == Name(u"print")
        args = node.children[1:]
        if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
            # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
            # already-parenthesised expression.

        sep = end = file = None
        if args and args[-1] == Comma():
            args = args[:-1]
            end = " "
        if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, u">>"):
            assert len(args) >= 2
            file = args[1].clone()
            args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
        # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
        l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
        if l_args:
            l_args[0].prefix = u""
        if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
            if sep is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"sep", String(repr(sep)))
            if end is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"end", String(repr(end)))
            if file is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"file", file)
        n_stmt = Call(Name(u"print"), l_args)
        n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix

        # Note that there are corner cases where adding this future-import is
        # incorrect, for example when the file also has a 'print ()' statement
        # that was intended to print "()".
        # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        return n_stmt 
Example #3
Source File:    From deepWordBug with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, node, results):
        assert results

        bare_print = results.get("bare")

        if bare_print:
            # Special-case print all by itself.
            bare_print.replace(Call(Name(u"print"), [],
            # The "from __future__ import print_function"" declaration is added
            # by the fix_print_with_import fixer, so we skip it here.
            # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        assert node.children[0] == Name(u"print")
        args = node.children[1:]
        if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
            # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
            # already-parenthesised expression.

        sep = end = file = None
        if args and args[-1] == Comma():
            args = args[:-1]
            end = " "
        if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, u">>"):
            assert len(args) >= 2
            file = args[1].clone()
            args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
        # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
        l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
        if l_args:
            l_args[0].prefix = u""
        if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
            if sep is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"sep", String(repr(sep)))
            if end is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"end", String(repr(end)))
            if file is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"file", file)
        n_stmt = Call(Name(u"print"), l_args)
        n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix

        # Note that there are corner cases where adding this future-import is
        # incorrect, for example when the file also has a 'print ()' statement
        # that was intended to print "()".
        # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        return n_stmt 
Example #4
Source File:    From kgsgo-dataset-preprocessor with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, node, results):
        assert results

        bare_print = results.get("bare")

        if bare_print:
            # Special-case print all by itself.
            bare_print.replace(Call(Name(u"print"), [],
            # The "from __future__ import print_function"" declaration is added
            # by the fix_print_with_import fixer, so we skip it here.
            # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        assert node.children[0] == Name(u"print")
        args = node.children[1:]
        if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
            # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
            # already-parenthesised expression.

        sep = end = file = None
        if args and args[-1] == Comma():
            args = args[:-1]
            end = " "
        if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, u">>"):
            assert len(args) >= 2
            file = args[1].clone()
            args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
        # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
        l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
        if l_args:
            l_args[0].prefix = u""
        if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
            if sep is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"sep", String(repr(sep)))
            if end is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"end", String(repr(end)))
            if file is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"file", file)
        n_stmt = Call(Name(u"print"), l_args)
        n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix

        # Note that there are corner cases where adding this future-import is
        # incorrect, for example when the file also has a 'print ()' statement
        # that was intended to print "()".
        # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        return n_stmt 
Example #5
Source File:    From telegram-robot-rss with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, node, results):
        assert results

        bare_print = results.get("bare")

        if bare_print:
            # Special-case print all by itself.
            bare_print.replace(Call(Name(u"print"), [],
            # The "from __future__ import print_function"" declaration is added
            # by the fix_print_with_import fixer, so we skip it here.
            # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        assert node.children[0] == Name(u"print")
        args = node.children[1:]
        if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
            # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
            # already-parenthesised expression.

        sep = end = file = None
        if args and args[-1] == Comma():
            args = args[:-1]
            end = " "
        if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, u">>"):
            assert len(args) >= 2
            file = args[1].clone()
            args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
        # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
        l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
        if l_args:
            l_args[0].prefix = u""
        if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
            if sep is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"sep", String(repr(sep)))
            if end is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"end", String(repr(end)))
            if file is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"file", file)
        n_stmt = Call(Name(u"print"), l_args)
        n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix

        # Note that there are corner cases where adding this future-import is
        # incorrect, for example when the file also has a 'print ()' statement
        # that was intended to print "()".
        # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        return n_stmt 
Example #6
Source File:    From blackmamba with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, node, results):
        assert results

        bare_print = results.get("bare")

        if bare_print:
            # Special-case print all by itself.
            bare_print.replace(Call(Name(u"print"), [],
            # The "from __future__ import print_function"" declaration is added
            # by the fix_print_with_import fixer, so we skip it here.
            # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        assert node.children[0] == Name(u"print")
        args = node.children[1:]
        if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
            # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
            # already-parenthesised expression.

        sep = end = file = None
        if args and args[-1] == Comma():
            args = args[:-1]
            end = " "
        if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, u">>"):
            assert len(args) >= 2
            file = args[1].clone()
            args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
        # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
        l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
        if l_args:
            l_args[0].prefix = u""
        if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
            if sep is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"sep", String(repr(sep)))
            if end is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"end", String(repr(end)))
            if file is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"file", file)
        n_stmt = Call(Name(u"print"), l_args)
        n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix

