Java Code Examples for org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform#transform()

The following examples show how to use org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform#transform() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From geowave with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static Coordinate[] getWorldCoordinates(
    final double minX,
    final double minY,
    final double maxX,
    final double maxY,
    final int numPointsPerSegment,
    final MathTransform gridToCRS) throws MismatchedDimensionException, TransformException {
  final Point2D[] gridCoordinates =
      getGridCoordinates(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, numPointsPerSegment);
  final Coordinate[] worldCoordinates = new Coordinate[gridCoordinates.length];
  for (int i = 0; i < gridCoordinates.length; i++) {
    final DirectPosition2D worldPt = new DirectPosition2D();
    final DirectPosition2D dp = new DirectPosition2D(gridCoordinates[i]);
    gridToCRS.transform(dp, worldPt);
    worldCoordinates[i] = new Coordinate(worldPt.getX(), worldPt.getY());
  return worldCoordinates;
Example 2
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Converts the current envelope using the given math transform.
 * The given transform usually performs nothing more than axis swapping or unit conversions.
 * @param  mt      the math transform to use for conversion.
 * @param  buffer  a temporary buffer of length 8 or more.
 * @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the points.
final void convert(final MathTransform mt, final double[] buffer) throws TransformException {
    buffer[3] = buffer[7] = maxY;
    buffer[4] = buffer[6] = maxX;
    buffer[1] = buffer[5] = minY;
    buffer[0] = buffer[2] = minX;
    minX = maxX = minY = maxY = Double.NaN;
    mt.transform(buffer, 0, buffer, 0, 4);
    for (int i=0; i<8;) {
        final double x = buffer[i++];
        final double y = buffer[i++];
        if (Double.isNaN(x) || Double.isNaN(y)) {
            throw new TransformException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.CanNotTransformEnvelope));
        if (!(x >= minX)) minX = x;     // Use '!' for accepting NaN.
        if (!(x <= maxX)) maxX = x;
        if (!(y >= minY)) minY = y;
        if (!(y <= maxY)) maxY = y;
Example 3
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Transforms a single coordinate point in an array, and optionally computes the transform
 * derivative at that location. This method delegates to the most specialized transform.
public final Matrix transform(final double[] srcPts, final int srcOff,
                              final double[] dstPts, final int dstOff,
                              boolean derivate) throws TransformException
    final DirectPositionView pos = new DirectPositionView.Double(srcPts, srcOff, global.getSourceDimensions());
    final MathTransform tr = forDomain(pos);
    if (tr instanceof AbstractMathTransform) {
        return ((AbstractMathTransform) tr).transform(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, derivate);
    } else {
        Matrix derivative = derivate ? tr.derivative(pos) : null;       // Must be before transform(srcPts, …).
        if (dstPts != null) {
            tr.transform(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, 1);
        return derivative;
Example 4
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Projects the geographic bounding box and clips the current envelope to the result of that projection.
 * This method should be invoked when {@link #clipGeographicBoundingBox(double, double, double, double)}
 * returned {@code true}.
 * @param  forward  the transform from geographic coordinates to projected coordinates.
 * @param  tx       tolerance threshold in easting  values for changing {@link #minX} or {@link #maxX}.
 * @param  ty       tolerance threshold in northing values for changing {@link #minY} or {@link #maxY}.
 * @throws TransformException if a coordinate operation failed.
final void clipProjectedEnvelope(final MathTransform forward, final double tx, final double ty) throws TransformException {
    final double[] points = new double[] {
        southBoundLatitude, westBoundLongitude,
        northBoundLatitude, westBoundLongitude,
        southBoundLatitude, eastBoundLongitude,
        northBoundLatitude, eastBoundLongitude
    forward.transform(points, 0, points, 0, 4);
    double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
    xmin = xmax = points[0];
    ymin = ymax = points[1];
    for (int i=2; i < points.length;) {
        final double x = points[i++];
        final double y = points[i++];
        if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
        if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
        if (y < ymin) ymin = y;
        if (y > ymax) ymax = y;
    if (xmin > minX + tx) minX = xmin;
    if (xmax < maxX - tx) maxX = xmax;
    if (ymin > minY + ty) minY = ymin;
    if (ymax < maxY - ty) maxY = ymax;
Example 5
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Computes the geographic bounding box from the current values of {@link #minX}, {@link #minY}, {@link #maxX}
 * and {@link #maxY} fields. This method performs a work similar to the {@code Envelopes.transform(…)} methods
 * but using a much simpler (and faster) algorithm: this method projects only the 4 corners, without any check
 * for the number of dimensions, projection of median coordinates,  use of projection derivatives for locating
 * the envelope extremum or special checks for polar cases. This method is okay only when the current envelope
 * is the envelope of a cell of a grid that divide the projection area in a very regular way (for example with
 * the guarantee that the projection central meridian will never be in the middle of grid cell, <i>etc</i>).
