Java Code Examples for org.pentaho.di.trans.step.StepInterface#addRowListener()

The following examples show how to use org.pentaho.di.trans.step.StepInterface#addRowListener() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public synchronized void addRowListenersToTransformation( final Trans trans ) {

    final TransDebugMeta self = this;

    // for every step in the map, add a row listener...
    for ( final Map.Entry<StepMeta, StepDebugMeta> entry : stepDebugMetaMap.entrySet() ) {
      final StepMeta stepMeta = entry.getKey();
      final StepDebugMeta stepDebugMeta = entry.getValue();

      // What is the transformation thread to attach a listener to?
      for ( StepInterface baseStep : trans.findBaseSteps( stepMeta.getName() ) ) {
        baseStep.addRowListener( new RowAdapter() {
          public void rowWrittenEvent( RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] row ) throws KettleStepException {
            rowWrittenEventHandler( rowMeta, row, stepDebugMeta, trans, self );
        } );
Example 2
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Create, execute, and return the row listener attached to the output step with complete results from the execution.
 * @param checkSumType
 *          Type of checksum to use (the array index of {@link CheckSumMeta#checksumtypeCodes})
 * @param compatibilityMode
 *          Use compatibility mode for CheckSum
 * @param fieldSeparatorString
 *          The string separate multiple fields with
 * @param inputs
 *          Array of objects representing row data
 * @param inputValueMetas
 *          metas to be processed
 * @return RowListener with results.
private MockRowListener executeHexTest( int checkSumType, boolean compatibilityMode, boolean oldChecksumBehaviour,
    String fieldSeparatorString, Object[] inputs, ValueMetaInterface... inputValueMetas ) throws Exception {

  String[] fieldNames = new String[inputValueMetas.length];
  RowMeta inputRowMeta = new RowMeta();
  for ( int i = 0; i < inputValueMetas.length; i++ ) {
    inputRowMeta.addValueMeta( inputValueMetas[i] );
    fieldNames[i] = inputValueMetas[i].getName();

  Trans trans =
      buildHexadecimalChecksumTrans( checkSumType, compatibilityMode, oldChecksumBehaviour, fieldSeparatorString,
          fieldNames );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface output = trans.getRunThread( "Output", 0 );
  MockRowListener listener = new MockRowListener();
  output.addRowListener( listener );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( "CheckSum", 0 );

  ( (BaseStep) trans.getRunThread( "CheckSum", 0 ) ).setInputRowMeta( inputRowMeta );


  rp.putRow( inputRowMeta, inputs );

  return listener;
Example 3
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test case for normal table output where the table is included in the instream, but the tablename is not stored in
 * the table.
public void testTableOutputJIRA897() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "table output JIRA897 test" );

  // Add the database connections
  for ( int i = 0; i < databasesXML.length; i++ ) {
    DatabaseMeta databaseMeta = new DatabaseMeta( databasesXML[i] );
    transMeta.addDatabase( databaseMeta );

  DatabaseMeta dbInfo = transMeta.findDatabase( "db" );

  // Execute our setup SQLs in the database.
  Database database = new Database( transMeta, dbInfo );
  createTable( database, target_table1, createSourceRowMetaInterface1() );
  createTable( database, target_table2, createSourceRowMetaInterface1() );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.
  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // create the source step...
  String outputname = "output to [" + target_table1 + "] and [" + target_table2 + "]";
  TableOutputMeta tom = new TableOutputMeta();
  tom.setDatabaseMeta( transMeta.findDatabase( "db" ) );
  tom.setTableNameInField( true );
  tom.setTableNameField( "TABLE" );
  tom.setTableNameInTable( false );

  String fromid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, tom );
  StepMeta fromstep = new StepMeta( fromid, outputname, tom );
  fromstep.setDescription( "write data to tables on database [" + dbInfo + "]" );
  transMeta.addStep( fromstep );

  TransHopMeta hi = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, fromstep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( outputname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector rc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( rc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createJIRA897DataRows();
  for ( RowMetaAndData rm : inputList ) {
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows = rc.getRowsWritten();

  // The name of the table should still be in here.
  List<RowMetaAndData> goldRows = createJIRA897DataRows();
  checkRows( goldRows, resultRows );
  checkResultsJIRA897( database );
Example 4
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test case for injector step... also a show case on how to use injector.
public void testInjector() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "injectortest" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.