        # Note that there are corner cases where adding this future-import is
        # incorrect, for example when the file also has a 'print ()' statement
        # that was intended to print "()".
        # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        return n_stmt 
Example #7
Source File:    From gimp-plugin-export-layers with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, node, results):
        assert results

        bare_print = results.get("bare")

        if bare_print:
            # Special-case print all by itself.
            bare_print.replace(Call(Name(u"print"), [],
            # The "from __future__ import print_function"" declaration is added
            # by the fix_print_with_import fixer, so we skip it here.
            # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        assert node.children[0] == Name(u"print")
        args = node.children[1:]
        if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
            # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
            # already-parenthesised expression.

        sep = end = file = None
        if args and args[-1] == Comma():
            args = args[:-1]
            end = " "
        if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, u">>"):
            assert len(args) >= 2
            file = args[1].clone()
            args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
        # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
        l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
        if l_args:
            l_args[0].prefix = u""
        if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
            if sep is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"sep", String(repr(sep)))
            if end is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"end", String(repr(end)))
            if file is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"file", file)
        n_stmt = Call(Name(u"print"), l_args)
        n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix

        # Note that there are corner cases where adding this future-import is
        # incorrect, for example when the file also has a 'print ()' statement
        # that was intended to print "()".
        # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        return n_stmt 
Example #8
Source File:    From arissploit with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, node, results):
        assert results

        bare_print = results.get("bare")

        if bare_print:
            # Special-case print all by itself.
            bare_print.replace(Call(Name(u"print"), [],
            # The "from __future__ import print_function"" declaration is added
            # by the fix_print_with_import fixer, so we skip it here.
            # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        assert node.children[0] == Name(u"print")
        args = node.children[1:]
        if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
            # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
            # already-parenthesised expression.

        sep = end = file = None
        if args and args[-1] == Comma():
            args = args[:-1]
            end = " "
        if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, u">>"):
            assert len(args) >= 2
            file = args[1].clone()
            args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
        # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
        l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
        if l_args:
            l_args[0].prefix = u""
        if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
            if sep is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"sep", String(repr(sep)))
            if end is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"end", String(repr(end)))
            if file is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"file", file)
        n_stmt = Call(Name(u"print"), l_args)
        n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix

        # Note that there are corner cases where adding this future-import is
        # incorrect, for example when the file also has a 'print ()' statement
        # that was intended to print "()".
        # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        return n_stmt 
Example #9
Source File:    From Tautulli with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, node, results):
        assert results

        bare_print = results.get("bare")

        if bare_print:
            # Special-case print all by itself.
            bare_print.replace(Call(Name(u"print"), [],
            # The "from __future__ import print_function"" declaration is added
            # by the fix_print_with_import fixer, so we skip it here.
            # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        assert node.children[0] == Name(u"print")
        args = node.children[1:]
        if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
            # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
            # already-parenthesised expression.

        sep = end = file = None
        if args and args[-1] == Comma():
            args = args[:-1]
            end = " "
        if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, u">>"):
            assert len(args) >= 2
            file = args[1].clone()
            args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
        # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
        l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
        if l_args:
            l_args[0].prefix = u""
        if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
            if sep is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"sep", String(repr(sep)))
            if end is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"end", String(repr(end)))
            if file is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"file", file)
        n_stmt = Call(Name(u"print"), l_args)
        n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix

        # Note that there are corner cases where adding this future-import is
        # incorrect, for example when the file also has a 'print ()' statement
        # that was intended to print "()".
        # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        return n_stmt 
Example #10
Source File:    From V1EngineeringInc-Docs with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International 4 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, node, results):
        assert results

        bare_print = results.get("bare")

        if bare_print:
            # Special-case print all by itself.
            bare_print.replace(Call(Name(u"print"), [],
            # The "from __future__ import print_function"" declaration is added
            # by the fix_print_with_import fixer, so we skip it here.
            # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        assert node.children[0] == Name(u"print")
        args = node.children[1:]
        if len(args) == 1 and parend_expr.match(args[0]):
            # We don't want to keep sticking parens around an
            # already-parenthesised expression.

        sep = end = file = None
        if args and args[-1] == Comma():
            args = args[:-1]
            end = " "
        if args and args[0] == pytree.Leaf(token.RIGHTSHIFT, u">>"):
            assert len(args) >= 2
            file = args[1].clone()
            args = args[3:] # Strip a possible comma after the file expression
        # Now synthesize a print(args, sep=..., end=..., file=...) node.
        l_args = [arg.clone() for arg in args]
        if l_args:
            l_args[0].prefix = u""
        if sep is not None or end is not None or file is not None:
            if sep is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"sep", String(repr(sep)))
            if end is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"end", String(repr(end)))
            if file is not None:
                self.add_kwarg(l_args, u"file", file)
        n_stmt = Call(Name(u"print"), l_args)
        n_stmt.prefix = node.prefix

        # Note that there are corner cases where adding this future-import is
        # incorrect, for example when the file also has a 'print ()' statement
        # that was intended to print "()".
        # add_future(node, u'print_function')
        return n_stmt