 * <p>If a geographic bounding box was already defined before invoking this method, then it will be expanded
 * (if needed) for encompassing the bounding box computed by this method.</p>
 * @param  inverse  the transform from projected coordinates to geographic coordinates.
 * @throws TransformException if a coordinate operation failed.
 * @see org.apache.sis.geometry.Envelopes#transform(MathTransform, Envelope)
final void computeGeographicBoundingBox(final MathTransform inverse) throws TransformException {
    final double[] points = new double[] {
        minX, minY,
        minX, maxY,
        maxX, minY,
        maxX, maxY
    inverse.transform(points, 0, points, 0, 4);
    for (int i=0; i < points.length;) {
        final double φ = points[i++];
        final double λ = points[i++];
        if (Double.isNaN(φ) || Double.isNaN(λ)) {
            throw new TransformException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.CanNotTransformEnvelope));
        if (!(φ >= southBoundLatitude)) southBoundLatitude = φ;     // Use '!' for accepting NaN.
        if (!(φ <= northBoundLatitude)) northBoundLatitude = φ;
        if (!(λ >= westBoundLongitude)) westBoundLongitude = λ;
        if (!(λ <= eastBoundLongitude)) eastBoundLongitude = λ;
Example 6
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests {@link PixelTranslation#translate(MathTransform, PixelInCell, PixelInCell)} with an identity transform.
 * If grid coordinates (0,0) in "pixel center" convention map to (0,0) in "real world" coordinates,
 * then grid coordinates (0,0) in "pixel corner" convention shall map to (-½, -½) in real world.
 * That way, grid coordinates (½,½) in "pixel corner" convention still map to (0,0) in real world.
 * @throws TransformException if an error occurred while transforming a test point.
public void testTranslatePixelInCell() throws TransformException {
    final MathTransform mt = centerToCorner(3);
    assertMatrixEquals("center → corner", new Matrix4(
            1, 0, 0, -0.5,
            0, 1, 0, -0.5,
            0, 0, 1, -0.5,
            0, 0, 0,  1), MathTransforms.getMatrix(mt), STRICT);
     * Just for making clear what we explained in javadoc comment: the real world (0,0,0) coordinates was in the center
     * of cell (0,0,0). After we switched to "cell corner" convention, that center is (½,½,½) in grid coordinates but
     * should still map (0,0,0) in "real world" coordinates.
    final double[] coordinates = new double[] {0.5, 0.5, 0.5};
    mt.transform(coordinates, 0, coordinates, 0, 1);
    assertArrayEquals(new double[3], coordinates, STRICT);
Example 7
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests {@link MathTransforms#getMatrix(MathTransform, DirectPosition)}.
 * @throws TransformException if an error occurred while computing the derivative.
public void testGetMatrix() throws TransformException {
    MathTransform tr = MathTransforms.concatenate(nonLinear3D(), MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix4(
        5,  0,  0,  9,
        0,  1,  0,  0,      // Non-linear transform will be concatenated at this dimension.
        0,  0,  2, -7,
        0,  0,  0,  1)));

    // In the following position, only 1.5 matter because only dimension 1 is non-linear.
    final DirectPosition pos = new GeneralDirectPosition(3, 1.5, 6);
    final Matrix affine = MathTransforms.getMatrix(tr, pos);
    assertMatrixEquals("Affine approximation", new Matrix4(
        5,  0,  0,  9,
        0,  8,  0, -2,      // Non-linear transform shall be the only one with different coefficients.
        0,  0,  2, -7,
        0,  0,  0,  1), affine, STRICT);
     * Transformation using above approximation shall produce the same result than the original
     * transform if we do the comparison at the position where the approximation has been computed.
    DirectPosition expected = tr.transform(pos, null);
    DirectPosition actual = MathTransforms.linear(affine).transform(pos, null);
    assertEquals(expected, actual);
Example 8
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Compares coordinate computed by a reference with coordinates computed by the transform to test.
