Python maya.cmds.formLayout() Examples

The following are 12 code examples of maya.cmds.formLayout(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module maya.cmds , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From ml_tools with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def ui():
    User interface for ml_tangentWeight

    with utl.MlUi('ml_tangentWeight', 'Weight Keyframe Tangents', width=400, height=140,
                  info='''Increase or decrease tangents length without affecting tangent angle.
Select keyframes and press buttons to weight their tangents.
If no keys are selected, the keys on the current frame will be affected.''') as win:

        form = mc.formLayout()
        b11 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='-', command=minus, annotation='Scale tangent down.')
        b12 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='+', command=plus, annotation='Scale tangent up.')
        b21 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='<', command=sharkFinLeft, annotation='Weight tangent toward the left.')
        b22 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='>', command=sharkFinRight, annotation='Weight tangent toward the right.')

        utl.formLayoutGrid(form, (
Example #2
Source File:    From ml_tools with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def formLayoutGrid(form, controls, offset=1):
    Controls should be a list of lists, and this will arrange them in a grid

    kwargs = {'edit':True, 'attachPosition':[]}
    rowInc = 100/len(controls)
    colInc = 100/len(controls[0])
    position = {'left':0,'right':100,'top':0,'bottom':100}

    for r,row in enumerate(controls):
        position['top'] = r*rowInc
        position['bottom'] = (r+1)*rowInc
        for c,ctrl in enumerate(row):
            position['left'] = c*colInc
            position['right'] = (c+1)*colInc
            for k in position.keys():
                kwargs['attachPosition'].append((ctrl, k, offset, position[k]))

    mc.formLayout(form, **kwargs) 
Example #3
Source File:    From ml_tools with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def finish(self):
        Finalize the UI


        frame = mc.frameLayout(labelVisible=False)

        mc.formLayout( self.form, edit=True,
                       attachForm=((self.column, 'top', 0), (self.column, 'left', 0),
                                   (self.column, 'right', 0), (frame, 'left', 0),
                                   (frame, 'bottom', 0), (frame, 'right', 0)),
                       attachNone=((self.column, 'bottom'), (frame, 'top')) )

        mc.window(, edit=True, width=self.width, height=self.height) 
Example #4
Source File:    From ml_tools with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def ui():
    User interface for ml_lockAndHideAttributes

    with utl.MlUi('ml_lockAndHideAttributes', 'Lock and Hide', width=400, height=140, info='''Select channels in the channel box to be locked or hidden.
then hit the appropriate button.''') as win:

        form = mc.formLayout()
        b11 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Lock', command=lock, annotation='Lock selected attributes.')
        b12 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Hide', command=hide, annotation='Hide selected attributes.')
        b13 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Lock and Hide', command=lockAndHide, annotation='Lock and hide selected attributes.')
        b21 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Unlock', command=unlock, annotation='Unlock selected attributes.')
        b22 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Unhide', command=unhide, annotation='Unhide all core attributes.')
        b23 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Unlock and Unhide', command=unlockAndUnhide, annotation='Unlock and unhide selected attributes.')

        utl.formLayoutGrid(form, (
Example #5
Source File:    From spore with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def add_instance_list(self, *args):
        """ builde the instance list layout """

        instanced_geo = node_utils.get_instanced_geo(self._node)
        if instanced_geo:
            instanced_geo = ['[{}]: {}'.format(i, name) for i, name in enumerate(instanced_geo)]

        form = cmds.formLayout()
        help_lbl = cmds.text(l='Select item(s) to specify an index',
        scroll_list = cmds.textScrollList('instanceList', ams=True,
        add_btn = cmds.symbolButton('addInstanceBtn', width=30, i='setEdAddCmd.png',
                                    ann='Add Selected Object')
        rm_btn = cmds.symbolButton('removeInstanceBtn', width=30,
                                   ann='Remove Selected Objects')
        instancer_btn = cmds.symbolButton('instancerBtn', width=30, i='info.png',
                                          ann='Highlight Instancer')

