Python maya.OpenMaya.MPlug() Examples

The following are 14 code examples of maya.OpenMaya.MPlug(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module maya.OpenMaya , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From cross3d with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def keys(self):

		# TODO MIKE: I had to do a try except here for the the object called "|groundPlane_transform".
		# It's apparently always in the scene and error with that line.
			keys = cmds.listAttr(cross3d.SceneWrapper._mObjName(self._nativePointer), userDefined=True)
			if keys:
				return keys
		except ValueError:
		return []
		# Note: I was unable to find a way to identify userDefined keys in the following method
		# so I used the maya.cmds method. If possible this finish this method and replace the 
		# above code.
		#depNode = om.MFnDependencyNode(mObj)
		#total = depNode.attributeCount()
		#count = 0
		#while count < total:
		#	attr = depNode.attribute(count)
		#	plug = om.MPlug(mObj, attr)
		#	count += 1
		#	print count, attr.apiTypeStr(), 
Example #2
Source File:    From instanceAlongCurve with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def getCurveFn(self):
        inputCurvePlug = OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.inputCurveAttr)
        curve = getSingleSourceObjectFromPlug(inputCurvePlug)

        # Get Fn from a DAG path to get the world transformations correctly
        if curve is not None:
            path = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
            trFn = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(curve)


            if path.node().hasFn(OpenMaya.MFn.kNurbsCurve):
                return OpenMaya.MFnNurbsCurve(path)

        return None

    # Calculate expected instances by the instancing mode 
Example #3
Source File:    From instanceAlongCurve with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def getInstanceCountByMode(self):
        instancingModePlug = OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.instancingModeAttr)
        inputCurvePlug = OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.inputCurveAttr)

        if inputCurvePlug.isConnected() and instancingModePlug.asInt() == 1:
            instanceLengthPlug = OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.instanceLengthAttr)
            maxInstancesByLengthPlug = OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.maxInstancesByLengthAttr)
            curveFn = self.getCurveFn()

            # Known issue: even if the curve fn is dag path constructed, its length is not worldspace... 
            # If you want perfect distance-based instancing, freeze the transformations of the curve
            curveLength = curveFn.length()

            curveStart = OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.curveStartAttr).asFloat() * curveLength
            curveEnd = OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.curveEndAttr).asFloat() * curveLength

            effectiveCurveLength = min(max(curveEnd - curveStart, 0.001), curveLength)

            return min(maxInstancesByLengthPlug.asInt(), int(math.ceil(effectiveCurveLength / instanceLengthPlug.asFloat())))

        instanceCountPlug = OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.instanceCountAttr)
        return instanceCountPlug.asInt() 
Example #4
Source File:    From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _addAttr(_fnDependNode, _sName, _pValue):
    sType = core.getDataType(_pValue)

    # Skip empty list
    bIsMulti = sType == core.TYPE_LIST
    if bIsMulti and len(_pValue) == 0:

    plug = None
    # Get attribute arguments
    try: # TODO: Is a try/catch really the best way to know if the plug exists?
        plug = _fnDependNode.findPlug(_sName)

    if plug is None:
        fnAtt = _createAttribute(_sName, _pValue)
        if fnAtt is None: return # In case of invalid value like missing pymel PyNode & Attributes
        moAtt = fnAtt.object()
        if moAtt is not None:
            plug = OpenMaya.MPlug(_fnDependNode.object(), moAtt)

    if plug is not None:
        _setAttr(plug, _pValue) 
Example #5
Source File:    From spore with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, node):

        log_lvl = sys._global_spore_dispatcher.spore_globals['LOG_LEVEL']
        self.logger = logging_util.SporeLogger(__name__, log_lvl)

        dg_fn = om.MFnDependencyNode(node)
        self.node_name =
        self.node = node # TODO - hold on to selection list instead of mobj
        #  self.bounding_box = None
        self.state = None
        self.data_plug = om.MPlug()
        self.data_object = om.MObject()

        # instance data attributes
        self.position = om.MVectorArray()
        self.scale = om.MVectorArray()
        self.rotation = om.MVectorArray()
        self.instance_id = om.MIntArray()
        self.visibility = om.MIntArray()
        self.normal = om.MVectorArray()
        self.tangent = om.MVectorArray()
        self.u_coord = om.MDoubleArray()
        self.v_coord = om.MDoubleArray()
        self.poly_id = om.MIntArray()
        self.color = om.MVectorArray()
        self.unique_id = om.MIntArray()

        self.exclusive_paint = []