  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // Create a dummy step
  String dummyStepname = "dummy step";
  DummyTransMeta dm = new DummyTransMeta();

  String dummyPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dm );
  StepMeta dummyStep = new StepMeta( dummyPid, dummyStepname, dm );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep );

  TransHopMeta hi = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, dummyStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector rc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( rc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createData();
  for ( RowMetaAndData rm : inputList ) {
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows = rc.getRowsWritten();
  checkRows( resultRows, inputList );
Example 5
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static List<RowMetaAndData> executeTestTransformation( TransMeta transMeta, String injectorStepname,
    String testStepname, String dummyStepname, List<RowMetaAndData> inputData ) throws KettleException {
  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  // Capture the rows that come out of the dummy step...
  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector dummyRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( dummyRc );

  // Add a row producer...
  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // Start the steps...

  // Inject the actual test rows...
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = inputData;
  Iterator<RowMetaAndData> it = inputList.iterator();
  while ( it.hasNext() ) {
    RowMetaAndData rm =;
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );

  // Wait until the transformation is finished...

  // If there is an error in the result, throw an exception here...
  if ( trans.getResult().getNrErrors() > 0 ) {
    throw new KettleException( "Test transformation finished with errors. Check the log." );

  // Return the result from the dummy step...
  return dummyRc.getRowsRead();
Example 6
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test with cache turned off but "Load All Rows" enabled (Load all rows should have no effect) See JIRA PDI-1910
public void NOTCachedAndLoadAllRowsDatabaseLookup() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "transname" );

  // Add the database connections
  for ( int i = 0; i < databasesXML.length; i++ ) {
    DatabaseMeta databaseMeta = new DatabaseMeta( databasesXML[i] );
    transMeta.addDatabase( databaseMeta );

  DatabaseMeta dbInfo = transMeta.findDatabase( "db" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.

  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // create the lookup step...
  String lookupName = "look up from [" + lookup_table + "]";
  DatabaseLookupMeta dbl = new DatabaseLookupMeta();
  dbl.setDatabaseMeta( transMeta.findDatabase( "db" ) );
  dbl.setTablename( lookup_table );
  dbl.setCached( false );
  dbl.setLoadingAllDataInCache( true );
  dbl.setEatingRowOnLookupFailure( false );
  dbl.setFailingOnMultipleResults( false );
  dbl.setOrderByClause( "" );

  dbl.setTableKeyField( new String[] { "ID" } );
  dbl.setKeyCondition( new String[] { "=" } );
  dbl.setStreamKeyField1( new String[] { "int_field" } );
  dbl.setStreamKeyField2( new String[] { "" } );

  dbl.setReturnValueField( new String[] { "CODE", "STRING" } );
  dbl.setReturnValueDefaultType( new int[] { ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING } );
  dbl.setReturnValueDefault( new String[] { "-1", "UNDEF" } );
  dbl.setReturnValueNewName( new String[] { "RET_CODE", "RET_STRING" } );

  String lookupId = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dbl );
  StepMeta lookupStep = new StepMeta( lookupId, lookupName, dbl );
  lookupStep.setDescription( "Reads information from table [" + lookup_table + "] on database [" + dbInfo + "]" );
  transMeta.addStep( lookupStep );

  TransHopMeta hi = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, lookupStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( lookupName, 0 );
  RowStepCollector rc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( rc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createDataRows();
  for ( RowMetaAndData rm : inputList ) {
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows = rc.getRowsWritten();
  List<RowMetaAndData> goldRows = createResultDataRows();
  checkRows( goldRows, resultRows );

Example 7
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static Map<String, RowStepCollector> executeTestTransformationError( TransMeta transMeta,
    String injectorStepname, String testStepname, String dummyStepname, String errorStepName,
    List<RowMetaAndData> inputData ) throws KettleException {
  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  // Capture the rows that come out of the dummy step...
  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector dummyRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( dummyRc );

  StepInterface junit = trans.getStepInterface( testStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector dummyJu = new RowStepCollector();
  junit.addRowListener( dummyJu );

  // add error handler
  StepInterface er = trans.getStepInterface( errorStepName, 0 );
  RowStepCollector erColl = new RowStepCollector();
  er.addRowListener( erColl );

  // Add a row producer...
  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // Start the steps...

