d3-selection#selectAll JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use d3-selection#selectAll. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: statusboard.js    From covid19japan-data with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
showPatients = (prefectureId) => {
  let patients = responses[prefectureId]
  if (!patients) {
    console.error(`No response cached for ${prefectureId}`)

  document.querySelector('#console').value = JSON.stringify(patients)
  let patientList = select('#patients')

  let row = DATA_START_ROW
  for (let patient of patients) {
    createPatientItemCells(prefectureId, patientList, patient, row)
Example #2
Source File: diagram.js    From the-eye-knows-the-garbage with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// sometimes text doesn't fit inside the circle, if thats the case lets wrap
// the text here such that it fits
// todo: looks like this might be merged into d3 (
// https://github.com/mbostock/d3/issues/1642),
// also worth checking out is
// http://engineering.findthebest.com/wrapping-axis-labels-in-d3-js/
// this seems to be one of those things that should be easy but isn't
export function wrapText(circles, labeller) {
    return function() {
        var text = select(this),
            data = text.datum(),
            width = circles[data.sets[0]].radius || 50,
            label = labeller(data) || '';

            var words = label.split(/\s+/).reverse(),
            maxLines = 3,
            minChars = (label.length + words.length) / maxLines,
            word = words.pop(),
            line = [word],
            lineNumber = 0,
            lineHeight = 1.1, // ems
            tspan = text.text(null).append("tspan").text(word);

        while (true) {
            word = words.pop();
            if (!word) break;
            joined = line.join(" ");
            if (joined.length > minChars && tspan.node().getComputedTextLength() > width) {
                tspan.text(line.join(" "));
                line = [word];
                tspan = text.append("tspan").text(word);

        var initial = 0.35 - lineNumber * lineHeight / 2,
            x = text.attr("x"),
            y = text.attr("y");

            .attr("x", x)
            .attr("y", y)
            .attr("dy", function(d, i) {
                 return (initial + i * lineHeight) + "em";
Example #3
Source File: diagram.js    From the-eye-knows-the-garbage with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// sorts all areas in the venn diagram, so that
// a particular area is on top (relativeTo) - and
// all other areas are so that the smallest areas are on top
export function sortAreas(div, relativeTo) {

    // figure out sets that are completly overlapped by relativeTo
    var overlaps = getOverlappingCircles(div.selectAll("svg").datum());
    var exclude = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < relativeTo.sets.length; ++i) {
        var check = relativeTo.sets[i];
        for (var setid in overlaps) {
            var overlap = overlaps[setid];
            for (var j = 0; j < overlap.length; ++j) {
                if (overlap[j] == check) {
                    exclude[setid] = true;

    // checks that all sets are in exclude;
    function shouldExclude(sets) {
        for (var i = 0; i < sets.length; ++i) {
            if (!(sets[i] in exclude)) {
                return false;
        return true;

    // need to sort div's so that Z order is correct
    div.selectAll("g").sort(function (a, b) {
        // highest order set intersections first
        if (a.sets.length != b.sets.length) {
            return a.sets.length - b.sets.length;

        if (a == relativeTo) {
            return shouldExclude(b.sets) ? -1 : 1;
        if (b == relativeTo) {
            return shouldExclude(a.sets) ? 1 : -1;

        // finally by size
        return b.size - a.size;
Example #4
Source File: diagram.js    From the-eye-knows-the-garbage with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
/*global console:true*/

export function VennDiagram() {
    var width = 600,
        height = 350,
        padding = 15,
        duration = 1000,
        orientation = Math.PI / 2,
        normalize = true,
        wrap = true,
        styled = true,
        fontSize = null,
        orientationOrder = null,

        // mimic the behaviour of d3.scale.category10 from the previous
        // version of d3
        colourMap = {},

        // so this is the same as d3.schemeCategory10, which is only defined in d3 4.0
        // since we can support older versions of d3 as long as we don't force this,
        // I'm hackily redefining below. TODO: remove this and change to d3.schemeCategory10
        colourScheme = ["#1f77b4", "#ff7f0e", "#2ca02c", "#d62728", "#9467bd", "#8c564b", "#e377c2", "#7f7f7f", "#bcbd22", "#17becf"],
        colourIndex = 0,
        colours = function(key) {
            if (key in colourMap) {
                return colourMap[key];
            var ret = colourMap[key] = colourScheme[colourIndex];
            colourIndex += 1;
            if (colourIndex >= colourScheme.length) {
                colourIndex = 0;
            return ret;
        layoutFunction = venn,
        loss = lossFunction;

    function chart(selection) {
        var data = selection.datum();

        // handle 0-sized sets by removing from input
        var toremove = {};
        data.forEach(function(datum) {
            if ((datum.size == 0) && datum.sets.length == 1) {
                toremove[datum.sets[0]] = 1;
        data = data.filter(function(datum) {
            return !datum.sets.some(function(set) { return set in toremove; });

        var circles = {};
        var textCentres = {};

        if (data.length > 0) {
            var solution = layoutFunction(data, {lossFunction: loss});

            if (normalize) {
                solution = normalizeSolution(solution,

            circles = scaleSolution(solution, width, height, padding);
            textCentres = computeTextCentres(circles, data);