 * We use this method when we can not easily analyze the {@link MathTransform} created by the test
 * case, for example because it may have been rearranged in arbitrary ways for optimization purpose
 * (e.g. {@link PassThroughTransform#tryConcatenate(boolean, MathTransform, MathTransformFactory)}).
 * @param  tr1     first half of the transform to use as a reference.
 * @param  tr2     second half of the transform to use as a reference.
 * @param  test    the transform to test.
 * @param  random  random number generator for coordinate values.
private static void compare(final MathTransform tr1, final MathTransform tr2, final MathTransform test, final Random random)
        throws TransformException
    DirectPosition source   = new GeneralDirectPosition(tr1.getSourceDimensions());
    DirectPosition step     = null;
    DirectPosition expected = null;
    DirectPosition actual   = null;
    for (int t=0; t<50; t++) {
        for (int i=source.getDimension(); --i>=0;) {
            source.setOrdinate(i, random.nextDouble());
        step     = tr1 .transform(source,   step);
        expected = tr2 .transform(step, expected);
        actual   = test.transform(source, actual);
        assertEquals(expected, actual);
Example 9
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests the concatenation of two affine transforms than can not be represented as a
 * {@link ConcatenatedTransformDirect}. The slower {@link ConcatenatedTransform} shall be used.
 * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the math transform to test.
 * @throws TransformException if an error occurred while transforming the test coordinate.
public void testGeneric() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
    final MathTransform first = MathTransforms.linear(Matrices.createDimensionSelect(4, new int[] {1,3}));
    final AffineTransform2D second = new AffineTransform2D(0.5, 0, 0, 0.25, 0, 0);     // scale(0.5, 0.25);
    transform = new ConcatenatedTransform(first, second);
    isInverseTransformSupported = false;
    final double[] source = generateRandomCoordinates(CoordinateDomain.PROJECTED, 0);
    final double[] target = new double[source.length / 2];                  // Going from 4 to 2 dimensions.
    first .transform(source, 0, target, 0, target.length/2);
    second.transform(target, 0, target, 0, target.length/2);
    verifyTransform(source, target);

    // Optimized case.
    transform = ConcatenatedTransform.create(first, second, null);
    assertInstanceOf("Expected optimized concatenation through matrix multiplication.", ProjectiveTransform.class, transform);
    verifyTransform(source, target);
Example 10
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the <cite>grid to CRS</cite> transform for the given node.
 * This method is invoked after call to {@link #projection(Node)} resulted in creation of a projected CRS.
 * The {@linkplain ProjectedCRS#getBaseCRS() base CRS} shall have (latitude, longitude) axes in degrees.
 * @param  node       the same node than the one given to {@link #projection(Node)}.
 * @param  baseToCRS  conversion from (latitude, longitude) in degrees to the projected CRS.
 * @return the "grid corner to CRS" transform, or {@code null} if none or unknown.
 * @throws TransformException if a coordinate operation was required but failed.
public MathTransform gridToCRS(final Node node, final MathTransform baseToCRS) throws TransformException {
    final double[] corners = new double[CORNERS.length];
    for (int i=0; i<corners.length; i++) {
        corners[i] = node.getAttributeAsNumber(CORNERS[i]);
    baseToCRS.transform(corners, 0, corners, 0, corners.length / 2);
     * Compute spans of data (typically in metres) as the average of the spans on both sides
     * (width as length of top and bottom edges, height as length of left and right edges).
     * This code assumes (easting, northing) axes — this is currently not verified.
    double sx = ((corners[2] - corners[0]) + (corners[6] - corners[4])) / 2;
    double sy = ((corners[1] - corners[5]) + (corners[3] - corners[7])) / 2;
     * Transform the spans into pixel sizes (resolution), then build the transform.
    sx /= (node.getAttributeAsNumber("Number_of_pixels") - 1);
    sy /= (node.getAttributeAsNumber("Number_of_lines")  - 1);
    if (Double.isFinite(sx) && Double.isFinite(sy)) {
        final Matrix3 m = new Matrix3();
        m.m00 =  sx;
        m.m11 = -sy;
        m.m02 = corners[0];
        m.m12 = corners[1];
        return MathTransforms.linear(m);
    return super.gridToCRS(node, baseToCRS);
Example 11
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests EPSG:3395 on a point.