  // Inject the actual test rows...
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = inputData;
  Iterator<RowMetaAndData> it = inputList.iterator();
  while ( it.hasNext() ) {
    RowMetaAndData rm =;
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );

  // Wait until the transformation is finished...

  // If there is an error in the result, throw an exception here...
  if ( trans.getResult().getNrErrors() > 0 ) {
    throw new KettleException( "Test transformation finished with errors. Check the log." );

  // Return the result from the dummy step...
  Map<String, RowStepCollector> ret = new HashMap<String, RowStepCollector>();
  ret.put( dummyStepname, dummyRc );
  ret.put( errorStepName, erColl );
  ret.put( testStepname, dummyJu );
  return ret;
Example 8
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test case for parameters using a simple transformation.
 * @throws Exception
 *           exception on any problem.
public void testParameterSimpleTrans1() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "parameter_simple_trans1" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create a get variables step...
  String getVariablesStepname = "get variables step";
  GetVariableMeta gvm = new GetVariableMeta();

  // Set the information of the get variables step.
  String getVariablesPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, gvm );
  StepMeta getVariablesStep = new StepMeta( getVariablesPid, getVariablesStepname, gvm );
  transMeta.addStep( getVariablesStep );

  // Generate 1 row
  String[] fieldName = { "PARAM1", "PARAM2" };
  String[] varName = { "${Param1}", "%%PARAM2%%" };
  int[] fieldType = { ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING };
  int[] length = { -1, -1 };
  int[] precision = { -1, -1 };
  String[] format = { "", "" };
  String[] currency = { "", "" };
  String[] decimal = { "", "" };
  String[] grouping = { "", "" };
  int[] trimType = { ValueMetaInterface.TRIM_TYPE_NONE, ValueMetaInterface.TRIM_TYPE_NONE };

  FieldDefinition[] fields = new FieldDefinition[fieldName.length];
  for ( int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) {
    FieldDefinition field = new FieldDefinition();
    field.setFieldName( fieldName[i] );
    field.setVariableString( varName[i] );
    field.setFieldType( fieldType[i] );
    field.setFieldLength( length[i] );
    field.setFieldPrecision( precision[i] );
    field.setFieldFormat( format[i] );
    field.setCurrency( currency[i] );
    field.setDecimal( decimal[i] );
    field.setGroup( grouping[i] );
    field.setTrimType( trimType[i] );
    fields[i] = field;
  gvm.setFieldDefinitions( fields );

  // Create a dummy step 1
  String dummyStepname1 = "dummy step 1";
  DummyTransMeta dm1 = new DummyTransMeta();

  String dummyPid1 = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dm1 );
  StepMeta dummyStep1 = new StepMeta( dummyPid1, dummyStepname1, dm1 );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep1 );

  TransHopMeta hi1 = new TransHopMeta( getVariablesStep, dummyStep1 );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi1 );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );
  trans.addParameterDefinition( "Param1", "", "Parameter 1" );
  trans.addParameterDefinition( "PARAM2", "", "Parameter 2" );
  trans.setParameterValue( "Param1", "ParamValue1" );
  trans.setParameterValue( "PARAM2", "PARAMVALUE2" );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname1, 0 );
  RowStepCollector endRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( endRc );



  // Now check whether the output is still as we expect.
  List<RowMetaAndData> goldenImageRows = createResultData1();
  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows1 = endRc.getRowsWritten();
  checkRows( resultRows1, goldenImageRows );
Example 9
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test case for javascript functionality: trans_Status and SKIP_TRANSFORMATION. Regression test case for JIRA defect
 * PDI-364.
public void testTransStatus() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "test javascript trans_Status" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.
  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // Create a javascript step
  String javaScriptStepname = "javascript step";
  ScriptValuesMetaMod svm = new ScriptValuesMetaMod();