        // Figure out the current label for each set. These can change
        // and D3 won't necessarily update (fixes https://github.com/benfred/venn.js/issues/103)
        var labels = {};
        data.forEach(function(datum) {
            if (datum.label) {
                labels[datum.sets] = datum.label;

        function label(d) {
            if (d.sets in labels) {
                return labels[d.sets];
            if (d.sets.length == 1) {
                return '' + d.sets[0];

        // create svg if not already existing

        var svg = selection.select("svg")
            .attr("width", width)
            .attr("height", height);

        // to properly transition intersection areas, we need the
        // previous circles locations. load from elements
        var previous = {}, hasPrevious = false;
        svg.selectAll(".venn-area path").each(function (d) {
            var path = select(this).attr("d");
            if ((d.sets.length == 1) && path) {
                hasPrevious = true;
                previous[d.sets[0]] = circleFromPath(path);

        // interpolate intersection area paths between previous and
        // current paths
        var pathTween = function(d) {
            return function(t) {
                var c = d.sets.map(function(set) {
                    var start = previous[set], end = circles[set];
                    if (!start) {
                        start = {x : width/2, y : height/2, radius : 1};
                    if (!end) {
                        end = {x : width/2, y : height/2, radius : 1};
                    return {'x' : start.x * (1 - t) + end.x * t,
                            'y' : start.y * (1 - t) + end.y * t,
                            'radius' : start.radius * (1 - t) + end.radius * t};
                return intersectionAreaPath(c);

        // update data, joining on the set ids
        var nodes = svg.selectAll(".venn-area")
            .data(data, function(d) { return d.sets; });

        // create new nodes
        var enter = nodes.enter()
            .attr("class", function(d) {
                return "venn-area venn-" +
                    (d.sets.length == 1 ? "circle" : "intersection");
            .attr("data-venn-sets", function(d) {
                return d.sets.join("_");

        var enterPath = enter.append("path"),
            enterText = enter.append("text")
            .attr("class", "label")
            .text(function (d) { return label(d); } )
            .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
            .attr("dy", ".35em")
            .attr("x", width/2)
            .attr("y", height/2);

        // apply minimal style if wanted
        if (styled) {
            enterPath.style("fill-opacity", "0")
                .filter(function (d) { return d.sets.length == 1; } )
                .style("fill", function(d) { return colours(d.sets); })
                .style("fill-opacity", ".25");

                .style("fill", function(d) { return d.sets.length == 1 ? colours(d.sets) : "#444"; });

        // update existing, using pathTween if necessary
        var update = selection;
        if (hasPrevious) {
            update = selection.transition("venn").duration(duration);
                .attrTween("d", pathTween);
        } else {
                .attr("d", function(d) {
                    return intersectionAreaPath(d.sets.map(function (set) { return circles[set]; }));

        var updateText = update.selectAll("text")
            .filter(function (d) { return d.sets in textCentres; })
            .text(function (d) { return label(d); } )
            .attr("x", function(d) { return Math.floor(textCentres[d.sets].x);})
            .attr("y", function(d) { return Math.floor(textCentres[d.sets].y);});

        if (wrap) {
            if (hasPrevious) {
                // d3 4.0 uses 'on' for events on transitions,
                // but d3 3.0 used 'each' instead. switch appropiately
                if ('on' in updateText) {
                    updateText.on("end", wrapText(circles, label));
                } else {
                    updateText.each("end", wrapText(circles, label));
            } else {
                updateText.each(wrapText(circles, label));

        // remove old
        var exit = nodes.exit().transition('venn').duration(duration).remove();
            .attrTween("d", pathTween);

        var exitText = exit.selectAll("text")
            .attr("x", width/2)
            .attr("y", height/2);

        // if we've been passed a fontSize explicitly, use it to
        // transition
        if (fontSize !== null) {
            enterText.style("font-size", "0px");
            updateText.style("font-size", fontSize);
            exitText.style("font-size", "0px");

        return {'circles': circles,
                'textCentres': textCentres,
                'nodes': nodes,
                'enter': enter,
                'update': update,
                'exit': exit};

    chart.wrap = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return wrap;
        wrap = _;
        return chart;

    chart.width = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return width;
        width = _;
        return chart;

    chart.height = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return height;
        height = _;
        return chart;

    chart.padding = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return padding;
        padding = _;
        return chart;

    chart.colours = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return colours;
        colours = _;
        return chart;

    chart.fontSize = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return fontSize;
        fontSize = _;
        return chart;

    chart.duration = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return duration;
        duration = _;
        return chart;

    chart.layoutFunction = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return layoutFunction;
        layoutFunction = _;
        return chart;

    chart.normalize = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return normalize;
        normalize = _;
        return chart;

    chart.styled = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return styled;
        styled = _;
        return chart;

    chart.orientation = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return orientation;
        orientation = _;
        return chart;

    chart.orientationOrder = function(_) {
        if (!arguments.length) return orientationOrder;
        orientationOrder = _;
        return chart;

    chart.lossFunction = function(_) {
      if (!arguments.length) return loss;
      loss = _;
      return chart;

    return chart;