static void testMercatorProjection(final MathTransform mt) throws TransformException {
    DirectPosition pt = new DirectPosition2D(20, 40);
    pt = mt.transform(pt, pt);
    assertEquals("Easting",  2226389.816, pt.getOrdinate(0), 0.01);
    assertEquals("Northing", 4838471.398, pt.getOrdinate(1), 0.01);
Example 12
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Inverse transforms a single coordinate point in an array, and optionally computes the transform
 * derivative at that location.
public final Matrix transform(double[] srcPts, int srcOff, double[] dstPts, int dstOff, final boolean derivate)
        throws TransformException
    final int srcInc = global.getSourceDimensions();
    final int dstInc = global.getTargetDimensions();
    if (dstPts == null) {
        dstPts = new double[dstInc];                    // Needed for checking if inside a sub-area.
        dstOff = 0;
    } else if (srcPts == dstPts && srcOff + srcInc > dstOff && srcOff < dstOff + dstInc) {
        srcPts = Arrays.copyOfRange(srcPts, srcOff, srcInc);
        srcOff = 0;
     * Above 'srcPts' dhould keep the source coordinates unchanged even if the source and destination
     * given in arguments overlap.  We need this stability because the source coordinates may be used
     * twice, if 'secondTry' become true.
    MathTransform tr = global;
    boolean secondTry = false;
    Matrix derivative;
    do {
        if (tr instanceof AbstractMathTransform) {
            derivative = ((AbstractMathTransform) tr).transform(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, derivate);
        } else {
            tr.transform(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, 1);
            derivative = derivate ? tr.derivative(new DirectPositionView.Double(srcPts, srcOff, srcInc)) : null;
        if (secondTry) break;
        final SubArea domain = forward.locate(new DirectPositionView.Double(dstPts, dstOff, dstInc));
        if (domain != null) {
            tr = domain.inverse;
            secondTry = true;
    } while (secondTry);
    return derivative;
Example 13
Source File:    From occurrence with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Reproject the given coordinates into WGS84 coordinates based on a known source datum or SRS.
 * Darwin Core allows not only geodetic datums but also full spatial reference systems as values for "datum".
 * The method will always return lat lons even if the processing failed. In that case only issues are set and the
 * parsing result set to fail - but with a valid payload.
 * @param lat   the original latitude
 * @param lon   the original longitude
 * @param datum the original geodetic datum the coordinates are in
 * @return the reprojected coordinates or the original ones in case transformation failed
public static OccurrenceParseResult<LatLng> reproject(double lat, double lon, String datum) {
  Preconditions.checkArgument(lat >= -90d && lat <= 90d);
  Preconditions.checkArgument(lon >= -180d && lon <= 180d);

  Set<OccurrenceIssue> issues = EnumSet.noneOf(OccurrenceIssue.class);

  if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(datum)) {
    return OccurrenceParseResult.success(ParseResult.CONFIDENCE.DEFINITE, new LatLng(lat, lon), issues);

  try {
    CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = parseCRS(datum);
    if (crs == null) {

    } else {
      MathTransform transform = CRS.findMathTransform(crs, DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84, true);
      // different CRS may swap the x/y axis for lat lon, so check first:
      double[] srcPt;
      double[] dstPt = new double[3];
      if (CRS.getAxisOrder(crs) == CRS.AxisOrder.NORTH_EAST) {
        // lat lon
        srcPt = new double[] {lat, lon, 0};
      } else {
        // lon lat
        LOG.debug("Use lon/lat ordering for reprojection with datum={} and lat/lon={}/{}", datum, lat, lon);
        srcPt = new double[] {lon, lat, 0};

      transform.transform(srcPt, 0, dstPt, 0, 1);

      double lat2 = dstPt[1];
      double lon2 = dstPt[0];
      // verify the datum shift is reasonable
      if (Math.abs(lat - lat2) > SUSPICIOUS_SHIFT || Math.abs(lon - lon2) > SUSPICIOUS_SHIFT) {
        LOG.debug("Found suspicious shift for datum={} and lat/lon={}/{} so returning failure and keeping orig coord",
          datum, lat, lon);
        return LatLng(lat, lon), issues);
      // flag the record if coords actually changed
      if (lat != lat2 || lon != lon2) {
      return OccurrenceParseResult.success(ParseResult.CONFIDENCE.DEFINITE, new LatLng(lat2, lon2), issues);

