rxjs/operators#toArray JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use rxjs/operators#toArray. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: staking_payouts.js    From sdk with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Sends staking payouts for recent eras using the given sender account.
 * @param {DockAPI} dock
 * @param {ErasInfo} erasInfo
 * @param {*} initiator - account to send tx from
 * @param {number} batchSize
 * @returns {Promise<boolean>} - `true` if some unpaid eras were found, `false` otherwise
async function sendStakingPayouts(dock, erasInfo, initiator, batchSize) {
  const validators = pipe(
    (values) => new Set(values)

  if (!validators.size) {
    console.log("- Validator set is empty.");
    return false;

  console.log("- Retrieving validator eras...");
  const erasToBePaid = await lastValueFrom(
      getUnclaimedStashesEras(dock.api, erasInfo),

  const rewards = pipe(buildValidatorRewards, toPairs)(erasInfo, erasToBePaid);

  if (isEmpty(rewards)) {
    console.log("- No unpaid validator rewards found for recent eras.");
    return false;

  console.log("- Payouts need to be made:");

  for (const [stashId, eras] of rewards) {
    const total = eras.reduce(
      (total, { reward }) => (total != null ? total.add(reward) : reward),

    console.log(` * To \`${stashId}\`: ${formatDock(total)}`);

  const logResult = ({ result, tx }) => {
    // Ther's a much better way to check this...
    const isBatch = tx.method.args?.[0]?.[0] instanceof Map;

    let msg = " * ";
    if (isBatch) msg += `Batch transaction`;
    else msg += `Transaction`;

    if (FinalizeTx) {
      msg += ` finalized at block \`${result.status.asFinalized}\`: `;
    } else {
      msg += ` included at block \`${result.status.asInBlock}\`: `;

    const payoutsSummary = (isBatch ? tx.method.args[0] : [tx.method])
      .map((payout) => payout.get("args"))
        ({ validator_stash, era }) =>
          `\`${validator_stash}\` rewarded for era ${era}`
      .join(isBatch ? ",\n    " : ",");

    msg += isBatch ? `[\n    ${payoutsSummary}\n ]` : payoutsSummary;


  const payoutTxs$ = from(rewards).pipe(
    concatMap(([stashId, eras]) => from(eras.map(assoc("stashId", stashId)))),
    mapRx(({ stashId, era }) =>
      dock.api.tx.staking.payoutStakers(stashId, era)
    batchExtrinsics(dock.api, batchSize),
    signAndSendExtrinsics(dock, initiator),

  await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
      error: reject,
      complete: resolve,

  return true;