        cmds.formLayout(form, e=True, height=115,
                        attachForm=[(help_lbl, 'left', 2),
                                    (help_lbl, 'right', 2),
                                    (help_lbl, 'top', 0),
                                    (add_btn, 'right', 2),
                                    (add_btn, 'top', 17),
                                    (rm_btn, 'top', 45),
                                    (rm_btn, 'right', 2),
                                    (instancer_btn, 'right', 2),
                                    (instancer_btn, 'bottom', 2),
                                    (scroll_list, 'right', 35),
                                    (scroll_list, 'top', 17),
                                    (scroll_list, 'left', 2),
                                    (scroll_list, 'bottom', 2)]) 
Example #6
Source File:    From mGui with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _fill(self, ctrl, *sides, **kwargs):
        convenience wrapper for tedious formLayout editing
        margin = kwargs.get('margin', None)
        ct = [ctrl for _ in sides]
        mr = [margin for _ in sides]
        if margin is None:
            mr = [self.margin[_] for _ in sides]
        self.attachForm = zip(ct, sides, mr) 
Example #7
Source File:    From mGui with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dock(self, ctrl, top=None, left=None, right=None, bottom=None):
        docks ctrl into the form.

        for each of the optional flags (top, bottom, left, & right), the arguments are interpreted as follows:
        None (default):  Ignore this edge
        Number (eg 10):  dock to form with this margin along this edge
        (ctrl2, number): dock to other control 'ctrl2' along this edge, with supplied margin

        if not hasattr(top, '__iter__'): top = (None, top)
        if not hasattr(bottom, '__iter__'): bottom = (None, bottom)
        if not hasattr(left, '__iter__'): left = (None, left)
        if not hasattr(right, '__iter__'): right = (None, right)

        ac = lambda edge, other, margin: cmds.formLayout(self.widget, e=True, ac=(ctrl, edge, margin, other))
        af = lambda edge, ignore, margin: cmds.formLayout(self.widget, e=True, af=(ctrl, edge, margin))

        if top[0]:
            ac('top', *top)
        elif top[1]:
            af('top', *top)

        if left[0]:
            ac('left', *left)
        elif left[1]:
            af('left', *left)

        if bottom[0]:
            ac('bottom', *bottom)
        elif bottom[1]:
            af('bottom', *bottom)

        if right[0]:
            ac('right', *right)
        elif right[1]:
            af('right', *right) 
Example #8
Source File:    From mGui with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def detach(self, *controls):
        call AttachNone on all
        sides = ('top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right')
        # note the order : it's backwards from the others!
        cmds.formLayout(self.widget, an=[(ctl, side) for side, ctl in itertools.product(sides, controls)]) 
Example #9
Source File:    From cmt with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def about():
    """Displays the CMT About dialog."""
    name = "cmt_about"
    if cmds.window(name, exists=True):
        cmds.deleteUI(name, window=True)
    if cmds.windowPref(name, exists=True):
        cmds.windowPref(name, remove=True)
    window = cmds.window(
        name, title="About CMT", widthHeight=(600, 500), sizeable=False
    form = cmds.formLayout(nd=100)
    text = cmds.scrollField(editable=False, wordWrap=True, text=cmt.__doc__.strip())
    button = cmds.button(
        label="Documentation", command="import;"
    margin = 8
            (text, "top", margin),
            (text, "right", margin),
            (text, "left", margin),
            (text, "bottom", 40),
            (button, "right", margin),
            (button, "left", margin),
            (button, "bottom", margin),
        attachControl=((button, "top", 2, text)),
Example #10
Source File:    From ml_tools with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def ui():
    User interface for graph editor mask

    with utl.MlUi('ml_graphEditorMask', 'Graph Editor Mask', width=400, height=120, info='''Quickly mask the curves visible in the graph editor.
''') as win:

        #check box to cull selection to what's visible.

        form = mc.formLayout()
        b11 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Channel Box', command=channelBox, annotation='Isolate curves based on channels highlighted in the channel box')
        b12 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Selected', command=selected, annotation='Isolate the selected curves')
        b13 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='All', command=showAll, annotation='Show all animation curves')
        b21 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Translate', command=translate, annotation='Isolate translation curves')
        b22 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Rotate', command=rotate, annotation='Isolate rotation curves')
        b23 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Scale', command=scale, annotation='Isolate scale curves')
        b31 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='X', command=x, annotation='Isolate X axis curves')
        b32 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Y', command=y, annotation='Isolate Y axis curves')
        b33 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Z', command=z, annotation='Isolate Z axis curves')