  } catch (Exception e) {
    LOG.debug("Coordinate reprojection failed with datum={} and lat/lon={}/{}: {}", datum, lat, lon, e.getMessage());

  return LatLng(lat, lon), issues);
Example 14
Source File:    From snap-desktop with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void updatePositionValues() {
    final boolean availableInRaster = pixelPosValidInRaster &&
            coordinatesAreInRasterBounds(currentRaster, pixelX, pixelY, rasterLevel);
    final boolean availableInScene = isSampleValueAvailableInScene();
    final double offset = 0.5 + (pixelInfoView.getShowPixelPosOffset1() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
    final double pX = levelZeroRasterX + offset;
    final double pY = levelZeroRasterY + offset;

    String tix, tiy, tsx, tsy, tmx, tmy, tgx, tgy;
    tix = tiy = tsx = tsy = tmx = tmy = tgx = tgy = INVALID_POS_TEXT;
    GeoCoding geoCoding = currentRaster.getGeoCoding();
    if (availableInRaster) {
        if (pixelInfoView.getShowPixelPosDecimal()) {
            tix = String.valueOf(pX);
            tiy = String.valueOf(pY);
        } else {
            tix = String.valueOf((int) Math.floor(pX));
            tiy = String.valueOf((int) Math.floor(pY));
    if (getCurrentProduct().isMultiSize()) {
        if (!availableInScene) {
            tsx = PixelInfoViewModelUpdater.INVALID_POS_TEXT;
            tsy = PixelInfoViewModelUpdater.INVALID_POS_TEXT;
        } else {
            double sX = levelZeroSceneX + offset;
            double sY = levelZeroSceneY + offset;
            if (pixelInfoView.getShowPixelPosDecimal()) {
                tsx = String.valueOf(sX);
                tsy = String.valueOf(sY);
            } else {
                tsx = String.valueOf((int) Math.floor(sX));
                tsy = String.valueOf((int) Math.floor(sY));
    if (availableInRaster && geoCoding != null) {
        PixelPos pixelPos = new PixelPos(pX, pY);
        GeoPos geoPos = geoCoding.getGeoPos(pixelPos, null);
        if (pixelInfoView.getShowGeoPosDecimals()) {
            tgx = String.format("%.6f", geoPos.getLon());
            tgy = String.format("%.6f", geoPos.getLat());
        } else {
            tgx = geoPos.getLonString();
            tgy = geoPos.getLatString();
        if (geoCoding instanceof MapGeoCoding) {
            final MapGeoCoding mapGeoCoding = (MapGeoCoding) geoCoding;
            final MapTransform mapTransform = mapGeoCoding.getMapInfo().getMapProjection().getMapTransform();
            Point2D mapPoint = mapTransform.forward(geoPos, null);
            tmx = String.valueOf(MathUtils.round(mapPoint.getX(), 10000.0));
            tmy = String.valueOf(MathUtils.round(mapPoint.getY(), 10000.0));
        } else if (geoCoding instanceof CrsGeoCoding) {
            MathTransform transform = geoCoding.getImageToMapTransform();
            try {
                DirectPosition position = transform.transform(new DirectPosition2D(pX, pY), null);
                double[] coordinate = position.getCoordinate();
                tmx = String.valueOf(coordinate[0]);
                tmy = String.valueOf(coordinate[1]);
            } catch (TransformException ignore) {
    int rowCount = 0;
    positionModel.updateValue(tix, rowCount++);
    positionModel.updateValue(tiy, rowCount++);
    if (getCurrentProduct().isMultiSize()) {
        positionModel.updateValue(tsx, rowCount++);
        positionModel.updateValue(tsy, rowCount++);
    if (geoCoding != null) {
        positionModel.updateValue(tgx, rowCount++);
        positionModel.updateValue(tgy, rowCount++);
        if (geoCoding instanceof MapGeoCoding || geoCoding instanceof CrsGeoCoding) {
            positionModel.updateValue(tmx, rowCount++);
            positionModel.updateValue(tmy, rowCount);
Example 15
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests the current {@linkplain #transform transform} using an array of random coordinate values,
 * and compares the result against the expected ones. This method computes itself the expected results.
 * @param  subTransform           the sub transform used by the current pass-through transform.
 * @param  firstAffectedCoordinate  first input/output dimension used by {@code subTransform}.
 * @throws TransformException if a transform failed.
private void verifyTransform(final MathTransform subTransform, final int firstAffectedCoordinate) throws TransformException {
     * Prepare two arrays:
     *   - passthrough data, to be given to the transform to be tested.