  // process 3 rows and skip the rest.
  ScriptValuesScript[] js =
    new ScriptValuesScript[] { new ScriptValuesScript(
      ScriptValuesScript.TRANSFORM_SCRIPT, "script", "trans_Status = CONTINUE_TRANSFORMATION;\n"
      + "if (getProcessCount(\"r\") > 3) {\n" + " \ttrans_Status = SKIP_TRANSFORMATION;\n" + "}" ) };
  svm.setJSScripts( js );
  svm.setFieldname( new String[] {} );
  svm.setRename( new String[] {} );
  svm.setType( new int[] {} );
  svm.setLength( new int[] {} );
  svm.setPrecision( new int[] {} );
  svm.setCompatible( false );

  String javaScriptStepPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, svm );
  StepMeta javaScriptStep = new StepMeta( javaScriptStepPid, javaScriptStepname, svm );
  transMeta.addStep( javaScriptStep );

  TransHopMeta hi1 = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, javaScriptStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi1 );

  // Create a dummy step
  String dummyStepname = "dummy step";
  DummyTransMeta dm = new DummyTransMeta();

  String dummyPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dm );
  StepMeta dummyStep = new StepMeta( dummyPid, dummyStepname, dm );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep );

  TransHopMeta hi2 = new TransHopMeta( javaScriptStep, dummyStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi2 );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si;

  si = trans.getStepInterface( javaScriptStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector javaScriptRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( javaScriptRc );

  si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector dummyRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( dummyRc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createData1();
  Iterator<RowMetaAndData> it = inputList.iterator();
  while ( it.hasNext() ) {
    RowMetaAndData rm =;
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> goldenImageRows = createResultData2();
  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows1 = javaScriptRc.getRowsWritten();
  checkRows( resultRows1, goldenImageRows );

  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows2 = dummyRc.getRowsRead();
  checkRows( resultRows2, goldenImageRows );
Example 10
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testSortCaseInsensitiveUniqueCaseSensitive() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "uniquerowstest" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.
  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // Create a sort rows step
  String sortRowsStepname = "sort rows step";
  SortRowsMeta srm = new SortRowsMeta();
  srm.setFieldName( new String[] { "KEY" } );
  srm.setAscending( new boolean[] { true } );
  srm.setCaseSensitive( new boolean[] { false } );
  srm.setPreSortedField( new boolean[] { false } );
  srm.setPrefix( "SortRowsTest" );
  srm.setDirectory( "." );

  String sortRowsStepPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, srm );
  StepMeta sortRowsStep = new StepMeta( sortRowsStepPid, sortRowsStepname, srm );
  transMeta.addStep( sortRowsStep );

  transMeta.addTransHop( new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, sortRowsStep ) );

  // Create a unique rows step
  String uniqueRowsStepname = "unique rows step";
  UniqueRowsMeta urm = new UniqueRowsMeta();
  urm.setCompareFields( new String[] { "KEY" } );
  urm.setCaseInsensitive( new boolean[] { false } );

  String uniqueRowsStepPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, urm );
  StepMeta uniqueRowsStep = new StepMeta( uniqueRowsStepPid, uniqueRowsStepname, urm );
  transMeta.addStep( uniqueRowsStep );

  transMeta.addTransHop( new TransHopMeta( sortRowsStep, uniqueRowsStep ) );

  // Create a dummy step
  String dummyStepname = "dummy step";
  DummyTransMeta dm = new DummyTransMeta();

  String dummyPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dm );
  StepMeta dummyStep = new StepMeta( dummyPid, dummyStepname, dm );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep );

  transMeta.addTransHop( new TransHopMeta( uniqueRowsStep, dummyStep ) );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector dummyRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( dummyRc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createData();
  for ( RowMetaAndData rm : inputList ) {
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows = dummyRc.getRowsWritten();
  checkRows( createResultDataSortCaseInsensitiveUniqueCaseSensitive(), resultRows );
Example 11
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test case for table input which is taking its input from a hop. This is a regression test case for JIRA PDI-588.
 * The query in the table input step has one '?' and this parameter is filled by values read from an input hop.
public void testTableInputWithParam() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "transname" );