        # collect points for kd tree
        self.np_position = np.empty((0,3), float)
        self.tree = None'Instanciate new InstanceData object for: {}'.format(self.node_name)) 
Example #6
Source File:    From spore with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def initialize_data(self):
        """ get cache data from the sporeNode's instanceData plug/
        :param instance_data_plug MPlug: instanceData plug """

        node_fn = om.MFnDependencyNode(self.node)
        self.data_plug = node_fn.findPlug('instanceData')
        self.data_object = self.data_plug.asMObject()
        array_attr_fn = om.MFnArrayAttrsData(self.data_object)

        self.position = array_attr_fn.vectorArray('position')
        self.scale = array_attr_fn.vectorArray('scale')
        self.rotation = array_attr_fn.vectorArray('rotation')
        self.instance_id = array_attr_fn.intArray('objectIndex')
        self.visibility = array_attr_fn.intArray('visibility')
        self.normal = array_attr_fn.vectorArray('normal')
        self.tangent = array_attr_fn.vectorArray('tangent')
        self.u_coord = array_attr_fn.doubleArray('u_coord')
        self.v_coord = array_attr_fn.doubleArray('v_coord')
        self.poly_id = array_attr_fn.intArray('poly_id')
        self.color = array_attr_fn.vectorArray('color')
        self.unique_id = array_attr_fn.intArray('unique_id')

        # TODO - set bb

        # get position as numpy array
        for i in xrange(self.position.length()):
            position = [[self.position[i].x, self.position[i].y, self.position[i].z]]
            self.np_position = np.append(self.np_position, position, axis=0)

        self.logger.debug('Initialize InstanceData object for: {}'.format(self.node_name)) 
Example #7
Source File:    From cross3d with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _getPlug(cls, mObj, name):
		""" For a given OpenMaya.MObject return the OpenMaya.MPlug object with that attribute name.
		If the property does not exist, raises "RuntimeError: (kInvalidParameter): Cannot find item of required type"
		:param mObj: The source MObject
		:param name: The name of the attribute to get from mObj.
		:return: A OpenMaya.MPlug object
		with ExceptionRouter():
			depNode = om.MFnDependencyNode(mObj)
			attr = depNode.attribute(name)
			return om.MPlug(mObj, attr) 
Example #8
Source File:    From anima with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def getSize(self):
        thisNode = self.thisMObject()
        plug = OpenMaya.MPlug(thisNode, self.aSize)
        sizeVal = plug.asMDistance()
        return sizeVal.asCentimeters() 
Example #9
Source File:    From anima with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def getTPositions(self):
        """reads the trajectory positions from the attribute
        by using the plug instead of the dataBlock
        thisNode = self.thisMObject()
        plug = OpenMaya.MPlug( thisNode, self.aTPos )
        vectorArrayDataFn = OpenMaya.MFnVectorArrayData( plug.asMObject() )
        tPosVectArray = vectorArrayDataFn.array()
        return tPosVectArray 
Example #10
Source File:    From instanceAlongCurve with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def getShadingGroup(self):
        inputSGPlug = OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.inputShadingGroupAttr)
        sgNode = getSingleSourceObjectFromPlug(inputSGPlug)

        if sgNode is not None and sgNode.hasFn(OpenMaya.MFn.kSet):
            return OpenMaya.MFnSet(sgNode)

        return None 
Example #11
Source File:    From instanceAlongCurve with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def getInputTransformPlug(self):

        # Backward compatibility
        inputTransformPlug = OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.inputTransformAttr)
        legacyInputTransformPlug = OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.legacyInputTransformAttr)

            inputTransformPlug = legacyInputTransformPlug

        return inputTransformPlug 
Example #12
Source File:    From ml_tools with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def getWorldValueAtFrame(attr, frame):
    mSelectionList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
    plug = OpenMaya.MPlug()
    mSelectionList.getPlug(0, plug)
    context = OpenMaya.MDGContext(OpenMaya.MTime(frame))
    return plug.asDouble(context) 
Example #13
Source File:    From instanceAlongCurve with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, mObject, dataBlock, rampAttr, normalize, instanceCount):            
            self.ramp = OpenMaya.MRampAttribute(OpenMaya.MPlug(mObject, rampAttr.ramp))
            self.rampOffset = dataBlock.inputValue(rampAttr.rampOffset).asFloat()
            self.rampRandomAmplitude = dataBlock.inputValue(rampAttr.rampRandomAmplitude).asFloat()
            self.rampAmplitude = dataBlock.inputValue(rampAttr.rampAmplitude).asFloat()
            self.rampRepeat = dataBlock.inputValue(rampAttr.rampRepeat).asFloat()

            if normalize:
                self.rampAxis = dataBlock.inputValue(rampAttr.rampAxis.compound).asVector().normal()
                self.rampAxis = dataBlock.inputValue(rampAttr.rampAxis.compound).asVector()

            self.useDynamicAmplitudeValues = False

            amplitudePlug = OpenMaya.MPlug(mObject, rampAttr.rampAmplitude)

            if amplitudePlug.isConnected():