     *   - sub-transform data, which we will use internally for verifying the pass-through work.
    final int      sourceDim        = transform.getSourceDimensions();
    final int      targetDim        = transform.getTargetDimensions();
    final int      subSrcDim        = subTransform.getSourceDimensions();
    final int      subTgtDim        = subTransform.getTargetDimensions();
    final int      numPts           = ORDINATE_COUNT / sourceDim;
    final double[] passthroughData  = CoordinateDomain.RANGE_10.generateRandomInput(random, sourceDim, numPts);
    final double[] subTransformData = new double[numPts * StrictMath.max(subSrcDim, subTgtDim)];
    Arrays.fill(subTransformData, Double.NaN);
    for (int i=0; i<numPts; i++) {
        System.arraycopy(passthroughData, firstAffectedCoordinate + i*sourceDim,
                         subTransformData, i*subSrcDim, subSrcDim);
    subTransform.transform(subTransformData, 0, subTransformData, 0, numPts);
     * Build the array of expected data by copying ourself the sub-transform results.
    final int numTrailingCoordinates = targetDim - subTgtDim - firstAffectedCoordinate;
    final double[] expectedData = new double[targetDim * numPts];
    for (int i=0; i<numPts; i++) {
        int srcOffset = i * sourceDim;
        int dstOffset = i * targetDim;
        final int s = firstAffectedCoordinate + subSrcDim;
        System.arraycopy(passthroughData,  srcOffset,   expectedData, dstOffset,   firstAffectedCoordinate);
        System.arraycopy(subTransformData, i*subTgtDim, expectedData, dstOffset += firstAffectedCoordinate, subTgtDim);
        System.arraycopy(passthroughData,  srcOffset+s, expectedData, dstOffset + subTgtDim, numTrailingCoordinates);
    assertEquals(subTransform.isIdentity(), Arrays.equals(passthroughData, expectedData));
     * Now process to the transform and compares the results with the expected ones.
    tolerance         = 0;          // Results should be strictly identical because we used the same inputs.
    final double[] transformedData = new double[StrictMath.max(sourceDim, targetDim) * numPts];
    transform.transform(passthroughData, 0, transformedData, 0, numPts);
    assertCoordinatesEqual("PassThroughTransform results do not match the results computed by this test.",
            targetDim, expectedData, 0, transformedData, 0, numPts, false);
     * Test inverse transform.
    if (isInverseTransformSupported) {
        tolerance         = 1E-8;
        Arrays.fill(transformedData, Double.NaN);
        transform.inverse().transform(expectedData, 0, transformedData, 0, numPts);
        assertCoordinatesEqual("Inverse of PassThroughTransform do not give back the original data.",
                sourceDim, passthroughData, 0, transformedData, 0, numPts, false);
     * Verify the consistency between different 'transform(…)' methods.
    final float[] sourceAsFloat = ArraysExt.copyAsFloats(passthroughData);
    final float[] targetAsFloat = verifyConsistency(sourceAsFloat);
    assertEquals("Unexpected length of transformed array.", expectedData.length, targetAsFloat.length);
Example 16
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests the <cite>"Lambert Conic Conformal (1SP West Orientated)"</cite> case (EPSG:9826)).
 * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the map projection.
 * @throws TransformException if an error occurred while projecting a coordinate.
public void testLambertConicConformalWestOrientated() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
    createCompleteProjection(new LambertConformal1SP(),
            WGS84_A,    // Semi-major axis length
            WGS84_B,    // Semi-minor axis length
            0.5,        // Central meridian
            40,         // Latitude of origin
            NaN,        // Standard parallel 1
            NaN,        // Standard parallel 2
            0.997,      // Scale factor
            200,        // False easting
            100);       // False northing
    final MathTransform reference = transform;

    createCompleteProjection(new LambertConformalWest(),
            WGS84_A,    // Semi-major axis length
            WGS84_B,    // Semi-minor axis length
            0.5,        // Central meridian
            40,         // Latitude of origin
            NaN,        // Standard parallel 1
            NaN,        // Standard parallel 2
            0.997,      // Scale factor
            200,        // False easting
            100);       // False northing

    final Random random = TestUtilities.createRandomNumberGenerator();
    final double[] sources = new double[20];
    for (int i=0; i<sources.length;) {
        sources[i++] = 20 * random.nextDouble();            // Longitude
        sources[i++] = 10 * random.nextDouble() + 35;       // Latitude
    final double[] expected = new double[sources.length];
    reference.transform(sources, 0, expected, 0, sources.length/2);
     * At this point, we have the source coordinates and the expected projected coordinates calculated
     * by the "Lambert Conic Conformal (1SP)" method. Now convert those projected coordinates into the
     * coordinates that we expect from the "Lambert Conic Conformal (1SP West Orientated)".  If we had
     * no false easting, we would just revert the sign of 'x' values. But because of the false easting,
     * we expect an additional offset of two time that easting. This is because (quoting the EPSG guide):
     *    the term FE retains its definition, i.e. in the Lambert Conic Conformal (West Orientated)
     *    method it increases the Westing value at the natural origin.