  // Add the database connections
  for ( int i = 0; i < databasesXML.length; i++ ) {
    DatabaseMeta databaseMeta = new DatabaseMeta( databasesXML[i] );
    transMeta.addDatabase( databaseMeta );

  DatabaseMeta dbInfo = transMeta.findDatabase( "db" );

  // Execute our setup SQLs in the database.
  Database database = new Database( transMeta, dbInfo );
  createTables( database );
  createData( database );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.

  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // create the source step...
  String fromstepname = "read from [" + source_table + "]";
  TableInputMeta tii = new TableInputMeta();
  tii.setDatabaseMeta( transMeta.findDatabase( "db" ) );
  tii.setLookupFromStep( injectorStep );
  tii.setExecuteEachInputRow( true );
  String selectSQL = "SELECT " + Const.CR;
  selectSQL += "ID, CODE ";
  selectSQL += "FROM " + source_table + " WHERE CODE = ? ORDER BY ID, CODE;";
  tii.setSQL( selectSQL );

  String fromstepid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, tii );
  StepMeta fromstep = new StepMeta( fromstepid, fromstepname, tii );
  fromstep.setDescription( "Reads information from table [" + source_table + "] on database [" + dbInfo + "]" );
  transMeta.addStep( fromstep );

  TransHopMeta hi = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, fromstep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( fromstepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector rc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( rc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createDataRows();
  for ( RowMetaAndData rm : inputList ) {
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows = rc.getRowsWritten();
  List<RowMetaAndData> goldRows = createResultDataRows();
  checkRows( goldRows, resultRows );

Example 12
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void setUp() throws Exception {



  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "insert/update test" );

  // Add the database connections
  for ( int i = 0; i < databasesXML.length; i++ ) {
    DatabaseMeta databaseMeta = new DatabaseMeta( databasesXML[i] );
    transMeta.addDatabase( databaseMeta );

  DatabaseMeta dbInfo = transMeta.findDatabase( "db" );

  // Create target table
  db = new Database( transMeta, dbInfo );

  String source = db.getCreateTableStatement( TARGET_TABLE, getTargetTableRowMeta(), null, false, null, true );
  db.execStatement( source );

  // populate target table
  for ( String sql : insertStatement ) {
    db.execStatement( sql );


  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepName = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.
  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepName, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // create the update step...
  String updateStepName = "insert/update [" + TARGET_TABLE + "]";
  insupd = new InsertUpdateMeta();
  insupd.setDatabaseMeta( transMeta.findDatabase( "db" ) );
  insupd.setTableName( TARGET_TABLE );

  insupd.setUpdateLookup( new String[] { "VALUE", "ROW_ORDER" } );
  insupd.setUpdateStream( new String[] { "VALUE", "ROW_ORDER" } );
  insupd.setUpdate( new Boolean[] { true, false } );

  String fromid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, insupd );
  StepMeta updateStep = new StepMeta( fromid, updateStepName, insupd );
  updateStep.setDescription( "insert/update data in table [" + TARGET_TABLE + "] on database [" + dbInfo + "]" );
  transMeta.addStep( updateStep );

  TransHopMeta hi = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, updateStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi );


  trans = new Trans( transMeta );
  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( updateStepName, 0 );
  rc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( rc );

  rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepName, 0 );

Example 13
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testCaseSensitiveNoPreviousSort() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "uniquerowstest" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.
  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // Create a unique rows step
  String uniqueRowsStepname = "unique rows step";
  UniqueRowsMeta urm = new UniqueRowsMeta();
  urm.setCompareFields( new String[] { "KEY" } );
  urm.setCaseInsensitive( new boolean[] { false } );