        #b41 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='null', command=z, annotation='Isolate Z axis curves')
        #b42 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='TRS', command=z, annotation='Isolate Z axis curves')
        #b43 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Custom', command=z, annotation='Isolate Z axis curves')

        utl.formLayoutGrid(form, (
Example #11
Source File:    From ml_tools with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def buildWindow(self):
        Initialize the UI

        if mc.window(, exists=True):

        mc.window(, title='ml :: '+self.title, iconName=self.title, width=self.width, height=self.height,


        self.form = mc.formLayout()
        self.column = mc.columnLayout(adj=True)

        mc.rowLayout( numberOfColumns=2, columnWidth2=(34, self.width-34), adjustableColumn=2,
                      columnAttach=[(1, 'both', 0), (2, 'both', 8)] )

        #if we can find an icon, use that, otherwise do the text version
        if self.icon:
            mc.iconTextStaticLabel(style='iconOnly', image1=self.icon)
            mc.text(label=' _ _ |\n| | | |')

        if not
            mc.menuItem(label='Help', command=(_showHelpCommand('/')))

        mc.separator(height=8, style='single', horizontal=True) 
Example #12
Source File:    From ssds with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def showBuildWindow(arg):
    labelWidth = 100
    fieldWidth = 100

    cmds.window(uiWindowName, title = 'SSDS')
    cmds.columnLayout(uiFormLayoutName, rowSpacing = 5)

    # joints
    cmds.rowLayout(uiNumJointsName[0], numberOfColumns = 2,
                   columnWidth2 = (labelWidth, fieldWidth),
                   columnAlign2 = ('right', 'right'))
    cmds.text(label = '# Joints')
    cmds.intField(uiNumJointsName[1], minValue = 0, maxValue = 100, value = 1, width = fieldWidth)

    # max influences
    cmds.rowLayout(uiMaxInfluenceName[0], numberOfColumns = 2,
                   columnWidth2 = (labelWidth, fieldWidth),
                   columnAlign2 = ('right', 'right'))
    cmds.text(label = 'Max Influences')
    cmds.intField(uiMaxInfluenceName[1], minValue = 1, maxValue = 8, value = 4, width = fieldWidth)

    # iterations
    cmds.rowLayout(uiNumIterationsName[0], numberOfColumns = 2,
                   columnWidth2 = (labelWidth, fieldWidth),
                   columnAlign2 = ('right', 'right'))
    cmds.text(label = '# Iterations')
    cmds.intField(uiNumIterationsName[1], minValue = 0, maxValue = 100, value = 10, width = fieldWidth)

    # transform type
    cmds.rowLayout('SsdsTransformTypeLayout', numberOfColumns = 2,
                   columnWidth2 = (labelWidth, fieldWidth),
                   columnAlign2 = ('right', 'right'))
    cmds.text(label = 'Transform Type')
    cmds.columnLayout('temporary', rowSpacing = 3)
    cmds.radioButton(uiTransformNames[0], label = 'T')
    cmds.radioButton(uiTransformNames[1], label = 'R+T')
    cmds.radioButton(uiTransformNames[2], label = 'S+R+T')
    cmds.radioCollection(uiTransformRadioCollectionName, edit = True, select = uiTransformNames[2])

    # concentrate
    cmds.rowLayout(uiConcentrateName[0], numberOfColumns = 2,
                   columnWidth2 = (labelWidth, fieldWidth),
                   columnAlign2 = ('right', 'right'))
    cmds.text(label = 'Concentrate')
    cmds.floatField(uiConcentrateName[1], minValue = 0, maxValue = 100, value = 0.0, precision = 3, width = fieldWidth)

    # build
    cmds.button(uiBuildButtonName, label='Build', command = invokeBuild, width = labelWidth + fieldWidth)
    cmds.formLayout(uiFormName, edit = True,
                    attachForm = [(uiFormLayoutName, 'top', 5),
                                  (uiFormLayoutName, 'left', 5),
                                  (uiFormLayoutName, 'right', 5)])