     *    In this method it is effectively false westing (FW).
     * So the conversion for this test case should be:     W = 400 - E
     * However our map projection "kernel" implementation does not reverse the sign of 'x' values,
     * because this reversal is the job of a separated method (CoordinateSystems.swapAndScaleAxes)
     * which does is work by examining the axis directions. So we the values that we expect are:
     *     expected  =  -W  =  E - 400
    for (int i=0; i<sources.length; i += 2) {
        expected[i] -= 400;
    tolerance = Formulas.LINEAR_TOLERANCE;
    verifyTransform(sources, expected);
Example 17
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * A buckle method for calculating derivative and coordinate transformation in a single step.
 * The transform result is stored in the given destination array, and the derivative matrix
 * is returned. Invoking this method is equivalent to the following code, except that it may
 * execute faster with some {@code MathTransform} implementations:
 * {@preformat java
 *     DirectPosition ptSrc = ...;
 *     DirectPosition ptDst = ...;
 *     Matrix matrixDst = derivative(ptSrc);
 *     ptDst = transform(ptSrc, ptDst);
 * }
 * @param  transform  the transform to use.
 * @param  srcPts     the array containing the source coordinate.
 * @param  srcOff     the offset to the point to be transformed in the source array.
 * @param  dstPts     the array into which the transformed coordinate is returned.
 * @param  dstOff     the offset to the location of the transformed point that is stored in the destination array.
 * @return the matrix of the transform derivative at the given source position.
 * @throws TransformException if the point can't be transformed or if a problem occurred
 *         while calculating the derivative.
public static Matrix derivativeAndTransform(final MathTransform transform,
                                            final double[] srcPts, final int srcOff,
                                            final double[] dstPts, final int dstOff)
        throws TransformException
    if (transform instanceof AbstractMathTransform) {
        return ((AbstractMathTransform) transform).transform(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, true);
    // Must be calculated before to transform the coordinate.
    final Matrix derivative = transform.derivative(
            new DirectPositionView.Double(srcPts, srcOff, transform.getSourceDimensions()));
    if (dstPts != null) {
        transform.transform(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, 1);
    return derivative;
Example 18
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Transforms the given coordinates.
private void transform(final List<double[]> points) throws TransformException {
    final int dimension    = operation.getSourceCRS().getCoordinateSystem().getDimension();
    final MathTransform mt = operation.getMathTransform();
    final double[] result  = new double[mt.getTargetDimensions()];
    final double[] domainCoordinate;
    final DirectPositionView positionInDomain;
    final ImmutableEnvelope domainOfValidity;
    final GeographicBoundingBox bbox;
    if (toDomainOfValidity != null && (bbox = CRS.getGeographicBoundingBox(operation)) != null) {
        domainOfValidity = new ImmutableEnvelope(bbox);
        domainCoordinate = new double[toDomainOfValidity.getTargetDimensions()];
        positionInDomain = new DirectPositionView.Double(domainCoordinate);
    } else {
        domainOfValidity = null;
        domainCoordinate = null;
        positionInDomain = null;
    for (final double[] coordinates : points) {
        if (coordinates.length != dimension) {
            throw new MismatchedDimensionException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.MismatchedDimensionForCRS_3,
                        operation.getSourceCRS().getName().getCode(), dimension, coordinates.length));
         * At this point we got the coordinates and they have the expected number of dimensions.