  String uniqueRowsStepPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, urm );
  StepMeta uniqueRowsStep = new StepMeta( uniqueRowsStepPid, uniqueRowsStepname, urm );
  transMeta.addStep( uniqueRowsStep );

  transMeta.addTransHop( new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, uniqueRowsStep ) );

  // Create a dummy step
  String dummyStepname = "dummy step";
  DummyTransMeta dm = new DummyTransMeta();

  String dummyPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dm );
  StepMeta dummyStep = new StepMeta( dummyPid, dummyStepname, dm );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep );

  transMeta.addTransHop( new TransHopMeta( uniqueRowsStep, dummyStep ) );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector dummyRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( dummyRc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createData();
  for ( RowMetaAndData rm : inputList ) {
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows = dummyRc.getRowsWritten();
  checkRows( createResultDataCaseSensitiveNoPreviousSort(), resultRows );
Example 14
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Process a single row. In our case, we send one row of data to a piece of transformation. In the transformation, we
 * look up the MappingInput step to send our rows to it. As a consequence, for the time being, there can only be one
 * MappingInput and one MappingOutput step in the Mapping.
public boolean processRow( StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi ) throws KettleException {
  meta = (SimpleMappingMeta) smi;
  setData( (SimpleMappingData) sdi );
  SimpleMappingData simpleMappingData = getData();
  try {
    if ( first ) {
      first = false;
      simpleMappingData.wasStarted = true;

      // Rows read are injected into the one available Mapping Input step
      String mappingInputStepname = simpleMappingData.mappingInput.getStepname();
      RowProducer rowProducer = simpleMappingData.mappingTrans.addRowProducer( mappingInputStepname, 0 );
      simpleMappingData.rowDataInputMapper = new RowDataInputMapper( meta.getInputMapping(), rowProducer );

      // Rows produced by the mapping are read and passed on.
      String mappingOutputStepname = simpleMappingData.mappingOutput.getStepname();
      StepInterface outputStepInterface = simpleMappingData.mappingTrans.findStepInterface( mappingOutputStepname, 0 );
      RowOutputDataMapper outputDataMapper =
          new RowOutputDataMapper( meta.getInputMapping(), meta.getOutputMapping(), new PutRowInterface() {

            public void putRow( RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] rowData ) throws KettleStepException {
              SimpleMapping.this.putRow( rowMeta, rowData );
          } );
      outputStepInterface.addRowListener( outputDataMapper );

      // Start the mapping/sub-transformation threads

    // The data we read we pass to the mapping
    Object[] row = getRow();
    boolean rowWasPut = false;
    if ( row != null ) {
      while ( !( data.mappingTrans.isFinishedOrStopped() || rowWasPut ) ) {
        rowWasPut = data.rowDataInputMapper.putRow( getInputRowMeta(), row );

    if ( !rowWasPut ) {
      return false;

    return true;
  } catch ( Throwable t ) {
    // Some unexpected situation occurred.
    // Better to stop the mapping transformation.
    if ( simpleMappingData.mappingTrans != null ) {

    // Forward the exception...
    throw new KettleException( t );
Example 15
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected Trans createAndTestTrans( PluginRegistry registry, TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta injectorStep,
  StepMeta csvInputStep, String fileName, int numRows ) throws KettleException {
  TransHopMeta hi = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, csvInputStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi );

  // Create a dummy step 1
  String dummyStepname1 = "dummy step 1";
  DummyTransMeta dm1 = new DummyTransMeta();

  String dummyPid1 = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dm1 );
  StepMeta dummyStep1 = new StepMeta( dummyPid1, dummyStepname1, dm1 );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep1 );

  TransHopMeta hi1 = new TransHopMeta( csvInputStep, dummyStep1 );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi1 );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname1, 0 );
  RowStepCollector dummyRc1 = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( dummyRc1 );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStep.getName(), 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createData( fileName );
  Iterator<RowMetaAndData> it = inputList.iterator();
  while ( it.hasNext() ) {
    RowMetaAndData rm =;
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  // Compare the results
  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows = dummyRc1.getRowsWritten();
  List<RowMetaAndData> goldenImageRows = createResultData1();

  checkRows( goldenImageRows, resultRows, numRows );

  return trans;
Example 16
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Basic Test case for Exec SQL Row. This tests a commit size of three (i.e. not autocommit but equal to input row
 * size)
public void testExecSQLRow4() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "transname" );

  // Add the database connections
  for ( int i = 0; i < databasesXML.length; i++ ) {
    DatabaseMeta databaseMeta = new DatabaseMeta( databasesXML[i] );
    transMeta.addDatabase( databaseMeta );

  DatabaseMeta dbInfo = transMeta.findDatabase( "db" );
  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.