                # Get connected input plugs
                connections = OpenMaya.MPlugArray()
                amplitudePlug.connectedTo(connections, True, False)

                # Find input transform
                if connections.length() == 1:
                    node = connections[0].node()
                    nodeFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode(node)

                    resultColors = OpenMaya.MFloatVectorArray()
                    resultTransparencies = OpenMaya.MFloatVectorArray()

                    uValues = OpenMaya.MFloatArray(instanceCount, 0.0)
                    vValues = OpenMaya.MFloatArray(instanceCount, 0.0)

                    # Sample a line, for more user flexibility
                    for i in xrange(instanceCount):
                        uValues.set(i / float(instanceCount), i)
                        vValues.set(i / float(instanceCount), i)

                    # For now... then we can just use the plug (TODO)
                        OpenMayaRender.MRenderUtil.sampleShadingNetwork( + ".outColor", instanceCount, False, False, OpenMaya.MFloatMatrix(), None, uValues, vValues, None, None, None, None, None, resultColors, resultTransparencies)

                        self.rampAmplitudeValues = []
                        self.useDynamicAmplitudeValues = True

                        for i in xrange(resultColors.length()):
                            self.rampAmplitudeValues.append(resultColors[i].length() / math.sqrt(3))

    # Ramps base offset 
Example #14
Source File:    From instanceAlongCurve with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def compute(self, plug, dataBlock):
            curveDataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(instanceAlongCurveLocator.inputCurveAttr)
            curve = curveDataHandle.asNurbsCurveTransformed()

            updateTranslation = (plug == instanceAlongCurveLocator.outputTranslationAttr.compound)
            updateRotation = (plug == instanceAlongCurveLocator.outputRotationAttr.compound)
            updateScale = (plug == instanceAlongCurveLocator.outputScaleAttr.compound)

            if not curve.isNull():

                if updateTranslation or updateRotation or updateScale:
                    curveFn = OpenMaya.MFnNurbsCurve(curve)

                    instanceCount = self.getInstanceCountByMode()
                    distOffset = dataBlock.inputValue(instanceAlongCurveLocator.distOffsetAttr).asFloat()
                    curveLength = curveFn.length()

                    # Curve thresholds
                    curveStart = dataBlock.inputValue(instanceAlongCurveLocator.curveStartAttr).asFloat() * curveLength
                    curveEnd = dataBlock.inputValue(instanceAlongCurveLocator.curveEndAttr).asFloat() * curveLength

                    effectiveCurveLength = min(max(curveEnd - curveStart, 0.001), curveLength)
                    lengthIncrement = self.getIncrementByMode(instanceCount, effectiveCurveLength)

                    # Common data
                    inputTransformPlug = self.getInputTransformPlug()
                    inputTransformFn = self.getInputTransformFn()
                    # Force update of transformation 
                    if OpenMaya.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), instanceAlongCurveLocator.inputTransformAttr).isConnected():

                    # Manipulator data
                    curveAxisHandleArray = dataBlock.inputArrayValue(instanceAlongCurveLocator.curveAxisHandleAttr.compound)
                    axisHandlesSorted = getSortedCurveAxisArray(self.thisMObject(), curveAxisHandleArray, instanceCount)

                    if updateTranslation:
                        self.updateInstancePositions(curveFn, dataBlock, instanceCount, distOffset, curveStart, curveEnd, effectiveCurveLength, lengthIncrement, inputTransformPlug, inputTransformFn, axisHandlesSorted)

                    if updateRotation:
                        self.updateInstanceRotations(curveFn, dataBlock, instanceCount, distOffset, curveStart, curveEnd, effectiveCurveLength, lengthIncrement, inputTransformPlug, inputTransformFn, axisHandlesSorted)

                    if updateScale:
                        self.updateInstanceScale(curveFn, dataBlock, instanceCount, distOffset, curveStart, curveEnd, effectiveCurveLength, lengthIncrement)

            sys.stderr.write('Failed trying to compute locator. stack trace: \n')
            return OpenMaya.kUnknownParameter