         * Now perform the coordinate operation and print each coordinate values. We will switch
         * to scientific notation if the coordinate is much larger than expected.
        mt.transform(coordinates, 0, result, 0, 1);
        for (int i=0; i<result.length; i++) {
            if (i != 0) {
            final double value = result[i];
            final String s;
            if (Math.abs(value) >= thresholdForScientificNotation[i]) {
                s = Double.toString(value);
            } else {
                s = coordinateFormat.format(value);
            out.print(CharSequences.spaces(coordinateWidth - s.length()));
         * Append a warning after the transformed coordinate values if the source coordinate was outside
         * the domain of validity. A failure to perform a coordinate transformation is also considered as
         * being out of the domain of valididty.
        if (domainOfValidity != null) {
            boolean inside;
            try {
                toDomainOfValidity.transform(coordinates, 0, domainCoordinate, 0, 1);
                inside = domainOfValidity.contains(positionInDomain);
            } catch (TransformException e) {
                inside = false;
            if (!inside) {
                out.print(",    ");
                printQuotedText(Errors.getResources(locale).getString(Errors.Keys.OutsideDomainOfValidity), 0, X364.FOREGROUND_RED);
Example 19
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new transformer.
Transformer(final ReferencingFunctions caller, final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS,
        final String targetCRS, final double[][] points) throws FactoryException, DataStoreException
     * Computes the area of interest.
    final GeographicCRS domainCRS = ReferencingUtilities.toNormalizedGeographicCRS(sourceCRS, false, false);
    if (domainCRS != null) {
        final MathTransform toDomainOfValidity = CRS.findOperation(sourceCRS, domainCRS, null).getMathTransform();
        final int dimension = toDomainOfValidity.getSourceDimensions();
        final double[] domainCoord = new double[toDomainOfValidity.getTargetDimensions()];
        if (domainCoord.length >= 2) {
            westBoundLongitude = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            southBoundLatitude = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            eastBoundLongitude = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            northBoundLatitude = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            if (points != null) {
                for (final double[] coord : points) {
                    if (coord != null && coord.length == dimension) {
                        try {
                            toDomainOfValidity.transform(coord, 0, domainCoord, 0, 1);
                        } catch (TransformException e) {
                            if (warning == null) {
                                warning = e;
                        final double x = domainCoord[0];
                        final double y = domainCoord[1];
                        if (x < westBoundLongitude) westBoundLongitude = x;
                        if (x > eastBoundLongitude) eastBoundLongitude = x;
                        if (y < southBoundLatitude) southBoundLatitude = y;
                        if (y > northBoundLatitude) northBoundLatitude = y;
     * Get the coordinate operation from the cache if possible, or compute it otherwise.
    final boolean hasAreaOfInterest = hasAreaOfInterest();
    final CacheKey<CoordinateOperation> key = new CacheKey<>(CoordinateOperation.class, targetCRS, sourceCRS,
            hasAreaOfInterest ? new double[] {westBoundLongitude, eastBoundLongitude,
                                              southBoundLatitude, northBoundLatitude} : null);
    operation = key.peek();
    if (operation == null) {
        final Cache.Handler<CoordinateOperation> handler = key.lock();
        try {
            operation = handler.peek();
            if (operation == null) {
                operation = CRS.findOperation(sourceCRS, caller.getCRS(targetCRS),
                        hasAreaOfInterest ? getAreaOfInterest() : null);
        } finally {
Example 20
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * A buckle method for calculating derivative and coordinate transformation in a single step,
 * if the given {@code derivative} argument is {@code true}.
 * @param  transform  the transform to use.
 * @param  srcPts     the array containing the source coordinate at offset 0.
 * @param  dstPts     the array into which the transformed coordinate is returned.
 * @param  dstOff     the offset to the location of the transformed point that is stored in the destination array.
 * @param  derivate   {@code true} for computing the derivative, or {@code false} if not needed.
 * @return the matrix of the transform derivative at the given source position,
 *         or {@code null} if the {@code derivate} argument is {@code false}.
 * @throws TransformException if the point can not be transformed
 *         or if a problem occurred while calculating the derivative.
static Matrix derivativeAndTransform(final MathTransform transform, final double[] srcPts,
        final double[] dstPts, final int dstOff, final boolean derivate) throws TransformException
    if (transform instanceof AbstractMathTransform) {
        return ((AbstractMathTransform) transform).transform(srcPts, 0, dstPts, dstOff, derivate);
    // Derivative must be calculated before to transform the coordinate.
    final Matrix derivative = derivate ? transform.derivative(
            new DirectPositionView.Double(srcPts, 0, transform.getSourceDimensions())) : null;
    transform.transform(srcPts, 0, dstPts, dstOff, 1);
    return derivative;