  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // create the Exec SQL Row step...
  String stepName = "delete from [" + execsqlrow_testtable + "]";
  ExecSQLRowMeta execsqlmeta = new ExecSQLRowMeta();
  execsqlmeta.setDatabaseMeta( transMeta.findDatabase( "db" ) );
  execsqlmeta.setCommitSize( 3 );
  execsqlmeta.setSqlFieldName( "SQL" );

  String execSqlRowId = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, execsqlmeta );
  StepMeta execSqlRowStep = new StepMeta( execSqlRowId, stepName, execsqlmeta );
  execSqlRowStep.setDescription( "Deletes information from table ["
    + execsqlrow_testtable + "] on database [" + dbInfo + "]" );
  transMeta.addStep( execSqlRowStep );

  TransHopMeta hi = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, execSqlRowStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( stepName, 0 );
  RowStepCollector rc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( rc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createDataRows();
  for ( RowMetaAndData rm : inputList ) {
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows = rc.getRowsWritten();
  List<RowMetaAndData> goldRows = createResultDataRows();
  checkRows( goldRows, resultRows );
Example 17
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testCaseInsensitiveNoPreviousSort() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "uniquerowstest" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.
  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // Create a unique rows step
  String uniqueRowsStepname = "unique rows step";
  UniqueRowsMeta urm = new UniqueRowsMeta();
  urm.setCompareFields( new String[] { "KEY" } );
  urm.setCaseInsensitive( new boolean[] { true } );

  String uniqueRowsStepPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, urm );
  StepMeta uniqueRowsStep = new StepMeta( uniqueRowsStepPid, uniqueRowsStepname, urm );
  transMeta.addStep( uniqueRowsStep );

  transMeta.addTransHop( new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, uniqueRowsStep ) );

  // Create a dummy step
  String dummyStepname = "dummy step";
  DummyTransMeta dm = new DummyTransMeta();

  String dummyPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dm );
  StepMeta dummyStep = new StepMeta( dummyPid, dummyStepname, dm );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep );

  transMeta.addTransHop( new TransHopMeta( uniqueRowsStep, dummyStep ) );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector dummyRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( dummyRc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createData();
  for ( RowMetaAndData rm : inputList ) {
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows = dummyRc.getRowsWritten();
  checkRows( createResultDataCaseInsensitiveNoPreviousSort(), resultRows );
Example 18
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String test( boolean compatibilityMode ) throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "testJsonOutput" );
  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step
  String injectorStepName = "injector step";
  StepMeta injectorStep = TestUtilities.createInjectorStep( injectorStepName, registry );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // create a row generator step
  StepMeta rowGeneratorStep = createRowGeneratorStep( "Create rows for testJsonOutput1", registry );
  transMeta.addStep( rowGeneratorStep );

  // create a TransHopMeta for injector and add it to the transMeta
  TransHopMeta hop_injectory_rowGenerator = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, rowGeneratorStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hop_injectory_rowGenerator );

  // create the json output step
  // but first lets get a filename
  String jsonFileName = TestUtilities.createEmptyTempFile( "testJsonOutput1_" );
  StepMeta jsonOutputStep = createJsonOutputStep( "json output step", jsonFileName, registry );
  ( (JsonOutputMeta) jsonOutputStep.getStepMetaInterface() ).setCompatibilityMode( compatibilityMode );
  transMeta.addStep( jsonOutputStep );

  // create a TransHopMeta for jsonOutputStep and add it to the transMeta
  TransHopMeta hop_RowGenerator_outputTextFile = new TransHopMeta( rowGeneratorStep, jsonOutputStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hop_RowGenerator_outputTextFile );

  // Create a dummy step and add it to the tranMeta
  String dummyStepName = "dummy step";
  StepMeta dummyStep = createDummyStep( dummyStepName, registry );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep );

  // create a TransHopMeta for the
  TransHopMeta hop_outputJson_dummyStep = new TransHopMeta( jsonOutputStep, dummyStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hop_outputJson_dummyStep );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );
  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  // Create a row collector and add it to the dummy step interface
  StepInterface dummyStepInterface = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepName, 0 );
  RowStepCollector dummyRowCollector = new RowStepCollector();
  dummyStepInterface.addRowListener( dummyRowCollector );

  // RowProducer rowProducer = trans.addRowProducer(injectorStepName, 0);

  // get the results and return it
  File outputFile = new File( jsonFileName + ".js" );
  String jsonStructure = FileUtils.readFileToString( outputFile );

  return jsonStructure;
Example 19
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public RowComparatorListener( StepInterface step, Object[]... data ) { = data;
  step.addRowListener( this );
Example 20
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test case for parameters using a simple transformation. Check whether parameters override variables.
 * @throws Exception
 *           exception on any problem.
public void testParameterSimpleTrans6() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "parameter_simple_trans4" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create a get variables step...
  String getVariablesStepname = "get variables step";
  GetVariableMeta gvm = new GetVariableMeta();

  // Set the information of the get variables step.
  String getVariablesPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, gvm );
  StepMeta getVariablesStep = new StepMeta( getVariablesPid, getVariablesStepname, gvm );
  transMeta.addStep( getVariablesStep );

  // Generate 1 row
  String[] fieldName = { "PARAM1", "PARAM2" };
  String[] varName = { "${Param1}", "%%PARAM2%%" };
  int[] fieldType = { ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING };
  int[] length = { -1, -1 };
  int[] precision = { -1, -1 };
  String[] format = { "", "" };
  String[] currency = { "", "" };
  String[] decimal = { "", "" };
  String[] grouping = { "", "" };
  int[] trimType = { ValueMetaInterface.TRIM_TYPE_NONE, ValueMetaInterface.TRIM_TYPE_NONE };

  FieldDefinition[] fields = new FieldDefinition[fieldName.length];
  for ( int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) {
    FieldDefinition field = new FieldDefinition();
    field.setFieldName( fieldName[i] );
    field.setVariableString( varName[i] );
    field.setFieldType( fieldType[i] );
    field.setFieldLength( length[i] );
    field.setFieldPrecision( precision[i] );
    field.setFieldFormat( format[i] );
    field.setCurrency( currency[i] );
    field.setDecimal( decimal[i] );
    field.setGroup( grouping[i] );
    field.setTrimType( trimType[i] );
    fields[i] = field;
  gvm.setFieldDefinitions( fields );

  // Create a dummy step 1
  String dummyStepname1 = "dummy step 1";
  DummyTransMeta dm1 = new DummyTransMeta();

  String dummyPid1 = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dm1 );
  StepMeta dummyStep1 = new StepMeta( dummyPid1, dummyStepname1, dm1 );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep1 );

  TransHopMeta hi1 = new TransHopMeta( getVariablesStep, dummyStep1 );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi1 );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );
  trans.addParameterDefinition( "Param1", "", "Parameter 1" );
  trans.addParameterDefinition( "PARAM2", "", "Parameter 2" );
  trans.setParameterValue( "PARAM2", "PARAMVALUE2" );

  // See whether this variable overrides the parameter... it should NOT. Param1
  // is defined but not set. And no default... so the variable will be set to "". not
  // to "Variable1"
  trans.setVariable( "Param1", "Variable1" );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname1, 0 );
  RowStepCollector endRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( endRc );



  // Now check whether the output is still as we expect.
  List<RowMetaAndData> goldenImageRows = createResultData6();
  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows1 = endRc.getRowsWritten();
  checkRows( resultRows1, goldenImageRows );